Granny Reynolds' Cine Films

This collection has family films taken mostly during the 1970's and early to mid 1980's. No advanced technology in those days. Mostly taken on Granny's Super 8 cine camera. Granny liked to take the camera everywhere, which is why the collection is so extensive during these fifteen years or so. The original reels of film still exist in the garage at No15, but were transferred to digital format (AVI) by John, then converted again to MP4 by Paul. There is also a set of physical DVDs which John had spent some money to have produced!

These files are big and can take long time to download to your PC/Device if they are not already downloaded. (I might try to find a way of streaming these, rather than them having to be downloaded. Anyone who already knows how to do that can contact me and put me out of my misery! - Paul) There may be more films Granny took of the various pilgramages she went on. I will add those to the collection if I can eventually find the digital copies.