From August 30th, 2005 to October 19th, 2008.

Tuesday August 30, 2005

Tea was trout, sprouts, pots. Ate everything, no trouble with bones, skin etc.

1920 Angus arrived, everything went well, papers will arrive in the post.

1945 Home Care assistants arrived, Margaret & Janette, accepted it was a bit early for "tuck-in" and will call again tomorrow a.m.

2215 I mentioned pills and asked what he wanted to drink. "Tea". So I made tea.

2250 He announced that he would go to bed when he finished his tea, but it took some time and he wasn't in bed until 2345.

Wednesday August 31

0423 I woke up, don't know why, no unusual noises.

0510 Daddy went to the toilet, back to bed 0524. His version – "I woke up only once, about 0540 (or 0450) and went to the toilet, it all took about 40 minutes or half an hour".

0810 Daddy went to the toilet. I cancelled his alarm at 0815, he was back in the bedroom at 0825 but decided not to get up, he would have another 10 minutes. I woke him again at

0845 and he got up and dressed and was putting on his slippers when the Care team (Gordon & Margaret) arrived at

0900 Daddy came downstairs, they introduced themselves, asked how he was etc. and left. I made breakfast, Fiona came in, I went shopping.

1300 Care Team (Sandra & ---) called, stayed 5 minutes, reminded me of medication, Daddy was not interested in extra painkillers so no.

1500 IRIS Paul O'Reilly and Joan (a nurse) to see whether Daddy can get in and out of chair, up and down stairs, on and off bed, toilet, in and out of bath (with difficulty). Not convinced that the outside wall will take a banister but will proceed with it. A board (new type) and seat might work in the bath. Will send out OT (Marie) to practise bath and dressing. Paul had problems taking blood pressure & pulse but managed, readings ok. Physiotherapist to look at balance. Left about 1545.

1900 Gordon & Margaret, short visit, left Care Diary. Will be in early (before 9) tomorrow.

2330 into bed

Thursday September 1

0715 Toilet

0820 didn't want to get up

0845 Gordon & ---- called, leave him in bed, they'll be back at lunchtime.

0920 Signs of getting up, looked like a false alarm but did get up and was dressed by 0945.

1230 Flying visit from Gordon, all well.

1300 tea and a sandwich

1445 Paul O'Reilly with new bath board. Daddy got in and out of bath ok. Expect physio tomorrow and Marie on Tuesday for dressing practise.

1545 Karen called with Sorley.

2000 Gordon & ----, everything ok.

2245 in bed.
(Downstairs, he said that he wouldn't need to go to the toilet since he'd been just recently but he still went in when he got upstairs.)

Friday September 2

0240 Noises off. I waited a couple of minutes but the sounds continued without any result so I got up. Daddy was sitting on the bed in the wee bedroom and said "I don't think this is my room". I agreed and he quite cheerfully got up and followed me back into his room which he seemed to recognise. A quick drink, seemed about to get into bed then said "But I still need to go to the toilet" which he did. Back in the bedroom (he didn't seem too sure which one to go into) he said "I don't know how you did it but I'll just say thanks". I asked for what and he said "for changing all the furniture around". "But I haven't." He looked a bit puzzled and said "This is Edinburgh isn't it?" I said "No, we are in Glasgow" and he said "Oh, I'd better just go to bed then" and did.

0305 Subsequently I decided to leave a light on at the top of the stair.

0645 My alarm, all quiet, Daddy asleep.

0800 Toilet and back to bed.

0815 Alarm. I hit the snooze button.

0830 Getting up quite readily.

0900 Teeth going in as Margaret & Janette called.

1145 Dr Dow

1445 Physio

1955 Margaret & Janette

2310 Bed.

Saturday September 3

0438 Toilet. I must have gone back to sleep quickly 'cos I didn't hear him going back to bed but he was safely tucked up when I got up at 0645

0810 Toilet

0830 He was up and getting ready to don his Sunday Best. When I told him it was Saturday, he decide to go back to bed for a wee while. Complained of muscular pain in side, top of hip.

0855 Gordon & Margaret

0915 He's up and dressed while I was downstairs.

0955 He fell asleep after half a slice of toast.

1045 Moira cam in until 1130

1145 Gordon & Margaret.

2000 Gordon & Margaret.

2230 Bed

Sunday September 4

0433 Toilet. No alarums or excursions.

0825 Daddy's alarm went off, he got up, went to the bathroom and went straight back to bed. When I pointed out that it was Sunday, he did get up and dressed quite quickly.

We went to Mass. No problems. Many folk expressed pleasure at his return.

1000 Gordon & Margaret. I had warned them we might be out (and they should take it as a good sign) and they just left a note.

1130 Moira & Paul Jnr came in and I went shopping, to return to mayhem. Tom and Lynn from Australia had turned up to see Mrs Campbell, unaware that she was away for the weekend. Moira was giving them tea. Gordon & Margaret popped in and ran away.

Daddy seemed fine during the evening. Quite happy to go to bed but it seemed a laborious process, very stop-start, but he got there by


Monday September 5

I woke twice in the night (back of 2 and after 4) but in both cases I went back to sleep before anything happened.

0810 Fiona phoned, will come over tomorrow after 9.

0815 Daddy got up and headed for the bathroom.

Marie (IRIS) phoned, will come tomorrow after 10.

0900 Started breakfast, fell asleep after first piece of toast.

0950 Care Team. Strangers called out to cover. Daddy still asleep, He woke up and started on cold tea and toast. I suggested starting afresh and he agreed, with some relief I thought. But he dozed off again at roughly the same point, but not for long and had finished before

1150 Martin Smith, Community Psychiatric Nurse, came in to make himself known and explain that he would visit again on Monday Oct 3 at 2 p.m. to conduct some tests and arrange an outpatient appointment at Parkview (the old baby Clinic behind the Library) in November. Meanwhile, the Care Team came and went.

Daddy was much brighter in the afternoon. Aunt Margaret phoned, Moira phoned, Beans and toast for tea.

2300 In bed.

Tuesday September 6

0612 I was already awake when I heard Daddy's curtains twitch - which usually means he's getting up but he just went to the toilet and back to bed.

0855 Up and into the bathroom (with stick). I made his bed while he was in and he took the hint.

0905 Care Team, all well.

Fiona came in just as Daddy reached the bottom of the stairs. Still a bit sleepy during the morning. Marie (IRIS physio), dressing practise (she was impressed) and balance exercises.

1255 Care Team

Frank Cullen visited.

1905 Care Team

2330 In bed.

Wednesday September 7

0815 Alarm went off, I gave it a couple of minutes, no movement. Switched it off.

0835 Care Team

0900 Toilet and back to bed.

1130 Up and dressed.

1245 Care Team

1915 Care Team

2230 In bed.

Thursday September 8

0620 Toilet

0815 Alarm. I switched it off after a couple of minutes.

0825 Care Team

1145 Toilet and dressed

1220 Breakfast

1245 Care Team

1550 Fiona

2020 Care Team

2230 In bed.

Friday September 9

0820 Care Team

1025 Toilet and back to bed

1045 Mary phoned

1050 Marie called with exercise sheets, will phone next week with time for next Friday.

1130 Got up

1300 Care Team

2045 Care Team

2220 In bed.

Saturday September 10

0320 Toilet

0800 Toilet and back to bed

0815 Alarm, I switched it off.

0827 Care Team

Marie called

1145 Toilet and dressing

1205 Care Team

1210 Breakfast

1920 Care Team

2235 In bed

Sunday September 11

0740 Toilet

0820 making moves

0825 Care Team

0915 To Mass, no problems.

Karen, Mike & Sorley; Moira & Paul;

Daddy had a tendency to doze.

1230 Care Team

1930 Care Team

2230 In bed.

Monday September 12

0200 Toilet

0545 Toilet

0915 Carer (No longer Care Team but District Carers.)

1030 Toilet, and back to bed despite having closed the curtains.

1140 Carer. Still not up but I reported all well

1330 Got up of his own accord.

2045 Carer

2245 In bed.

Tuesday September 13

0825 Toilet

1000 Carer. (I was on my way to Shettleston but saw her in the street.)

1100 Alarm

1120 Toilet, already dressed.

1400 Trip to optician's.

2045 Carer

2230 In bed.

Wednesday September 14

0315 Toilet

0850 Toilet

0930 I went shopping

1100 Alarm

1115 Carer

1130 Breakfast


1950 Carer

2215 In bed.

Thursday September 15

0645 Toilet

0830 Moira here. she did some dusting while I went shopping.

1015 Daddy got up of his own accord, dressed etc.

1035 Breakfast. (Used stick coming down stairs.)

1115 Carer

Bridgeton OT called anent bath lift and banister. Banister will proceed, will check bath lift again with GRI .

1145 Marie phoned, will come about 1330 for bath practice.

1330 Marie - will progress bath lift, Daddy has been referred to Lightburn, they will get in touch. She'll be back next Tuesday after 11.

Friday September 16

0820 Toilet

1240 Carer

1950 Carer

2220 In bed.

Saturday September 17

0610 Toilet

1030 Moira

1100 Alarm. Daddy got up under his own steam.

1110 Toilet

1130 Breakfast. Moira finished dusting front room and left.

1245 Carer

2015 Carer

2025? In bed.

Sunday September 18

0655 Toilet

0800 Alarm

0810 Was awake when I looked in and started to get up.

0840 Downstairs

0930 Mass. No problems, might have been falling asleep.

Moira & Paul, Carer, Karen & Sorley.


Mary & Brian here for 2 days

2220 In bed.

Monday September 19

0900 Toilet

1100 Alarm

1130 Toilet

1200 Mary made breakfast

2240 In bed.

Tuesday September 20

0100 Someone went down the stairs. I thought it was Brian and didn't react.

0705 I woke (late) and went to the toilet, then heard noises as if Daddy was getting up so I dived back into my bedroom to dress and met him fully dressed at the top of the stairs. He'd "been up for an hour" after looking at the clock, seeing it was after 12 and thinking he was late.

Mary made breakfast, I went shopping, Fiona came in.

Marie (physio) came in, seemed satisfied with exercises. Will come again next Tuesday (possibly last visit).


Bridgeton OT - bath lift next Wednesday.

District carers - we're not using the service they provide (help with dressing, meals, getting to bed) so the service will be withdrawn after today.


2230 In bed.

Wednesday September 21

0650 Toilet

1100 Alarm - got up of his own accord.

1110 Toilet

1145 breakfast

1230 Shave

1410 Off to the party at Cameron House, no problems, back 1805 after 40 minutes to travel 3 miles past the M77 junction.

2220 In bed.

Thursday September 22

0515 Toilet?

Fiona & Asha

1045 Got up under his own steam.

2225 In bed.

Friday September 23

0615 Toilet

1100 Alarm

1120 Toilet

1150 Breakfast

2225 In bed.

Saturday September 24

0115 Toilet

0200 Back into bedroom, then returned to the landing. "John?" "Yes" "What time is it?" "Two o'clock in the morning" "Oh, I thought it was. I looked downstairs and saw no lights. Back to bed then I suppose." and off he went, opening the curtains. (I hadn't heard them close.)

0650 Toilet & back to bed

1100 Alarm, snooze, up at 1145, breakfast 1215.

2225 In bed.

Sunday September 25

0115 Toilet, back to bed ok.

0610 Toilet

0800 Alarm

0830 Downstairs

0845 Moira & Paul

22xx In bed.

Monday September 26

0155 Toilet - couldn't find light switch.

0730 Toilet

1100 Alarm, snooze

1115 Toilet

1145 Breakfast

2223 In bed.

Tuesday September 27

0315 Toilet

0800 Toilet

1100 Alarm, snooze

1120 Toilet

1200 Breakfast

1340 Physio (Marie) visited. Lightburn will be in touch within the next three weeks. Meanwhile, continue with exercises. Daddy was lethargic all day.

2255 In bed.

Wednesday September 28

0750 Toilet

0855 Bath left delivered and installed.

1100 Alarm, snooze, alarm

1140 Toilet

1210 Breakfast

2235 In bed

2358 Toilet

Thursday September 29

0250? Toilet

0845 Toilet

1100 Alarm

1110 up

1130 Breakfast

1200 Rosanne (Bridgeton O.T.) to demonstrate bath lift, left 1220.

1930 Bath till 2000, no problems.

2305 In bed.

Friday September 30

0855 Toilet

1100 Alarm, snooze, etc.

1205 Toilet

1235 Breakfast.

2210 In bed. Did a pink pill go missing?

2355 Toilet

Saturday October 1

0210 Sounded like Daddy on his way to the toilet except he wasn't moving. I got up, he was standing at his bedroom door tightening his trouser belt. He thought I would have gone by now as the building was being knocked down. I reassured him that this was not the case. "They're driving two corridors right through the building, we're in a church" and there was a stair in the wall in the corner. As he talked, he gradually realised that his events didn't quite fit with the present state of the house, and after a quick tour of the top floor, he was quite happy to go back to bed, thought keeping his clothes on and being quite sure he wouldn't sleep. All this by 0235.

0900 Toilet

0920 Breakfast

1750 The "red threads" started to appear on the carpet. Were threatening to engulf the house by nine o'clock but then waned.

2240 In bed.

Sunday October 2

0305 Toilet

0755 Toilet

0800 Alarm

0805 Back to bed! I put a stop to that.

2300 In bed.

Monday October 3

0300? Toilet

0940 Toilet

1100 Alarm, snooze etc.

1200 Got up after some prompting.

1245 Breakfast

1355 Phone call, Lightburn will start next Monday, Wednesday, Friday for 6 weeks.

1400 Martin Smith (CPN) & Barry called, will call again in two months (after Lightburn).

2230 In bed.

Tuesday October 4

0610 Toilet

1100 Alarm - got up under his own steam.

1120 Toilet

1140 Breakfast

Quite bright all day.

2240 In bed.

Wednesday October 5

0000 Noises off. I went through and found Daddy searching through the bedclothes for his pipe! which had dropped from his mouth. We didn't find it so I went downstairs and fetched it to reassure him that it was safe. Back into bed at ten past.

0930 Toilet, and decided to stay up.

1005 Breakfast

A bit dozy during the morning, some lack of co-ordination, brighter in the evening.

2225 In bed.

Thursday October 6

0015 Noises off. I looked and thought Daddy was just having a drink and rattling the glass on the top of the tallboy.

0245 More noises off, had he been to the toilet? I went through and he was scrabbling on the floor and opening and closing drawers in the tallboy. He said he was pleased to see me, he thought he would never see me again, we were trapped in a disintegrating patchwork where all the sections had their electricity cut off at different times and there were children being marched between stations and trains.

0325 He seemed to be settling so I suggested he try to sleep and I went back to bed.

0330 More tallboy rattling, scrabbling on the floor (I think it was his head hitting the drawer handles that I'd heard) assembling a railway. he then decided he had to go round the back so we went in to the bathroom and examined the plumbing. Then he decided to go to the toilet since he was there.

0350 Back to bed like a lamb.

0540 Voices off. Daddy was sitting up in bed talking about the price of ice cream. Took about 15 minutes till he decided to go to sleep. The small cabinet had been moved away from the wall, drawer open, I didn't ask.

1100 Alarm, snooze, etc.

1205 Toilet

1240 Breakfast

Right hand a bit numb at tea time.

2235 In bed.

2300 Straightening the bedclothes.

Friday October 7

0005 Ten minutes of complaints about the state of the wallpaper. Someone has been pinching patches of white. I suggested that that was the pattern.

0100 Lots of people coming and going, forming piles with aunties on top, we should wait for Auntie Lena. Settled at 0120.

0315 Daddy wanted the alarm clock adjusted by three minutes so that when it went off he would know that it was early. I persuaded him that I didn't understand why and he let the matter drop.

0455 Toilet and back to bed.

1100 No alarm,, it must have been reset in the night.

1110 I switched the radio on.

1125 Toilet

1200 Breakfast

Poor co-ordination in both hands.

2240 In bed. (But the ghosts were there, a bit upset that they hadn't finished the clearing up.)

Saturday October 8

(Probably went to the toilet during the night. I heard nothing.)

1045 Toilet and back to bed.

1100 Alarm, snooze, etc. till 1200

1225 Breakfast

1905 Bath till 2010. Denied any difficulty.

2305 In bed.

Sunday October 9

0800 Alarm, snooze

0830 Toilet

0855 Downstairs, too late for tea.

0930 Mass

1430 to Mt. Vernon for Sorley's Birthday Party.

1630 Home.

Fell over while taking shoes off at foot of stairs. Hit head on radiator. Sore but claimed no other effects (i.e. dizziness or double vision). Small graze and bruise on scalp.

2230 In bed.

Monday October 10

0735 I woke him up.

0740 Toilet

0820 Breakfast

0915 Pick up for Lightburn.

1500 Home. First words - "I'm not tired."

1700 Ate usual tea, pies and mince.

2350 In bed.

Tuesday October 11

0800 Toilet

1100 Alarm, snooze, etc.

1215 Toilet

1255 Breakfast

A bit lethargic.

2300 in bed.

Wednesday October 12

0735 Woken, took 10 minutes

0800 Toilet (already dressed)

0825 breakfast

0850 A bit uncoordinated, difficulty standing.

0900 Pickup, managed to walk out to the bus.

1040 Phone call from Staff Nurse Tony, routine, checking up on what Daddy told them on Monday anent medical condition, home circumstances etc. No injections or blood transfusions on Monday, everything else OK.

1400 Home, much better.

1700 Managed OK at tea time.

2300 Toilet - took a long time. I knocked on the door and he said he was OK.

2340 Out, barely able to walk. Made it into the bedroom, managed to get ready for bed.

0000 In bed.

Thursday October 13

0530 Toilet, walking well.

0845 District Nurse phoned, will do flu injection as well, probably between 0930-1100.

0935 District Nurse Lesley. Flu and B12 injections. Pick up prescription for more B12 injections next week, end-October flu appointment cancelled, next B12 Jan 5th.

1130 Woke Daddy at 1130, 1140, 1155 and finally at 1205.

1255 Breakfast

2335 In bed.

Friday October 14

0410 Toilet

0730 Wakened. Took 10 minutes.

0800 Toilet, already dressed.

0825 Breakfast

0900 Lightburn pickup.

1345 Home again.

Everything OK till getting ready for bed, confusion over whether he wanted to wear which pyjamas but got there in the end.

2350 In bed.

Saturday October 15

1010 Toilet and back to bed

1100 Alarm, snooze etc.

1210 Bath

1300 Breakfast

Quite bright this evening.

2200 In bed.

Sunday October 16

0550 Toilet

0800 Alarm, snooze, still reluctant to get up but got there by half past. Very slow dressing, all a bit of a rush to get out but managed. Appeared to doze off during Mass but Paul propped him up.

Karen, Mike, Sorley & Paul here for the afternoon. Mike made vegetarian stovies for tea.

2120 Fell over while polishing shoes, claimed no adverse effect.

2300 In bed.

Monday October 17

0550 Toilet

0735 Wakened,.

0745 Started to get up.

0820 Breakfast.

0900 Pickup for Lightburn.

1255 A. Margaret phoned, all well.

1400 Back

A bit lethargic today, quite unsteady on his feet.

2205 In bed.

Tuesday October 18

0415 Daddy had started dressing but changed his mind when I said it was a bit early. Went to toilet, walking with stick, very upright.

0915 Toilet (without stick).

1100 Alarm, snooze

1105 Phone. They are coming to fix the new bannister. Daddy decided that he would get up rather than be stuck upstairs for an hour. All a bit rushed.

1125 - 1155 Bannister fitted.

Daddy didn't feel like doing his exercises.

Managed his tea OK.

2240 In bed.

Wednesday October 19

0120 Toilet. When he came out, he didn't go back to bed. I looked in and he was fully dressed and ready to go downstairs. I persuaded him to take his trousers off and get back into bed where he remained until..

0740 He was precariously balanced on the edge of the bed claiming to be all right but required some assistance to sit up. Thereafter he managed with increasing confidence.

0805 Breakfast.

0855 Lightburn pickup.

1315 Call from Lightburn OT to clarify some of Daddy's answers about how he is getting on at home. No problems.

1400 Home.

1700 I tried feeding him salad sandwiches for tea. Not a success.

2300 In bed, but muttering. Might be an interesting night. (But it wasn't.)

Thursday October 20

0915 Toilet

1100 Alarm, snooze etc.

1355 Toilet

1400 Breakfast!

2205 In bed.

2355 Noises off - getting up. Took little persuading to go back to bed. One look at clock was enough.

Friday October 21

0205 Toilet

0600 Toilet

0740 Wakened - continual prompting to dress.

0800 Toilet

0825 Breakfast - slow progress.

0915 Lightburn pickup

1405 home

2200 In bed.

2340 Toilet - with stick.

Saturday October 22

0050 Curtain noises, sitting on edge of bed having gathered up (with assistance from imaginary persons) sundry threads trodden into the carpet. He decided he could get another five hours sleep and got back into bed, but not for long.

0115 Daddy was making the bed but said "I just came back again, they only went twenty steps up the hill" and got back into bed until

0225 Half dressed, refused to go back to bed, chasing threads.

0310 Downstairs, sat in chair, I made tea.

0600 Toilet for 20 minutes then sat on chest on top landing for an hour chasing threads before going into bedroom and trying to pick the pattern off duvet cover.

0810 Asleep on his back, feet on the floor.

0940 A bit of a bump. I found him sitting on the edge of the bed, said he had fallen off, banged his back but just stretched out again.

1020 Almost got up but just stretched out again.

1100 Alarm, snooze etc.

1150 Toilet

1220 Downstairs - very very lethargic, put bottom set (of teeth) in upside down. Had difficulty swallowing pills.

1310 Started breakfast. A laborious process but became more self-motivated as time went on. (In between chasing threads.)

1600 Too warm in thick jumper so he started cutting ventilation slots in it.

1700 No problems with pie & mince.

1850 Started to take off his pyjama trousers ("They" had told him to) which he had refused to remove this morning but I managed to persuade him to put on another pair.

I put on a bit of pressure to get Daddy to make the necessary preparations for Sunday morning. It became easier once he got started.

2155 In bed.

2255 Up, jacket on over pyjamas, talking gobbledegook. Insisted on going downstairs, looked around, found nothing (except a few stray threads) and soon persuaded back to bed.

2325 A one-sided conversation which had ceased by the time I entered the room.

2348 Toilet, and refused to go back to bed.

Sunday October 23

0030 Downstairs. Insisted that it was not the time to be in bed. A fetched a sleeping bag for myself.

0250 I woke up. Daddy was in the kitchen eating prunes. I left him to it, after a bit he came back into the living room and dozed off in the chair. I think I persuaded him to go to bed, he pitched out of the chair, upsetting the small table.

0320 Toilet

0335 In bed.

0800 It took half an hour of nagging to get Daddy out of bed, then some prompting to get dressed and ready in time for Mass.

1030 Still not too bright but perked up a bit while Sorley was here. Quite bright by

1700 managed chump chops for tea no problem.

1945 Bath. There had been a young fellow doing something in the bathroom while he was bathing but he'd vanished by the time I looked in. Downstairs, there was a cat by the TV which vanished when I moved the pouffe. Managed to shave OK but quite unsteady and confused while cleaning teeth.

2255 In bed.

Monday October 24

0055 Daddy was up, bed made, pleased to see me, I would know the way back to the room where we just were and then he could find his bedroom. It took me 15 minutes to persuade him to sit tight for the rest of the night and use the bed where he was.

A couple of outbreaks of one-sided conversation but he didn't get up till

0300 "I have to go to see the test nurses being tested so that everyone can see that they have been." So, we wandered in and out of rooms upstairs without finding the nurse then Daddy got back into bed to wait till she arrived. (0315)

0735 Start trying to wake Daddy.

0800 Out of bed, into toilet

0820 Out of toilet, very lethargic while dressing, moved very tentatively, not very interested in breakfast.

1005 Lightburn pickup.

1045 Lightburn phoned to check whether Daddy was sleeping at nights, he'd just fallen asleep and spilled his tea. I explained the current problem. There is a case conference on Wednesday.

1330 Home. Apparently, he slept a lot this morning.

Gradually picked up through the afternoon, managed his beans on toast rather better than last week.

He was a bit bored in the evening, contemplating shaving just to pass the time. I put on the Celtic video and that held his attention for an hour or so (but not to the end), then he decided to go to bed. Seemed to get a bit unsteady again while cleaning teeth.

2120 In bed.

2230 I went upstairs, he was not in bed. Then I spotted him sitting on the far corner of the bed with head and hands down scrabbling at the carpet below the window. It took 15 minutes to persuade him to leave it till morning and get back into bed, which he did to humour me rather than because he saw any sense in it.

2303 Talking to ?

2310 He was sitting on the edge of the bed, but got back in as soon as I said we could deal with the rubbish disposal in the morning when the lorry (and volunteers) would be available.

2340 False alarm, still in bed, just talking. I decided to ignore it and went to sleep but --

Tuesday October 25

0205 I heard him moving about and went to see. He was edging along the wall into the small bedroom. "Am I glad to see you. There will be a murder done in there and it will be me that gets murdered." His bedclothes were at the bottom of the bed, there was a button on the bed (torn off his pyjama jacket). We sat on the bed and he gave a rambling explanation involving a boat, a Glaswegian crew (and not a Glasgow man among them), an old lady whacking folk with a stick, etc. Several attempts to distract him into bed failed miserably.

0240 He suddenly said "I'll go into my own bed and sleep. You wake me in 20 minutes" and headed for the door and into the toilet.

0255 He came out of the toilet and , with a brief stop to inspect the contents of the basket chair, got into bed, pulled up the covers, and closed his eyes. I opened the curtains and left the landing light on.

0540 I heard a thump and went through to find Daddy flat on his back on the floor at the foot of the bed, one hand behind his head. I put a pillow there as well. He wasn't very communicative but seemed to be breathing normally and capable of moving all extremities. When I asked if he wanted to sit up, he said he'd rather not. So I phoned for an ambulance and put the duvet over him. Five minutes later, he said he "felt a need to wiggle" and turned on his side relatively easily.

When the ambulance men arrived, they checked him over and helped him to sit on the side of the bed. There is a small bruise on the back of his head (perhaps carpet burn rather than a direct impact) and he complained of feeling sore "in the middle". They decided there was nothing critical and he could get back into bed. They went off and Daddy went back to sleep.

0910, Daddy seemed to be still asleep so I went downstairs to tidy up. Five minutes later I heard a noise and came upstairs to find him on the landing on his way to the toilet. He was not very steady but managed ok. I helped him back to bed. "How do you feel?" "Strained." He also seems a little more confused than usual at this time of day (hardly surprising).

He did not remember falling though he did remember having visitors in the night.

He is still asleep now (1120) and I won't disturb him until about 12.

Daddy got up about 1250, went to the toilet, dressed and went downstairs, albeit very slow on the stairs. His hands seemed a bit shakier than usual during breakfast and his conversation did not make a lot of sense. He was very lethargic through the afternoon.

At tea time, he managed his knife and fork reasonably, ate all his sprouts but few potatoes (unusual) and left some salmon (unheard of).

Sundry visitors and phone callers during the evening may have noticed that he was not quite on the ball.

I asked if he wanted to shave, he said no, he would send the boy out for 2 pints of cold milk. For what? I asked. To drink, he said so I got him a drink of milk and he took his pills with it. Then he shaved and went upstairs before 10, changed into pyjama trousers and I thought we were winning but - he started scraping the carpet, weaving invisible threads etc. with a couple of trips down and up the stairs. He had increasing difficulty descending, having apparently forgotten how to use the stick and he seems to lean too far back when holding the bannisters.

By midnight, his batteries seemed to be running down and he put his pyjama trousers back on, but still had no intention of going to bed. "They" had said he shouldn't for some reason connected with the time required to get to Lightburn.

Wednesday October 26

0015 He's lying on his back on the bed, feet on floor, almost asleep but still refusing to get into bed. I cut my nails and decided to give in and go to bed. At which point, Daddy decides to wander about but still refuses to go to bed.

0100 No change, sitting on the edge of the bed picking threads off the curtains.

0124 Fell off the bed but by the time I got there, he was calmly scratching the carpet as if nothing had happened. (I think this is when he got the graze on his elbow.)

0148 Now he has come through and is scraping my carpet. That's very convenient 'cos I can watch him while I'm sleeping. Later he sits on the edge of my bed and picks threads off the bedclothes.

0400 He moved out and sat on the chest on the landing.

0500 He was back in his bedroom.

0730 He is sitting on the floor behind his bedroom door. I feared he might be asleep, he wasn't but it still took 15 minutes to persuade him to move away from the door.

0810 I had to help him in to toilet and with his trousers. I probably knew it wasn't a good idea but we tried to go downstairs. After four steps (leaning a long way back) he stopped, he couldn't manage any more. He tried sitting down but that didn't work either. Nor could he get back up. I hauled him up the stairs, got him onto his feet and more or less carried him to his bed. I'll bet he didn't enjoy it.

0905 I phoned Lightburn and cancelled the pick up, phoned the doctor and asked for a home visit on the grounds of "disorientation", then phoned Fiona to let her know that Daddy wasn't going to Lightburn.

1105 Dr Pollock arrived, quickly decided that hospital was the only option and went off to arrange an ambulance "within a couple of hours".

Phoned Fiona, Mary (not in), A. Margaret. Karen phoned.

1230 Ambulance arrived. Mary phoned, I'll phone her back.

1305 Arrive GRI. I was sent to give details at main reception and wait.

1325 Called through, Dr Livingstone in attendance, Neil dropped by, ECG, X-ray, CT scan. Daddy was pretty sleepy throughout. He was up in the ward before 1600, I got the third degree, Neil dropped by.

1630 Daddy was in a six-bed room, more awake than he had been but equally more restless. When I said I was leaving, he said "That's all right, I'll get out and meet you outside.

Moira went up in the evening. Daddy had been moved to a single room where he tried to dismantle the x-ray machine. Still restless when she left.

Thursday October 27

I arrived at 1438, Daddy was apparently asleep. I sorted his limited wardrobe and sat awhile. A doctor came in to ask him some questions, she was preparing a referral to Parkview. Daddy almost woke but didn't know where he was or what day it was. I told the doctor of our previous contacts with Parkview, of which she was not aware, and off she went to rewrite her letter.

Daddy did wake about five minutes later and at intervals said he felt "great weariness" but he "wasn't dying", he'd been "off-colour for several months". I tried to explain about the stroke but don't think he took in much of it.

I left at 1525 after a spell when he opened his eyes occasionally, recognised me but didn't make any attempt at conversation.

Moira went up in the evening. He was trying to take the bedclothes apart.

Friday October 28

I phoned at 1215 to be told that Daddy would be moving to Ward 18/19 at some as yet undetermined time and I should phone before I left to find out where he was. Fiona phoned just afterwards to say that Neil had said that they were trying to arrange a transfer direct to Lightburn but that was before I phoned so the bed must have come up in 18/19 first.

I tried phoning every few minutes from 1330 but was unable to get through (busy). So I headed for Ward 43 and he was still there, very sleepy.

I'd been there barely 10 minutes when a trolley arrived for his transfer. Daddy managed (just) to move himself from the bed onto the trolley and promptly went back to sleep. Once they'd got him into the new bed (same room, different position), I stayed awhile but he was still very sleepy.

Moira and Paul went up in the evening. More alert but not in the real world.

Saturday October 29

Daddy was sitting in his chair, appeared to be quite alert, knew who I was and was pleased to see me, but when I asked what he had been doing, he'd been up and down roads, working (or not working) here and there, and other things of which I could make no sense. He didn't want a drink of water but when I produced the Tango he did take a taste of that and he ate some liquorice allsorts. After an hour, I produced the paper and made a run for it.

On the way out, I spoke with a ward assistant who said it would be no problem if I left some clothes so I went back in and put them in the locker. Daddy more or less ignored me while I did this.

On my second departure, I spoke with a nurse who said Daddy had been roaming this morning and did I have any objection to them putting a tag on him. I said no.

Moira went up in the evening. He was getting stroppy.

Sunday October 30

1450 Daddy appeared to be asleep in the chair, wearing a hospital gown. I sat for a few minutes till he stirred then touched his hand and he was awake. He was trying to remember who he went to visit in Ireland with his mother, but couldn't remember a name (or why or when). I tried a few names but obviously not the right one. He took some tea. (I felt it appropriate to hold the mug.) Two pairs of pyjamas in the locker, the ones which were clean yesterday in a yellow bag. I brought both pairs back. I'll take the others up tonight. The graze on his elbow was not looking too good so I attempted to inform a nurse but there were none available. When I left, I left a message with an orderly who didn't deal with that part of the ward. I also left the Sunday Post in which he showed no interest.

1850 Daddy appeared to be asleep in bed. I sat in the chair and read the Post. After about 20 minutes, he woke and recognised me. He was quite calm, conversation was disjointed but fairly close to home. He said he ought to shave so I produced the razor and he managed that. We had a fiddle with his hearing aid, I changed the battery but even that was not satisfactory, I'll take a pin in tomorrow. Then a few mouthfuls of tea. I was about to leave at five to eight when he decided he would go to the toilet. I held his arm there and back and he managed ok in the toilet apart from covering his back on the way out. Oh, and the elbow's got a plaster on.

Monday October 31

Tuesday November 1

Fiona and Neil were there when I arrives, Daddy was more or less asleep in bed.

Ann Shaw appeared and made enquiries anent what has happened since he was discharged. I gave as much info as I could remember. She will ask Dr Ritchie to visit.

Moira went up in the evening.

Wednesday November 2

We managed to miss the afternoon visit, I went up in the evening and Daddy was asleep in bed. I made a couple of half-hearted attempts to wake him but failed.

Thursday November 3

Reading glasses have turned up again, no-one knows whence.

Moira and Paul went up in the evening, Daddy was asleep in bed and didn't wake, despite Karen also appearing.

Friday November 4

1440 Daddy was in bed wearing pyjamas, half asleep. He woke shortly after I arrived, conversation was desultory and not very focused. Dr Ritchie arrived about 1510 and we repaired to the seminar room, a nurse steadying Daddy as we went.

Dr Ritchie started with the usual questions, "What do you think..." getting pretty negative responses. Then he did various tests of memory, comprehension, mobility etc. The outcome was an inclination to discount Lewybody's Dementia leaving Alzheimers (indicated by memory lapses, however slight, developing over several years) plus Blood Vessel Dementia to account for the sudden recent deterioration. These can be addressed by various drugs but they are not a cure, they will only moderate the symptoms. Prof. Stott has already changed Daddy's medication, Dr Ritchie thinks he's going in the right direction, time will tell. So it's a case of wait and see.

He said he couldn't tell whether there would be a period of rehab at Lightburn or if Daddy would be discharged directly home. I get the impression it will be another couple of weeks in the Royal anyway.

Moira went up in the evening, Daddy was much brighter than she has seen him before, he even raised the subject of his pipe.

Saturday November 5

1435 Daddy was standing in the corridor, doing not a lot. He recognised me but didn't seem to know why I was there. A nurse came along and suggested he go back into Room 6 but I suggested the day room for a smoke and that's where we went. Strange conversation. The Church in Australia, no, South Africa, is run by the Chinese, no, Sisters, each with there own patch, who kept telling folk they were going the wrong way. It took me some time to realise he was describing the wards. A passing nurse said that Daddy had been quite lively this morning, walking about a lot.

Back in the ward, there was a pair of pyjama trousers rolled up on the bed, mostly clean but with odd flecks of what might have been food on them. The jacket was also rolled up in the locker. I decided to leave them.

I also noticed that Daddy was wearing the wrong slippers and only one of his was present.

1835 Daddy was asleep in the chair, apparently unmoved since I left him. (An idea belied by some food splashes on his pyjama jacket.) He stirred after about five minutes, I inserted myself into his field of vision and he woke. We went along (unsteadily) to the day room and smoked for half an hour or so, he wasn't interested in tea. Conversation was a bit stilted, he couldn't remember what he had for tea, apart from potatoes and something Persian. About 1930, I suggested returning to Room 6 and asked if he wanted to go to the toilet. "I think I'd better" he said so we headed for the Room 6 toilet. "DO NOT USE" said the sign so we used the visitor toilet instead. I decided to bring home and wash the unfolded but apparently clean pyjamas.

Sunday November 6

Moira went up in the afternoon, he was in bed wearing a pyjama jacket over a hospital gown but generally fine.

1850 Still in bed, apparently asleep but when I asked quietly if he was asleep or resting his eyes, he said the latter, he'd only just got into bed. He said he'd had a bad night, couldn't get to sleep and when he did, he woke again immediately. I asked what he had had for tea but he made no reply.

A nurse came in to ask if we had any objection to a move to Lightburn, no time scale, I said no. She said he'd had a disturbed night, not much sleep and had been reluctant to wake up for breakfast.

By the time we'd finished that conversation, Daddy was asleep so I left about 1930.

Monday November 7

1440 Daddy was sitting in the chair wearing fresh pyjamas. Conversation was desultory with a lot of resting of eyes. We have apparently to regain possession of our house in Glasgow, it would be best to see the lawyer who arranged the original transfer.

I asked if he had been up and about much, he said no, he'd had problems with socks and things. He has apparently lost the book I left yesterday. I checked his locker and found two pyjama jackets, one inside the other with socks wrapped up in them. I refolded the cleaner one and brought the other home, and the socks. Paul came in and was recognised but gave rise to no additional conversation. We left about 1535.

1905 In bed, dozing. He woke after about 5 minutes, "How do you feel?" "Sleepy". "What did you have for tea?" "Yes". I told him about the planning application for across the road and he said "You eat it". And he kept dozing off, so I left after half an hour.

Tuesday November 08

I went up for a train, there were none and no information as to when there would be so I went home and got the car.

1500 Daddy was in the toilet. He appeared wearing pyjamas after about 10 minutes and we went along to the day room for a smoke. A nurse approached us and asked for a meeting with Prof. Stott on Friday, would we prefer 1130 or 1600. I'll ask Fiona.

Daddy said he felt "terrible". He had had two bad nights, one when Civilisation had collapsed into dust and disappeared, and last night the light had disappeared except for a small patch around him. Then Louise appeared and he brightened up.

We went back to the ward about 1600 and attended to his wardrobe before departing about 1610.

William Rogan phoned.

1850 I confirmed the meeting with Prof. Stott for 1130 on Friday.

Daddy was in bed wearing pyjamas, said he felt much better than this afternoon. Karen appeared and had a bright conversation with him. Then Karen and I started discussing TV licences and Daddy pointed out that it was half past seven and we should be leaving soon to be off the premises by eight. So we left.

Wednesday November 09

1440 Daddy was asleep in the chair wearing a gown. He was not inclined to wake so I sat for a while. He almost surfaced, I asked him if he was sleepy, he said "No" and went back to sleep. The physio came in and took him for a short walk. When they returned, Daddy sat down, ignored me and went back to sleep. I took two pairs of pyjamas, left a clean pair and departed about 10 past three.

1900 Much better, asleep in the chair wearing the clean pyjamas but the nurse said he had just fallen asleep and he woke quite readily. We went along to the day room, Daddy smoked quite heavily for 20 minutes, probably too heavily as he then looked a bit uncomfortable. We returned to the ward, he took a glass of water and looked much better. He had no recollection of my visit this afternoon. I left at 1945 just as the football was starting.

Thursday November 09

Friday November 10

1130 Fiona & I met with Prof. Stott. His analysis of the situation was not encouraging. Without being able to give chapter and verse for the cause of the problem, he thinks that while there has been some improvement in Daddy's condition over the last two weeks, it unlikely that there will be further significant improvement in the near future. It is not yet time to write him off but unless some improvement shows over the next few of weeks in rehab (probably a move to Lightburn when/if a bed becomes available later next week) then long term care beckons. There is almost a probability of further episodes of deterioration as time goes on. There is an NHS establishment called Greenfield Park (near Carntyne station) which offers a greater range of medical support than your average nursing home, and may be more appropriate for Daddy to avoid the risk of repeated spells in hospital.

After this discussion, Fiona and I went in to see Daddy who acknowledged our existence and continued to eat his lunch. We left after about five minutes.

1430 I went back in at visiting time but Daddy was asleep in the chair. He stirred a couple of times but did not respond to my voice so I replenished his wardrobe and left after half an hour.

Saturday November 12

1440 Daddy was in his chair asleep but soon woke. I asked him where he was and he said he was waiting at Shotts railway station for me to pick him up but I hadn't appeared! I asked where he had travelled from and he said "Shotts". He seemed to realise that this was not very helpful but could offer no better explanation. When I asked what he did when I didn't show up, he said "I waited". He drank some tea and couldn't remember what he'd had for lunch. He had a tendency to doze off so I produced the paper. He didn't show much interest and said he'd look at it later. I left about 1510.

1850 Daddy was in bed asleep, still wearing the same pyjamas. I sat for a while reading his book, he woke about 1910 and seemed pleased to see me. He thinks he is in prison but does not yet know the sentence. Apparently all three of them took the same route out (of where?) and were all picked up. Conversation was a bit spasmodic but he seemed quite happy and I left about 1940.

Sunday November 13

Moira and Paul went up in the afternoon, said he was a bit dozy, conversation was slow.

However, on Sunday evening, he was more alert than I have seen him since he went in. He was sitting in his chair, awake, as if expecting me. He remembered that Moira had said I would take away the paper and leave another, and he knew what day it was. When I asked if he wanted some tea, he said "Yes, and I'd like my pipe". That's only the second time he has raised the subject. Unfortunately, there was a hen party in progress in the day room so no pipe. He accepted the situation without any problems.

I asked if he wanted to shave (he'd rubbed his chin frequently), he said yes, I produced his razor and he shaved himself, quite efficiently. I left him with the Sunday Post and the (Scottish Catholic) Observer which he started reading.

OK, he is still slow finding words and doesn't initiate much conversation but he is a bit more aware of what is going on and wondering what will happen next.

Monday November 14

1440 Daddy was sitting in his chair wearing his pyjamas and two pairs of socks. He was awake but a bit sleepy. I went along to check the day room - it was occupied, Daddy was philosophical. He took some tea and maintained a desultory conversation. The occupational therapist (Sharon - we've seen her before) came in and asked me about how Daddy had got on at home after his first stay in hospital. I reassured her things had gone very well until the weekend before his current hospitalisation. She will see Daddy for dressing practise in the morning.

After some further desultory conversation, I gave Daddy the paper and departed about 1540.

1855 I went along to check the day room (noticing Daddy was sitting in his chair as I passed), it was empty. By the time I was back at the ward, Daddy was at the door clutching paper, book and other glasses and said "Which way do we go?". So, we went along to the day room and got the pipe out. We had not been there long before another patient came in in a wheelchair attended by two visitors. then another two visitors joined them. Daddy seemed uncomfortable with the crowd and suggested returning to the ward. We did, he drank some more tea and changed his socks. I replenished his wardrobe and left about 1940.

Tuesday November 15

Wednesday November 16

1315 Phoned the Royal, yes he's moving this afternoon, probably just after 2, no point in visiting the Royal.

1600 Phoned Lightburn, yes he's there but the staff are checking in another patient at the moment, call again in 20 mins.

1630 et seq line engaged until

1655 Yes he's there, he's fine, he's away for his dinner. Visiting times are 2-4 and 6-8 p.m..

1845 And there he was, and he was fine, sitting in a chair wearing his own clothes. Apparently his trip from the Royal (which he knows is in Glasgow but it wasn't today) involved an aeroplane from America and took about 4 hours. I didn't know there was an airport at Whitehill. Anyway, he has some idea of where he is now.

There are six beds in an alcove, each with its locker and chair, and a TV at the end away from the corridor. The hospital has 4 30-bed wards and a tea bar.

All Daddy's clothes had vanished for "marking" so I didn't leave any more. We'll have to see how the domestic arrangements work before we invest too much of his wardrobe. He took some tea, Moira came in, he seemed to have a grasp of the conversation though he didn't initiate any. We'll see what tomorrow brings.

Thursday November 17

Friday November 18

Saturday November 19

Sunday November 20

Paul & Moira went up in the afternoon.

Daddy was just climbing into bed when I arrived. I asked if he wanted to shave, he said yes, laid back and I applied the shaver. When I finished, I asked how it was, he replied "patchy" and I redid the indicated area. He then rubbed his chin again and fell asleep. I waited fifteen minutes, he showed no signs of waking, so I left.

Monday November 21

1410 Went for a smoke, then a cup of tea.

Paul went up in the evening.

Tuesday November 22

1410 Daddy was in the toilet, I put the clean jumper in the cupboard. The high heid yins (medical) were round this morning, Daddy is in hospital to get fit to go home, perhaps in a couple of weeks. Chat with Jamie (occupational therapist), dressing practise tomorrow morning, bath practise in the afternoon. Went for a smoke, Daddy had a funny turn shortly after lighting his pipe, soon recovered but decided to go for tea rather than relight the pipe. Back to the ward, gave him the Express and left about 1515.

Wednesday November 23

Thursday November 24

Friday November 25

Saturday November 26

went up twice

Sunday November 27

Moira went up in the afternoon, Daddy was asleep in bed when she arrived but did get up and go for tea.

And he was asleep when I went up in the evening. He woke after about ten minutes, we had a rather desultory conversation, he remembered that I would swap the papers (I took up the Post and the Observer), but was not much interested in Christmas cards or the Christmas decorations in Luncarty Street.

Monday November 28

I went up with Paul in the afternoon, Daddy was dozing on his bed but decided to get up and go for a smoke. Adverse reaction after a few minutes but recovered after a few minutes and we went for tea. Back to the ward for a shave and I left him with the paper.

No evening visit

Tuesday November 29

Much the same pattern as yesterday. Daddy remembered that there had been no visitors yesterday evening but seemed unperturbed. We might get away with one visit a day.

No evening visit.

Wednesday November 30

Much the same pattern as yesterday. Chat with the Occupational Therapist (Jamie) about Daddy's chances at home. The only obvious problem is night-time activity! Physiotherapy are quite happy with his mobility. When asked what he had had for lunch, Daddy replied "soup" and made some comments on the general (dining room) setup. He also lasted a bit longer with the pipe before starting to shake. Took a second cup of tea from the flask. Definitely an improvement.

No evening visit.

Thursday December 1

Went up with Uncle Gerry & Eileen. Moira was already there and had Daddy in the tea room. He was in good form when he could get a word in edgeways. Moira, Eileen & Gerry left about three and we went for a smoke. Back in the ward, he ate a bit of Mrs Campbell's shortbread but declined another cup of tea.

No evening visit.

Friday December 2

Moira went up about two with Louise and Asha. I arrived just before three. They left and we went for a smoke. Didn't last too long. Back in the ward, a list of toiletries required. Daddy decided he didn't want his shaver left so I'll get some shaving foam and razors. Reading glasses missing, I told the nurse. I took in the first Christmas card, from Eddie Biggins, and he stuck it in his pocket! The lack of evening visits is not causing distress.

No evening visit.

Saturday December 3

I arrived about ten past two, no Daddy, he'd just left the room - so why hadn't I seen him? Then he appeared. He had been in a patient bathroom, about to clean his teeth when he saw me passing so came out sans teeth. We went back, scrubbed the teeth and restored the full face visage. He was wearing his reading glasses, it seems he left them in the bathroom yesterday morning but now where are the other glasses? The nurse will keep his eyes open. I put the soap, shampoo, shaving foam and a couple of disposable razors in the cupboard.

We went for a smoke, tried Condor Blended - a lighter tobacco - but it had an effect just as quickly and has definitely less taste so we'll give up on that idea. Then a cup of tea, I asked if he wanted Jaffa cakes and he thought for a moment then said he would prefer fruit cake. I asked if he wanted some cake to keep by his bed. He said no and a few minutes later asked how much the cake had cost. I said it was not expensive and he said he would have cake rather than Jaffa cakes in future.

We went for another smoke on the way back then returned to the ward. I produced the Evening Times and asked if he would like to have an early edition on weekdays rather than the Express. He said yes.

I left about half past three.

No evening visit.

Sunday December 4

Daddy was lying on the bed but opened his eyes as soon as I arrived. He was keen to go somewhere, so it was off to the smoking room. A short smoke then to the tea room for tea and cake. He confided that he was still getting up and being told to get back into bed but he can't say at what time of day this occurred. Soup for lunch but couldn't remember what came next. Back for more smoke then to the ward. Still no sign of the non-reading glasses, a ward assistant said she would keep an eye open for them. Everything else seems ok. I left him with the Post and the Observer (which has an article on the centenary of St Patrick's Church, Shotts (the building, not the parish)).

No evening visit.

Monday December 5

Went up with Paul. Daddy was sitting in his chair reading a book! He seemed pleased to see us and we soon went for a smoke. After a few minutes, Paul spotted Karen and Sorley passing the door so we all repaired to the tea room. Daddy could remember that he had had mince for lunch and it was very good. That's the first time he has remembered what he had. Then Karen noticed that Sorley has spots on his back and made a rapid departure. Back for another smoke, Paul went off to the dentist, I drew Daddy's attention to the article on St Pat's in the Observer. He hadn't seen it (can't have opened the paper) so read it. I asked if he wanted to keep the paper, he said no, take it home and keep it till I'm back! I asked if he wanted anything, he said no, then that the nurse had used the shaving foam and disposable razor and it was a bit light. I asked if he wanted the electric razor, he said yes, I said did he want to shave now, he said yes, so he had a shave. I asked if he wanted to keep the razor here or should I take it home and bring it back, he said that was the best idea. I left about ten to four.

No evening visit.

Tuesday December 6

Daddy was again reading in his chair, having made progress since yesterday. We went for a smoke, he started to shake quite soon after lighting the pipe. When he'd recovered, we went for tea where a couple recognised Daddy as the organist at St Joseph's. He didn't recognise them. Hands shaking only slightly, ate the piece of cake.

Back to the smoking room again, a reasonable interval before he started to shake, then back to the ward to check the domestic arrangements before I left about five past three, apparently I was barely out the door before Moira arrived.

Moira phoned about four o'clock, the nurse wants to speak to me about Daddy possibly getting home next week.

1830 Daddy was in bed but not asleep, I said hello and went to speak with the nurse. She had forms to fill in for day care and respite care if Daddy is released next week, and wanted to know my attitude. I said it was premature, it would depend on Daddy's behaviour when he got home. If he settled at night, the situation would be containable. She said Dr Burns had ordered an increased dose of quetiapine to see if that would reduce activity. We'll leave it a few days, and she will check with the Day Hospital as she had not been aware Daddy was attending there.

I returned to Daddy, he made reasonable conversation, revisiting this morning's doctors visit. He feels Dr Burns is on his side (that there are two conflicting ward management regimes in operation). He also wanted to work out how to lower the bedside rails so that he could escape more easily. I showed him which lever to operate but it wont work as he has to put his hand through the rails to get at the lever, and that stops the rails collapsing. I left about 1930.

Wednesday December 7

Daddy was sitting in his chair apparently sleeping (no sign of the book) but opened his eyes when I arrived. We went for a smoke, he started to shake almost immediately so we sat for a while then went for tea. Afterwards, back for more smoking, taking a bit longer to start shaking, then back to the ward for a shave, hand over the paper and depart. Still no sign of his non-reading specs.

Daddy is definitely a bit brighter, conversation flows a bit better though still slow, he seems to have more connected thoughts and his short term memory seems to be better.

No evening visit.

Thursday December 8

1405 Daddy was in bed. I asked why, he said "I've just had my supper"! I suggested he get up again, "Why?" "We could go for tea or a smoke" "Oh, well" and he got up and put his trousers and a cardigan over his pyjamas. We went for a smoke, then tea, then another smoke. Still getting an adverse reaction to smoking fairly quickly. Back to the ward, wardrobe ok, glasses still missing. I left him with the paper about 1530.

No evening visit.

Friday December 9

1410 Daddy was still dressed but under the covers. Again, I had to suggest a reason why he should get up, we went for a smoke, usual fairly quick reaction but when I suggested moving on for tea, he demurred, didn't feel too well. So, I produced the flask and he took half a cup from that, and felt well enough to suggest going to the tea room. He had tea and a caramel wafer then back for another short smoke. Back in the ward for a shave, then I left him with the paper.

No evening visit.

Saturday December 10

Moira went up at 2, I arrived about 3, they were in the tea room. Moira left, we went for a smoke, adverse effect quite quickly. Took some tea from the flask, all right by the time we got back to the ward. I gave him the paper and left about half past three.

No evening visit.

Sunday December 11

1405 Daddy was awake in his chair, watching a group of visitors in the corner. We went for a smoke, fairly quick adverse effects, the for tea. I fed him some brack that I had made but he didn't seem to know how to make it more crusty, or whether it would freeze. Another short smoke then back to the ward. I left him with the Post and the Observer about half past three.

Monday December 12

1410 Daddy was combing his hair but desisted when I arrived. I asked how he was today and he said he didn't know, the day was not yet old enough to form an opinion. He was not inclined to go for tea or a smoke but gave me a detailed story about how he had been told to get up and sent back to bed twice already today and they'd had very good porridge for supper. I offered tea from the flask which he accepted and when he'd finished that thought he would see how things were in the smoking room.

So we went along there and lit up. Adam Robertson came in and gave Daddy a Christmas card from the Chaplaincy team, and after he'd gone Daddy complained that they'd excluded the Catholic chaplain from the names on the back. I wonder if there is a Catholic on the team?

Then for tea and a Caramel Wafer, not a glance towards the smoking room on the way back to the ward, and I left him with the paper before half past three.

Tuesday December 13

1410 Daddy was sitting on the edge of the bed reading the paper. He asked if I'd seen the doctor on my way in, I said no, he said the doctor had been round this morning and said he (Daddy) was doing very well and could go home on Thursday. So I went for a word with the nurse who confirmed the story, detailed arrangements to follow.

Off we went to the smoking room, it was pretty full with three patients, one visitor, a wheel chair and a zimmer. So we went for tea instead. I produced some of my first attempt at shortbread, Daddy ate it but was unable to explain the import of some of his timing notes on the recipe. Two ladies sitting beside us recommended longer rather than higher temperature.

Managed a smoke on the way back, it seemed to take a little longer than recently for the shaking to start. Back in the ward, I showed Daddy the latest crop of Christmas cards and left him with the paper at twenty past three.

Wednesday December 14

Much the same as usual, looking good for tomorrow.

Thursday December 15

1330 Home.

1550 Toilet, no problems with the stairs, possibly leaning a bit far back coming down.

1658 Tea almost ready, Daddy decided to go to bed as it was 11 o'clock. I assured him it was only 5 p.m. and he went for tea instead, which he managed OK.

After tea, he announced that he would go to bed at 11:30, which would let him get to sleep by 12 which would see him through to 7.

1910 Toilet, again OK on the stairs.

1925 Dozing in chair.

1935 Awake again, signed Co-op dividend voucher.

2015 I asked if he wanted to smoke, he said "Two hours till bedtime, I might as well use one of them" and lit up.

2045 Off to bed, via toilet, generally managed everything OK. 7 pills taken.

2115 In bed.

2240 Time to get up, oh no it's not, back into bed.

Friday December 16

0300 Toilet - 0325

1005 Awake, got up, toilet, dressed himself.

1030 8 pills, breakfast, smoke, read paper.

1400 Fiona & Asha

1700 No problems with tea (trout, pots, cabbage)

1900 Toilet, no problems

I asked if he wanted a bath. No, but he gave a confused description of how to get into the bath at the hospital, much easier than here.

Shaved. He was very pleased with the result.

A confused reasoning as to why he was trying to adjust his watch to match the alarm upstairs, thought tomorrow was Sunday and he would have to get up for Mass.

2300 In bed.

Saturday December 17

0215 Shouting in sleep (or singing?). Intermittent, ceased after about 5 minutes.

0700 Decided to get up as it was nearly 8 o'clock, went to the toilet, came back and got straight back into bed by 0720.

1020 Moira arrived. Daddy decided to stay in bed for another hour. A. Margaret phoned. Daddy to toilet.

1120 Karen and Sorley. Daddy decided to stay in bed for a while. William Rogan phoned.

1135 Everyone left.

1220 Daddy was up and dressed before I realised that he was moving. Downstairs, 8 pills, breakfast.

1650 Toilet

1700 Tea, no bother

2010 Teeth out, toilet and back downstairs.

pills, toilet

2230 In bed.

Sunday December 18

0432 Toilet - 0446

1040 Toilet. "Are you getting up?" "No, I'll not bother" and back to bed.

Moira & Paul arrived. When Daddy was told (about 20 mins later) he said he'd get up but took a long time to get started.

1500 Toilet. He remembered Fr Woods was coming.

1630 Sr. Genevieve - didn't know Daddy was home, or that Fr Woods was coming.

1730 tea

1900 Daddy announced that he would just go to bed. I said he should wait till Mary arrived, he agreed.

1920 Daddy decided to clean his teeth. I said Mary would arrive soon, he decided to go ahead.

1940 Mary arrived?

7 pills, toilet

2140 In bed.

Monday December 19

0420 Toilet - 0435

0950 Toilet & back to bed to "rest for a wee minute"

1130 (approx.) Daddy got up of his own accord.

1330 Daddy went for a haircut (with some assistance)

1645 Toilet

1700 mince & pies

2110 Toilet

2130 In bed.

Tuesday December 20

0432 Toilet (sounded unsteady on his feet)

0443 back in bed (moving more confidently)

1000 (approx.) started to get up

1030 downstairs

1800 toilet

2230 Toilet

2300 In bed.

Wednesday December 21

0258 toilet - 0308

0918 Mary went to Mass, Daddy went to the toilet

0934 Daddy back to bed

1245 Daddy feeling cold and tired (I switched the heating on)

1310 getting up

1320 toilet

1335 breakfast

A bit lethargic all day

2030 Daddy decided to go to bed. I was busy in the kitchen and asked him to wait 10 mins, then he decided to wait 10 mins which became 20.

2100 Upstairs.

2102 "Is that the correct time? It seems a bit early but I'll go anyway." and into toilet.

2120 In bed.

Thursday December 22

0715 Toilet - 0725

0920 Got up just after I'd gone out.

1200 I got back, definitely brighter than yesterday

1650 Toilet

2200 Time for bed, toilet

2215 In bed.

2320 Toilet - 2330

Friday December 23

0715 Toilet - 0726

1240 Toilet

Seemed a bit tired by the end of the day.

2200 Decided to go to bed, teeth, pills

2210 toilet

2220 In bed.

Saturday December 24

0825 Toilet & back to bed - 0838

1145 Awake. "Are you going to get up?" "NO, I'd rather go back to sleep."

1245 A. Margaret phoned.

1255 Awake. "A good time to get up." " I was thinking that." " do you want a bath before you get dressed?" "No"

1310 Toilet

1325 Breakfast.

1945 (Approx.) In bed.

2050 Toilet - 2055 - why?

2155 Daddy was half dressed, bed made, didn't believe the clock was showing the correct time. I persuaded him that it was and he got his pyjamas back on and back into bed.

2327 Said something, just one phrase.

2328 Toilet. Intended to get up but was persuaded back to bed.

Sunday December 25

0558 Toilet - 0612

0730 Time to get up, relatively easy.

0745 Downstairs, breakfast

0905 Toilet

0930 Mass, OK

1515 to Paul & Moira's

1845 Home

2045 Toilet

2220 Time for bed

2230 In bed.

Monday December 26

0054 Toilet & back to bed - 0058

0410 Toilet

0944 Toilet

0952 back to bed "for a while"

1320 started to get up of his own accord.

1335 breakfast

1530 toilet

A bit lethargic today.

2245 toilet

2300 In bed.

Tuesday December 27

0614 toilet - 0624

1220 toilet

1245 breakfast

2145 toilet

2155 In bed.

2240 took out hearing aid

2330 toilet - 2337

Wednesday December 28

0945 Toilet, and back to bed while he thinks about whether to get up.

1042 Mary & Brian departed, Daddy still asleep.

1235 Daddy got up

1245 downstairs, breakfast

1700 tea. Where are Mary & Brian? Daddy hadn't realised that they were going home today.

1830 toilet

2055 too early for bed, shave

2135 toilet

2155 In bed.

Thursday December 29

0148 Toilet

0225 Out of toilet (I thought) but.... Daddy was fully dressed which was downstairs on the mantelpiece (yes, he had been down). "Why did you get up?" "Where is Mary" "Back home" Where's the baby?" "What baby?" "I don't know" "Has Mary got an infection?" "No, what makes you think she has?" "Mary and Brian have gone back?" "Yes" "When we came back from Moira's...." "That was some days ago" "Oh, I suppose I'd better get back to bed" and he did at 0245.

0720 Dressing again

0725 Toilet

0740 Breakfast

1530 Toilet

1700 tea - salad - a bit of a mess but ate a reasonable amount.

2030 I found him splitting up pill packets. I think my reaction upset him a bit, I tried to smooth it over.

2110 While watching a garden makeover programme, said the first thing he would do when he went to bed would be to fit the water pipes which I had already cut to size. (??)

2150 Toilet - some difficulty with the stairs and with balance. Forgot that he'd already taken his pills. No mention of water pipes.

2210 In bed.

2250 Toilet and back to bed.

Friday December 30

0236 A couple of bumps. I went through and Daddy's feet were on the floor. I lifted his legs and put them back in bed. He apparently slept throughout.

0700 Still asleep, feet on floor again. I put them back but not for long so I (half) woke him to straighten up.

1000 approx. Toilet and back to bed.

1430 Dressed, toilet.

1445 Breakfast.

1700 tea, not walking well.

A bit of a heart to heart about his condition, "I'm going backwards", perhaps it's time to stop smoking.

2130 toilet, marginal improvement on the stair.

2145 In bed.

2200 toilet & back to bed.

Saturday December 31

0145 Daddy was up and dressed, and draining his glass of juice before I woke. He went to the toilet and was back in bed in his pyjamas by 0200.

0246 "Is Catriona there?" Wrong number.

1000 Toilet. Then a bit of dithering about whether to get up but decided on another hour in bed while I went shopping.

1200 Started to dress after some gentle prodding (verbal).

1240 Breakfast

1650 Toilet

1710 Mince - has eaten more but had three slices of dumpling for afters.

1940 Decided to go to bed. I managed to delay him until 2010.

2025 In bed.

2145 Toilet

2200 Persuaded back to bed but not too happy at the prospect of another 9 hours.

2240 Daddy got up, looking for Mary. I tried to persuade him that she was in Stafford but he wasn't really convinced. So, downstairs for a cup of tea.

2300 I failed to persuade him to go to bed. He seems to think he can just sit there until it's time for Mass.

2345 Playing with matches. I protested and he told me to remove all matches. The he started filling his pipe.

2355 Suddenly took off upstairs with pipe and empty mug. Opened curtains and sat on bed.

Sunday January 1 2006

0000 Was looking out of window, started taking pyjamas off. Said he would get dressed. I closed the curtain and switched the light on, and was trying to help him until he said "Can you not leave me alone for one minute?" So I let him get on with it.

0013 Flat on back on bed, feet on floor.

0015 I looked in again, he was getting into bed, fully dressed. "You can put the light out." I removed his glasses and hearing aid. I think he was asleep before I left the room, but for how long?

0100 Toilet, 0110 back to bed.

0320 Daddy was getting up, or was he? Trousers off, jumper on, trousers back on. He recognised that it was not 0730 but would not go back to bed. At the top of the stairs, I asked why he was doing downstairs, he said (with exasperation) "All right, I won't go downstairs", turned away and fell. We got him sitting on the chest, no apparent damage.

After a bit, I asked him if he would lie down on the bed. He said "No". I asked him what he was thinking, he said I had told him to get up and was now telling him it was the wrong time. I tried to explain what had happened, he just sat. I asked again if he would go and lie down, he said yes, went into the bedroom, took off jumper and trousers and got into bed at 0350.

0540 Sitting on edge of bed. "I'll get dressed and go downstairs. "It's too early. Why do you want to go downstairs?" "I have to get the letter." "What letter?" "The letter for my mother - no, not my mother - ...." " I'll have to go down to the toilet."

0550 Toilet

0610 Back to bed like a lamb.

0730 He's sound asleep, and I mean sound.

0740 "Do you think you can get up?" "Yes." "Do you think you are fit to go to Mass?" Silence. I tried again after a couple of minutes, still silence. I said I thought he wasn't fit and should stay in bed. Silence. I left him to think about it.

0910 Daddy was sitting on the edge of the bed. I broke the news that it was too late to go to Mass, "As long as I don't cause any bother" he said. Did he want to go back to sleep? No, he'd get up anyway.

0920 Toilet

0935 Pills and breakfast

1330 Toilet, change clothes, no problem.

1500 Off to Paul's

1935 Back OK

2200 Toilet and back downstairs.

Monday January 2

0020 Daddy decided to go to bed. Upstairs, toilet and in bed at 0045

0400 toilet and back to bed at 0415

0720 Tapping sounds. Daddy was sitting on the near edge of the bed tapping the floor with his stick, apparently trying to get purchase to stand up. I helped him up and into the toilet.

0730 Phoned Paul, assisted Daddy back to bed, Paul arrived.

0740 Phoned surgery -> NHS 24. Prompt response, a doctor will call. I gave Daddy his pills and a little tea.

0820 Doctor. Said to Daddy - "Stand" and he did, "Walk" and he did. Embarrassing. Tried a few tests, inconclusive, can only see how things go. Feel free to phone again if further problems otherwise call GP on Wednesday.

0840 Doctor away, Daddy sleeping, I went out for a paper.

0900 Paul away.

1100 Radio (alarm - first time used) came on, no reaction, cancelled and left Daddy asleep.

Karen visited

Daddy reached the toilet

Karen left

Daddy fell over in the toilet.

1400 Sr. Genevieve called with Holy Communion and stayed for an hour.

1600 Toilet

1630 I phoned Mary and Karen with progress report

1730 Daddy went to the toilet on his own. Took painkillers.

1800 Dinner served upstairs, mouth chased plate around the table rather than moving plate to mouth.

Paul & Moira came in.

1900 Daddy managed downstairs quite well. Paul & Moira left, Paul will return before 11. Tea and a biscuit.

2130 Decided to go to bed. Took pills in kitchen and continued with dumpling. Upstairs without apparent difficulty and into toilet.

2200 In bed.

Tuesday January 3

0355 Toilet - 0405

0430 Starting to get up, but got back into bed.

0930 Toilet and dressed (slight confusion)

1005 Breakfast

Smoked pipe, first time since Friday.

1650 Toilet

1700 tea - managed to cut chump chops OK.

1910 Toilet. Intended t go to bed but hadn't recognised the time so back downstairs.

2000 Decided again to go to bed. Pills, teeth, toilet (?).

2035 In bed.

2145 Toilet & back to bed (maybe)

2215 Getting dressed. Refused to go back to bed, would just go downstairs, get something to eat and then go back to bed.

2235 Downstairs. Forgotten about eating, settled down to read the Times.

2330 Finished paper. "What are you going to do now?" "Nothing." "Do you want something to eat?" "Eat?" "You said earlier that you would come downstairs and have something to eat." "Oh, yes, I would like something to eat." "What?" "Err..." "Shortbread? biscuits?" "No, something like...." "Like what?" "Like in the morning." "Do you mean breakfast?" No, just something like." So he ate prunes, porridge and toast, with tea.

Wednesday January 4

0030 Into the kitchen to wash mug and teeth.

0040 Decided to go upstairs.

0045 Toilet

0100 In bed.

0525 Toilet (no sticks) - 0545

1020 Curtains closed, getting up, leaning to left.

1025 Toilet - 1040

Still lopsided, complained of a sore back.

1045 Question whether he should go downstairs, decided against it, brought pills upstairs.

1100 breakfast in bed.

1230 feeling much better but still inclined to doze off.

Paul came in, Daddy decided to get up, managed the stairs OK, Paul departed.

1650 Toilet. Up stairs step at a time, otherwise OK.

2015 Toilet. Up stairs continuously.

2150 Time for bed, mixed techniques on stairs.

2205 In bed. Seems much brighter than this morning, less lopsided.

2240 Toilet - 2250 & back to bed.

2310 Toilet - 2315 & back to bed.

Thursday January 5

0015 Sitting on edge of bed, not knowing whether to get up. I said no and he got back into bed.

0400 Toilet - 0415 & back to bed.

0830 Toilet. "Do you want to get up now?" "I think I'd prefer to get up." sat on the bed for a while and then climbed back in. Took pills (except rivastigmine)

1115 Decided to get up. Slow start.

1135 Downstairs, other pills, breakfast.

1215 Phone District Nurse. Answering machine.

1235 District Nurse phoned. Been delayed on other calls.

1415 District Nurse (Marie) B12 injection & blood pressure (120/70). Next visit March 30 (Thursday).

1530 Toilet - 1542

1700 Salad - didn't eat very much, just bread, egg corned beef and a little ham, followed by ice cream and banana.

2000 Time for bed. The clocks may say 8 o'clock but it's really 12. Pills.

2020 In bed.

2200 Toilet - 2210 & back to bed.

2320 Decided to get up, ignored my protestations and got dressed.

2330 Downstairs. "What do you want to do now?" Silence.

Friday January 6

0015 Started reading yesterday's Times with close attention.

0140 Finished reading Times and announced "I'm going upstairs ... to bed." He expressed surprise when I followed him up the stairs.

0145 Took £10 into the toilet.

0153 Back into bedroom, clothes off, pyjamas on and in bed at 0158.

(Why does he seem so much more spry at this time of the morning?)

0830 Awake when I looked in. I suggested he stay in bed for half an hour while I went shopping.

0900 Asleep

1200 Start the process of rousing him.

1230 Karen phoned. I started getting Daddy up.

1235 Toilet

1300 Breakfast.

1700 Tea-salmon & scrambled eggs. ManagedOK

2000 Toilet. Was planning to go to bed until I pointed out yesterday's sequence of events, and he went back downstairs.

2105 Time for bed. Teeth, pills.

2115 Upstairs.

2125 In bed.

2215 Toilet.

2225 Downstairs. Tea and a cheese sandwich.

2350 Upstairs, one step at a time. "Are you going to bed?" "No, I'm just getting my clothes off." But, he was still wearing pyjamas so he put his clothes on and went back downstairs. He expressed surprise that it was midnight but showed no sign of going back to bed.

Saturday January 7

0155 Daddy was reading The Broons at the rate of one page every 10 minutes so I suggested that he might like to go to bed. "No," he said, "I was thinking of having something to eat." "Would you like a piece of shortbread or a chocolate biscuit?" "No." "Would you like some porridge?" "Yes, I would like some porridge." I tried to explain that if he didn't get regular sleep, his health would deteriorate, but porridge he would have, so he did.

0220 After eating his porridge, toilet.

0235 In bed.

0830 Toilet, then pills and back to sleep.

1020 Moira in, I went shopping.

1100 Almost awake, willing to get up but went back to sleep.

1115 Moira away

1310 Getting up of his own accord. Toilet.

1330 Breakfast

1655 Moira in.

1705 Tea

1815 Moira left. Adamant refusal to have a bath, will shave later.

2020 Toilet and back downstairs, not very steady on the stairs.

2110 Decided to go to bed, would shave tomorrow morning, but went into the kitchen to take his pills, saw the shaver laid out and shaved. Then went upstairs

2140 In bed.

2255 Toilet and back to bed. - 2305

Sunday January 8

0135 Toilet. I think he went without his stick and went back for it.

0146 Intended to get up but was easily persuaded to go back to bed, though he expressed doubts that he would stay there for another 5 hours.

0536 Toilet - 0550

0800 I woke Daddy up, yes he would go to Mass but was in no great hurry to get out of bed.

0830 Breakfast

0900 Toilet

0930 Mass, managed OK

1330 Toilet, bath.

Daddy went into the front room, lit his pipe, walked into the living room and fell over. A bit giggly, claimed no ills.

1700 Tea, loin chops and rice, OK.

1840 Toilet - 1855

1920 Smoke rest of pipe, not much.

2010 Toilet )

2150 Toilet ) decreasing agility on stair.

2240 Toilet )

2305 In bed.

Monday January 9

0053 Toilet

0424 Toilet - 0435

0803 Toilet - 0815

1140 Toilet - 1147 and at my suggestion, started to get dressed.

1205 Breakfast & pills

2100 Pills, already in bed.

Tuesday January 10

0120 toilet - 0133

0754 toilet - 0802

1020 "Are you thinking of getting up?" " Yes."

1045 Pills, breakfast.

1655 toilet

1705 mince & pies

2115 porridge & pills

2130 toilet

2140 "Too early to go to bed." and back downstairs.

2230 toilet

2255 In bed.

Wednesday January 11

0040 Toilet or just washing in the dark - 0055

0150 Sitting on edge of bed assured me that he won't get up just yet and gets back under the covers.

0230 Was straightening the bed clothes but was easily persuaded back into bed.

0609 Toilet - 0616 then as 0230 but somewhat less keen to go back to bed.

0925 Lying at an angle with feet on floor. I woke him and asked if he was getting up. He seemed unsure, admitted (when asked) to sore back so I went downstairs for some painkillers. When I came back, he was in bed.

1005 Apparently asleep.

1130 Toilet, dressed

1155 Pills, breakfast.

1400 Dozing in chair.

1430 Awake again

Mrs Campbell came in, bearing crisps

1700 Salmon, sprouts, potatoes. crisps before and after.

2010 Toilet - 2025 Moira brought new slippers.

Tea, snack, pills

2245 In bed

2330 Toilet - 2340 but ...

"Where are Gordon and what's her name sleeping?" " Gordon and Lisa?" "No, the other two." Apparently, we collected two girls from a station and have lost them.

Thursday January 12

0010 Curtain closed, was about to get dressed, went back to bed.

0040 Getting up again, a bit less willing to go back to bed but went anyway.

0250 Fully dressed, sitting lopsided on the end of the bed, acknowledged that it was not time to get up but was getting up anyway.

0300 Downstairs, breakfast, pills, lopsided in chair.

0415 Dozing off.

Thereafter, Daddy slept in the chair, I slept on the couch until I got up at

0654 Daddy still asleep.

Nearly woke a couple of times.

0925 Moira phoned.

0930 Daddy awake, he has no idea when or how he got up, or what he was going to do now.

0945 Toilet. Slow on stairs, probably a bit stiff.

1050 Breakfast No. 2. Painkillers.

1030 I went out leaving Daddy with toast and tea and strict instructions to stay put.

1055 Back. Daddy asleep clutching toast, tea cold. Dropped toast when he woke. Decided he didn't want any more, or fresh tea.

1415 bath, toilet.

1700 Mince, sprouts, potatoes.

1845 Toilet

2100 Pills, toilet - 2115 & back downstairs.

2140 Upstairs. "Is Mary back yet?" "No, she's at home near Stafford." "Oh" Then careful identification of my bedroom and his, couldn't go in because the furniture meant you couldn't stand anywhere, but he did go in after I went in and stood "anywhere", got undressed and into bed. Apparently, if I get the two briquettes which were falling apart, I could use them to replace something unspecified.

2200 In bed

2330 Half dressed, refused to get back into bed, insisted on getting up.

2400 Downstairs.

Friday January 13

0040 Empty glass into kitchen, rejected unripe pear.

0055 Back into kitchen, attempts to eat unripe pear without teeth. Seriously lopsided after half an hour.

0130 Asked for tobacco and matches which I produced.

0140 Lights pipe, first time since Tuesday.

0205 Is he going to bed? Teeth out.

0210 Dragged himself upstairs and into toilet. Changed into pyjamas.

0240 Back into toilet but changed his mind.

0243 In bed.

0619 Toilet - 0635

0925 Awake. Thinks he'll get up "soon".

0930 Given the choice - up now or stay in bed for 40 minutes, he started to get up.

1000 Downstairs, pills, breakfast

1035 I went shopping telling Daddy to stay put.

1105 Back. Daddy was in the toilet!

Dozing much of the day.

1650 "If you want to go to the toilet before tea, go now." "No, I'll go after tea."

1655 Toilet.

1710 Cooler than I had intended, fried haddock, peas, potatoes. He ate well.

2050 Toilet and back downstairs

2200 Pills

2220 Upstairs to toilet, refused to give further intentions.

2235 Out and into bedroom

2250 In bed (but not convincingly).

Saturday January 14

0010 Curtain closed. I left him to it.

0035 Downstairs.

0045 He's sitting in the dark eating fruit allsorts. I put on the light, put in his hearing aid and stretched out on the couch.

0230 Upstairs to toilet.

0250 Downstairs again, dozing in his chair.

0415 "Will you go to bed?" "Why?" Even after I had disabused him of the notion that a) he has to travel to Glasgow today and b) today is Sunday, still no movement.

0430 Started to read the paper.

0515 Upstairs, wandered around, doesn't know who to phone.

0530 Downstairs. He's still not convinced that there is nobody to phone (to tell that he will be in Glasgow on Saturday).

0750 I went for the papers.

0800 I asked why Daddy had spent the last eight hours sitting in his chair. "I woke up..... I had reached..... my date...." and dozed off. I tried again. "When I woke up it was the time you had given us.... for fasting... so I ....." and dozed off.

0820 Toilet - 0835

0840 Pills

0850 Breakfast

1000 Dozing off. Ignored my suggestion that he go to bed.

1155 Either - arm slipped off chair, or he had a fit. Didn't want to go to bed, was feeling OK, back not sore and he went back to sleep.

1305 Almost awake. Would like a cup of tea and a biscuit, would like to go to the toilet first, but failed to stir himself and went back to sleep.

1340 Almost awake, but this time he did stir and went upstairs to the toilet. However, he then took off his trousers and socks and demanded shoes. I persuaded him into the toilet first. Dressed again, downstairs, prunes, porridge, bread and cheese.

1700 Mince & pies, ate quite well.

1930 Toilet - 2000 (had problems changing the toilet roll).

2100 Shave, pills, and so to bed. I don't know if I succeeded in impressing on Daddy the importance of staying in bed until I tell him to get up.

2130 In bed.

2310 Noises. Daddy was sitting on the side of the bed "Good morning, is it time to get up yet?" "No, not by a long way" and he climbed back in.

2325 Curtain closing., making bed. "Too early, you're not getting up until 7 o'clock" and he got back into bed.

2340 ditto.

Sunday January 15

0030 Making the bed again. Would not get back in, ignored me and started to dress.

0055 Shirt and jumper on, no trousers, lying on top of bed, almost asleep. Ignored my suggestion that he would be more comfortable under the covers.

0105 Poking around behind the bedside table, ultimately leaves it alone and heads for the toilet at 0110 - 0120, and got back into bed, half dressed as he was, at 0125.

0155 Another attempt to get up, trousers on by now, sat on the top landing for a while and then set off downstairs at

0215 Teeth in. I fetched his hearing aid. "What do you want to do now?" and reply there came none. So, in the end, I asked if he wanted porridge and he said yes. After that, toast & cheese and tea.

0325 "What do you want to do now?" "We'll just have the same.... something.... whatever the girls will have."

0335 Upstairs, into the toilet, came out at 0400 and decided to go to bed.

0415 In bed, worn out.

0815 I slept in. Daddy was lying across the bed as if ready to get up but not quite awake. I said it was too late to get ready for Mass and he grunted.

0830 Phoned Moira and cancelled. Went upstairs and Daddy was out of bed.

0835 Toilet - 0845

0845 Sitting on end of bed, half asleep. Back sore, "just a dull throb", I fed him some painkillers. I suggested getting back into bed, no. "I'll wake up when I get some food in front of me." So I fetched some prunes which he ate but was less than galvanised.

0915 Stretched out on top of bed. I suggested getting under the covers, "No, I'll go downstairs in a minute or two."

1308 Toilet & started to dress. Fiona arrived so accelerated dressing. Downstairs for breakfast (including more prunes), ate slowly but well.

1500 Fiona departed.

1650 Toilet

1700 Chump chops and rice, no problems, then asked for bread and cheese with his tea. Watched TV for a while, the dozed then read papers. Quite alert for pills at 2145 followed by tea and biccies.

2215 Upstairs, toilet

2235 In bed.

Monday January 16

0200 Daddy was snoring gently when I went to the toilet.

0623 Toilet - 0635 and back into bed.

0855 Phoned doctor, asked for home visit.

1050 Dr McLeod, keep taking the tablets, she'll chase Dr Ritchie (Parkview)

Daddy still very sleepy, would get up "in a few minutes" but would stay in bed meantime.

1345 I suggested he get up.

1350 Toilet - 1405

1425 Breakfast

1650 Toilet

1700 Beans on toast, didn't eat all the bread.

2015 Daddy was engrossed in the paper, showing no signs of moving, so I left him there.

2020 He was halfway up the stairs, two sticks in one hand, glass of juice in the other and (although I didn't know it at the time) coaster in pocket.

2030 Toilet

2040 In bed.

2230 First attempt to get up, easily persuaded back to bed.

2245 Second attempt to get up, took a little longer to get back into bed. Said he would wait till I came back and told him to get up.

2305 Taking his pyjamas off, nut then got back under the covers.

2323 Putting his pyjamas on "starting over again"

Tuesday January 17

0025 Just finished making the bed, but got back in without demur.

0105 ditto, though he's beginning to sound a bit impatient.

0130 Toilet - 0143 and back into bed!

0205 Just getting out of bed.

0223 Just finished making the bed.

0358 Already dressed and on the move.

0400 Downstairs. "What are you going to do now?" "I'll just wait till 6 o'clock when I'll have the first eating of the day." I fetched my sleeping bag.

0645 My alarm went off. Daddy still sitting apparently reading. I went up to cancel the alarm and fell asleep.

0705 Daddy went to the toilet - 0720

0740 Pills, breakfast

0900 Conversation. "What are you going to do now?" "How many of us are keeping watches during the night?" "At night you go to bed and stay awake in case of burglars." I asked "If you don't sleep at night, when do you sleep?" and he dozed off.

0945 I discover he's still wearing his pyjamas under his clothes, he doesn't care, he doesn't want to go to bed for an hour. Conversation confused.

0955 "What are you going to do now?" "I'm gong to bed." And, with a little prompting, he did by 1010.

1140 He wasn't quite asleep. I asked whether he would get up or stay in bed. "What time's Mass?" "Two days ago, this is Tuesday." "I wish they wouldn't do that." and closed his eyes again.

1255 Decided to get up

1310 Toilet

1325 Downstairs, and another breakfast.

1655 Toilet - 1720

Didn't finish his cabbage (my cooking).


2000 Daddy thought he heard someone call "Mr Reynolds" but a look around outside revealed nothing.

2020 Toilet 2100 Pills

2120 Karen phoned.

2125 Daddy complained of sore left leg, below knee. Nothing obvious, been sore most of the day. We'll see if it wears off having taken painkillers earlier.

2210 Upstairs, toilet.

2235 In bed.

2335 Thinking of getting up, right hip now sore, left leg less so. Took more painkillers.

Wednesday January 18

0105 Seemed determined to get up but went to toilet and back to bed at 0118.

0220 "Is there any food on the go downstairs?" No, so he went to the toilet - 0230

0340 Dressed and halfway downstairs before I heard him. "What do you want to do now?" "I'll have something to eat when something becomes available." "What do you want to eat?" "Oh, just something quick." "Bread and cheese?" Yes, bread and cheese ... and ... " and after a bit " ... porridge." "And prunes?" "Yes, and prunes." "So you want your breakfast?" "Yes, breakfast."

0400 Breakfast.

0445 Smoking.

0500 Decided to go to bed. Teeth out, pills in.

0525 Toilet. 0545 In bed.

0855 Almost awake.

0915 Lying across bed, feet on floor. I start nagging to get up or get back into bed. Still no decision after half an hour, so I encouraged him back into bed. Painkillers.

0950 Didn't go shopping.

1040 Started agitating to get Daddy up. He agrees in principle but not keen in practise.

1105 Toilet - 1115

1130 Breakfast.

1200 Fiona arrives.

1525 Toilet - 1540

1625 Fiona left.

1700 Scrambled eggs and salmon, managed OK.

1930 Toilet - 1950

2050 Toilet (football half time) - 2110

2155 Moira phoned.

2210 Porridge & pills (the tea was too hot!).

2230 Upstairs, toilet.

2255 In bed. Not too spry.

2325 Sitting (or more lying) on the edge of the bed, "What are you doing?" "I rescued a leaf" but the leaf had vanished, nor could he remember whence he had rescued it.

2330 Back in bed.

2343 Daddy talking to himself.

2355 Something hit the tallboy. Daddy lying over edge of bed. "John burst out of my arms when he hit the drawers". I assured him I was OK, and got him straightened up.

Thursday January 19

0012 Talking again?

0015 Toilet (though I think he may have had other ideas before I intercepted him).

0025 Back to bed.

0050 Daddy was going downstairs to eat something, come what may. He wasn't hungry but he was out of his bed and ought to go downstairs. So, downstairs he went and set about making toast which he was going to put in a plastic bag to keep it clean. I made the toast, and served it with his teeth. He ate most of the toast and the put his teeth in.

0150 Off exploring the kitchen.

0210 Upstairs without sticks, toilet.

0220 Back downstairs, sat in chair.

0300 Went for a walk around the front room.

0315 Came back with tobacco and matches.

0400 Looked as if he was putting lighted match back in box. I confiscated matches. He was not happy but said nothing.

0450 Upstairs. 0500 In bed.

0750 Toilet - 0805

0810 Downstairs, pyjama trousers and a jumper. Pills, breakfast. Very dozy.

0930 I suggested he do his sleeping in bed and he agreed. Then he found another crust down the side of his chair.

0945 Upstairs. 0950 In bed.

1320 Sitting on edge of bed, complaining of pain in right hip, fed him a couple of painkillers.

1328 Toilet.

1345 Out of toilet, insisted on going downstairs in his pyjamas, once there he dozed off. When asked "What next?", he fell asleep. So I fetched slippers, jumper and juice and left them close to hand.

1410 Woke up, read his mail then back to sleep.

1500 He has donned jumper and slippers and gone back to sleep, all in the last 10 minutes.

1630 I persuaded Daddy that he ought to get dressed, he admitted that he was a bit chilly. So, upstairs, toilet and dress for dinner at 1700.

1820 Used matches to light pipe.

2000 Shave. 2015 Toilet.

2100 Tea, cheese sandwich, pills.

2200 Teeth out, upstairs.

2215 In bed.

2345 Back into bed but it was only a half-hearted attempt to get up.

Friday 20th January

0107 Toilet and back to bed.

0230 A confused attempt to get up, donning another pair of pyjamas over the old ones.

0255 Back to bed.

0700 Still asleep.

0740 Awake 0750 Toilet.

0805 Painkillers and back to bed.

1225 Stirrings. 1235 Toilet.

1300 Downstairs, breakfast, pills. Slept most of the afternoon.

1700 Fried fish, peas, potatoes. Ate well but not many potatoes. "When do we have to be packed and ready to go home?"

Smoked pipe.

2045 Daddy decide to go to bed. He cleaned his teeth himself, then took pills, went upstairs and to the toilet. Seemed surprised when I said there was no reason to get up in the night.

2120 In bed.

2330 Thinking about getting up. "Have all the girls gone?" "What girls?" "The ones who are going to school." I assured him that there was no-one else in the house and nothing need be done till morning. Two minutes later -

2340 he took off his pyjamas and got back into bed. I could not understand the reasoning.

Saturday 21st January

0040 Toilet - 0050 and back into bed.

0150 Another attempt to get up. I persuaded him to put pyjamas on and get back into bed.

0420 Downstairs. Shirt and jumper (inside out) over pyjamas. He disposed of a handful of dog hairs from the dog which had been in the room where I was the night before last.

0530 Back upstairs, toilet and into bed. Not a word of explanation.

0830 Restless in bed. I asked if he was thinking of getting up and he said, yes, he would get up, but made no move.

0910 Feet hit floor.

0915 Toilet - 0930

0950 Downstairs, breakfast, pills.

Moira, Karen, Sorley.

1640 Toilet - 1650. Quite comfortable on the stair.

1705 Mince & pie, ate quite well.

1845 Refused to have a bath.

1930 Agreed to have a bath.

1945 Upstairs.

2030 Downstairs, a bit unsteady on the stair.


2130 Teeth out, pills, toilet, looks like he's seeing threads again.

2150 In bed.

2250 Up again, doesn't recognise this as our house, wants to go over there to sort out "they" who are going to move into what they have been told is our house. I refused to let him go out so he is sitting in the living room at 2310. "Would you like a cup of tea?" "The mother of the house has already spoken about making the tea." End of conversation.

2340 Lights pipe.

2350 Upstairs, toilet.

2400 In bed.

Sunday 22 January

0200 Downstairs. He'd been bored stiff by the people who did the behind-the-scenes whatever-it-was the first time we'd done whatever-it-was with this building. "Your house" "This is not my house."

0205 Lit pipe. Reading the Broons at some point.

0405 After a brief wander around, he went upstairs and started to put on trousers. "Where are you going?" "For a paper." "The shop doesn't open till 7" had no effect.

0425 Downstairs to go for paper. "Shop doesn't open till 7" "I'll go out at 7. Meanwhile I'll go to the toilet." and back upstairs.

0430 Toilet. Didn't want to wait in bed so

0440 Downstairs.

1445 Lights pipe.

0500 Dons jacket and old shoes.

0510 Upstairs to collect money and back down.

0515 sat in chair.

0600 Dons big jacket.

0715 Removes jackets. Breakfast & pills

0830 Still wants to go to Mass.

0835 Upstairs to change.

0850 Toilet

0930 Mass. Managed OK.

1550 Toilet. Not too spry on the stair going up.

1620 A bit better coming down. Starting to pick at threads.

1730 Tea time. Asked for the bag to put away smoking materials, a la hospital.

1735 Chump chops & rice. Managed OK.

2030 Pills

2105 Toilet - 2120 then a thread hunt and back downstairs at 2145.

2355 Snooker finished.

Monday 23 January

0002 Toilet

0030 Talking to himself? "Don't fall into the same trap as he has done by using bad language.

0200 Scratching endless supply of thread off the floor. Apparently we've been staying with someone for the last week.

0225 Still scraping threads off the floor, ignores suggestion to leave till morning.

0240 He suddenly got into bed, just like that.

0300 Getting dressed over his pyjamas.

0310 Downstairs, sitting in chair, almost asleep.

0400 Smoking.

0500 Upstairs. Toilet, back down demanding breakfast.

0620 Pills.

0730 Smoking.

0745 Asleep in chair.

0755 Decides he'll go to chapel, upstairs to dress. Ignores my explanation that he can't go out without more support. Downstairs, puts on jacked and shoes.

0845 Going for heavy jacket. I lay down the law, not pleased, seriously disappointed.

0900 "All right, we wont go." and puts on heavy jacket.

0915 Fell asleep in chair, still dressed to go out.

1500 I woke him up, fed him a couple of painkillers and he went back to sleep.

1515 I phoned Parkview. No referral recently, can be faxed to 3038811.

1650 Refused to wake up for tea. Said he would take a cup of tea but didn't want beans on toast, and then went back to sleep.

1850 Further discussion on menu, a win for porridge and toast. Toilet first, porridge OK, tendency to fall asleep over toast.

2030 Finally started to take an interest in things, read paper, took pills.

2200 Cup of tea.

2235 Into kitchen to wash hands. "Are you going to bed?" "No, it'll be at least 11.30 before I go."

2245 Jacket on. "Where are you going?" "To Mass." I pointed out Mass is at 0930, it was now 1045. Sat down, jacket still on. Smoked pipe & dozed off. More ash on carpet.

2315 Attempted to escape out the back door to go to Mass. I made it clear that he was going nowhere and he took his jacket off.

2355 Upstairs, into pyjamas.

Tuesday 24 January

0005 Toilet. 0018 In bed.

0440 Toilet.

0920 Toilet and back into bed.

1400 Time he was up, start stirring.

1425 Toilet, and back into bed while my back was turned.

1435 Pills in bed.

1530 Downstairs. Just prunes and toast for breakfast.

1700 Salmon, sprouts, potatoes, hardly awake. Continued to doze till about 2030 then woke up enough to read paper.

2145 Toilet - 2155

2215 Tea & pills

2330 Upstairs, pyjamas, toilet.

2345 In bed.

Wednesday 25 January

0200 Toilet ??

0405 Toilet - 0415

0455 Up and dressed.

0500 Downstairs.

0515 Breakfast, pills.

0900 Yes he would have a glass of juice and take it upstairs with him. "Why are you going upstairs?" "To go to bed." So I opened the curtains. He seemed a little surprised that it was daylight outside.

0930 Asleep - 1400

1415 Toast and tea.

1700 Toilet, OK on stairs.

2145 Shave, tea, pills.

2235 Upstairs, pyjamas, toilet (a bit unsteady on the way in).

2250 In bed. I suggested he should not get up before it was light outside. "I'll just get up when it's time to get up."

Thursday January 26

0105 Making the bed. I persuaded him to get back into it.

0220 Toilet. Half dressed, bed made.

0230 back, finished dressing.

0245 downstairs

0355 Into kitchen so I made his breakfast.

0455 Upstairs, toilet, pyjamas

0510 In bed.

0830 getting up

0855 Breakfast, pills

1020 Toilet

1030 Downstairs. A bit dozy but not asleep.

1330 Tea & cheese sandwich, went to sleep

1530 Awake again, fresh tea and finished his sandwich.

1650 Toilet

1705 Mince, cauliflower, potatoes managed OK

2200 Tea & pills

2305 Upstairs, toilet

2330 In bed.

Friday January 27

0140 toilet & back to bed - 0153

0220 and back to bed

0300 Magnanimous offer - I can go back to bed and Daddy would get his own breakfast. So good I had to refuse. (And had to replace the light in the living room.)

0325 downstairs, breakfast

0400 toilet - 0415 and back downstairs

0450 upstairs, partially undressed then re-dressed himself.

0510 downstairs

0530 upstairs, didn't know why but not going to bed. Pyjamas and into bed.

0730 Getting dressed, third shirt going on. "Are you getting up?" "Don't know." "Are you going back to bed?" "Don't know." "Will you have a bath?" "No." In the end, I decided that he was more likely to get up than go back to bed so got him dressed and downstairs.

0820 Breakfast (No. 2), pills

0915 Toilet - 0930 Did not recognise his pyjamas, thinks his clothes are all mixed up.

0945 Downstairs, reasonably alert this morning.

1535 Toilet - 1550

1620 Dr Ritchie phoned, will visit next Tuesday, about 10 or 10.30

1705 Fried haddock, peas, potatoes. "Your tea is ready" "Where do I go for that?" Otherwise managed OK

1920 Teeth out, upstairs, toilet & back downstairs.

2045 smoking

2200 tea, biscuits, pills

2230 Upstairs

2240 In bed.

2315 Talking to himself? I was in the bathroom and couldn't make out what was being said but it sounded quite coherent.

2330 Scratching the carpet. I persuaded him to leave it till morning and he got back into bed.

2350 Out of bed, but will go back after he's been to the toilet.

Saturday January 28

0000 Toilet, not at all steady on his feet.

0015 Back in bed (with an extra shirt to keep warm) but promising to get up and make his breakfast "in a reasonably quick time". I suggested a long time was better.

0310 Sitting on edge of bed. "Is it still too early?" "Yes." and he got back in.

0400 Toilet. Determined to go downstairs in pyjamas, couldn't find a pocket for his money.

0425 Downstairs. "What now?" "Don't know" so I got my sleeping bag.

0525 In kitchen, scrubbing basin.

0545 Breakfast, pills, smoking.

0710 Toilet (or did he?)

0725 In bed.

1115 A bit twisted in bed as if he was thinking of getting up, but still asleep.

1200 Covers partially off but still asleep. I replaced them but they were displaced again ten minutes later.

1225 Sitting on edge of bed. Complaining of back pain so painkillers. I said he must have a bath today, now was a better time than most, so toilet, bath and dressed

1335 Downstairs, breakfast

1415 Mary phoned.

1515 Daddy had spilled his tea at some point, had to resort to Sunday trousers, two pairs already in the wash.

Asleep till tea time.

1655 Toilet - 1715 (problems with belt buckle)

1715 Tea - pie and mince, managed OK.

1815 Painkillers then to sleep in front of the football.

2020 Daddy put his shoes on. "Why?" "I'm just getting things as I think of them." "Why?" "To go back where I came from." I pointed out that here was where he came from but he still expected to travel. The he fell asleep again.

2225 Toilet, decided to shave upstairs and having done so, didn't feel like going to bed. I had to use the stick - no sleep, no Mass. Pills.

2310 In bed.

Sunday January 29

0340 Not time to get up. Toilet then and back to bed 0353.

0530 Toilet?

0745 Time to get up, not too difficult.

0810 Downstairs, breakfast, pills.

0930 Mass, managed OK


Smoking, not for long but a bit subdued afterwards.

1700 Chump chops and rice, no problems.

2130 tea and pills

2230 Upstairs, toilet

2255 In bed.

Monday January 30

0105 Took sticks into toilet and went back into bedroom. "It happened again." "What happened?" "The coffin fell off the hearse." Whose coffin, where, when, he couldn't say but he had to get up to be ready to go to the funeral. I could not convince him there was no funeral. I left him to dress himself, he did, then got back into bed at 0145.

0425 Toilet - 0435 and downstairs.

0445 "We have been asked to deal with an undertaker.. etc." and we are now waiting for the undertaker.

0515 smoking

0715 Breakfast, pills.

0930 Toilet - 0940

1115 Off to bed. A bit confused about the time, and why, but decided on balance to go.

1125 In bed, painkillers.

1650 Didn't look too settled so I woke him and he said he would get up for tea. Took a couple of visits. Toilet.

1725 Downstairs, beans on toast.

1900 smoking

2200 tea, biscuits, pills

2310 shave

2335 toilet

2345 In bed.

Tuesday January 31

0355 Toilet - 0405 and persuaded back to bed.

0545 Dressed and on his way downstairs.

0615 Breakfast, pills

0725 Toilet - 0735

1050 Dr Ritchie. Daddy did better in tests than in hospital though short-term memory still poor. Improvement could be due to being at home. Thinks Lewybody's dementia may be involved to he decided to half the quetiapine dose.

1240 Soup, sandwich, tea.

1350 Toilet - 1405

Quite alert through the afternoon.

1655 Toilet - 1715

Salmon, cabbage/broccoli, potatoes, managed OK.

1900 smoking

2125 tea & biccies, pills - only one quetiapine.

2235 Toilet

2250 In bed.

Moira phoned.

Wednesday February 1

0225 Toilet 0 0235 and back into bed.

0510 Changing socks. 0520 Toilet

0545 Downstairs, breakfast, pills

0800 smoking 0815 upstairs

0825 In bed.

1045 "Are you thinking of getting up?" "Yes. Is this Sunday?" "No, it's Wednesday." "Oh."

1105 Toilet

1115 Downstairs, breakfast No. 2.

1230 smoking 1525 Toilet - 1545

1700 Scrambled egg & salmon. Ate well.

1935 Toilet - 1945 plus a bit to change pants.

2155 pills

2240 Upstairs, change into pyjamas, "Are you going to the toilet?" "Yes" and gets into bed.

2315 Toilet - 2325 & back into bed.

Thursday February 2

0434 Toilet - 0444

0455 Downstairs, breakfast.

0615 Upstairs. 0630 In bed.

0800 Toilet - 0810, pyjamas off, pyjamas on, until I intervened, trousers on.

0830 Downstairs, breakfast No. 2., pills

1000 smoking 1030 sleeping

1215 reading 1245 Toilet - 1255

1300 Soup, sandwich, tea.

1700 Mince, potatoes, cauliflower, broccoli, OK.

1930 Toilet - 1945

2025 "I think I'll go to bed." Pills and inertia.

2145 Decided to take some tea and biccies but started to doze off. A bit more twitchy than usual

2220 I decided to get Daddy up to bed, he was willing and managed to stay awake long enough to get there. He didn't want to go to the toilet.

2240 In bed.

Friday February 3

0350? Toilet & back into bed.

0655 Toilet - 0705 & got dressed

0725 Downstairs

0740 Breakfast, pills then dozed off.

0845 Asleep

1000 Awake again, quite alert.

1230 Soup, sandwich, tea.

Smoking 1645 Toilet

1705 Fried haddock, peas, potatoes. OK.

2045 Shave 2100 Toilet

2215 Tea, pills 2255 Toilet

2320 In bed.

Saturday February 4

0345 Toilet - 0355 & back into bed

0635 Toilet - 0645 & back into bed

0825 Up and dressed (clothes over pyjamas)

0835 Downstairs, breakfast, pills

0955 Toilet - 1005

Slept most of the morning.

1300 Soup, sandwich, tea.

1520 Toilet - 1535 and removed pyjamas.

1710 Mince & pies, managed OK

1845 "I'll just go up to bed." "You'll have to have a bath first."

1900 Toilet, bath, dressed again

1940 Downstairs. 2145 Pills

2200 Upstairs 2215 Toilet

2230 In bed.

Sunday February 5

0520 ? and back to bed.

0805 Toilet

0830 Pills, breakfast (no toast)

0930 Mass, OK.

1320 Toilet - 1330

1630 Mary phoned & Daddy decided his trousers were too tight and started taking them off. I managed to stop him.

1655 Toilet

1710 Chump chops & rice.

1905 Decided to take teeth out and go to bed, despite recognising the early hour.

1930 In bed, and I went out to play with the car.

2000 Daddy was coming down the stairs as I came back in the door. Into the living room, used nail file to shift two crumbs off the chair and said he would go upstairs to bed. "Why did you come downstairs?" "I came down to the toilet." "But the toilet is upstairs." " Yes, I'll go up to the toilet." and up he went, and into his bedroom. "Did you go to the toilet?" pause "Yes."

2010 In bed.

Monday February 6

0017 Toilet - 0026 0327 Toilet

0635 Heading downstairs in his pyjamas. "Are you not going to dress?" "Yes, but I'll make my breakfast first."

0645 Pills, breakfast.

0730 Asleep in chair clutching remnant of toast.

0820 Awake again, finished toast, I replaced cold tea but he was still dozing off.

0930 Upstairs, toilet, dressed.

0955 Downstairs, dozing for much of the morning.

1300 Soup, sandwich, tea. 1415 Toilet

1705 beans on toast, a bit messy.

1745 Toilet

1800 Downstairs and about to go straight back up to bed. I dissuaded him.

1900 Declared intention to go to bed. I dissuaded him again.

1945 Pills

2000 By now he had his socks off so up to bed.

2020 In bed.

Tuesday February 7

0240? Toilet - 0250 & back into bed.

0618 Toilet - 0627 & ditto

0830 Awake, ready to get up, needs a shave

0838 Toilet

0900 Downstairs, pills, breakfast

1100 Dozing off

1115 Smoked furiously for 2 minutes then twitched for 10 minutes. Didn't do much for a couple of hours.

1315 Soup, sandwich, tea.

1435 Daddy decided to go to bed, I managed to dissuade him.

1510 Daddy decided to go to bed. "You can't go to bed, you haven't had your tea yet." "Ah, but I've had my lunch." I hadn't the heart to stop him.

1515 Toilet.

1525 In bed.

1645 Toilet - 1657 & back into bed.

1820 Getting up

1840 Downstairs

1915 Porridge & toast, banana and ice cream.

2030 Upstairs, toilet, pills.

2100 In bed.

2245 Sitting on the edge of the bed, pyjama trousers off. I asked his intentions, no reply, but he lay back across the bed and dragged the covers across himself. I persuaded him to straighten up. Still there 15 minutes later (breathing quite heavily).

Wednesday February 8

0212 Toilet - 0224 & back into bed.

0607 Toilet - 0619

0855 Getting up but with difficulty standing. Poor balance.

0920 Downstairs, with some difficulty but he managed. Pills, breakfast.

1045 Shave. Moving more easily.

1255 Toilet - 1305

1310 Soup, sandwich, tea. When asked, he said he would stay up until tea time.

1700 Aberdeen boneless, cabbage, potatoes. I think I'll have to skin the fish next time.

2100 Pills 2215 Toilet

2245 In bed.

I slept through the night.

Thursday February 9

0820 On the move, feeling "tired".

0828 Toilet - 0840

0855 Downstairs, pills, breakfast, somewhat lopsided. Asleep for much of the morning.

1300 Soup, sandwich, tea. 1430 Smoking

1650 Toilet

1715 Mince, cabbage, potatoes, managed OK.

Smoking 2145 Toilet, pills

2158 In bed.

Friday February 10

0350 Apparently still asleep but feet on floor. I decided to leave him for 10 minutes to see what happened but I fell asleep.

0705 Getting up, toilet.

0730 Downstairs, pills, breakfast. Still lopsided.

0900 Dozing for a couple of hours.

1300 Soup, sandwich, tea.

1345 Toilet - 1355 1405 Smoking

1705 Fried haddock, peas, potatoes. OK.

1855 Toilet - 1915

2225 Upstairs, pyjamas, toilet.

2250 In bed.

Saturday February 11

0650 Closing curtains.

0700 Toilet - 0712

0730 Downstairs, breakfast, pills.

1115 Apparently pointless trip upstairs - 1125

1330 Soup, sandwich, tea.

1520 Upstairs, toilet, bath. 1605 Downstairs.

1700 Mince, pies, OK. 1950 Pills, shave.

2010 "What time is it?" "Ten past eight." "It's still too early, I'll just go and sit for a while."

2120 "What time is that?" "Twenty past nine." "I'll just go up to bed."

2135 Toilet. 2145 In bed.

Sunday February 12

0620 Toilet - 0630 "You can go back to bed for another hour if you want." and he did!

0750 Toilet - 0800

0815 Downstairs, pills, breakfast (part)

0930 Mass - almost dozed off a couple of times.

1200 Smoking 1450 Karen & Mike

1555 Toilet, changed clothes.

1700 Chump chops, rice, OK.

1920 Toilet - 1935

2115 Upstairs, pyjamas, toilet.

2143 In bed.

Monday February 13

0406 Toilet - 0420 and back into bed.

0700 Getting up

0725 Downstairs (leaning back) , pills, breakfast.

0830 Slow eating, asleep before finishing first piece of toast.

1015 Woke up, toilet - 1030

Fresh tea but still dozing.

1315 Martin Smith CPN will call about 1400.

1410 Martin Smith will discuss with Dr Ritchie next Monday and will call again that afternoon.

1655 Toilet

1705 Beans on toast, better than last week but still messy.

1830 Smoking.

2030 Upstairs, pyjamas, noticeable urine leakage.

2040 Toilet 2050 Pills

2055 In bed.

Tuesday February 14

0055 Curtain closing. Daddy had started to remove his pyjamas. I protested that it was too early to get up, he looked at the clock "Is that 1256?" "Yes" "I don't know why I woke up" and put the jacket back on. But then he went to put his shirt on. I objected so he desisted and put his jumper on instead. "Are you cold?" "No, but I will be." and went off to the toilet.

0115 In bed.

0642 Toilet - 0655 and beck into bed!

0945 Getting dressed. Ignored my suggestion that he should go to the toilet before putting his trousers on.

1000 Toilet - 1010

1015 Downstairs, pills, breakfast.

1100 Asleep when I went out, asleep when I came back at 1145 but had finished his tea and toast, and shuffled the papers.

1220 Awake and quite comfortable.

1335 Toilet - 1345

1350 Tea and sandwich

1545 Smoking

1700 Salmon, cabbage, potatoes, managed OK

1945 Toilet

1950 I heard a thump from the toilet. "Are you all right?" "Wait a minute" and opened the door. Apparently he had just sat down heavily.

2000 Shave

2015 Pills, and back into the living room to sit "till it's time for bed.

2050 Upstairs

2110 In bed.

2320 Woke up, got out of bed, realised it was too early to get up. Was sitting on the bed when I went in. Decided he might as well go to the toilet 2335 - 2355 and back into bed.

Wednesday February 15

0255 Getting dressed. He accepted that it was too early to get up and got back into bed (after taking painkillers for sore back).

0430 More layers of clothes. I asked him to get back into bed and he put his slippers on.

0445 Downstairs. "Do you want your breakfast now or wait till breakfast time?" He decided to wait.

0600 Pills, breakfast.

0715 Dozing, agreed he'd be better in bed but made no effort to move and went to sleep.

1030 Upstairs, toilet, finished dressing.

1100 Downstairs and back to sleep.

1300 Soup, sandwich, tea.

1415 Smoking

1700 Scrambled eggs and corned beef sandwiches.

1735 Toilet - 1805 (trying to replace the toilet roll)

2045 I caught him at the door, on his way to close Mrs Campbell's door because "a man said he was away to bed in 4 minutes and John is out. Oh. you're here." Said he would just go to bed, took pills and went back to watch second half of Bolton - Marseilles.

2155 Upstairs. Didn't need the toilet. "You'll be up in half an hour."

2205 In bed.

2235 Toilet and back into bed (I think).

Thursday February 16

0150 Took sticks into toilet, left them there, had a look down the stairs "to see what is happening downstairs". Nothing, so back into bed.

0335 Pyjamas off, "Everybody's up." "Nobody's up" Refused to put pyjamas back on but did get back into bed.

0715 Sitting on the end of the bed, almost dressed, but had run out of steam. I helped him in to the toilet.

0735 Downstairs. He managed by himself but it was slow going.

0800 Pills, breakfast.

0915 After waking him several times to finish his breakfast, I persuaded him to go back up to bed.

0930 In bed.

0931 Asleep.

1130 Still asleep but feet progressing towards the floor.

1140 Sitting on edge of bed. "How are you feeling now?" "Much the same as when you sent me to bed." "Are you getting up?" "Yes" "Are you going to the toilet?" "Yes" and promptly got back under the covers.

1300 Got dressed again, Toilet.

1330 Downstairs. Soup, sandwich, tea.

Fiona & Asha - 1615

1630 Toilet - 1645

1710 Mince, sprouts, potatoes. OK

1815 Smoking

2050 Toilet - 2115 Change trousers.

2130 Downstairs 2150 Pills

2235 Upstairs 2245 In bed

2305 Toilet - 2320 and back into bed.

Friday February 17

0415 Getting dressed. I told him it was too early to get up and he sort of agreed.

0420 Toilet - 0430 and back into bed.

0715 Awake. Agreed to stay put while I went for the paper.

0730 Getting dressed

0740 Toilet - 0750

0755 Downstairs, pills, breakfast, asleep after the first bite of toast. (0830)

0915 Phoned doctor - incontinence, swollen ankles, puffy face. wheeze.

1105 Dr Clister. Water pills should help swollen ankles and any slight fluid in lungs, but might aggravate incontinence. Will refer to incontinence clinic and will contact Lightburn with a view to bringing forward the March 21 appointment. Daddy was more or less asleep throughout.

1310 Toilet - 1325

1317 Phone call from District Nurse (Lesley Martin). Will call March 1, keep a urine sample, she'll take a blood sample. The March 30 visit will be on 29th.

1345 Restart breakfast from porridge.

1600 Toilet

1700 Fried haddock, peas, potatoes - OK

2030 Upstairs, toilet, pills

2105 In bed.

Saturday February 18

0538 Toilet - 0550 (shirt and trousers on over pyjamas) and back into bed without a word.

0730 Almost awake. I asked him to stay put for 10 mins while I went for the paper.

0810 Awake, but opted to stay in bed for a while so I went shopping.

0855 Toilet, having sorted his attire by himself.

0920 Downstairs, pills, breakfast.

1000 Asleep, but at least he finished his toast first.

1300 Toilet - 1310

1320 Soup, sandwich, tea.

1513 Toilet - 1530 change trousers

1700 Pies & mince

1720 Toilet 0 1735, resumed eating.

2000 Toilet, bath

2106 Phone call from Kev & Judy

2220 Upstairs

2240 In bed, though he is sure he's gone to bed too early.

Sunday February 19

0700 Apparently still asleep.

0705 Sitting on edge of bed. Agreed to go to the

0710 Toilet - 0720

0745 Downstairs, pills (except water pill), breakfast.

0855 Toilet - 0910

0930 Mass. Managed OK, a bit sleepy

1100 Water pill

1155 Toilet - 1205, change trousers

1215 Smoking

1240 Asleep

1255 Toilet - 1310 and back to sleep

1415 Toilet - 1430 change trousers etc.

1615 ditto

1710 Chump chops, rice - managed well.

1800 Smoking

1915 Toilet - 1927 and back downstairs.

2100 Pills, upstairs

2110 Toilet, no accidents.

2120 In bed.

Monday February 20

0610 Toilet - 0620 and back into bed

1155 getting up

1203 Toilet - 1213

1220 Downstairs, pills, breakfast, dozed off.

1400 Martin Smith, CPN, discontinue quetiapine, will call again Mar 13, didn't feel it necessary to see Daddy who was still asleep.

1520 Toilet - at my repeated suggestion

1555 Smoking

1700 Beans on toast - very tidy this week

1750 Toilet - 1755

1800 Smoking

2045 Tea & sandwich

2130 Pills

2235 Upstairs, toilet

2255 In bed.

Tuesday February 21

0810 Toilet, shirt & jumper over pyjamas.

0820 Re-dress

0830 Downstairs, pills, breakfast.

Read paper, alert this morning.

1050 Smoking

1230 Soup, sandwich, tea

1340 Toilet

1700 Toilet

1715 Smoked haddock, sprouts, potatoes. Managed very well.

2150 Toilet

2205 Pills, tea & biccies.

2250 In bed.

Wednesday February 22

0717 Toilet - 0727 and back into bed.

1100 "Are you getting up?" "Yes" and dozed off.

1115 "I'm half up" and dozed off.

1140 Downstairs, pills, breakfast.

1400 Toilet - 1410

1650 Toilet

1700 Scrambled eggs, salmon - quite tidy

1750 Smoking

2115 pills, toilet

2137 In bed.

Thursday February 23

0015 Curtains closing. "It's too early to get up." "I have to shave." "You can do that in the morning." "It is the morning." "Only just, it's just gone midnight." "Is this Sunday?" "No, it's Thursday." "It's an awful business not knowing what day it is." and he got back into bed "till you tell me it's time to get up."

0555 Toilet - 0605 and back into bed.

0800 Getting up

0815 Downstairs, pills, breakfast.

0930 Dozing.

1035 Toilet - 1045

1100 Tea, and dozed off again.

1320 Toilet - 1335

1345 Soup, sandwich, tea.

1655 Toilet (with some difficulty climbing stairs).

1715 Mince, cabbage, potatoes - OK.

1815 Smoking.

2145 Shave

2200 Pills

2205 Toilet - 2215

2220 In bed.

Friday February 24

0440 Toilet - 0445

0830 Half dressed.

0845 Downstairs, pills, breakfast.

1000 Toilet - 1010

and dozed most of the morning while I was out shopping.

1330 Soup, sandwich, tea. Frank Cullen came in but didn't stay.

1430 Toilet - 1440


1650 Toilet

1700 Fried haddock, peas, potatoes - OK.


2115 Pills

2215 Upstairs, into toilet and straight back out. Into pyjamas and heading for bed. "Are you not going to the toilet?" "No, I went just recently." and into bed.

2230 Toilet.

Saturday February 25

0355 Toilet (slippers on) - 0405 and back into bed.

0715 Getting up

0725 Downstairs

0735 Pills, breakfast

0930 Toilet - 0940

Moira came in, I went shopping


1125 Moira, Paul & Sorley left

1130 Tea & biccies.

1230 Toilet - 1245

1555 Toilet - 1605

1610 Mince & pies, managed well

1945 Shave

2000 Toilet, bath

2050 downstairs

2145 Pills

2200 Toilet

2220 In bed.

2335 A bit of a thump, Daddy's feet fell out of bed

Sunday February 26

0735 Wakened, sat on edge of bed then lay down and got back under the covers.

0740 Covers back off.

0755 Toilet

0705 Downstairs, pills, prunes & porridge, tea.

0850 Toilet - 0905

0930 Mass - not very steady on his feet.

1030 Water pill, toast, Moira, Karen, Fiona, Paul, Sorley, Asha

1215 Toilet

1230 Asked for pipe and went to sleep.

1445 Toilet - 1455

1705 Chump chops, rice - managed well

1740 Toilet - 1750

1830 Smoking

2200 Pills

2215 Upstairs, very slow on stairs

2225 Toilet

2235 In bed.

Monday February 27

0704 Toilet - 0713 and back into bed.

1055 Toilet - 1105

1120 Downstairs, pills, breakfast.

1200 Asleep, halfway through toast

1300 Fresh tea, back to sleep

1500 Toilet - 1510

1705 Beans on toast, no mess.

1750 Toilet - 1800

1945 Smoking.

2110 Taking his teeth out having already shaved!

2115 Pills

2123 Toilet - 2135

Ointment on itchy ankles

2145 In bed.

Tuesday February 28

0830 Toilet - 0838, Time to get up but got back into bed to think about it.

0900 Downstairs, pills, breakfast, dozed most of the morning.

1300 Soup, sandwich, tea.

1420 Toilet - 1430

1430 Smoking

1710 Salmon, cabbage, potatoes - OK

1845 Toilet - 1855

2015 Pills

2025 Toilet

2040 In bed.

2357 Thought it was time to get up, claimed his clock is always wrong, got back into bed.

Wednesday March 1

0940 Bed made very tidily.

0642 Toilet - 0651. He was quite amenable when I suggested he go back to bed.

0940 Bed made, about to go into toilet when District Nurse came for samples so he got dressed instead.

1000 District Nurse away, toilet

1010 Downstairs, pills, breakfast.

1120 Went for his pipe. I asked him not to light it while I was out shopping and he agreed.

1200 Asleep - 1300

1315 Smoking

1400 Toilet - 1415

1415 Sandwich, tea.

1650 Toilet

1700 Scrambled eggs, salmon - OK


2115 Shave

2130 After cleaning shaver at the back door, Daddy turned and dived across the kitchen into the radiator. Split on forehead, grazed knee, bruised elbow. Not stunned or confused so I decided against calling the doctor. Patched split with germoline and lint.

2210 Pills

2215 Toilet

2230 In bed.

Thursday March 2

0745 Toilet. Wound had just started to bleed so I re-dressed it with a bandage.

0815 Back in bed, painkillers.

1150 Bandage dislodged, Daddy decided to get up but made no move.

1215 Toilet, fresh bandage

1240 Downstairs, pills, breakfast.

1335 Smoking

Fiona & Asha - 1610

1700 Toilet

1715 Mince, cabbage, potatoes - OK

1830 Smoking

2000 Toilet - 2015, damp trousers

2100 Plaster on head.

2115 Pills

2205 Upstairs

2215 In bed.

2305 Toilet - 2320. Change underpants.

Friday March 3

0855 Toilet - 0905

0915 Downstairs, pills, breakfast.

1040 Asleep when I got back with the messages, but he had finished his toast.

1305 Toilet - 1315. Had taken plaster off head.

1330 Soup, sandwich, tea.

1530 Toilet - 1540

1600 Smoking (but not much).

1705 Fried haddock, peas, potatoes. Managed well.

2010 Dressing on head, pills

2025 Toilet - 2045

2050 In bed.

Saturday March 4

0350 Sitting on edge of bed pulling on socks. Pyjamas already off, and plaster off head. "It's too early to get up" "I'll just get dressed anyway" "You'll be better off in bed" "All right" and got back under the covers with more than a hint of exasperation. "Will you stay there at least till it's light?" no answer.

0655 Toilet - 0710

0720 Downstairs, pills, breakfast

0900 Toilet

0915 Smoking

1220 Toilet - 1232

Not hungry at lunchtime

1430 Tea & shortbread

1655 Toilet - 1710

1715 Beans on toast, very tidy.

1930 Toilet

1945 Bath

2015 Nails

2045 Shave

2100 Pills

2225 Toilet

2235 In bed.

Sunday March 5

0740 Toilet - 0747

0800 Pills, breakfast

0900 Toilet - 0910

0930 Mass OK

1040 Smoking

1045 Toast & tea

1305 Toilet - 1315

1635 Toilet - 1648

1705 Chump chops & rice - managed well

2045 Pills

2100 Pyjamas

2110 Toilet - 2115 damp underpants

2125 In bed.

Monday March 6

1047 Toilet - 1058

1115 Pills, breakfast

1330 Dozed off

1545 Toilet - 1555

1700 Pies and mince, managed well

1800 Smoking

2145 Pills

2205 Toilet - 2215

2222 In bed.

Tuesday March 7

0830 Half out of bed, peeled off plaster (a bit red) and got back under the covers.

0910 Toilet - 0921

0930 Pills, breakfast

1040 Continence Promotion, including urine test (negative) and bladder scan (normal). Will arrange supply of disposable pouches from Shettleston HC - check in 2 weeks. - 1125

1100 Toilet

1200 dozing - 1430

1450 Tea & biccies

1515 Toilet - 1530

1600 smoking

1700 Aberdeen boneless, sprouts, potatoes - managed the skin better than last time.

2150 Toilet. Heavy going up the stairs.

2205 Pills, tea

2315 Toilet

2330 In bed. No plaster on head, no stains in the morning.

Wednesday March 8

0805 Dressing

0818 Toilet - 0828

0830 Pills, breakfast

1000 Smoking

1220 Toilet - 1230

1235 Shave

1300 Soup, sandwich, tea

1655 Toilet - 1705

1710 Scrambled eggs, ham. OK

2120 Pills

2136 Toilet

2145 In bed, wanted his hair combed.

Thursday March 9

0720 Toilet - 0728 and got back into bed. "Are you getting up?" "I don't know." So I said if he'd stay in bed for half an hour, I would go shopping and he agreed.

0805 Still in bed, sufficiently awake to recognise that I was back but no signs of getting up.

1115 Sitting on edge of bed. I suggested he go to the toilet before dressing and he got back under the covers.

1145 Toilet - 1155

1200 Pills, breakfast.

Asleep all afternoon

1640 "Are you going to the toilet?" - "grunt"

1645 ditto

1650 ditto

1700 ditto

I went into the kitchen to stall the dinner, heard a noise and Daddy was half out of his chair.

1705 Toilet - 1715

1715 Mince, cabbage, potatoes - no problems.

1800 Smoking

2110 Toilet - and decided not to come back downstairs.

2125 Pills

2130 In bed.

Friday March 10

0647 Toilet and back into bed.

0945 Getting up

1000 Pills, breakfast

1130 Asleep when I got back from shopping

1235 Toilet - 1250

1300 Smoking, no interest in food

1545 "Would this be a good time to have a bath?" just as I had switched over the shortbread in the oven. "No, you can have one this evening or tomorrow." and he wandered off to the toilet without sticks.

1620 Paul & Moira - 1650

1700 Fried haddock, peas, potatoes. OK

2120 Pills

2130 Toilet - 2138

2145 In bed.

Saturday March 11

0005 Curtain closing. "When do I start?" "Not for a long time yet" and back into bed.

0438 Daddy was at the top of the stairs, fully dressed. I escorted him downstairs. "What are you going to do now?" "Wait for the call to do something." "What do you expect to be called to do?" "I've no idea" "Why did you get up?" "I've been lying awake for a long time." I fetched my sleeping bag. Daddy appeared to be dozing most of the time thereafter.

0735 Pills, breakfast

0850 Toilet

0900 Smoking (briefly)

0930 Asleep

1220 Smoking

1230 "How are you feeling?" "A bit queer." Complaint of cold feet so switched heating on and don thicker socks.

1300 Soup, sandwich, tea

1415 "How are you feeling?" "Fine."

1420 Toilet - 1430

1720 Toilet - 1735

1740 Beans on toast, managed OK.

1945 Shave

2000 Bath

2100 Downstairs. Change hearing aid battery.

2125 Smoking

2140 Pills

2145 In bed.

Sunday March 12

0420 Rattling top of bedside table, still in bed but pyjamas off. "It's not a good morning." (snow) I suggested he stay in bed unless he was going to the toilet.

0635 Dressing (still snowing)

0655 Toilet - 0705

0715 Breakfast, pills

0825 Alerted Moira to the weather, agreed not to take Daddy to Mass.

0930 Smoking

1410 Toilet

1415 Paul & Moira - 1500

1705 Chump chops & rice, managed OK

1845 Mary phoned

2020 Pills

2040 Toilet

2055 In bed.

Monday March 13

0400 Toilet - 0409 and back into bed.

1015 Toilet - 1025 "How do you feel?" "All right, sort of. I'll just go back to bed." and he did.

1115 Paul Jnr. sat in while I went shopping.

1405 Daddy started to get up

1407 Martin Smith & colleague arrived. Didn't need to see Daddy, were impressed with my charts to prove situation much improved, we are now off their books.

1420 Daddy downstairs, pills, breakfast.

1510 CityGas, disassembled, cleaned, reassembled boiler and it worked.

1630 Toilet - 1645 (pyjama trousers off)

1700 Mince & pies, managed well

1800 Smoking

2145 Pills

2220 Upstairs, toiling on stairs.

2235 Toilet

2245 In bed.

Tuesday March 14

1255 Toilet - 1305

1310 Pills, breakfast

1445 To Black & Lizars for eye tests, coped well, sat in car while I shopped on the way home.

1555 Smoking

1700 Salmon, peas, potatoes - managed well

1800 Smoking

2130 Pills

2200 Toilet

2217 In bed.

Wednesday March 15

0642 Noises off, I thought Daddy might be going to the toilet but he was fully dressed. "I'll just walk down" "Down where?" "To Chapel" "But it's not Sunday, and it's too early" There was a pause. "What made you think it was Sunday?" "So many people talking about flitting and such things."

0648 Toilet - 0657

0720 Pills, breakfast

0900 Smoking (but not much)

1100 Tea and biccies

1243 Toilet - 1254

1300 Not interested in lunch.

1700 Scrambled eggs and corned beef sandwiches - managed well

2000 Toilet - 2012 2240 Pills

2247 Toilet - 2300 2306 In bed.

Thursday March 16

0800 Awake (just). "Are you thinking of going to the toilet?" "Could do" and went back to sleep.

I looked in occasionally, Daddy was restless but not quite getting up.

1045 Looked in, blood on pillow which wasn't there half an hour ago. Part of the scab had come adrift. Daddy went to the toilet then I cleaned and plastered his head.. He decided to get back into bed so I went shopping.

1230 Almost awake. I suggested he take some pills, even if he didn't want to get up and he agreed but went back to sleep.

1330 "How do you feel?" "Terrible" so I suggested he might feel better if he took some pills. This he did and dozed off again.

1555 Toilet

1615 Breakfast (just prunes and porridge)

1730 Mince, sprouts, potatoes - didn't eat as much as usual.

1845 Toilet - 1855 1900 Smoking

2150 Pills 2205 Toilet

2220 In bed. (Plaster still on head.)

Friday March 17

0840 Sitting on edge of bed. "Are you going to the toilet?" "Yes" and started to get back under the covers, twice. "How are you feeling?" "Mixed up" head felt "a bit dead".

0845 Toilet - 0855, pills and back into bed while I went shopping.

1204 Toilet - 1212

1225 Breakfast

1345 Smoking

1650 Toilet

1700 Fried haddock, peas, potatoes. Managed OK

2205 Pills

2210 Went into the toilet and came back out after a few minutes with his shirt off. Pyjamas on and back into the toilet which he flushed after about 2 minutes.

2225 In bed.

Saturday March 18

0830 Toilet - 0838

0845 Pills and back into bed.

1242 Toilet - 1252

1305 Breakfast

1440 Toilet - 1450

1500 Smoking

1700 Mince & pies, managed well

1955 Shave

2115 Bath - I drowned his hearing aid.

2145 Pills, hearing aid not working

2155 In bed

Sunday March 19

0408 Noises off. Daddy was fully dressed, albeit with the wrong shirt. When I expostulated with him, he said "Oh well, I'll just go back to bed." I had him back in his pyjamas in 2 minutes flat.

0412 Toilet - 0420 and into bed.

0800 Time to get up. "Feeling fine" but no great leap out of bed. 0810 Toilet - 0820

0830 Pills, breakfast (part)

0930 Mass, stayed awake.

1045 breakfast (rest) 1130 Dozing - 1330

1545 Smoking

1610 Furosemide, somewhat late

1700 Chump chops & rice

1740 Toilet - 1750 1820 Smoking

1925 Toilet - 1933 2130 Pills

2200 Toilet 2225 In bed.

Monday March 20

0901 Toilet - 0910 and back into bed without a word. 1410 Getting dressed

1420 Pills, breakfast. 1700 Toilet - 1708

1710 Beans on toast, no problems.

1745 Smoking 2205 Pills

2245 Toilet 2300 In bed.

Tuesday March 21

1050 Toilet - 1105

1115 Pills, breakfast

1500 Lightburn pickup

1615 Home. Doing as well as could be expected in the circumstances, no future appointments.

1650 Toilet

1700 Smoked haddock (small), cabbage, pots.

1916 Toilet - 1927

2000 Smoking

2200 Pills

2238 Toilet - 2247

2252 In bed.

Wednesday March 22

0910 Toilet - 0920 and back into bed. "Still too early to get up."

1215 Daddy was half awake. I suggested he get up and he thought he would.

1230 Getting up

1240 Pills, breakfast

1415 Off to the optician's

1440 Home again

1540 Toilet - 1548

1655 Scrambled eggs and corned beef smorgasbord. managed OK

1745 Smoking

2200 Pills

2245 Shave

2255 Toilet

2305 In bed.

Thursday March 23

0800 Fell off the edge of the bed while combing his hair, already dressed. No ill effects.

0804 Toilet

0815 Pills, breakfast

1130 Asleep - 1230

1445 Frank Cullen - 1530

1608 Fell in the living room getting out of his chair. Picked himself up and carried on.

1610 Toilet - 1620

1710 Mince, cabbage, potatoes. OK

2230 Pills

2315 Toilet

2330 In bed. (no smoking today)

Friday March 24

0953 Sitting on edge of the bed. I didn't disturb him and five minutes later he was back in bed. When asked, he was undecided what to do, so I left him to make up his mind.

1000 Toilet

1020 Pills, breakfast

1200 Tea

1220 Smoking

1300 Soup, sandwich, tea

1555 Toilet

1700 Fish in milk, no problems.

2040 Toilet

2050 Pills

2055 In bed.

Saturday March 25

0440 A thump. Daddy was mostly on the floor beside the bedside cabinet, head perilously close, fully dressed. Claimed he'd fallen out of bed. Possible bruise on the back of his head but no blood.

0500 Toilet and pyjamas back on.

0515 In bed.

1000 Almost awake. "I'll get up anytime now."

1100 Still undecided whether to get up.

1115 Presented with an ultimatum, he got up.

1130 Pills, breakfast (slow down stairs)

1340 Toilet - 1350

1430 Smoking

1700 Beans on toast -

1740 Toilet - 1750

1905 Shave - 1920

1930 Toilet, bath - 2000

2015 downstairs

2030 porridge

2115 Pills & tea. He was going to go to bed but I wouldn't let him take the tea upstairs.

2140 Toilet -2150

2200 In bed.

Sunday March 26

0715 Asleep, fully dressed, on the safe side of the bed

0740 Wakened, changed clothes

0812 Pills (not furosemide), breakfast (not toast)

0900 smoking

0930 Mass. Managed OK.

1200 Asleep - 1330

1340 Toilet and change clothes.

1655 Toilet

1705 Chump chops & rice

2120 Toilet - 2130, pills

2135 In bed.

Monday March 27

0245 Heavy breathing next door. Daddy was sitting on the edge of the bed, not going to the toilet just now, got back under the covers at 0257

1145 Curtain closing. "How are you feeling?" "Terrible, as if I've been knocked over, but I've just been sleeping." Went to toilet, took pills, and back into bed.

1430 Toilet - 1440

1450 Breakfast. A bit dozy thereafter.

1650 Toilet

1700 Pies & mince, OK

1745 Smoking

2245 Pills

2315 Tea

2330 reading papers.

Tuesday March 28

0000 Toilet, very slow on stairs.

0017 In bed.

0820 Almost awake, going to the toilet "soon"

1000 Toilet - 1013

1025 Pills, breakfast.

Asleep much of the afternoon until ~1630

1655 Toilet

1705 Salmon, cauliflower, potatoes. No problems.

2140 Toilet 2150 Pills

2156 In bed.

Wednesday March 29

0025 Curtain closing. Pyjamas off but realises it is not yet time to get up so back under the covers, hopefully for another seven hours. Left curtains closed.

0240 Fully dressed. I pointed out the time and he recognised that he was five hours early, and changed back into his pyjamas.

0245 In bed. I stressed that it would be best if he stayed there till after seven o'clock.

0715 sitting up in bed. I asked him to wait while I went for the papers.

0735 Getting up, toilet

0800 Pills, breakfast.

0915 Smoking

1015 District Nurse Andrea, B12 inj, BP OK. - 1030

1230 Soup, sandwich, tea.

1410 Toilet - 1420, slow on stairs.

1700 Scrambled egg, ham sandwich

1900 Smoking

2055 Shave

2115 Toilet. Better on stairs.

2130 Pills, tea, dumpling.

2320 Toilet

2230 In bed. (no dozing today)

Thursday March 30

1030 Thinking of going to the toilet and/or getting up.

1105 Toilet

1120 Pills, breakfast, dozing off

1250 Moira, Fiona, Asha - 1410

1530 Smoking 1655 Toilet

1705 Mince, cauliflower, peas, potatoes. OK

2150 Toilet - 2203 2210 Pills

2213 In bed.

Friday March 31

1115 Toilet - 1125 1140 Pills, breakfast

1540 Toilet - 1548 1615 Smoking

1700 Fried haddock, peas, potatoes. OK

2040 Pills 2102 Toilet

2112 In bed.

Saturday April 1

0478 Toilet - 0758 0810 Pills, breakfast

1140 Shave 1150 Toilet - 1200

1330 not hungry 1430 Smoking

1700 Baked beans on toast, OK

2040 Toilet 2050 Bath

2115 Pills 2120 In bed.

Sunday April 2

0802 Toilet after 15 minutes of nagging - 0810

0820 Pills, breakfast

0930 Mass with Karen - managed well

1100 Smoking

1520 Toilet and change clothes

1700 Chump chops & rice - OK

2115 Pills 2145 Tea

2205 Toilet 2225 In bed.

Monday April 3

0900 Toilet and back into bed.

1315 getting up 1325 Pills, breakfast.

1540 toilet - change underwear

1700 mince & pies - ok

1745 smoking 2140 pills

2208 toilet 2216 In bed.

Tuesday April 4

0748 toilet, already dressed

0800 "I'm early" "That's all right, you can get up now if you want to" "What day is it?" "Tuesday" "I'll just go back to bed." and he put his pyjamas back on (over his shirt), took his pills and got back into bed.

1130 getting dressed

1136 toilet - change underwear

1200 breakfast 1300 asleep - 1400

1410 toilet - change underwear

1430 smoking

1700 salmon, sprouts, potatoes - ok

1900 Shave 2145 Pills, tea

2245 upstairs, slowly 2259 Toilet

2305 In bed.

Wednesday April 5

0815 Inconclusive discussion on whether to get up or not.

0845 ditto, so I went shopping.

0940 Toilet 0955 Pills, breakfast

1130 Smoking 1300 Soup, sandwich, tea

1600 Toilet

1700 Scrambled eggs & corned beef sandwich - ok.

2145 Pills 2200 Toilet

2222 In bed.

Thursday April 6

0410 Fully dressed, thought he'd been April Fooled - Woken by reveille, someone read out a list of names, but when he started to dress, he was the only one moving.

0420 Pyjamas back on, didn't want to go to the toilet.

0422 In bed.

0830 Half awake, undecided what to do.

1040 Toilet 1100 Pills, breakfast

1600 Toilet 1615 Smoking

1700 Mince, cabbage, potatoes - ok.

2035 Toilet - change trousers

2200 Pills 2245 Toilet

2255 In bed.

Friday April 7

0741 Toilet 0758 Pills, breakfast

0945 Smoking

1510 Toilet - change underwear - use pad.

1700 Fried haddock, peas, potatoes - ok

2005 Toilet - change underwear - use pad.

2140 Pills, tea 2215 Toilet

2225 In bed

Saturday April 8

0408 Noises off. Daddy on his feet, sticks in hand, still wearing pyjamas. I directed him towards the toilet. En route, "That clock in there says 0407. What time is it?" "Seven minutes past four." "It's too early to get up?" "Yes, but not to go to the toilet." and there he went.

0418 In bed.

0740 "Do you want to get up now?" "Yes, I think so."

0800 Pills, breakfast 1040 Toilet

1415 Toilet 1610 Shave

1700 Mince & pies - ok. 1800 Toilet

1950 Toilet, bath, cut nails -2040

2200 Porridge, pills

2245 In bed.

Sunday April 9

0752 Toilet

0815 Pills (part), breakfast (part)

0930 Mass - OK

1100 Rest of pills, breakfast.

1250 Toilet 1300 Smoking

1655 Toilet

1710 Chump chops & rice - no problems

2120 Pills 2152 Toilet

2200 In bed.

Monday April 10

0730 "Are you thinking of getting up?" "In a vague sort of way, yes."

0852 Toilet 0910 Pills, breakfast

1030 Dozing in breakfast, awake when I went out.

1120 Tea spilled, mug broken, very little mess.

1200 Asleep - 1415 1440 Toilet

1500 Smoking 1700 Beans on toast, OK

1745 Toilet 2105 Pills

2257 Toilet 2307 In bed.

Tuesday April 11

0945 Toilet

0955 Pills and back into bed.

1235 Getting up 1240 Toilet

1255 Breakfast 1500 Smoking

1545 Shave 1650 Toilet

1705 Salmon, sprouts, potatoes

2140 Toilet 2255 In bed.

Wednesday April 12

0255 Put socks on and back into bed.

0752 Curtain closing

0755 Toilet 0805 Pills, breakfast

1230 Lunch 1430 Toilet

1700 Not hungry, no tea

1918 Toilet 2155 Pills

2300 Toilet 2312 In bed.

Thursday April 13

1040 Toilet 1100 Pills, breakfast

1500 Smoking 1655 Toilet

1710 Mince, cabbage potatoes - ate well

2000 Toilet 2045 Shave

2155 Pills 2245 Toilet

2255 In bed.

Friday April 14

0730 Covers off, but not quite awake. "Would you like to go to the toilet?" "Not really, I'd rather sleep for a while." So he straightened the covers and dozed off.

1005 Toilet 1025 Pills, breakfast

1145 Smoking 1245 Cup of tea

1650 Toilet

1705 Fried haddock, peas, potatoes

2054 Thump. "It's all right, I sat down while I was closing the curtains." But the coffee table will never be the same again.

2104 Toilet, pills 2110 In bed.

Saturday April 15

0810 Curtain closing.

0815 Toilet 0835 Pills, breakfast

1100 Asleep - 1330 1400 Smoking

1500 Toilet 1715 Mince & pies.

1755 Toilet 2015 Shave

2035 Toilet, bath 2110 Pills

2113 In bed.

Sunday April 16 Easter Sunday

0735 Lying at edge of bed, covers off. "Time to get up" I said and he straightened up in bed and pulled the covers up.

0745 Toilet

0802 Pills (except Furosemide), breakfast (except toast). 0900 Smoking

0930 Mass

1415 Toilet

1700 Chump chops & rice - OK

1900 Toilet

2115 Pills 2150 Toilet

2200 In bed.

Monday April 17

0800 Half awake, I suggested going to the toilet.

(Waverley, Paul covered)

1130 Breakfast 1315 Toilet

1700 Beans on toast

2310 Pills 2335 Toilet

2345 In bed.

Tuesday April 18

1015 "Are you thinking of going to the toilet?" "Soon."

1130 Toilet 1145 Pills, breakfast

1600 Smoking 1620 Toilet - 1630

1705 Aberdeen boneless, cabbage, potatoes. Consider peeling skin next time.

2145 Shave 2200 Pills

2310 Toilet 2320 In bed.

Wednesday April 19

1037 Toilet - 1044 1055 Pills, breakfast

1300 Glasses falling apart.

1345 Smoking 1435 Tea & Easter cake

1655 Toilet

1710 Scrambled eggs & corned beef s/wich - OK

2030 Thinking of going to bed but decided it was too early.

2115 Pills 2250 Toilet

2300 In bed 2315 Lights out.

Thursday April 20

0918 Toilet 0930 Pills, breakfast

0945 Report car break-in

1150 Police inspect car

1335 Mr Armour takes car for temporary fix.

1515 Mr Armour returns car usable but insecure.

1650 Toilet

1700 Mince, cabbage, potatoes - OK

2120 Pills 2135 Toilet

2142 In bed.

Friday April 21

0900 Thinking about getting up

1052 Toilet 1108 Pills, breakfast

1650 Toilet

1700 Haddock in milk - OK

2038 Toilet 2145 Tea & s/wich

2150 Pills 2315 Toilet

2330 In bed. Didn't smoke today.

Saturday April 22

1101 Toilet - 1105 1115 Pills & breakfast

1415 Tea

1600 Toilet, change trousers

1615 smoking

1700 Pie & mince - OK

2045 Shave 2058 Toilet

2145 Pills

Sunday April 23

0005 Toilet 0015 In bed

0750 Toilet - 0757 0808 Pills, breakfast

0930 Mass 1230 Toilet

1420 Toilet

1500 Playing with matches, then fetched pipe but didn't light up.

1700 Chump chops & rice - OK

1745 Smoking, but not much.

1905 Toilet 2120 Toilet & pills

2130 In bed.

Monday April 24

0635 Toilet - "It's only 0646" and back to bed.

1231 Toilet 1245 Pills & breakfast

1430 approx. dozing - 1600 1700 Toilet

1745 Smoking 2115 Pills

2130 Toilet 2140 In bed.

Tuesday April 25

0638 Toilet - 0647 and back into bed.

After several failed (feeble) attempts to rouse him -

0950 Getting dressed (a bit tentative on the stairs)

1005 Pills, breakfast 1200 dozing - 1400

1415 Soup & tea 1510 Smoking

1655 Toilet

1710 Salmon, cabbage, potatoes

2140 Pills 2145 Shave

2207 Toilet 2215 In bed.

Wednesday April 26

0725 Dressing - I left him to it and went for the paper.

0740 Toilet 0750 Pills, breakfast

0920 Washing breakfast things

0940 Smoking 1300 Soup, s/wich, tea

1355 Toilet 1650 Toilet

1705 Scrambled eggs - OK

2145 Pills 2248 Toilet

2300 In bed

Thursday April 27

0945 Toilet 1010 Pills, breakfast

1200 Asleep 1305 Paul & Moira

1430 Smoking 1655 Toilet

1710 Mince, cabbage, potatoes

2115 Pills 2138 Toilet

2150 In bed.

Friday April 28

0820 Toilet 0840 Pills, breakfast

0950 Asleep - 1230 1300 Soup, s/wich, tea

1345 Toilet 1400 Smoking

1650 Toilet

1700 Fried haddock, peas, potatoes

2030 Announced that he would go upstairs, put on his pyjamas and come back down again. Why? So that he would have his pyjamas on when it was time for bed. The snooker is not holding his attention, the liquorice allsorts are tasteless.

2050 Downstairs 2200 Pills

2210 Toilet 2220 In bed.

Saturday April 29

0525 Noises off. Daddy had his pyjamas off but decided to get back under the bedclothes.

0745 Toilet 0800 Pills, breakfast

0930 Asleep - 1200 1210 Toilet

1300 approx. Smoking

1700 Pie & mince - OK

1830 Shave 1845 Toilet

2040 Toilet, bath 2120 Downstairs

2200 Pills 2330 Toilet

2335 In bed.

Sunday April 30

0740 Toilet 0805 Pills, breakfast

0930 Mass 1230 Toilet

1650 Toilet

1700 Chump chops & rice - OK

2230 Pills 2325 Toilet

2335 In bed.

Monday May 1

0750 "Are you thinking of getting up?" "mmhm" but no movement so I said "I'll take that as a "no" then."

0925 Toilet, looked at the clock, "It's half past nine, I'd better go back to bed", and he did.

1310 Fully dressed and I never heard a sound.

1315 Pills, breakfast

1500 Smoking, but not much

1700 Toilet

1715 Beans on toast - OK 2230 Pills

Tuesday May 2

0020 Toilet 0035 In bed.

1015 Toilet 1035 Pills, breakfast

1230 Asleep - 1500 1655 Toilet

1710 Smoked haddock, cabbage, potatoes - OK

2100 Toilet 2215 Pills

2305 Toilet 2315 In bed.

Wednesday May 3

0735 Toilet 0755 Pills, breakfast

1030 Smoking 1120 Shave

1310 Toilet 1330 Lunch

1650 Toilet

1700 Scrambled egg & corned beef s/wich - OK

2200 Pills 2250 Toilet

2302 In bed

Thursday May 4

0615 Pyjamas off but agreed that it was too early and got back under the covers.

0747 Toilet, but he was very reluctant to get out of bed.

0805 Pills, breakfast 0900 Asleep - 1230

1300 Soup, sandwich, tea

1400 Smoking 1700 Toilet

1715 Mince, cabbage, potatoes

2135 Toilet 2142 Pills

2148 In bed.

Friday May 5

0003 Rattling drawer handles, looking for ointment "the doctor left for me" to put on the scratches on his leg, so I found some analgesic. Then "I'll just get back in bed for an hour." Eight hours I hope, it's just after midnight." "Crumbs."

0733 "I think it's time to get up" and into toilet. Back out, peering at clock. I said "It's a quarter to eight, you can go back to bed if you want." "I was thinking I might do that and sleep for another hour or so."

0900 Restless

0920 "I think it must be afternoon by now." No, it's just after nine. Will you get up now or wait half an hour while I go shopping?" "I'll wait."

0955 "That's me back, you can get up now." "Right" and turned over.

1130 Getting dressed.

1135 Pills and breakfast.

1430 Toilet, after a walk in the garden without sticks to tell me he was going upstairs.

Smoking 1650 Toilet

1705 Fried haddock, peas, potatoes, OK

2110 Toilet 2215 Pills

2333 Toilet 2342 In bed.

Saturday May 6

0405 Toilet - 0413. "I'm up too early, much too early" and back into bed.

0630 Getting dressed. I left him to it.

0648 Downstairs. 0720 Pills, breakfast

0815 Asleep - 1130 1140 Toilet

1300 Smoking 1315 Soup, s/wich, tea

1525 Toilet 1700 Pie & mince - OK

2130 Toilet, bath 2210 Downstairs

2305 Pills 2318 Toilet

2325 In bed.

Sunday May 7

0730 Wake him up 0750 Toilet

0810 Pills, breakfast 0930 Mass

1240 Toilet 1535 Toilet

1700 Chump chops & rice

2030 Toilet 2220 Pills & tea

Monday May 8

0040 Toilet 0052 In bed.

1002 Toilet 1015 Pills, breakfast

1030 Asleep - 1215 1448 Toilet

1500 Smoking 1700 Beans on toast - OK

2020 Toilet 2145 Pills

2230 Toilet 2240 In bed.

Tuesday May 9

0915 Toilet

0925 "are you getting up or going back to bed?" "Is there anything I have to get up for?" "No" "Then I'll go back to bed for an hour" and I went shopping.

1325 Toilet 1345 Pills, breakfast

1500 Smoking 1655 Toilet

1705 Salmon, cabbage, potatoes - OK

1955 Toilet 2150 Pills

2225 Toilet 2230 In bed.

Wednesday May 10

0725 Toilet 0745 Pills, breakfast

0900 Asleep -1100 1130 Toilet

1200 Smoking Shave

1340 Soup, sandwich, tea

1655 Toilet

1710 Scrambled eggs & cold meat sandwiches

2150 Pills 2225 Toilet

2240 In bed.

Thursday May 11

0925 Toilet 0945 Pills, breakfast

1015 Asleep ? - 1200

1250 Toilet 1400 Smoking

1655 Toilet

1710 Mince, cabbage, potatoes - OK

2145 Pills 2305 Toilet

2320 In bed.

Friday May 12

0720 Daddy sitting on edge of bed. "I'm swithering about whether to get up." I suggested the toilet but in the end it was back into bed.

1050 Toilet 1105 Pills, breakfast

1230 Smoking 1650 Toilet

1700 Fried haddock, peas, potatoes - OK

1955 Toilet 2215 Pills

2300 Toilet 2310 In bed.

Saturday May 13

0900 Toilet and back into bed. A bit unsteady on his feet.

1235 Toilet 1245 Pills, breakfast

1400 Smoking 1655 Toilet

1800 Pie & mince - OK

1950 Toilet 2005 Shave

2200 Pills 2235 Toilet, bath

2308 In bed.

Sunday May 14

0730 Toilet 0750 Pills, breakfast

0830 Smoking 0930 Mass

1232 Toilet 1657 Toilet

1710 Chump chops & rice - OK

2155 Pills 2235 Toilet

2243 In bed.

Monday May 15

1045 Toilet 1105 Pills, breakfast

1200 Asleep - 1615 1625 Toilet

1700 Beans on toast - OK

1940 Toilet 2015 smoking

2150 Pills 2317 Toilet

2340 In bed.

Very sleepy all day and none too steady on his feet.

Tuesday May 16

0727 Toilet 0740 Pills, breakfast


1300 Soup, sandwich, tea

1345 Smoking 1415 Toilet

1700 Smoked haddock, cabbage, potatoes - OK

1910 Toilet

1920 Fell into bath, no damage admitted.

2110 Shave 2215 Pills

2328 Toilet 2335 In bed.

Wednesday May 17

0730 Awake but no move to get up

1053 Toilet 1115 Pills, breakfast

1145 Asleep - 1245 1500 Toilet

1615 Smoking

1700 Scrambled eggs & corned beef - OK

1945 Toilet 2200 Pills

2300 Toilet 2310 In bed.

Thursday May 18

0730 Toilet and back to bed.

1210 Toilet 1230 Pills, breakfast

1400 Asleep - 1530 1600 Smoking

1655 Toilet

1710 Mince, cauliflower, potatoes - OK

2025 Toilet 2200 Pills

2302 Toilet 2315 In bed.

Friday May 19

0725 Toilet 0750 Pills, breakfast

0945 Smoking

Read paper most of the morning.

1300 Soup, sandwich, tea

1410 Toilet

1700 Fried haddock, peas, potatoes - OK

1750 Toilet 2045 Shave

2150 Pills 2330 Toilet

2340 In bed.

Saturday May 20

0755 Toilet and back into bed.

1055 Pills, breakfast 1215 Asleep - 1500

Toilet 1530 Smoking

1700 Pie & mince - OK

1905 Toilet, bath, nails - 2010

2215 Pills 2225 Toilet

2232 In bed.

Sunday May 21

0720 Toilet 0740 Pills, breakfast

0845 Smoking 0930 Mass

1148 Toilet 1640 Toilet

1705 Chump chops & rice - OK

2140 Pills 2156 Toilet

2210 In bed.

Monday May 22

0446 Toilet - 0454 "It's early, I'll just go back to bed for an hour."

0942 Toilet 1005 Pills, breakfast

1045 Asleep - 1400 1415 Toilet

1500 Smoking 1700 Beans on toast - OK

1945 Toilet 2205 Pills

2325 Toilet 2330 In bed.

Tuesday May 23

0925 Toilet and back into bed

1040 "I'm back (from shopping), you can get up whenever you want." "Right, I'll get up now."

1100 "You don't have to get up if you don't want to." "I'm awake, I'll get up."

1125 Getting dressed

1140 Pills, breakfast 1240 Smoking

1515 Toilet

1705 Trout, cabbage, potatoes - OK

2015 Toilet 2030 Shave

2150 Pills 2308 Toilet

2315 In bed.

Wednesday May 24

0820 "How are you feeling?" "Confused." "Why?" "Is there something I have to get up for?" "No." "I'll get up then."

1125 Toilet 1140 Pills, breakfast

1300 Smoking 1650 Toilet

1700 Scrambled eggs & ham s/wich - OK

2115 Toilet 2215 Pills

2315 Toilet 2325 In bed.

Thursday May 25

0757 Toilet 0815 Pills, breakfast

0915 Smoking

1115 tea & shortbread (2 cups)

1315 Soup, sandwich, tea

1445 Toilet 1500 Shave

1705 Mince, cabbage, potatoes - OK

2100 Toilet, bath - 2145 (change hearing aid baty)

2220 Pills 2310 In bed

Friday May 26

0710 Toilet and persuaded back to bed.

1220 Getting dressed

1240 Pills, breakfast

1345 Toilet (I'd asked if he wanted to go before he came downstairs but he definitely didn't.)

1400 smoking

1700 Fried haddock, peas, potatoes - OK

1745 Toilet 2030 Toilet

2200 Pills 2248 Toilet

2308 In bed.

Saturday May 27

0850 Toilet and back into bed.

1300 Getting dressed, didn't need toilet.

1310 Pills, breakfast 1408 Toilet

1420 Smoking 1700 Toilet

1710 Pie & mince - OK

1945 Toilet 2130 Shave

2200 Pills 2310 Toilet

2320 In bed.

Sunday May 28

0450 Toilet and back into bed.

0755 Toilet 0810 Pills, breakfast

0930 Mass 1330 Toilet

1650 Toilet

1700 Chump chops & rice - OK

2220 Toilet 2230 In bed.

(remembered pills about 0300, never mind)

Monday May 29

0530 Toilet and back into bed

0945 Toilet, and after some thought, decided to get up. 1020 Pills & breakfast.

1045 Asleep - 1145, 1200 - 1430

1445 Toilet 1515 Smoking

1700 Beans on toast - OK

1745 Toilet 1800 Asleep - 1945

2112 Shave 2215 Pills

2315 Toilet 2330 In bed.

Tuesday May 30

0940 Already dressed, having been to the toilet.

0950 Pills, breakfast

Smoking, sleeping

1320 Toilet 1650 Toilet

1700 Herring & potatoes - OK

2200 Toilet 2215 Pills

2315 In bed.

Wednesday May 31

0500 approx. I thought I heard Daddy blow his nose.

0700 Fully dressed, lying on top of made bed, sound asleep.

0810 Toilet 0820 Pills, breakfast

0945 Smoking 1300 Soup, sandwich, tea

1650 Toilet

1700 Scrambled eggs & jam sandwiches

2200 Pills 2300 Toilet, ointment

2318 In bed.

Thursday June 1

0723 Toilet and back into bed

1215 Toilet 1230 Pills, breakfast

1550 Toilet

1715 Mince, cabbage, potatoes

2030 Toilet 2045 Shave

2215 Pills 2315 Toilet, ointment

2335 In bed.

Friday June 2

0925 Toilet and back into bed.

1232 Toilet 1250 Pills, breakfast

1345 Asleep - 1545 1555 Toilet

1630 Smoking

1700 Fried haddock, peas, potatoes - OK

1930 Toilet 2200 Pills

2308 Toilet, ointment

2323 In bed.

Saturday June 3

0640 Toilet and back into bed

1100 Toilet 1115 Pills, breakfast

1215 Smoking 1605 Toilet

1700 Pie & mince - OK

2200 Toilet, bath 2245 Pills

2250 In bed.

Sunday June 4

0750 Toilet 0810 Pills, breakfast

0900 Smoking 0930 Mass

1507 Toilet

1700 Chump chops & rice - OK

2010 Toilet 2135 Toilet

2145 Pills 2155 In bed.

Monday June 5

0915 Toilet and back into bed.

1200 Pills, breakfast 1315 Toilet

1345 Smoking 1405 Haircut

1700 Beans on toast - OK

1745 Toilet 1800 Asleep - 1900

2200 Pills 2315 Toilet

2330 In bed.

Tuesday June 6

0900 Toilet and back into bed.

1025 Pills, smoking, breakfast

1350 Shave 1553 Toilet

1555 Bath seat service - OK

1710 salmon, cabbage, potatoes - OK

2155 Toilet 2215 Pills

2325 In bed.

Wednesday June 7

0735 Toilet 0745 Pills, breakfast

0845 Asleep 1240 Toilet

1300 Soup, sandwich, tea

1400 Asleep 1530 Smoking

1654 Toilet

1705 Scrambled eggs, ham sandwich - OK

2200 Pills 2310 Toilet

2325 In bed.

Thursday June 8

0800 Toilet and back into bed.

0925 Phoned doctor and asked for visit re rash

1055 Dr Lynch - 1105, prescribed Fucidin H

1115 Pills, breakfast 1400 Smoking

1430 Toilet 1650 Toilet

1700 Mince, cabbage, potatoes - OK

2035 Toilet 2210 Pills

2305 Toilet 2325 In bed.

Friday June 9

0745 Toilet and back into bed.

0855 Pills, breakfast 1000 Smoking

1400 Toilet 1455 Toilet (!)

1510 Herring and potatoes - OK

2215 Pills 2322 Toilet

2345 In bed.

Saturday June 10

0752 Toilet and back into bed.

1120 Awake "Yes, I'm getting up."

1210 Toilet 1230 Pills, breakfast

1604 Toilet

1620 Pie & Mince - OK

1900 Toilet 1945 Shave

2230 Bath [pills?] 2315 In bed

Sunday Jun 11

0745 Toilet 0810 Pills, breakfast

0930 Mass 1045 Smoking

1500 Toilet

1605 Chump chops & rice - OK

2230 Pills

Monday June 12

0005 Toilet

0745 Awake but undecided

0750 Toilet and back into bed.

1210 Pills, breakfast 1345 Toilet

1400 Smoking 1620 Beans on toast - OK

1945 Toilet 2215 Pills

2312 Toilet 2325 In bed.

Tuesday June 13

0625 Curtain closing. "I wondered if it was too early to get up." "Yes, it is." but he carried on dressing.

0640 Toilet 0650 Pills

0730 Breakfast 0830 Asleep - 1200

1255 Toilet 1310 Smoking

1315 Soup, sandwich, tea

1620 Haddock in milk - OK

1845 Toilet 2220 Shave

2235 Pills 2350 Toilet

Wednesday June 14

0002 In bed.

0725 Toilet and back into bed at my suggestion.

0800 Lying awake, I said he could get up if he wanted to.

0830 Pills, breakfast 1125 Toilet

1200 Asleep - 1300 1315 Tea

1515 Toilet

1630 Scrambled eggs, ham sandwich - OK

1925 Toilet 2210 Pills

2243 Toilet 2255 In bed.

Thursday June 15

0525 Noises off. "I know it's too early."

0535 Toilet, pyjamas back on (reluctantly)

0545 In bed.

0910 Toilet and back into bed.

1150 Pills, breakfast 1325 Toilet

1400 Asleep 1530 Smoking

1615 Mince, cabbage, potatoes - OK but he didn't finish it.

1805 Toilet 2205 Pills

2225 Toilet 2235 In bed.

Friday June 16

0745 Toilet and back into bed.

1100 Pills, breakfast 1230 Smoking

1500 Toilet

1605 Herring and potatoes - OK

0905 Toilet 1920 Shave

2210 Pills 2330 Toilet

2350 In bed.

Saturday June 17

0842 Toilet and back into bed.

1230 Toilet 1250 Pills, breakfast

1400 Didn't want to watch football!

1415 Asleep - 1530

1600 Pie & mince - OK 1910 Toilet

2220 Toilet, bath, cut nails

2320 In bed.

Sunday June 18

0745 Toilet 0805 Pills, breakfast

0930 Mass 1300 Toilet, smoking

1610 Chump chops & rice - OK

1705 Toilet 2210 Pills

2310 Toilet 2325 In bed.

Monday June 19

0815 Toilet and back into bed.

1210 Toilet 1240 Pills, breakfast

1400 Asleep - 1600

1620 Beans on toast - OK

1657 Toilet 1730 Smoking

2205 Pills 2310 Toilet

2322 In bed.

Tuesday June 20

0852 Toilet 0915 Pills, breakfast

1030 Smoking 1630 Toilet

1700 Herring & potatoes - OK

2200 Pills 2255 Toilet

2305 In bed.

Wednesday June 21

0730 Toilet

0935 District Nurse - Karen & Jennifer - all well

1000 Pills, breakfast 1125 Smoking

1308 Toilet 1650 Toilet

1700 Scrambled eggs and ham sandwich - OK

2100 Toilet 2110 Shave

2130 Change hearing aid battery.

2215 Pills 2328 Toilet

[2345] In bed.

Thursday June 22

0645 Toilet and back into bed

1130 Toilet 1145 Pills, breakfast

1215 Moira - 1300 1315 Asleep - 1600

1632 Toilet 1645 Smoking

1705 Mince, cabbage, potatoes - OK

2055 Toilet 2210 Pills

2255 Toilet 2305 In bed.

Friday June 23

0915 Toilet - feeling "brighter than usual"

0935 Pills, breakfast 1030 Asleep - 1100

1100 Smoking 1130 Asleep - 1300

1310 Soup, sandwich, tea

1435 Toilet

1700 Fried haddock, peas, potatoes - OK

2020 Toilet 2220 Pills

2310 Toilet 2325 In bed.

Saturday June 24

0715 Lying on back with feet on floor. "I'll have to get up. It's a bit early." Went to toilet and back into bed.

1120 Toilet 1145 Pills, breakfast

1755 Toilet 1810 Pie & mince - OK

1900 Smoking 2020 Toilet

2215 Pills 2235 Shave

2250 Toilet, bath 2330 In bed.

Sunday June 25

0750 Toilet 0815 Pills, breakfast

0930 Mass 1304 Toilet

1759 Toilet

1810 Chump chops & rice - OK

2200 Pills 2313 Toilet

2325 In bed.

Monday June 26

0725 Asleep with glasses on.

0737 Toilet and back into bed.

1235 Toilet 1300 Pills, breakfast

1400 Asleep - 1545 1715 Toilet

1805 Baked beans on toast - OK

1900 Smoking 2040 Toilet

2205 Pills 2330 Toilet

2339 In bed.

Tuesday June 27

1030 Toilet 1100 Pills, breakfast

1230 Asleep - 1400 1500 Smoking

1710 Toilet

1800 Herring and potatoes - OK

2200 Toilet 2215 Pills

2220 In bed.

Wednesday June 28

0730 Toilet and back into bed

1200 Toilet, pills, breakfast

1330 Smoking 1610 Shave

1625 Toilet

1700 Scrambled eggs & corned beef s/w - OK

2200 Pills 2245 Toilet

2255 In bed.

Thursday June 29

0730 Toilet and back into bed.

1015 (when I came back from shopping) "You can get up now if you want." "Right, I'll get up then."

1240 Pills, breakfast 1520 Toilet

1545 Smoking

1705 Mince, cabbage, potatoes - OK

2040 Toilet 2200 Pills

2330 Toilet 2340 In bed.

Friday June 30

0245 Daddy thought he could smell burning and got up to investigate. I couldn't so he went back to bed.

0742 Toilet 0815 Pills, breakfast

1000 Asleep - 1345

1400 Toilet Smoking

1840 Fried haddock, peas, new potatoes - OK

2140 Toilet 2215 Pills

2353 Toilet

Saturday July 1

0005 In bed

0940 Toilet and back into bed.

1240 Pills, breakfast 1440 Toilet

1500 Smoking Shave

1845 Mince & pies 1855 Toilet!

2232 Toilet, bath 2335 In bed.

Sunday July 2

0748 Toilet 0755 Pills, breakfast

0930 Mass 1045 Smoking

1400 Toilet

1705 Chump chops & rice - OK

2200 Pills 2215 Toilet

2230 In bed.

Monday July 3

0115 Slight noise; lying on back with feet on floor "I just slipped out of bed. It's still very early so I'll just slip back in again." And he did.

0800 Toilet and back into bed.

1305 Toilet 1320 Pills, breakfast

Asleep most of the time.

1700 Beans on toast - OK

1735 Toilet 1830 Asleep

2100 Smoking 2200 Pills

2340 Toilet 2355 In bed.

Tuesday July 4

0828 Toilet and back into bed.

1250 Pills, breakfast 1700 Toilet

1715 Herring and potatoes - OK

2200 Pills 2320 Toilet

2340 In bed.

Wednesday July 5

0744 Toilet and back into bed (reluctantly).

0830 Still awake, said he would get up

1320 Toilet 1335 Pills

1400 Breakfast 1430 Asleep - 1630

1605 Smoking 1655 Toilet

1710 Scrambled eggs & salmon - OK

2100 Toilet 2210 Pills

2225 Shave 2300 Toilet

2310 In bed, kept hearing aid in.

Thursday July 6

0712 Slight noise; lying on back, feet on floor, didn't want to go to toilet. I went for the paper.

0738 Toilet 0945 Pills, breakfast

1030 Asleep - 1400 1410 Toilet

1700 Smoking (but not much)

1710 Mince, cabbage, potatoes - OK

1805 Toilet 2145 Pills

2205 Toilet 2215 In bed.

Friday July 7

0710 Wide awake, pyjamas off (since 0130 at least). Stayed in bed while I went for the paper.

0742 Toilet 0748 Pills, breakfast

Smoking 1300 Soup & sandwich

1450 Toilet

1705 Fried haddock, peas, potatoes

2135 Pills 2245 Toilet

2253 In bed. Much more alert today

Saturday July 8

Restless from about 0600

0745 "Are you getting up?" "Probably" "are you going to the toilet?" "Yes, I think so." but no attempt to get out of bed.

1050 Toilet

1100 Pills and back into bed.

1335 Toilet 1400 Breakfast

1540 Toilet 1600 Smoking

1700 Pie & mince - OK

2155 Pills 2220 Toilet, bath

2310 In bed.

Sunday July 9

0745 Toilet 0805 Pills, breakfast

0930 Mass 1100 Smoking

1420 Toilet

1715 Chump chops - too much, no rice

1800 Toilet 2145 Pills

2300 Toilet 2315 In bed

Monday July 10

1012 Toilet 1030 Pills, breakfast

1130 Asleep - 1330 1445 Toilet

1511 Smoking 1655 Toilet

1710 Baked beans on toast - OK

2050 Toilet 2200 Pills

2315 Toilet 2325 In bed.

Tuesday July 11

0745 Toilet and back into bed

0930 "Yes, I'll get up now."

0938 Further under the covers, will stay in bed for another half-an-hour while I go shopping.

1010 "I'll start getting up now."

1025 Pill, breakfast 1115 Asleep - 1445

1453 Toilet 1515 Smoking

1700 Herring and potatoes - OK

2105 Toilet 2150 Shave

2200 Pills 2315 Toilet

2337 In bed.

Wednesday July 12

0748 "Did you make a note of when I have to go to the Bishop's house?" "Why do you have to go to the Bishop's house?" and he went back to sleep.

0953 Toilet 1020 Pills, breakfast

1100 Asleep - 1130, 1145 - 1445

1455 Toilet 1600 Smoking

1700 Scrambled eggs, ham s/w - OK

2020 Toilet 2215 Pills

2315 Toilet 2335 In bed.

Thursday July 13

0740 Toilet and back into bed

1145 Pills, breakfast 1330 Toilet

1345 Smoking

1715 Mince, cabbage, potatoes - OK

1938 Toilet 2215 Pills

2320 Toilet 2330 In bed.

Friday July 14

0717 Toilet. "Am I supposed to be getting up now?" "It's only half past seven, a bit early." "I'll just go back to bed then.

1037 Toilet 1050 Pills, breakfast

1230 Asleep - 1530 1700 Toilet

1710 Smoking

1720 Fried haddock, peas, potatoes - OK

1935 Toilet 2200 Pills

2240 Toilet 2305 In bed.

Saturday July 15

0820 Toilet and back into bed.

1035 Pills, breakfast 1200 Asleep - 1430

1445 Smoking 1645 Toilet

1700 Pie & mince - OK

1945 Shave

"Is Mary coming tonight?" Moira must have said something to give him that impression.

2115 Toilet 2245 Bath

2325 In bed.

Sunday July 16

0700 Started to get up, I said it was too early.

0730 Toilet 0800 Pills, breakfast

0930 Mass 1100 Smoking

1240 Toilet 1658 Toilet

1710 Chump chops & rice - OK

2200 Pills 2300 Toilet

2320 In bed.

Monday July 17

0745 Awake. "Toilet?" "It's too early."

0845 Sitting on edge of bed. Toilet. "I feel I've still got some sleeping to do.

1433 Toilet 1454 Pills, breakfast

1530 Asleep - 1700

1700 Beans on toast - OK

1730 Asleep - 2100 Toilet

2215 Pills 2325 Toilet

2340 In bed. Didn't smoke today.

Tuesday July 18

0658 Toilet and back into bed "for a couple of hours."

1250 Toilet, pills, breakfast.

1400 Asleep - 1615 1650 Toilet

1700 Herring 1930 Smoking

2050 Pills, toilet 2118 In bed.

2335 Finished juice, worried about unshaven state, I persuaded him to wait till morning, replenished juice and removed duvet.

Wednesday July 19

0015 Started to get up. I caught him just in time to persuade him back into bed.

0630 He's lying on top of made bed, still wearing pyjamas.

0915 Toilet 0930 Pills, breakfast

1030 Asleep - 1315 1450 Toilet

1700 Scrambled eggs & salmon - OK but ate no bread.

2045 Shave, change hearing aid battery.

2105 Pills 2245 Toilet

2310 In bed.

Thursday July 20

0645 Toilet and back into bed "for a couple of hours."

1030 Pills, breakfast

Asleep most of the time.

1600 Toilet

1710 Mince, cabbage, potatoes - OK, ate few potatoes.

2110 Pills 2205 Toilet

2226 In bed.

Friday July 21

0705 Half dressed, toilet, "I suppose it's too early" and back into bed

1100 Finished dressing

1120 Pills, breakfast 1330 Asleep

1548 Toilet 1630 Smoking

1700 Fried haddock, peas, potatoes

2130 Toilet 2205 Pills

2325 In bed.

Saturday July 22

0740 Toilet 0801 Pills, breakfast

1545 Toilet 1630 Smoking

1705 Pie & mince - OK

2010 Toilet, bath 2210 Pills

2225 Shave 2250 In bed.

Sunday July 23

0746 Toilet 0815 Pills, breakfast

0930 Mass 1350 Toilet

1700 Chump chops & rice - OK

2200 Pills 2212 Toilet

2230 In bed.

Monday July 24

0310 Uneven breathing next door, lying across bed, feet on floor, wakened and straightened.

0755 Toilet and back into bed.

1312 Toilet 1325 Pills, breakfast

1700 Beans on toast - ate no bread

1952 Toilet 2205 Pills

2230 Toilet 2246 In bed.

Tuesday July 25

0925 "Do you want to go to the toilet?" "No, I'll wait a while."

0940 Toilet and back into bed "for another hour or so."

1150 Pills, breakfast Smoking

1615 Toilet

1700 Fried herring and potatoes - ate well

1945 Shave 2142 Toilet

2200 Pills 2207 In bed.

Wednesday July 26

0010 Sitting on edge of bed, staring out of the window, "waiting till it's time to get up." Removed duvet and he got back under the sheet.

0735 Toilet, bed already made. Decided it was too early so back into bed.

1120 Pills, breakfast 1405 Toilet

1700 Scrambled eggs etc., ate well

1925 Toilet 2150 Pills

2200 Toilet 2221 In bed.

Thursday July 27

0705 Toilet and back into bed.

1115 Pills, breakfast

1345 Toilet (after spilling tea)

1715 Toilet - just as I was putting the dinner on the table. Fell in toilet, bruised elbow.

1730 Mince, cabbage, potatoes - OK if a little slow

2150 Pills 2300 Toilet

2315 In bed.

Friday July 28

0725 Toilet and back into bed.

0950 Pills, breakfast 1430 Toilet

1600 Smoking

1700 Fried haddock, peas. potatoes - OK

2115 Pills 2150 Toilet

2202 In bed.

Saturday July 29

0830 Toilet and back into bed.

1215 Toilet, bath 1245 Pills, breakfast

1400 Asleep - 1500 1650 Toilet

1700 Pie & mince - OK but ate no bread

2145 Shave 2200 Pills

2215 Toilet 2230 In bed

No smoking today.

Sunday July 30

0455 Too early to get up

0738 Toilet 0755 Pills, breakfast

0930 Mass

1100 Asleep (tea & toast untouched) - 1315

1410 Toilet 1430 Smoking

1655 Toilet

1705 Chump chops & rice - OK

2100 Toilet, pills 2115 In bed.

Monday July 31

0110 applied "healing" ointment and plaster to rough spots on legs - 0125

0515 Toilet and back into bed.

0920 Toilet 0945 Pills, breakfast

1015 Smoking 1100 Asleep - 1315

1650 Toilet

1700 Beans on toast - OK

2220 Pills 2320 Toilet

2332 In bed.

Tuesday August 1

0700 Toilet and back into bed - "tired"

0945 Pills, breakfast 1045 Asleep - 1325

Paul & Moira

1500 Toilet

1700 Herring and potatoes - OK

1845 Smoking

2020 Toilet - put pyjamas on and back downstairs

2050 Shave 2152 Pills

2310 Toilet 2320 In bed.

Wednesday August 2

0905 Toilet and back into bed

1150 Toilet 1215 Pills, breakfast

1315 Asleep - 1500 1650 Toilet

1700 Scrambled eggs & corned beef s/w - OK

1800 Smoking 2150 Pills

2225 Toilet 2240 In bed.

Thursday August 3

0550 Toilet and back into bed

0845 Pills, breakfast 1100 Smoking

Toilet Jean McAvoy & Mary ??

1705 Mince, cabbage, potatoes - OK

2145 Toilet, pills 2155 In bed.

Friday August 4

0755 Toilet 0820 Pills, breakfast

1000 Asleep - 1200 1250 Toilet

1315 Asleep - 1530

1700 Fried haddock, peas, potatoes - OK

1935 Toilet 2115 Pills

2140 Toilet 2150 In bed.

No smoking today

Saturday August 5

0658 Toilet 0715 Pills, breakfast

0815 Asleep - 1130 1200 Fresh tea.

1240 Toilet 1315 Asleep - 1530

1700 Toilet

1715 Pie & mince - OK

2015 Shave 2035 Bath

2155 Pills 2225 Toilet

2246 In bed.

No smoking today.

Sunday August 6

0647 Toilet and back into bed.

0750 Toilet 0810 Pills, breakfast

0905 Smoking - made him a bit dizzy.

0930 Mass 1240 Toilet

1715 Toilet

1730 Chump chops & rice - OK

2200 Pills 2220 Toilet

2245 In bed.

Monday August 7

0930 Toilet 1010 Pills, breakfast

1300 Smoking 1330 Toilet

1650 Toilet 1705 Beans on toast - OK

2200 Pills 2300 Toilet

2310 In bed.

Tuesday August 8

0842 Toilet and back into bed.

1200 Pills, breakfast 1330 Smoking

1603 Toilet

1715 Herring & potatoes - OK

2000 Shave

2200 Pills 2245 Toilet

2254 In bed.

Wednesday August 9

0610 Sitting on edge of bed, agreed it was too early, and got back into bed. - 0615

0803 Toilet 0820 Pills, breakfast

1000 Smoking 1300 Lunch

1445 Toilet

1700 Scrambled eggs & ham s/w - OK

1940 Toilet 2200 Pills

2232 Toilet 2256 In bed.

Thursday August 10

0650 Toilet and back into bed

1110 Pills, breakfast 1410 Toilet

1425 Smoking

1700 Mince, cabbage, potatoes - OK

1740 Toilet 2020 Toilet

2145 Pills 2220 Toilet

2241 In bed.

Friday August 11

0840 Toilet 0910 Pills, breakfast

1000 Asleep - 1105 1120 Toilet

1200 Smoking 1300 Soup & s/w

1645 Toilet

1700 Fried haddock, peas, potatoes - OK

2115 Pills 2148 Toilet

2210 In bed.

Saturday August 12

0840 Toilet and back into bed.

1210 Pills, breakfast 1420 Toilet

1430 Smoking

1700 Pie & mince - OK

1750 Toilet 1930 Shave

2105 Bath 2145 In bed.

2210 Toilet 2325 Talking to 2 people.

Sunday August 13

0405 Toilet 0745 Toilet

0805 Pills, breakfast 0835 Smoking

1245 Toilet 1655 Toilet

1705 Chump chops & rice - OK

2105 Pills 2128 Toilet

2145 Toilet 2150 In bed.

Monday August 14

0710 Toilet and back into bed

1000 "I'm getting up by slow stages."

1025 Pills, breakfast 1200 Asleep - 1330

1350 Toilet 1415 Smoking

1700 Baked beans on toast - OK

1845 Toilet 2200 Pills

2305 Toilet 2327 In bed.

Tuesday August 15

0655 Toilet and back into bed

1112 Toilet 1135 Pills, breakfast

1505 Toilet 1520 Smoking

1700 Herring & potatoes - OK

2110 Shave 2125 Pills

2140 Toilet 2150 In bed.

Wednesday August 16

0805 Toilet and back into bed

1205 Toilet 1225 Pills, breakfast

1650 Toilet

1700 Scrambled eggs & c/b s/wich - OK

1745 Smoking 2115 Toilet

2120 Pills 2130 In bed

Thursday August 17

0746 Toilet and back into bed

1100 Pills, breakfast 1412 Toilet


1700 Mince, sprouts, potatoes - OK

1920 Toilet 2105 Shave

2125 Pills 2315 Toilet

2328 In bed.

Friday August 18

0720 Toilet and back into bed

1015 Pills, breakfast 1100 Asleep - 1300

1415 Toilet 1425 Smoking

1700 Fried haddock, peas, potatoes - OK

2040 Toilet 2100 Pills

2105 In bed.

Saturday August 19

0338 Toilet & back into bed

0715 Pills, breakfast 0930 Smoking

1415 Toilet

1700 Beans on toast - OK

2000 Shave 2110 Pills

2145 Toilet, bath 2230 In bed.

Sunday August 20

0640 To toilet, fully dressed (sort of), wrong clothes.

0715 Pills 0740 Breakfast

0815 Smoking 0930 Mass

1245 Toilet 1650 Toilet

1700 Chump chops & rice - OK

2205 Pills 2220 Toilet

2248 In bed.

Monday August 21

1048 Toilet and back into bed.

1450 Toilet 1515 Pills, breakfast

1705 Pie & mince - OK

1830 Smoking 2015 Toilet

2130 Pills 2300 Toilet

2310 In bed.

Tuesday August 22

0432 Toilet and back into bed with clean underpants (unnecessary).

0912 Toilet 0935 Pills, breakfast

1045 Asleep - 1230

1715 Salmon, cabbage, potatoes - OK

1700 Smoking 2140 Shave

2155 Pills 2240 Toilet

2300 In bed.

Wednesday August 23

0538 Toilet and back into bed.

0855 Toilet 0930 Pills, breakfast

1045 Asleep - 1245 1300 Tea & ham s/wich

1355 Toilet 1500 Smoking

1700 Toilet

1715 Scrambled eggs, c/b s/wich - OK

2145 Pills 2210 Toilet

2232 In bed.

Thursday August 24

0804 Toilet and back into bed

1210 Pills, breakfast 1315 Asleep - 1445

1600 Toilet 1655 Smoking

1700 Mince, cabbage, potatoes - OK

1945 Toilet 2145 Pills

2310 Toilet 2330 In bed.

Friday August 25

0352 Toilet and back into bed.

0825 Toilet 0845 Pills, breakfast

0930 Smoking 1300 Soup, s/w - OK

1545 Toilet

1700 Fried haddock, peas, potatoes - OK

2150 Pills 2240 Toilet

2300 In bed.

Saturday August 26

0645 Toilet and back into bed

0940 Sitting on edge of bed, "must have a shave", back into bed.

1205 Toilet and. after much deliberation, back into bed.

1450 Pills, breakfast 1600 Smoking

1659 Toilet

1940 Toilet, shave 2150 Toilet, bath

2250 In bed.

Sunday August 27

0540 Toilet and back into bed.

0757 Toilet 0815 Pills, breakfast

0930 Mass 1045 Smoking

1400 Toilet 1650 Toilet

1700 Chump chops & rice - OK

2100 Pills 2220 Toilet

2240 In bed.

Monday August 28

1020 Toilet and back into bed.

1315 Pills, breakfast 1630 Toilet

1640 Smoking

1700 Beans on toast - OK

2145 Pills 2225 Toilet

2245 In bed.

Tuesday August 29

0532 Toilet and back into bed

1000 Pills, breakfast 1325 Toilet

1650 Toilet

1700 Herring & potatoes - OK

2030 Shave 2200 Pills

2313 Toilet - 2315!

2325 In bed.

Wednesday August 30

0410 Toilet and back into bed

0850 Toilet 0945 Pills, breakfast

1150 Smoking 1300 Cheese s/w, no tea

1630 Toilet - a bit late.

1700 Scrambled eggs, ham s/wich - OK

1920 Toilet 2135 Pills

2150 Toilet

2200 In bed, picked up one imaginary thread.

Read a whole book today.

Thursday August 31

0915 Toilet 0940 Pills, breakfast

1045 Asleep - 1400 1443 Toilet

1515 Asleep - 1645

1700 Mince, cabbage, potatoes - OK

2037 Toilet 2056 Shave

2150 Pills 2320 Toilet

2343 In bed.

Friday September 1

0902 Toilet 0920 Pills, breakfast

1356 Toilet 1415 Smoking

1710 Fried haddock, peas, potatoes - OK

1800 Toilet 2205 Pills

2330 Toilet 2340 In bed.

Saturday September 2

0400 Noised off. Daddy was starting to get dressed in his Sunday best. I persuaded him that it was too early by a day and several hours.

1025 Toilet. "How are you feeling?" "Not very well."

1035 Pills and back into bed.

1328 Toilet, feeling better, but will stay n bed for a while.

1515 Breakfast 1550 Toilet

1615 Smoking

1700 Beans on toast - OK

1927 Toilet 1940 Shave

2150 Bath 2220 Pills

2230 In bed.

Sunday September 3

0745 Toilet 0810 Pills, breakfast

0930 Mass 1045 Smoking

1515 Toilet

1700 Chump chops & rice - OK

2030 Toilet 2200 Pills

2235 In bed.

Monday September 4

0600 Toilet, was going to get up but persuaded back into bed.

0910 Pills, breakfast 1000 Asleep - 1300

1310 Toilet Smoking

1654 Toilet

1705 Pie & mince - OK

2150 Pills 2213 Toilet

In bed.

Tuesday September 5

0745 Toilet and back into bed

0850 Mary is at the gate, tapping the window.

1308 Toilet 1330 Pills, breakfast

1650 Toilet 1659 Smoking

1700 Herring & potatoes - OK

2130 Shave 2145 Pills

2305 Toilet 2322 In bed.

Wednesday September 6

0655 Toilet and back into bed

1255 Toilet 1315 Pills, breakfast

1400 Smoking 1650 Toilet

1700 Scrambled eggs & c/b s/wich - OK

21300 Toilet 2145 Pills

2325 Toilet 2345 In bed.

Thursday September 7

0657 Toilet and back into bed

1040 Pills, breakfast 1200 Smoking

1315 Toilet

1700 Mince, cabbage, potatoes - OK

2000 Toilet 2145 Pills

2305 Toilet 2325 In bed.

Friday September 8

0813 Toilet and back into bed.

1310 Pills, breakfast Smoking

1635 Toilet

1700 Fried haddock, peas, potatoes - OK

2145 Pills 2315 Toilet

2335 In bed.

Saturday September 9

0748 Toilet and back into bed.

1036 Already dressed!

1045 Pills, breakfast 1200 Smoking

1310 Toilet 1425 Shave

1445 Bath 1645 Toilet

1705 Pie & mince - OK

2110 Toilet 2120 Pills

2135 In bed.

Sunday September 10

0700 Toilet 0725 Pills

0730 Smoking 0735 Breakfast

0930 Mass 1420 Toilet

1700 Chump chops & rice - OK

2015 Toilet 2145 Pills

2205 Toilet 2223 In bed.

Monday September 11

0530 Toilet and back into bed

1120 Toilet 1150 Pills, breakfast

1230 Asleep - 1730 1742 Toilet

1755 Baked beans on toast - OK

1830 Smoking 2040 Toilet

2145 Pills 2235 In bed.

Tuesday September 12

0740 Toilet and back into bed

1050 Pills, breakfast 1645 Toilet

1705 Herring & potatoes - OK

2114 Toilet 2130 Pills

2138 In bed.

Wednesday September 13

0815 Toilet and back into bed

0915 District nurse, B12 injection, blood pressure a bit low but nothing to worry about.

1310 Toilet 1330 Pills, breakfast

1500 Smoking

1700 Scrambled eggs - OK

2000 Toilet 2015 Shave

2140 Pills 2200 reading

2302 Toilet, very unsteady going up the stairs.

2320 In bed.

Finished book begun yesterday.

Thursday September 14

0750 Toilet and back into bed

1152 Toilet 1225 Pills, breakfast

1345 Smoking 1654 Toilet

1705 Mince, cabbage, potatoes - OK

2100 Toilet 2115 Pills

2120 In bed. Watched TV today.

Friday September 15

0700 Toilet and back into bed.

1223 Toilet 1255 Pills, breakfast

1650 Toilet

1705 Fried haddock, peas, ate no potatoes

1730 Smoking 2148 Pills

2250 Toilet 2305 In bed.

Read a book today!

Saturday September 16

0710 Sitting on edge of bed, pyjamas off, "What day is it?" "Saturday." "Saturday? I'm too early" and back under the covers.

0928 Toilet and back into bed.

1435 Toilet 1500 Pills, breakfast

1600 Smoking

1700 Pie & mince - OK

1915 Shave 1935 Toilet

1945 Bath 2355 In bed.

Sunday September 17

0535 Toilet 0740 Toilet?

0800 Pills, breakfast 0845 Smoking

0930 Mass 1300 Toilet

1655 Toilet

1715 Chump chops & rice - OK

2155 Pills 2355 Toilet

Monday September 18

0010 In bed. 0835 Toilet

1352 Toilet 1415 Pills, breakfast

1500 Asleep - 1645 1655 Toilet

1710 Baked beans on toast - OK

1800 Asleep - 1900 1900 Smoking

2150 Pills 2200 Toilet

2223 In bed.

Tuesday September 19

0800 Toilet and back into bed

0930 Pills, breakfast Smoking

Toilet Lunch

1640 Toilet

1705 Aberdeen boneless, cabbage, pots - OK

2010 Shave 2030 Toilet

2050 Pills 2055 In bed.

Wednesday September 20

0230 "Was that Father who came in just now? I saw him coming and got out of bed." Accepted that no-one was there and went back to bed.

0625 Toilet and back into bed (unconvincingly).

0800 Pills, breakfast 0915 Smoking

1300 Soup & c/b s/wich

1435 Toilet 1653 Toilet

1705 Scrambled eggs & jam - OK

2145 Pills 2210 Toilet

2230 In bed.

Thursday September 21

0720 Toilet and back into bed.

0930 "Would there be a cup of tea?"

1105 Toilet 1130 Pills, breakfast

1200 Asleep - 1545 1650 Toilet

1705 Mince, cabbage, potatoes - OK

1905 Toilet 1930 Smoking

2145 Pills 2210 Shave

2235 Toilet 2258 In bed.

Friday September 22

0751 Toilet and back into bed

1215 Pills, breakfast 1330 Smoking

1600 Toilet

1700 Fried haddock, peas, potatoes - OK

2145 Pills 2235 Toilet

2255 In bed.

Saturday September 23

0651 Toilet and back into bed.

0915 "I'll just get up."

1115 Pills, breakfast 1200 Asleep - 1330

1415 Toilet 1730 Beans on toast - OK

1925 Toilet 2025 Bath

2050 Pills 2055 In bed.

Sunday September 24

0739 Toilet 0800 Pills, breakfast

0845 Smoking 0930 Mass

1315 Toilet 1615 Toilet

1705 Mince & pies - OK Pills

2105 Toilet 2130 In bed.

Monday September 25

0857 Toilet and back into bed

1342 Toilet 1400 Pills, breakfast

1655 Toilet

1700 Chump chops & rice - OK

2150 Pills 2235 Toilet

2300 In bed.

Tuesday September 26

0752 Toilet and back into bed

1000 Pills, breakfast 1100 Smoking

1245 Shave 1308 Toilet

1652 Toilet

1705 Salmon, cabbage, potatoes - OK

2150 Pills 2220 Toilet

2245 In bed.

Wednesday September 27

0635 Toilet & back into bed.

1115 Toilet 1140 Pills, breakfast

1300 Smoking 1650 Toilet

1700 Scrambled eggs & ham s/wich - OK

2030 Pills 2035 Toilet

2055 In bed.

Thursday September 28

0135 Toilet 0745 Toilet

1125 Pills, breakfast 1400 Smoking

1650 Toilet

1700 Mince, broccoli, potatoes - OK

2000 Toilet 2150 Pills

2310 Toilet 2333 In bed.

Friday September 29

0720 Toilet and back into bed

1105 Pills, breakfast 1145 Asleep - 1400

1440 Toilet

1705 Fried haddock, peas, potatoes - OK

2140 Pills 2308 Toilet

2331 In bed.

Saturday September 30

1005 Toilet 1025 Pills, breakfast

1230 Smoking 1640 Toilet

1700 Pie & mince - OK

1750 Shave 2110 Toilet

2130 Bath

2155 "It's too early for bed, I'll go back downstairs for just half an hour."

2235 "are you going to bed now?" "Yes, but not for half an hour." and fetched back his pipe etc.

2320 Toilet 2340 In bed.

Sunday October 1

0750 Toilet 0810 Pills, breakfast

0840 Smoking 0930 Mass

1335 Toilet 1650 Toilet

1700 Chump chops & rice - OK

2125 Toilet 2155 Pills

2200 In bed.

Monday October 2

0920 Toilet 1325 Toilet

1350 Pills, breakfast

1505 Smoking 1655 Toilet

1705 Baked beans on toast - OK

2040 Pills 2045 In bed

2125 Toilet

Hearing aid problems, subdued.

Tuesday October 3

0738 Toilet 1125 Toilet

1150 Pills, breakfast

1300 Smoking 1650 Toilet

1700 Smoked haddock, sprouts, pots - OK

1930 Shave 2130 Pills

2355 Toilet

Wednesday October 4

0012 In bed.

0751 Toilet 1227 Toilet

1250 Pills, breakfast

1400 Asleep - 1600 1653 Toilet

1705 Mince, sprouts, potatoes - OK

2145 Pills 2237 Toilet

2259 In bed.

Thursday October 5

0515 Toilet, fully dressed, bed already made. "I'm too early?" "Yes." and back into bed.

0815 Pills, breakfast ~1130 Toilet

smoking lunch

1610 Toilet

1700 Scrambled eggs - OK

2012 Toilet 2030 Shave

2155 Pills 2310 Toilet

2335 In bed.

Friday October 6

0635 Toilet

1015 Almost got up but decided against it.

1030 "Stay in bed for half an hour while I go to the library." "OK."

1100 UP, fully dressed, on his way to the toilet when I came in the door!

1110 Pills, breakfast

1315 Asleep - 1545 1655 Toilet

1705 Fried haddock, peas, potatoes - OK

1915 Smoking 2155 Pills

2310 Toilet 2325 In bed.

Saturday October 7

0536 Toilet 1015 Toilet

1040 Pills, breakfast 1400 Shave

Smoking 1555 Toilet

1605 Pie & beans - OK

2005 Toilet, bath 2050 Downstairs

2200 Pills 2335 Toilet

2355 In bed.

Sunday October 8

0745 Toilet 0810 Pills, breakfast

0830 Smoking 0930 Mass

1510 Toilet

1700 Chump chops & rice - OK

2100 Pills 2110 Toilet

2130 In bed.

Monday October 9

0230 "Did you call me to come in and see something?" "No." "I must have been dreaming." and he went back to bed.

0600 Toilet 1115 Toilet

1140 Pills, breakfast

1230 Asleep - 1645 1655 Toilet

1705 Baked beans on toast - OK

1940 Toilet 2115 Pills

2210 Toilet 2225 In bed.

Unsteady on stairs, very lethargic until evening.

Tuesday October 10

0653 Toilet 0950 Toilet

1010 Pills, breakfast Sleeping

Smoking 1655 Toilet

1705 Salmon, cabbage, potatoes - OK

2020 Shave 2150 Pills

2200 Toilet 2220 In bed.

Wednesday October 11

0335 "Is it time to get up?" "No." "Oh well, I'll just go to the toilet and back to bed."

1009 Toilet 1030 Pills, breakfast

1130 Asleep - 1400 1645 Toilet

1700 Scrambled eggs & ham sandwich - OK

2100 Pills 2108 Toilet

2140 In bed.

Thursday October 12

0525 Toilet 1000 Toilet

1030 Pills, breakfast

1230 Smoking 1620 Toilet

1700 Mince, cabbage, potatoes - OK

1940 Toilet 2130 Pills

2200 Toilet 2221 In bed.

Friday October 13

0830 Toilet 0900 Pills, breakfast

0930 Asleep - 1115 Smoking

1355 Toilet 1635 Toilet

1700 Fried haddock, peas, potatoes - OK

2137 Pills 2145 Toilet

2204 In bed.

Read a lot today.

Saturday October 14

0915 Toilet 0935 Pills, breakfast

1100 Asleep 1300 Smoking

1315 Lunch 1410 Toilet

1700 Pie & mince - OK

2035 Shave 2055 Toilet, bath

2141 Pills 2145 In bed.

Sunday October 15

0740 Toilet 0800 Pills, breakfast

0930 Mass 1200 Smoking

1525 Toilet

1700 Chump chops & rice - OK

2140 Pills 2250 Toilet

2320 In bed.

Read a book today.

Monday October 16

0935 Toilet 1340 Toilet

1355 Pills, breakfast

1500 Smoking 1655 Toilet

1705 baked beans on toast - OK

2120 Shave 2150 Pills

2225 Toilet 2245 In bed.

Tuesday October 17

0943 Toilet 1012 Pills, breakfast

1200 Smoking 1345 Toilet

1415 Haircut (£3.50) 1700 Toilet

1710 Aberdeen boneless, cabbage, potatoes - OK

2155 Pills 2305 Toilet

2325 In bed.

Wednesday October 18

0550 Toilet 1135 Toilet

1155 Pills, breakfast

1300 Smoking 1655 Toilet

1710 Scrambled eggs & corned beef s/w - OK

2125 Shave (new razor)

2150 Pills 2245 Toilet

2309 In bed.

Thursday October 19

1000 Toilet 1325 Pills, breakfast

1430 Smoking 1700 Toilet

1710 Mince, sprouts, potatoes - OK

2150 Pills 2245 Toilet

2305 In bed.

Friday October 20

0853 Toilet 1155 Toilet

1205 Pills, breakfast 1330 Smoking

1450 Moira & Aakash - 1540

1700 Toilet

1715 Fried haddock, peas, potatoes - OK

2200 Pills 2320 Toilet

2345 In bed.

Saturday October 21

0424 Toilet 0858 Toilet

0915 Pills, breakfast

1030 Smoking 1540 Toilet

1700 Pie & mince - OK

2035 Shave 2105 Toilet, bath

2205 Pills 2210 In bed.

Sunday October 22

0807 Toilet 0830 Pills, breakfast

0930 Mass 1100 Smoking

1230 Asleep - 1415 1440 Toilet

1700 Chump chops & rice - OK

2118 Toilet 2128 Pills

2140 In bed.

Monday October 23

0505 Toilet 1002 Toilet

1030 Pills, breakfast Smoking

1650 Toilet

1700 Baked beans on toast - OK

2020 Toilet 2042 Pills

2045 In bed.

Tuesday October 24

0340 Toilet 1015 Toilet

1040 Pills, breakfast Smoking

1700 Toilet

1710 Salmon, cabbage, potatoes - OK

20xx Shave 2130 Pills

2240 Toilet 2305 In bed.

Wednesday October 25

0605 Toilet 1008 Toilet

1030 Pills, breakfast

1130 Smoking 1537 Toilet

17005 Scrambled eggs, ham sandwich - OK

2155 Pills 2245 Toilet

2309 In bed.

Thursday October 26

0903 Toilet 1100 Pills, breakfast

1145 Asleep - 1400 1500 Smoking

1655 Toilet

1710 Mince, cabbage, potatoes - OK

2106 Toilet 2125 Pills

2130 In bed.

Friday October 27

0823 Toilet 1336 Toilet

1357 Pills, breakfast 1650 Toilet

1700 Fried haddock, peas, potatoes - OK

1835 Smoking 2014 Shave

2200 Pills 2220 Toilet

2235 In bed.

Saturday October 28

0700 Toilet 0829 Toilet

1057 Toilet 1410 Toilet

1430 Pills, breakfast

1530 Smoking 1700 Toilet

1710 Pie & mince - OK 1940 Shave

2000 Toilet, bath cut toenails

Change hearing aid battery.

2212 Toilet 2229 Toilet

2245 In bed.

Sunday October 29

0552 Toilet 0745 Toilet

0805 Pills, breakfast 0845 Smoking

0930 Mass 1435 Toilet

1700 Chump chops & rice - OK

2200 Pills 2332 Toilet

2350 In bed.

Monday October 30

0402 Toilet 0951 Toilet

1015 Pills, breakfast 1100 Asleep - 1500

1530 Smoking 1700 Toilet

1715 Baked beans on toast - OK

2100 Pills 2205 Toilet

2230 In bed.

Tuesday October 31

0853 Toilet 1251 Toilet

1315 Pills, breakfast

1430 Smoking 1700 Toilet

1715 Aberdeen boneless, cabbage, potatoes - OK

2200 Shave 2220 Pills

2230 Toilet

2247 In bed. "It's awfully early to go to bed, I could just go back downstairs." "No! I want to go to my bed." " Oh, OK."

Wednesday November 1

0850 Toilet 1130 Pills, breakfast

1300 Smoking 1640 Toilet

1700 Scrambled eggs & ham sandwich - OK

2115 Pills 2120 Toilet

2145 In bed.

Thursday November 2


0645 Toilet 0925 Pills, breakfast

1100 Smoking 1356 Toilet

1700 Toilet

1710 Mince, sprouts, potatoes - OK

2155 Toilet 2210 Pills

2215 Shave 2315 Toilet

2340 In bed.

Friday November 3

0925 Toilet 1220 Toilet

1240 Pills, breakfast

1345 Smoking 1655 Toilet

1710 Fried haddock, peas, potatoes - OK

2200 Pills 2245 Toilet

2300 In bed.

Saturday November 4

0920 Toilet 1330 Toilet

1345 Pills, breakfast 1655 Toilet

1710 Pie & mince - OK

2020 shave 2050 Toilet

2100 Bath 2230 Pills

2300 Toilet 2313 In bed.

Sunday November 5

0745 Toilet 0810 Pills, breakfast

0845 Smoking 0930 Mass

1400 Toilet

1700 Chump chops & rice - OK

2200 Pills 2236 Toilet

2300 In bed.

Monday November 6

1205 Toilet 1230 Pills, breakfast

1400 Asleep - 1545 1650 Toilet

1700 Baked beans on toast - OK

2150 Pills 2155 Toilet

2212 In bed.

Tuesday November 7

0850 Toilet 0915 Pills, breakfast

1030 Smoking 1650 Toilet

1700 Salmon, sprouts, potatoes - OK

2200 Shave 2215 Pills

2315 Toilet 2336 In bed.

Wednesday November 8

0840 Toilet 1045 Pills, breakfast

1445 Flu jab (Lesley)

1455 Toilet 1530 Smoking

1700 Scrambled eggs & c/b sandwich - OK

2238 Pills 2248 Toilet

2315 In bed.

Thursday November 9

0608 Curtains closing (I thought) but they were opening and Daddy was fully dressed.

0612 Toilet

0630 Change living room light bulb

0635 Pills, breakfast

0845 Smoking 1450 Toilet

1715 Mince, sprouts, potatoes - OK

2035 Toilet 2200 Pills

2215 Shave 2333 Toilet

2355 In bed.

Friday November 10

0415 Told him it was too early to get up.

0733 Toilet 1209 Toilet

1230 Pills, breakfast

1330 Asleep - 1630 1653 Toilet

1705 Fried haddock, peas, potatoes - OK

1800 Smoking 2030 Toilet

2205 Pills 2305 Toilet

2330 In bed.

Saturday November 11

0648 Toilet 1135 Toilet

1200 Pills, breakfast 1300 Asleep

1430 Smoking 1655 Toilet

1710 Pie & mince - OK

1925 Shave 1943 Toilet

2000 Bath 2035 Downstairs

2300 Pills 2353 Toilet

Sunday November 12

0010 In bed.

0708 Toilet 0800 Pills, breakfast

0930 Mass 1300 Smoking

1340 Toilet 1655 Toilet

1715 Chump chops & rice - OK

2200 Pills 2225 Toilet

2245 In bed.

Monday November 13

0315 Toilet 0750 Toilet

0815 Pills, breakfast 0900 Asleep -

1545 Toilet !

Change hearing aid battery.

1700 Scrambled eggs & ham sandwich - OK

1745 Toilet 2235 Pills

2315 Toilet 2335 In bed.

Tuesday November 14

0835 Toilet 0900 Pills, breakfast

Smoking Lunch Toilet

King's Park Toilet

Baked beans on toast - OK Toilet

(I was in Edinburgh)

2200 Pills 2244 Toilet

2309 In bed.

Wednesday November 15

0756 Toilet 1130 Pills, breakfast

1405 Toilet 1420 Shave

1710 Smoked haddock, cabbage, potatoes - OK

1950 Toilet 2200 Pills

2235 Toilet 2300 In bed.

Thursday November 16

0931 Toilet 0955 Pills, breakfast

1030 Smoking 1400 Lunch

1640 Toilet

1700 Mince, cabbage, potatoes - OK

2103 Toilet 2118 Pills

2125 In bed.

Friday November 17

0642 Toilet 1045 Pills, breakfast

1130 Asleep - 1330 1350 Toilet

1400 Asleep - 1600 1615 Smoking

1705 Fish in milk - OK

1920 Toilet 2200 Pills

2245 Toilet 2305 In bed.

Saturday November 18

0950 Toilet 1015 Pills, breakfast

1145 Smoking 1630 Toilet

1700 Pie & mince - OK

1940 Shave 2030 Toilet, bath

2235 Pills 2312 Toilet

2331 In bed.

Sunday November 19

0738 Toilet 0805 Pills, breakfast

0830 Smoking 0930 Mass

1320 Toilet 1655 Toilet

1710 Chump chops & rice - OK

2145 Pills 2200 Toilet

2231 In bed.

Monday November 20

0845 Toilet 1400 Pills, breakfast

1500 Smoking 1650 Toilet

1700 Beans on toast - OK

2130 Toilet 2230 Pills

2305 Toilet 2325 In bed.

Hearing aid problems in evening, change battery, not much better.

Tuesday November 21

0920 Toilet 1343 Toilet

1400 Pills, breakfast 1900 Smoking

1700 Salmon, sprouts, potatoes - OK

2140 Shave 2200 Pills

2207 Toilet 2229 In bed.

Wednesday November 22

0850 Toilet 0915 Pills, breakfast

1030 Smoking 1245 Sandwich

1655 Toilet

1715 Scrambled eggs, c/b sandwich - OK

2105 Toilet 2230 Pills

2245 Toilet 2310 In bed.

Thursday November 23

0655 Toilet 1105 Pills, breakfast

1200 Asleep - 1330 1400 Toilet

1655 Toilet

1710 Mince, sprouts, potatoes - OK

2200 Pills 2235 Toilet

2255 In bed.

Friday November 24

0955 Toilet 1020 Pills, breakfast

1145 Smoking 1330 Asleep - 1430

1705 Fried haddock, peas, potatoes - OK

1745 Toilet 2130 Pills

2155 Toilet 2219 In bed.

Saturday November 25

0450 Toilet 0910 Toilet

0930 Pills, breakfast 1200 Smoking

1520 Toilet

1700 Pie & mince - OK

1930 Shave

1955 Toilet, bath, cut nails

2120 Downstairs 2315 Pills

2325 Toilet In bed.

Sunday November 26

0737 Toilet 0800 Pills, breakfast

0830 Smoking 0930 Mass

1314 Toilet 1650 Toilet

1705 Chump chops & rice - OK

2102 Toilet 2120 Pills

2126 In bed.

Monday November 27

0305 Small bump, "Ooff". Daddy still in bed, feet on floor, wasn't sure what had happened, feet fell out of bed. - 0312

0448 Toilet 1150 Toilet

1220 Pills, breakfast 1300 Asleep - 1730

1745 Toilet

1800 Beans on toast

1830 Asleep at the table - 1930

1945 Smoking 2108 Toilet

2200 Pills 2325 Toilet

2340 In bed.

Tuesday November 28

0911 Toilet 1035 Pills, breakfast

Smoking 1703 Toilet

1715 Salmon, cabbage, potatoes - OK

2145 Pills 2200 Toilet

2220 In bed.

Wednesday November 29

0320 Restless, muttering about children, vans and cars, school, male nurse. Legs itching, drank juice.

0730 Toilet 0920 Pills, breakfast

1020 Smoking 1630 Toilet

1700 Scrambled eggs, ham sandwich - OK

2019 Toilet 2245 Pills

2305 Toilet 2320 In bed.

Thursday November 30

1130 Toilet 1200 Pills, breakfast

1245 Asleep - 1600 1630 Toilet

1700 Mince, cabbage, potatoes - OK

1800 Asleep - 1900 2200 Pills

2210 Shave 2235 Toilet

2255 In bed.

Friday December 1

0915 Toilet 1543 Toilet

1600 Pills & porridge

1720 Fried haddock, peas, potatoes - OK

Smoking 2225 Pills

2243 Toilet 2259 In bed.

Saturday December 2

1005 Toilet 1025 Pills, breakfast

1130 Smoking 1630 Shave

1650 Toilet

1700 Pie & mince - OK

1945 Toilet 2000 Bath

2035 Downstairs 2215 Pills

2225 Toilet 2242 In bed.

Sunday December 3

0630 Toilet 0800 Pills, breakfast

0830 Smoking 0930 Mass

1225 Toilet 1535 Toilet

1655 Mary phoned

1710 Chump chops & rice - OK

1935 Toilet 2225 Pills

2255 Toilet 2313 In bed.

Monday December 4

0510 Toilet 1048 Toilet

1110 Pills, breakfast

1200 Asleep - 1445 1500 - 1645

1705 Toilet

1715 Baked beans on toast - OK

1800 Asleep - 1900 2215 Pills

Almost fell 2325 Toilet

2344 In bed.

Tuesday December 5

1015 Toilet 1340 Pills, breakfast

1425 District Nurse Phylis & Jennifer -B12

1500 Smoking 1650 Toilet

1705 Aberdeen boneless, cabbage, pots - OK

2205 Pills 2213 Toilet

2232 In bed.

Wednesday December 6

0729 Toilet 0925 Pills, breakfast

1025 Smoking 1230 Tea & sandwich

1555 Toilet

1650 Scrambled eggs & ham sandwich - OK

2215 Pills 2247 Toilet

In bed.

Thursday December 7

0700 Getting up 0727 Toilet

0745 Pills, breakfast 0915 Smoking

1300 Toilet 1310 Soup, s/w, tea

1650 Toilet

1700 Mince, cabbage, potatoes - OK

2150 Pills 2208 Toilet

2240 In bed.

Friday December 8

0751 Toilet 1342 Toilet

1410 Pills, breakfast 1500 Asleep -

1630 Smoking 1655 Toilet

1715 Fried haddock, peas, potatoes - OK

2215 Pills 2252 Toilet

In bed.

Saturday December 9

0940 Toilet 1452 Toilet

1510 Pills, breakfast

1700 Pie & mince - OK

1845 Toilet 1900 Bath

1930 Downstairs 2200 Shave

2215 Pills 2220 Toilet

2235 In bed.

Sunday December 10

0700 Toilet and back into bed at my behest

0800 Pills, breakfast 0930 Mass

1215 Toilet Smoking

1655 Toilet

1710 Chump chops & rice - OK

2210 Pills 2235 Toilet

In bed.

Monday December 11

0323 Toilet 0815 Toilet

0840 Pills, breakfast 1015 Smoking

1113 Toilet

1140 Should have been doctor but appointment was for 0940! Seen at 1210 (Dr MacLeod) for 25 mins, ears to be syringed, use ointment on legs as required, unlikely to go away completely, otherwise checked out OK.

1250 Home 1300 Soup, s/w, tea

1542 Toilet

1700 Beans on toast - OK

2030 Shave 2205 Pills

2235 Toilet 2255 In bed.

Tuesday December 12

1030 Toilet 1215 Pills, breakfast

1300 Asleep - 1645 1708 Toilet

1720 Salmon, cabbage, potatoes - OK

1800 Asleep - 1900 Smoking

1615 Asleep - 2000 2135 Toilet

2215 Pills 2308 Toilet

2330 In bed.

Wednesday December 13

1000 Toilet 1135 Toilet

1155 Pills, breakfast 1230 Smoking

1657 Toilet

1715 Scrambled eggs & meat sandwich - OK

2155 Pills 2230 Toilet

2245 In bed.

Thursday December 14

0710 Awake, doesn't want to go to toilet

0850 Toilet. Intended to get up but hardly awake so back into bed.

1115 Getting up 1130 Pills, breakfast

1230 Asleep - 1500 1510 Toilet

1705 Mince, cabbage, potatoes - OK

1950 Toilet 2145 Shave

2230 Pills 2305 Toilet

2320 In bed.

Friday December 15

0825 Toilet 1110 Pills, breakfast

1230 Asleep - 1400 1430 Smoking

1650 Toilet

1705 Fried haddock, peas, potatoes - OK

2200 Pills 2245 Toilet

2300 In bed.

Saturday December 16

0710 Toilet 0930 Pills, breakfast

1100 Asleep - 1430 1445 Toilet

1500 Smoking

1700 Pie & mince - OK

1930 Shave 1950 Toilet

1005 Bath 2045 Downstairs

2215 Pills 2255 Toilet

2310 In bed.

Sunday December 17

0700 Toilet, and back into bed for 20 mins while I went for the papers.

0800 Pills, breakfast 0830 Smoking

0930 Mass 1545 Toilet

1700 Chump chops & rice - OK

2130 Pills 2135 Toilet

2155 In bed.

Monday December 18

0250 Up in search of a plate of black pudding, sausages and things which someone had brought into his room for him.

0538 Toilet 1208 Toilet

1230 Pills, breakfast 1400 Smoking

1430 Haircut

1700 Baked beans on toast - OK

2230 Pills 2240 Toilet

2300 In bed.

Tuesday December 19

1025 Toilet 1045 Pills, breakfast

1300 Asleep - 1600 1705 Toilet

1715 Salmon, cabbage, potatoes - OK

0815 Smoking 2215 Pills

2243 Toilet 2300 In bed.

Wednesday December 20

0815 Toilet 0835 Pills, breakfast

0930 Smoking 1020 Ears syringed

1040 Back home 1445 Toilet

1700 Scrambled eggs, ham sandwich - OK

2230 Pills 2330 Toilet

2353 In bed.

Thursday December 21

0850 "Are you thinking of going to the toilet?" "Not yet."

Pills 1610 Toilet

1700 Mince, cabbage, potatoes - OK

1900 Smoking

2238 Toilet and back downstairs

2250 Pills 2330 Toilet

2345 In bed.

Friday December 22

1015 Toilet 1040 Pills, breakfast

Smoking 1655 Toilet

1705 Fried haddock, peas, potatoes - OK

2210 Pills 2255 Toilet

2317 In bed.

Saturday December 23

1015 Almost dressed, toilet

1030 Pills, breakfast 1230 Smoking

1650 Toilet

1705 Fry-up - OK 2030 Toilet

2040 Shave 2105 Bath

2145 Downstairs 2250 Pills

2305 Toilet 2320 In bed.

Sunday December 24

0740 Toilet 0805 Pills, breakfast

0930 Mass 1030 Smoking

1240 Toilet ! 1655 Toilet

1705 Chump chops & rice - OK

2215 Pills 2240 Shave

2255 Toilet 2315 In bed.

Monday December 25

0735 "How do you feel?" "Totally non-existent."

0743 To toilet but returned and started to dress.

0750 Toilet 0815 Pills, breakfast

0930 Mass 1030 Smoking

1200 Toilet 1510 To Paul's

1800 Toilet 1830 Home

2200 Pills 2240 Toilet

2301 In bed.

Tuesday December 26

0310 Toilet ! 0940 Toilet

1520 Toilet and back into bed. "I'll go to sleep for another wee while."

2008 Toilet 2030 Pills, breakfast

2100 Smoking 2330 Pills

2346 Toilet

Wednesday December 27

0002 In bed.

0950 Toilet 1020 Pills, breakfast

1300 Smoking

1700 Scrambled eggs & turkey - OK

1750 Toilet 2230 Toilet

2240 Pills 2353 Toilet

Thursday December 28

0013 In bed.

0915 Toilet 0945 Pills, breakfast

1000 Paul 1045 Asleep

1345 Paul departs 1530 Awake

1650 Toilet

1705 Mince, cabbage, potatoes - OK

1800 Smoking 2019 Toilet

2230 Pills 2320 Toilet

2340 In bed.

Friday December 29

0659 Toilet, half dressed. "I'll just get up, it will save me getting up later." I pointed out his shirt and went to the toilet, came back to find he'd taken his trousers off. "I'll just go back to bed for a while, a couple of hours at least."

1125 Pills, breakfast 1230 Smoking

1400 Asleep 1600 Toilet

1700 Trout, sprouts, potatoes - OK

2130 Pills 2138 Toilet

2201 In bed.

Saturday December 30

0330 Toilet 0830 Toilet

1320 Toilet 1340 Pills, breakfast

1430 Asleep

1700 I woke him up. Yes, he wanted his tea, yes he would go to the toilet, and promptly went back to sleep.

1730 Woke up, didn't want to go to the toilet

1730 Pie & mince - OK

1945 Toilet 2000 Shave

2015 Bath, cut nails 2115 Downstairs

2245 Pills 2326 Toilet

2345 In bed.

Sunday December 31

0548 Toilet 0851 Toilet

0815 Pills, breakfast 0930 Mass

1045 Smoking 1255 Toilet

1700 Chump chops & rice - OK

2215 Pills 2235 Toilet

2250 In bed.

Monday January 1, 2007

0900 Toilet 0925 Pills, breakfast

1235 Shave 1245 Toilet

Smoking 1315 To Paul's

1725 Back home 2215 Pills

2250 Toilet 2310 In bed.

Tuesday January 2

0415 Toilet 1015 Toilet

1040 Pills, breakfast 1130 Asleep

1230 Karen & Sorley - 1400

1700 Woke up 1730 Toilet

1745 Scrambled eggs on toast - OK

2215 Pills 2318 Toilet

2340 In bed.

Lethargic when not asleep, didn't smoke.

Wednesday January 3

0705 Curtains closing, half dressed, toilet

0735 Pills, breakfast 1100 Asleep

1300 Toilet, fire on 1315 Smoking

1635 Toilet

1705 Mince, cabbage, pots - OK

2200 Pills, fire off 2210 Toilet

2230 In bed.

Thursday January 4

0410 Toilet 0917 Toilet

0940 Pills, breakfast 1315 Soup, s/w, tea

1500 Asleep - 1630

1700 Scrambled eggs & tinned salmon - OK

1905 Toilet 2235 Pills

"Did your mother say anything about going home?" "We are home." "Oh, I thought she said something about a taxi."

2310 Toilet 2329 In bed.

Didn't smoke today. A bit unsure about the procedure for going to bed.

Friday January 5

0255 Toilet 0520 Toilet?

0857 Toilet 0910 Pills, breakfast

1100 Asleep

1345 Half awake. "Would you like some soup?" "No." "A sandwich?" "Yes, I could eat a sandwich but I'm too tired." and went back to sleep.

1605 Toilet and back to sleep.

1700 Salmon, cabbage, potatoes. Slow eating. Didn't finish but otherwise OK.

1800 Asleep - 2115 2142 Toilet

2255 Pills 2340 Toilet

2358 In bed.

Saturday January 6

0657 Toilet 1200 Toilet

1220 Pills, breakfast

1445 Smoking, first time since Wednesday.

1700 Toilet 1710 Pie & mince - OK

2005 Shave 2025 Toilet

2040 Bath 2105 Pills

2110 In bed.

Sunday January 7

0102 Toilet 0730 Toilet

0802 Pills, breakfast 0930 Mass

1200 Smoking 1355 Toilet

1700 Toilet

1715 Chump chops & rice - OK

2130 Pills 2200 Toilet

2217 In bed

Monday January 8

0410 Awake. "I'm in no hurry to go to the toilet."

0425 Toilet 0745 Toilet

0810 Pills, breakfast 1000 Smoking

1340 Toilet 1350 tea & s/w

1458 Toilet

1710 Baked beans on toast - OK

2130 Pills 2207 Toilet

2225 In bed.

Tuesday January 9

0310 Toilet, fully dressed! Persuaded to get undressed and back into bed.

0756 Toilet 0820 Pills, breakfast

1000 Asleep - 1630 1655 Toilet

1715 Aberdeen boneless, cabbage, potatoes - OK

1815 Asleep - 2245 2300 Pills

2335 Toilet 2345 In bed.

Wednesday January 10

0800 Toilet 0923 Pills, breakfast

1230 Smoking 1653 Toilet

1710 Scrambled eggs & cold meat s/w - OK

2155 Shave 2215 Pills

2245 Toilet 2255 In bed.

Thursday January 11

0135 Noises off. "Someone came in with an envelope containing a cheque."

0515 Toilet 0748 Toilet

0815 Pills, breakfast 0930 Smoking

1015 Tea & toast 1147 Toilet

1700 Toilet

1710 Mince, cabbage, potatoes - OK

2015 Pills 2047 Toilet

2155 In bed.

Friday January 12

0220 "Good morning" but was easily persuaded to stay in bed.

0310 Sitting on edge of bed but got back in.

0530 Toilet 1000 Toilet. "Are we going to a wedding?" "No." "Oh well, I'll just lie down again." 1105 Pills, breakfast

1400 Asleep - 1645 1700 Toilet

1715 Fried haddock, peas, potatoes - OK

1830 Smoking 2000 Asleep

2145 Pills 2146 Asleep - 2315

2330 Toilet 2340 In bed.

Saturday January 13

0624 Toilet 0825 Pills, breakfast

1155 Toilet 1400 Tea & s/w

1655 Toilet 1705 Pie & mince - OK

1845 Shave 1905 Bath

Change hearing aid battery.

1940 downstairs 2215 Toilet

2225 Pills 2235 In bed.

Sunday January 14

0333 Toilet 0519 Toilet

0745 Pills, breakfast 0815 Smoking

0930 Mass 1230 Toilet

1700 Chump chops & rice - OK

2210 Pills 2224 Toilet

2243 In bed.

Monday January 15

0453 Toilet 0825 Pills, breakfast

1010 Smoking 1100 Asleep - 1200

1305 Soup, s/w, tea 1615 Toilet

1700 Baked beans on toast - OK

2205 Pills 2244 Toilet

2305 In bed.

Tuesday January 16

0842 Toilet 1145 Pills, breakfast

1305 Smoking 1540 Toilet

1700 Smoked haddock, cabbage, potatoes - OK

1645 Shave 2012 Toilet

2028 Pills 2030 In bed.

Wednesday January 17

0731 Toilet 1105 Pills, breakfast

1244 Toilet 1650 Toilet

1700 Scrambled eggs & cold meat s/w - OK

2000 Smoking 2200 Pills

2228 Toilet 2247 In bed.

Thursday January 18

0801 Toilet 1018 Pills, breakfast

1510 Toilet 1650 Toilet

1700 Mince, sprouts, potatoes - OK

1845 Smoking 2115 Shave

2135 Pills 2145 Toilet

2208 In bed.

Friday January 19

0718 Toilet 1015 Pills, breakfast

1200 Smoking 1515 Toilet

1705 Fried haddock, peas, potatoes - OK

2200 Pills 2242 Toilet

2305 In bed.

Saturday January 20

0855 Toilet 1025 Pills, breakfast

1430 Smoking 1515 Toilet

1700 Pie & mince - OK

1930 Toilet 1940 Shave

2000 Bath 2040 downstairs

2130 Pills 2150 Toilet

2204 In bed.

Sunday January 21

0735 Toilet 0800 Pills, breakfast

0830 Smoking 0930 Mass

1225 Toilet 1656 Toilet

1710 Chump chops & rice - OK

2145 Pills 2218 Toilet

2229 In bed.

Monday January 22

1125 Toilet 1335 Pills, breakfast

1400 Asleep - 1600 1645 Smoking

1655 Toilet

1715 Baked beans on toast - OK

2045 Pills 2115 Toilet

2135 In bed.

Tuesday January 23

0928 Toilet 0950 Pills, breakfast

1100 Asleep - 1230 1515 Smoking

1650 Toilet

1705 Aberdeen boneless, sprouts, potatoes - OK

2115 Pills 2155 Toilet

2212 In bed.

Wednesday January 24

0150 Noises off, sitting on edge of bed, trying to separate bunch of unused socks. "Why am I getting ready to serve Mass?" "No-one expects me to serve Mass so I'll just get back into bed." at 0215

0910 Toilet 0925 Pills, breakfast

1100 Asleep - 1245

1305 Tea & s/w 1500 Smoking

1650 Toilet

1705 Scrambled eggs & ham s/w - OK

2130 Pills 2155 Toilet

2214 In bed.

Thursday January 25

0855 Toilet 0920 Pills, breakfast

1200 Asleep - 1315 1325 Toilet!

1500 Smoking 1650 Toilet

1705 Mince, cauliflower, potatoes - OK

2115 Pills 2205 Toilet

2225 In bed.

Friday January 26

0810 Toilet 1120 Pills, breakfast

1350 Shave 1410 Toilet


1710 Fried haddock, peas, potatoes - OK

1955 Toilet 2130 Pills

2154 Toilet 2216 In bed.

Saturday January 27

0812 Toilet 0830 Pills, breakfast

0930 Asleep - 1230 1320 Toilet

1345 Smoking 1708 Toilet

1720 Pie & mince - OK

2005 Shave 2018 Bath

2050 Downstairs 2200 Pills

2218 Toilet 2237 In bed.

Sunday January 28

0737 Toilet 0800 Pills, breakfast

0830 Smoking 0930 Mass

1155 Toilet 1650 Toilet

1710 Chump chops & rice - OK

2205 Pills 2245 Toilet

2255 In bed.

Monday January 29

1050 Toilet 1115 Pills, breakfast

1315 Asleep - 1600 1655 Toilet

1710 Baked beans on toast - OK

1815 Smoking 2030 Toilet

2135 Pills 2203 Toilet

2222 In bed.

Tuesday January 30

0850 Toilet 1214 Toilet

1225 Pills, breakfast 1330 Smoking

1652 Toilet

1705 Salmon, cabbage, potatoes - OK

2115 Pills 2210 Toilet

2230 In bed.

Wednesday January 31

0752 Toilet 1202 Toilet

1215 Pills, breakfast 1545 Smoking

1615 Shave 1630 Toilet

1700 Scrambled eggs, cold meat s/w - OK

2140 Pills 2225 Toilet

2245 In bed.

Thursday February 1

0600 Toilet, fully dressed. "I seem to have wakened very early" so back into bed at 0630

0845 Pills, breakfast 1300 Toilet

1315 Soup & s/w

1700 Mince, cabbage, potatoes - OK

1855 Toilet 2015 Pills

2050 In bed. No smoking today.

Friday February 2

0045 Toilet

0530 Undressing in bed. Persuaded to stay put.

0845 Toilet 0912 Pills, breakfast

1050 Toilet 1130 Phlebotomist

1150 back home 1230 Asleep - 1500

1523 Toilet

1700 Fried haddock, peas, potatoes - OK

Smoking 2015 Pills

2112 Toilet 2145 In bed.

Saturday February 3

0745 Toilet 1025 Pills, breakfast

1130 Asleep - 1330 1345 Toilet

1530 Smoking 1705 Toilet

1720 Pie & mince - OK

2005 Shave 2020 Toilet

2035 Bath 2110 downstairs

2155 Pills 2222 Toilet

2241 In bed.

Sunday February 4

0742 Toilet 0802 Pills, breakfast

0830 Smoking 0930 Mass

1249 Toilet 1655 Toilet

1710 Chump chops & rice - OK

2155 Pills 2207 Toilet

2225 In bed.

Monday February 5

0445 Toilet 1025 Toilet

1045 Pills, breakfast 1130 Asleep - 1500

1500 Toilet 1600 Asleep - 1715

1730 Baked beans on toast - OK

1815 Smoking 2200 Pills

2215 Toilet 2236 In bed.

Tuesday February 6

0540 Noises off. Sitting on edge of bed, too early to get up so back into bed.

1055 Toilet 1115 Pills, breakfast

1300 Asleep - 1530 1645 Smoking

1655 Toilet

1715 Smoked haddock, cabbage, potatoes - OK

2015 Toilet 2150 Pills

2200 Toilet 2214 In bed.

Wednesday February 7

0435 Hesitant progress towards bathroom, looking down stairs. "Did I hear you calling me to come and have a bath?" "No." "I've been hearing voices for at least the last hour." And he went to the toilet "since I'm half way there."

0955 Toilet 1015 Pills, breakfast

1135 Smoking 1225 Shave

1300 Tea & s/w 1537 Toilet

1700 Scrambled eggs & ham s/w - OK

2130 Pills 2155 Toilet

2217 In bed.

Thursday February 8

0225 Noises off. Talking to himself, couldn't make out what. Went through, "Hooray, someone else has arrived. Everything up here works but does nothing." He was impressed that I was able to make the light work.

0231 Toilet. "I think the thing now is to have a cup of tea." "I'd rather you went back to bed." "You go back to bed and I'll bring you up a nice cup of tea." So we went downstairs.

0245 Smoking 0250 Tea.

"How many people are still upstairs?" "None, who would there be apart from us?" "Oh, just some people I've seen about."

0330 (second attempt) "Would you like to go back to bed?" "Yes, I'll go back to bed."

0347 Toilet 0355 In bed.

0821 Toilet 0840 Pills, breakfast

0955 Smoking 1205 Toilet

1310 Soup, s/w, tea

1700 Mince, cabbage, potatoes - OK

1947 Toilet 2000 Shave

2100 Pills 2127 In bed.

Friday February 9

0939 Toilet

1345 Change hearing aid battery. Pills, breakfast

1500 Asleep - 1630 1650 Toilet

1700 Fried haddock, peas, potatoes - OK

1800 Smoking 2115 Pills

2205 Toilet 2223 In bed.

Saturday February 10

0942 Toilet 1115 Pills, breakfast

1345 Toilet 1500 Smoking

1710 Toilet 1725 Pie & mince - OK

2010 Shave 2025 Bath

2100 downstairs 2155 Pills

2210 Toilet 2226 In bed.

Sunday February 11

0735 Toilet 0800 Pills, breakfast

0900 Smoking 0930 Mass

1220 Toilet 1655 Toilet

1710 Chump chops & rice - OK

2105 Pills 2215 Toilet

2138 In bed.

Monday February 12

0400 Noises off. Sitting on edge of made bed, fully dressed. Knew it was too early; thinking of going back to bed. So he changed back into pyjamas and got back into bed. - 0416

0745 Toilet 0812 Pills

0815 Smoking 0820 Breakfast

0930 Asleep - 1215 1255 Toilet

1315 Soup, s/w. tea

1700 Beans on toast - OK

2030 Pills 2050 Toilet

2115 In bed.

Tuesday February 13

0838 Toilet 0900 Pills, breakfast

1015 Asleep - 1315 1325 Toilet

1400 Tea & toast

1700 Salmon, cabbage, potatoes - OK

2010 Shave 2020 Pills

2117 Toilet 2138 In bed.

Wednesday February 14

0720 Toilet 1002 Pills, breakfast

1215 Smoking

1230 Tea & s/w but didn't eat.

1245 Asleep - 1430 1448 Toilet

1600 Stroke clinic 1635 Back home

1700 Scrambled eggs & ham s/w - OK

1725 Toilet 2108 Pills

2115 Toilet 2133 In bed.

Thursday February 15

0615 Toilet 0850 Pills, breakfast

0930 Asleep - 1200 1220 Toilet

1300 Smoking 1310 tea & s/w

1615 Toilet

1700 Mince, cabbage, potatoes - OK

1750 Paul & Moira - 1850 2145 Pills

2155 Toilet 2215 In bed.

Friday February 16

0715 Toilet, fully dressed, bed made.

0725 Pills 0745 Breakfast

0830 Asleep - 1230 1243 Toilet

1515 Toilet

1705 Fried haddock etc. - OK

2000 "I'll just go up to bed." Pills "It's awfully early but I'll do what I said."

2008 Toilet 2030 In bed.

Saturday February 17

0309 Toilet 0802 Toilet

0825 Pills, breakfast 1000 Asleep - 1245

1257 Toilet

1653 Pie & mince - OK

1950 Shave 2005 Toilet

2020 Bath 2100 downstairs

2155 Pills 2215 Toilet

2233 In bed.

Sunday February 18

0745 Toilet 0800 Pills, breakfast

0830 Smoking 0930 Mass

1158 Toilet 1645 Toilet

1705 Chump chops & rice - OK

2030 Pills 2103 Toilet

2125 In bed.

Monday February 19

0530 Toilet 1220 Toilet

1240 Pills, breakfast

1645 Baked beans on toast - OK

1730 Smoking 2040 Toilet

2120 Pills 2220 Toilet

2239 In bed.

Tuesday February 20

0853 Toilet 1345 Pills, breakfast

1635 Toilet 1945 Smoking

1955 Scrambled eggs, ham s/w - OK

1930 Shave 2140 Pills

2208 Toilet 2229 In bed.

Wednesday February 21

0810 Toilet 1014 Pills, breakfast

1525 Smoking 1552 Toilet

1705 Aberdeen boneless, cabbage, potatoes - OK

2115 Pills 2130 Toilet

2148 In bed.

Thursday February 22

0220 Voices - apparently talking in his sleep

0300 Emptying juice, back into bed.

0410 Closing curtains, bed made, not dressed so easily persuaded back into bed

0738 Toilet 0900 Pills, breakfast

1030 Asleep - 1230 1302 Toilet

1430 Smoking 1655 Toilet

1710 Mince, sprouts, potatoes - OK

2200 Pills 2213 Toilet

2235 In bed.

Friday February 23

0310 Daddy went to the toilet and back into bed, this is not unusual.

0440 Noises off - He was putting his socks on, then insisted on putting his trousers on over his pyjamas, then his shirt ditto, and got back into bed. He completely ignored my protestations about the hour and the sense of what he was doing. This is unusual, as is what follows.

0520 He was out of bed, put his jumper on, went to the toilet and returned to bed, refusing to take the jumper off.

0715 He was sitting on the edge of his bed, somewhat entangled in his jumper. I straightened him out, persuaded him to remove shirt and trousers and he got back under the covers. I went for the paper.

0730 Yes, he's getting up but lay down again.

0837 He went to the toilet, a bit unsteady. I took his pills up and he seemed unsure about what to do with them, I had to prompt one by one.

0915 I phoned the doctor and asked for a home visit.

0945 He started getting up, required prompting to get dressed.

1005 breakfast - a bit messy.

1050 Dr Ellor arrived, unable to identify a cause (Any stomach pain - No [see later], send to GRI for tests, asked for a one-hour ambulance.

1330 Ambulance service phoned, sorry for the delay, still couldn't say when it would arrive. [Apparently there was a building collapse somewhere.]

1515 Ambulance arrived.

1545 Arrived at GRI, I went to wait in the waiting room.

1755 Called through. There were a lot of people lying around on trolleys, Daddy was in a bay. Dr. Alison (young, crinkly red hair) Grieve? asked the questions, Any stomach pain? - Yes. Blood test infection indicators were high, decided it was probably urinary tract infection. Could send him home with antibiotics but it might be better

to keep him in overnight. I agreed.

1835 ECG 1930 Antibiotics

1937 chest X-ray - 2010

2015 Ward 43. The fact that I was in the waiting room didn't get to the staff nurse so I sat around for an hour before banging on the desk, completing the paperwork and leaving Daddy to their tender mercies.

Saturday February 24

1245 I phoned, they thought Daddy was still a bit confused and would like to keep him another night. I went up for the afternoon visiting and told them I thought he was no more confused than on a bad day at home. They seemed pleased about that. Phone tomorrow about 11.

Sunday February 25

1115 I phoned, Doctor hasn't seen him yet, phone again in an hour.

1200 Hospital phoned, he can get home, they have to arrange a discharge prescription, will phone again when that has been done.

1345 Taking a long time so I phone them, just as the nurse was trying to phone me on another line.

I collected Paul and we went in, there was space in the drop off/pick up area beside the entrance [first time I've seen that], went upstairs and everyone was happy.

1440 Home. 1445 Toilet

1500 Smoking 1735 Toilet

1745 Chump chops & rice - OK

2100 Pills 2110 Toilet

2130 In bed.

Monday February 26

0712 Toilet 0930 Pills, breakfast

1100 Smoking 1305 Soup, s/w, tea

1650 Toilet 1705 Pie & mince - OK

2125 Pills 2215 Toilet

2233 In bed.

Tuesday February 27

0750 "Is it time to get up yet?" "Yes, if you want to. Will you go to the toilet first?" "Yes."

0914 Toilet 0935 Pills, breakfast

1000 Asleep - 1600 1650 Toilet

1705 Salmon, broccoli, potatoes - OK

1830 Smoking 2200 Pills

2232 Toilet 2252 In bed.

Wednesday February 28

0910 District Nurse, B12 inj., B.P. normal

0925 Toilet 1220 Pills, breakfast

1345 Asleep - 1600 1650 Toilet

1705 Scrambled eggs, cold meat s/w - OK

1805 Smoking 2155 Pills

2210 Toilet 2231 In bed.

Thursday March 1

0840 Toilet 1125 Pills, breakfast

1345 Smoking 1650 Toilet

1705 Mince, cabbage, potatoes - OK

2010 Shave 2100 Pills

2130 Toilet 2150 In bed.

Friday March 2

0725 Toilet 0855 Pills, breakfast

lunch 1530 Toilet

1545 Smoking

1700 Fried haddock, peas, potatoes - OK

2000 Pills 2010 Toilet

2030 In bed 2203 Toilet

Saturday March 3

0040 Noises off. Fully dressed! Persuaded back into bed. 0314 Toilet

0653 Toilet, almost fully dressed.

0715 Pills 0745 Breakfast

1000 Asleep - 1230 1250 Toilet

1310 Tea & jam s/w 1400 Asleep - 1545

1552 Toilet 1630 Smoking

1700 Pie & mince - OK

1955 Shave 2012 Toilet

bath 2055 Downstairs

2200 Pills 2210 Toilet

2220 In bed.

Sunday March 4

0515 Toilet 0810 Pills, breakfast

0855 Toilet 0930 Mass

1045 Smoking 1245 Toilet

1700 Chump chops & rice - OK

2015 Toilet 2025 Pills

2041 In bed.

Monday March 5

0240 Toilet 0635 Toilet

1147 Toilet 1210 Pills, breakfast

1300 Asleep - 1600 1650 Toilet

1705 Baked beans on toast - OK

1830 Smoking 2100 Pills

2115 Toilet 2134 In bed.

Tuesday March 6

0815 Toilet 0835 Pills, breakfast

1000 Smoking 1300 Soup, s/w, tea

1620 Toilet

1710 Aberdeen boneless, cabbage, pots - OK

1905 Shave 2135 Pills

2159 Toilet 2219 In bed.

Wednesday March 7

0905 Toilet 0827 Pills, breakfast

1130 Asleep 1330 Tea & s/w

1500 Smoking 1655 Toilet

1710 Scrambled eggs, cold meat s/w - OK

2150 Pills 2220 Toilet

2246 In bed.

Thursday March 8

0837 Toilet 0905 Pills, breakfast

1300 Soup, s/w, tea 1400 Smoking

1630 Toilet

1700 Mince, cabbage, potatoes - OK

2027 Toilet 2045 Pills

2052 In bed.

Friday March 9

0602 Toilet 0930 Pills, breakfast

1110 Toilet 1125 Smoking

1300 Not hungry 1657 Toilet

1710 Fried haddock, peas. potatoes - OK

1950 Pills 2002 Toilet

2025 In bed.

Saturday March 10

0320 Noises off. Pyjamas off but "I'm going back to sleep" and back under the covers.

0444 Toilet 0905 Pills, breakfast

1155 Toilet 1305 Soup, s/w, tea

1530 Smoking 1655 Toilet

1710 Pie & mince - OK

2005 Shave 2025 Toilet

2045 Bath, cut toenails

2140 Downstairs 2215 Pills

2250 Toilet 2310 In bed.

Sunday March 11

0735 Toilet 0802 Pills, breakfast

0930 Mass 1130 Asleep - 1245

1300 Smoking 1505 Toilet

1700 Chump chops & rice - OK

2010 Pills 2030 Toilet

2056 In bed.

Monday March 12

0745 Toilet 0945 Pills, breakfast

1130 Asleep - 1430 1555 Toilet

1615 Smoking 1650 Beans on toast - OK

1950 Pills 1958 Toilet

2025 In bed.

Tuesday March 13

0409 Toilet 0908 Toilet

0932 Pills, breakfast 1300 Not hungry

1330 Raids the biscuit boxes

1520 Smoking 1655 Toilet

1715 Salmon, cabbage, potatoes - OK

2015 Pills 2040 Toilet

2102 In bed.

Wednesday March 14

0500 Toilet 0815 Toilet

0840 Pills, breakfast 1000 Asleep - 1320

1350 Toilet 1410 Tea & s/w

1700 Toilet

1720 Scrambled eggs & bread - OK

1900 Shave 1915 Pills

1945 Smoking 2215 Toilet

2242 In bed.

Thursday March 15

0521 Toilet 0840 Toilet

0905 Pills, breakfast

1210 Bath seat service - 1225

1320 Soup, s/w, tea 1430 Toilet

1615 Smoking

1700 Mince, cabbage, potatoes - OK

2135 Pills 2145 Toilet

2214 In bed.

Friday March 16

0705 Went to the toilet, asking me to dispose of the small pile of threads he had collected.

0818 Pills, breakfast 1015 Asleep - 1130

1155 Toilet 1245 Soup, s/w, tea

1610 Toilet

1700 Haddock in milk, which he'd asked for when given the option this morning. Pretty disastrous. Started off using his knife to transfer pieces of fish to his mouth. Success rate about one in four, usually falling back into the dish and only splashes onto his jumper. I persuaded him to use a spoon and things went better, just a few drips onto his jumper (I thought). When he'd finished, I discovered he'd been dripping onto his trousers (slight), the front of the chair, and the floor, and possibly pouring onto the edge of the tablecloth.

1800 I gave him his pills early in the forlorn hope that they might have a beneficial effect. He took a biscuit (custard cream) with his postprandial cup of tea and tried to eat his hearing aid. Fortunately he didn't try to stick a biscuit in his ear. Then I managed to stop him taking a pair of scissors to his jumper. Not looking good.

2010 Toilet 2035 In bed.

2230 Talking to himself, didn't catch detail.

Saturday March 17

0219 Phone rang, wrong number. Daddy wrestling with pyjama jacket, trousers already off. Re-dressed and back into bed.

0255 Back into bed. 0515 Back into bed.

0730 Sitting on edge of bed, quite happy but not making a lot of sense. I went for the paper.

0755 Toilet and decided to go back to bed!

1010 He got up, had his breakfast, a bit slower and messier than usual. I went out for the messages, met Moira who went in to sit with him.

1200 He wasn't making much sense so I decided to call the doctor. First, get him to the toilet, he made heavy weather getting up the stairs, had difficulty fastening his trousers after, but wasn't too bad coming down the stairs.

1310 Phoned NHS24 and was referred to Easterhouse Health Centre, where a Doctor Bachu checked him out, reckoned the urinary tract infection had returned, and prescribed antibiotics.

1507 Home again

1710 Pie and mince - marginally messier than usual. 1800 Smoking

1905 Toilet 1920 Bath, cut nails

2020 Pills 2026 In bed.

Sunday March 18

0344 Went to the toilet, quite bright.

0730 Time to get up, very sleepy, took a long time to get out of bed, longer than usual in the toilet, and when he returned he was quite happy to take his pills and get back into bed.

1325 Toilet 1345 Breakfast

Slept through most of the CIS Cup Final.

1655 Toilet

1730 Chump chops & rice - very slow, slightly messy.

2130 Pills 2145 Shave

2205 Toilet 2234 In bed.

Confused, wheezing a bit.

Monday March 19

0432 Toilet

0730 Got up of his own accord

0805 Breakfast, pills 0930 Asleep - 1300

1330 Toilet 1400 Tea & s/w

1500 Asleep - 1630 1700 Beans on toast - OK

1830 Smoking 2005 Pills

2015 Toilet 2044 In bed.

Tuesday March 20

0519 Toilet 0915 Toilet

0945 Pills, breakfast 1330 Tea & s/w

1530 Smoking 1655 Toilet

1710 Salmon, cabbage, potatoes - OK

2100 Shave 2115 Pills

2125 Toilet 2201 In bed.

Wednesday March 21

0705 Toilet 0745 Pills, breakfast

0845 Asleep - 1045 1100 Asleep - 1245

1300 Soup, s/w, tea 1500 Toilet

1600 Smoking

1700 Scrambled eggs & ham s/w - OK

2100 Pills 2110 Toilet

2135 In bed.

Thursday March 22

0100 Noises off. Pyjamas of, making bed. I straightened things up. 0115 Toilet

0750 Toilet 0920 Pills, breakfast

1000 Asleep - 1300 1657 Toilet

1715 Mince, sprouts, potatoes - OK

1900 Pills 1940 In bed.

Friday March 23

0459 Toilet, two jumpers, no trousers, odd socks

0800 Pills, breakfast 1330 Soup, s/w, tea

1430 Karen - 1500 1530 Toilet

1700 Fried haddock, peas, potatoes - OK

1815 Smoking (the matchbox!)

2030 Pills 2045 Toilet

2115 In bed.

Saturday March 24

0730 Toilet 0800 Pills (reluctantly)

0820 Breakfast 0900 Asleep - 1300

1330 Tea & s/w 1445 Moira

1535 Toilet 1635 Toilet

1635 Smoking 1705 Pie & mince -OK

1900 Toilet 1915 Bath

2000 Pills 2008 In bed.

Sunday March 25

0425 Toilet 0745 Toilet

0810 Pills, breakfast 0835 Shave

0930 Mass 1045 Smoking

1255 Karen & Mike - 1340

1345 Toilet

1700 Chump chops & rice - OK

1805 Toilet 2100 Pills

2115 Toilet 2145 In bed.

Monday March 26

0801 Toilet and back into bed.

0915 Phone doctor 1117 Toilet

1140 Pills 1155 Breakfast

1205 Dr Ellor, restart Furosamide, District Nurse to come in to take blood samples, will refer to Lightburn for further examination. - 1215

1230 Asleep mostly - 1600

1600 Toilet! I should have warned him about the effect of the Furosamide.

1700 Beans on toast - did well after I cut up the toast. 1745 Toilet

2000 Toilet! 2040 Moira & Paul

2110 Upstairs with great difficulty, pills

2125 In bed. Refused to relinquish his teeth.

Tuesday March 27

0630 Toilet, after re-dressing.

0935 District Nurse, blood, urine samples - 0945

0950 Decide he "might as well" get up but made little movement. 1135 Pills, breakfast

1235 Toilet 1300 Asleep - 1530

1600 Toilet!

1715 Scrambled eggs, cold meat s/w - OK

1840 Smoking 2105 Pills

2115 Toilet 2143 In bed.

Wednesday March 28

0755 Toilet 1005 Toilet

1030 Pills, breakfast 1200 Asleep -1400

1422 Toilet 1645 Toilet

1715 Salmon, cabbage, potatoes - OK

1920 Shave 1934 Toilet

1950 Smoking 2145 Pills

2155 Toilet 2226 In bed.

Thursday March 29

0710 Toilet 0825 Started to get up then decided to search a few drawers for something he was not sure of and did not find.

0915 Pills, breakfast 1045 Asleep - 1230

1240 Toilet 1315 Soup, s/w, tea

1430 Smoking

1705 Mince, cabbage, potatoes - OK

1750 Toilet! 2102 Toilet

2130 Pills 2138 In bed.

Friday March 30

0605 Trying to dismantle corner of sheet, didn't want to go to toilet, back into bed.

0710 Toilet 0830 Pills, breakfast

0930 Asleep -1300 1310 Toilet

1330 Tea & s/w 1415 Asleep - 1600

1700 Fried haddock, peas, potatoes - OK

1815 Toilet 1845 Smoking

2105 Pills 2120 Toilet

2210 In bed.

Saturday March 31

0404 Toilet 0745 "I'll stay in bed for a while."

0830 Getting up, slowly

0855 Pills, breakfast 0945 Asleep - 1145

1200 Karen & Sorley 1220 Toilet!

1625 Toilet 1700 Beans on toast -OK

1745 Smoking 1950 Toilet

2015 Bath 2050 Pills

2059 In bed.

Sunday April 1

0736 Toilet 0810 Pills, breakfast

0830 Shave

0930 Mass with Paul & Moira

1100 Asleep - 1300 1330 Toilet!

1620 Toilet

1730 Chump chops & rice - OK

2015 Toilet 2045 Pills

2050 In bed.

Monday April 2

0706 Toilet 1000 Pills, breakfast

1030 Asleep 1240 Toilet

1315 Tea & s/w 1345 Asleep - 1600

1650 Toilet 1700 Pie & mince - OK

1845 Smoking 2115 Pills

2145 Toilet 2205 In bed.

Tuesday April 3

0040 Noises off - trying to "start" the radio so we could drive off to London. Apparently we have to pick up some girl, who or why he can't remember.

0120 Started exploring drawers in dressing table

0136 Finally in bed.

0653 Fell out of bed but climbed back in with little help. "It was all soft bits." Didn't want to go to toilet.

0855 Toilet. A bit shaky. When offered the option of getting up, "I'd rather go back to bed."

1125 "I'll get up now."

1226 Toilet. Steadier, almost agile on the stairs.

1250 Pills, breakfast 1430 Asleep - 1600

1720 Salmon, cabbage, potatoes - OK

1750 Toilet

1915 "Will you have a shave?" "Yes, and a bath."

1920 Shave

1935 "Will you go for a bath now?" "No." Watched football instead. 2115 Toilet

2135 Pills 2140 In bed.

Wednesday April 4

0355 Noises off. Half out of bed, pyjamas off, underpants back to front. Straightened up, toilet, back into bed - 0405

0830 Toilet, clad only in his shirt.

0900 Pills, breakfast 1000 Asleep - 1315

1320 Toilet 1345 Asleep -

1430 Tea & s/w 1630 Smoking

1700 Scrambled eggs, corned beef s/w - OK

2105 Pills 2115 Toilet

2135 In bed.

Thursday April 5

0720 Toilet 0920 Pills, breakfast

1100 Asleep - 1200 1215 Toilet

1240 Smoking

1300 Didn't want anything to eat but would take a cup of tea. 1654 Toilet

1710 Mince, cabbage, potatoes - OK

Change hearing aid battery

2145 Pills 2155 Toilet

2212 In bed.

Friday April 6

0850 Toilet 1242 Toilet

1310 Pills, breakfast 1653 Toilet

1710 Fried haddock, peas, potatoes - OK

2005 Pills 2015 Toilet

2035 In bed

Saturday April 7

0730 Toilet 1120 Toilet

1140 Pills, breakfast 1650 Toilet

1705 Pie & mince - OK 1945 Shave

2000 Pills 2010 Toilet

2025 Bath 2110 In bed.

2310 Awake, but didn't get up.

Sunday April 8

0624 Toilet 0805 Pills, breakfast

0930 Mass 1400 Toilet

1720 Toilet

1730 Loin chops & rice - OK

1845 Smoking 2120 Pills

2325 Toilet 2348 In bed.

Monday April 9

0532 Toilet 1032 Toilet

1348 Pills, breakfast 1635 Toilet

1700 Beans on toast - OK

2035 Pills 2042 Toilet

2101 In bed.

Tuesday April 10

0935 Toilet 1012 Pills, breakfast

1045 Asleep - 1300 1420 Toilet

1705 Aberdeen boneless, cabbage, potatoes - OK

1755 Toilet 2130 Pills

2200 Toilet 2225 In bed.

Wednesday April 11

0138 Noises off. Shirt and trousers over pyjamas, bedclothes in a heap on the bed, stuff from dressing table top in trouser pockets. I restored order and he was back in bed at 0153.

0932 Toilet 1247 Pills, breakfast

1610 Toilet 1630 Smoking

1700 Scrambled eggs, corned beef s/w - OK

2010 Pills 2030 Toilet

2046 In bed.

Thursday April 12

0202 Curtains closing. Bed made, pyjamas off, not yet dressed. Toilet. Expressed concern about the number of people who might light fires but agreed to go back to bed anyway.

1008 Toilet 1035 Pills, breakfast

1200 Asleep - 1500 1530 Toilet

1545 Shave 1615 Smoking

1710 Mince, cabbage, potatoes - OK

2146 Pills 2157 Toilet

2216 In bed.

Friday April 13

0616 Toilet 1036 Pills, breakfast

1300 Didn't want to go to the toilet.

1450 District Nurse - Marie - blood sample

1500 Still didn't want to go to the toilet.

1520 Toilet, change trousers.

1705 Fried haddock, peas, potatoes - OK

2105 Pills 2145 Toilet

2205 In bed.

Saturday April 14

0606 Toilet 1305 Toilet

1330 Pills, breakfast 1650 Toilet

1705 Pie & mince - OK 1830 Smoking

1950 Shave 2010 Toilet

2030 Bath 2100 Pills

2110 In bed.

Sunday April 15

0740 Toilet 0805 Pills, breakfast

0930 Mass 1115 Asleep - 1300

1505 Toilet

1700 Chump chops & rice - OK

1815 Smoking 2030 Pills

2040 Toilet 2055 In bed.

Monday April 16

0906 Toilet 0935 Pills, breakfast

1015 Asleep - 1200 1230 Asleep - 1500

1635 Toilet 1645 Beans on toast - OK

1855 Toilet 1930 Smoking

2100 Pills 2152 Toilet

2212 In bed.

Tuesday April 17

0800 Toilet 0825 Pills, breakfast

0925 Left home 0940 Lightburn

0955 Dr Knight - 1015 1040 Blood tests

1050 to X-ray - 1103 1114 Home

1200 Asleep - 1400 1410 Toilet

1540 Smoking, quite unsteady while going to fetch pipe. 1648 Toilet

1700 Salmon, green beans, potatoes - OK

2155 Pills 2202 Toilet

2222 In bed.

Wednesday April 18

0330 Noises off. Half dressed. "I've been awake for some time and gradually all the schemes disappeared and all this [bedroom furniture] returned." "Just as well, it's too early to get up. Will you go back to bed?" "I knew someone would tell me that." Didn't want to go to the toilet, pyjamas on and back into bed. - 0345

0700 Toilet 0828 Pills, breakfast

1000 Asleep - 1230 1349 Toilet

1430 Smoking 1700 Toilet

1710 Scrambled eggs, cold meat s/w - OK

2133 Pills 2143 Toilet

2207 In bed.

Thursday April 19

0500 I thought he was on the way to the toilet, but he went downstairs. "There's someone at the door." There wasn't. "7 past 5, a funny time for someone at the door. We'll give them another chance to ring the bell."

0509 Toilet - 0520 "Still no-one at the door. The only one I can think of who might come down at this time is Karen, she does take the odd trip down here." and went back to bed.

0850 Toilet 0900 Pills, breakfast

1000 Asleep 1300 Soup, s/w, tea

1430 Toilet

1700 Mince, green beans, potatoes - OK

2150 Pills 2202 Toilet

2229 In bed.

Read some of Sister Fidelma.

Friday April 20

0905 Toilet 1230 Toilet

1255 Pills, breakfast 1655 Toilet

1710 Fried haddock, peas, potatoes - OK

1815 Smoking 2055 Pills

2125 Toilet 2145 In bed.

Read a lot of Sister Fidelma

Saturday April 21

0820 Toilet 0850 Pills, breakfast

1300 Smoking 1450 Toilet

1654 Toilet 1710 Pie & mince - OK

2045 Shave 2100 Pills

2105 Toilet 2115 Bath

2151 In bed. No reading today.

Sunday April 22

0743 Toilet 0810 Pills, breakfast

0930 Mass 1100 Smoking

1215 Toilet 1655 Toilet

1705 Chump chops & rice - OK

2145 Pills 2200 Toilet

2213 In bed. Read well today

Monday April 23

0847 Toilet 1355 Toilet

1415 Pills, breakfast

1700 Baked beans on toast - OK

1947 Toilet 2030 Smoking

2200 Pills 2205 Toilet

2225 In bed.

Tuesday April 24

0850 Toilet 1319 Toilet

1345 Pills, breakfast

1700 Aberdeen boneless, cabbage, pots - OK

1830 Smoking 1910 Shave

1925 Toilet 2150 Pills

2215 Toilet 2240 In bed.

Wednesday April 25

0714 Toilet 0920 Pills, breakfast

1238 Toilet 1300 Tea & s/w

1650 Toilet

1705 Scrambled eggs, ham s/w - OK

2102 Toilet 2120 Pills

2129 In bed.

Thursday April 26

0600 Toilet 0850 Pills, breakfast

1222 Toilet 1300 Tea & s/w

1528 Toilet 1550 Smoking

1710 Mince, cabbage, potatoes - OK

2130 Pills 2150 Toilet

2213 In bed.

Friday April 27

0755 Toilet 1022 Pills, breakfast

1145 Karen & Sorley -1530

1330 Fell, no damage reported.

1345 Toilet 1538 Toilet

1600 Smoking

1700 Fried haddock, peas, potatoes - OK

2100 Pills 2115 Toilet

2145 In bed.

Saturday April 28

0655 Toilet 0845 Pills, breakfast

1030 Asleep - 1230 1250 Toilet

1330 Asleep off and on all afternoon - 1630

1700 Toilet

1715 Pie & mince - OK except why did he put marg. in the jam jar? To have it ready.

2000 Smoking 2025 Shave

2046 Toilet 2100 Bath

2155 In bed.

Sunday April 29

0735 Toilet 0805 Pills, breakfast

0930 Mass 1045 Smoking

1230 Toilet! 1655 Toilet

1705 Chump chops & rice - OK

2235 Pills 2250 Toilet

2313 In bed.

Monday April 30

0337 On his way to answer the door, Thought he heard the bell ring. Back to bed.

0655 Toilet 1105 Toilet

1115 Pills, breakfast 1215 Smoking

1300 Asleep - 1600

1615 Fell over, no damage reported.

1633 Toilet 1745 Beans on toast - OK

2055 Toilet 2205 Pills

2235 Toilet 2250 In bed.

Tuesday May 1

0725 Toilet 1215 Pills, breakfast

1440 Toilet 1654 Toilet

1710 Salmon, cabbage, potatoes - OK

1830 Smoking 1910 Shave

2225 Pills 2245 Toilet

2307 In bed.

Wednesday May 2

0155 A bump: feet fell out of bed, still asleep (apparently). Left him 0900 Toilet

1320 Toilet 1335 Pills, breakfast

1400 Smoking 1655 Toilet

1710 Scrambled eggs, ham s/w - OK

2105 Pills 2125 Toilet

2143 In bed.

Thursday May 3

0615 Sticks rattling. Lying on top of bed, fully dressed, waving sticks in the air.

0620 Toilet, clothes off, pyjamas on and back into bed, hopefully for two hours.

0825 No interest in getting up

0910 Half dressed in Sunday Best. Continued dressing despite my assurances that it is not Sunday.

0935 Pills, breakfast 1200 Toilet

1535 Toilet 1550 Smoking

1705 Mince, cabbage, potatoes - OK

2200 Pills 2205 Toilet

2227 In bed.

Friday May 4

0750 Toilet 1107 Toilet

1120 Pills, breakfast, change hearing aid battery

1640 Toilet

1705 Fried haddock, peas potatoes - OK

1800 Smoking 2115 Pills

2130 Toilet 2154 In bed.

Saturday May 5

0718 Toilet 1213 Toilet

1240 Pills, breakfast 1400 Asleep - 1645

1700 Toilet 1715 Pie & mince - OK

1930 Shave 1950 Toilet

2010 Bath 2050 downstairs

2100 Smoking 2145 Pills

2152 Toilet 2217 In bed.

Sunday May 6

0520 Toilet 0747 Toilet

0810 Pills, breakfast 0850 Smoking

0930 Mass 1410 Toilet

1700 Chump chops & rice - OK

2145 Pills 2320 Toilet

2340 In bed.

Monday May 7

0750 Toilet 1325 Toilet

1340 Pills, breakfast 1645 Beans on toast - OK

1730 Smoking 2210 Pills

2235 Toilet 2248 In bed.

Expressed an interest in reading in bed but then forgot all about it.

Tuesday May 8

0841 Toilet 1110 Pills, breakfast

1350 Smoking 1350 Toilet

1705 Salmon, cauliflower, potatoes - OK

2105 Shave 2120 Pills

2232 Toilet 2254 In bed.

Wednesday May 9

0315 "I've forgotten all the things I've to distinguish between." Toilet and back into bed.

0942 Toilet 1005 Pills, breakfast

1100 Asleep - 1300 1325 Toilet

1345 To Kings Park - 1550

1700 Scrambled eggs, c/b & jam s/w - OK

1745 Smoking 2100 Pills

2115 Toilet 2131 In bed.

Thursday May 10

0745 Toilet 0915 Pills, breakfast

1000 Asleep - 1500 1530 Toilet

1600 Smoking

1700 Mince, cauliflower, potatoes - OK

2030 Shave 2140 Pills

2145 Toilet 2202 In bed.

Friday May 11

0730 Toilet 1101 Toilet

1125 Pills, breakfast 1300 Asleep - 1500

1520 Toilet!

1705 Fried haddock, peas, potatoes - OK

1815 Smoking 2010 Toilet

2050 Pills 2110 In bed.

Saturday May 12

0807 Toilet 1000 Pills, breakfast

reading 1540 Toilet

1710 Pie & mince - OK 1800 Smoking

2005 Shave 2018 Toilet

2035 Bath 2110 Pills

2115 In bed.

Sunday May 13

0510 Pyjamas back on, Toilet

0730 Tired, failed to get up

1100 Toilet 1125 Pills, breakfast

1200 Asleep - 1500 1650 Toilet

1705 Chump chops & rice - OK

1830 Smoking 2115 Toilet

2130 Pills 2140 In bed.

Monday May 14

0755 Toilet 0910 Pills, breakfast

1100 Asleep - 1300 Toilet?

Smoking 1415 Soup, s/w, tea

1705 Beans on toast - OK 2150 Pills

2216 Toilet 2245 In bed.

Tuesday May 15

07215 Toilet 1310 Pills, breakfast

after 1430, toilet?, smoking

1705 Smoked haddock, green beans, pots - OK

2010 Shave 2135 Pills

2140 Toilet 2200 In bed.

Wednesday May 16

0715 Toilet 0740 Pills

0755 Breakfast 0930 Mass

1100 Smoking 1255 Toilet

1315 Soup, s/w, tea

1700 Scrambled eggs, cold meat s/w - OK

2205 Toilet 2220 Pills

2235 In bed.

Thursday May 17

0734 Toilet 1335 Toilet

1400 Pills, breakfast 1500 Asleep - 1700

1718 Toilet

1730 Mince, cabbage, potatoes - OK

1830 Asleep - 1930 2000 Smoking

2155 Pills 2205 Toilet

2240 In bed.

Friday May 18

0950 Toilet 1012 Pills, breakfast

1100 Asleep - 1530 1650 Toilet

1705 Fried haddock, peas. potatoes - OK

1800 Smoking 2235 Pills

2245 Toilet 2304 In bed.

Saturday May 19

1000 Toilet 1020 Pills, breakfast

1130 Asleep - 1330 1415 Toilet

1747 Toilet 1800 Pie & mince - OK

1950 Shave 2005 Toilet

2015 Bath 2055 downstairs

2250 Pills 2301 In bed.

Sunday May 20

0845 Toilet 1410 Toilet

1430 Pills, breakfast

1700 Chump chops & rice - OK

1900 Toilet 1915 Smoking

2200 Pills 2250 Toilet

2312 In bed.

Monday May 21

0728 Toilet 1225 Toilet

1245 Pills, breakfast 1615 Toilet

1630 Smoking 1700 Beans on toast - OK

2205 Pills 2215 Toilet

2235 In bed.

Tuesday May 22

0812 Toilet 1347 Toilet

1405 Pills, breakfast

1430 District Nurse Anne, B12 inj & BP 130/80

1710 Salmon, cabbage, potatoes - OK

1815 Smoking 1958 Toilet

2015 Shave 2325 Pills

2330 Toilet 2348 In bed.

Wednesday May 23

0858 Toilet 1055 Pills, breakfast

1200 Asleep - 1400 1405 Toilet

1700 Scrambled eggs, cold meat s/w - OK

1800 Smoking 2200 Pills

2250 Toilet 2313 In bed.

Thursday May 24

0740 Toilet 0900 Pills, breakfast

1000 Smoking 1315 Lunch

1656 Toilet

1715 Mince, cabbage, potatoes - OK

2115 Toilet 2140 Pills

2143 In bed.

Friday May 25

0740 Toilet 0805 Pills, breakfast

0930 Asleep - 1215 1235 Toilet

1300 Lunch 1500 Smoking

1700 Fried haddock, peas, potatoes - OK

2015 Toilet 2235 Pills

2245 Toilet 2304 In bed.

Saturday May 26

0900 Toilet 0915 Pills, breakfast

1030 Asleep - 1330 1355 Toilet

1430 Smoking 1700 Pie & mince - OK

1750 Toilet 2105 Shave

2120 Toilet 2130 Bath

2205 In bed.

Sunday May 27

0740 Toilet 0810 Pills, breakfast

0845 Smoking 0930 Mass

1410 Toilet

1700 Chump chops & rice - OK

2200 Pills 2215 Toilet

2232 In bed.

Monday May 28

1130 Toilet 1155 Pills, breakfast

1300 Asleep - 1700 1715 Toilet

1730 Beans on toast - OK 1830 Smoking

2225 Pills 2230 Toilet

2250 In bed.

Tuesday May 29

0930 Toilet 0955 Pills, breakfast

change hearing aid battery

1400 Smoking 1705 Toilet

1720 Salmon, green beans, potatoes - OK

2245 Pills 2305 Toilet

2324 In bed.

Wednesday May 30

0835 Toilet 0855 Pills, breakfast

1015 Smoking Paul, Fiona, Asha, Aakash

1315 Soup, s/w, tea 1450 Toilet

1700 Scrambled eggs, ham s/w - OK

2115 Pills 2123 Toilet

2148 In bed.

Thursday May 31

0335 Sneezing. Sitting on edge of bed. "What was all the fuss about last night?" "Early evening." "It sounded like everyone around had combined to demolish all the fences." I reassured him all fences still standing.

0350 Toilet 0900 Pills, breakfast

0945 Asleep 1310 Toilet !

1345 Smoking 1633 Toilet

1700 Mince, green beans, potatoes - OK

22?? Pills 2230 Shave

2245 Toilet 2310 In bed.

Friday June 1

0840 Toilet 0910 Pills, breakfast

1030 Asleep - 1400 1435 Toilet !

1510 Smoking

1700 Fried haddock, peas, potatoes - OK

2145 Pills 2155 Toilet

2221 In bed.

Saturday June 2

0750 Toilet 0815 Pills, breakfast

1000 Asleep - 1400 1420 Toilet

1430 Smoking 1638 Toilet

1700 Pie & mince - OK 2010 Shave

2025 Toilet 2042 Bath, big toe nails

2130 downstairs 2245 Pills

2300 Toilet 2315 In bed.

Sunday June 3

0739 Toilet 0805 Pills, breakfast

0845 Smoking 0930 Mass

1415 Toilet

1700 Chump chops & rice - OK

2200 Toilet 2220 Pills

2225 In bed. Unsteady on legs.

Monday June 4

0918 Toilet 0953 Pills, breakfast

1030 Asleep - 1400 1445 Toilet

1515 Smoking 1700 Beans on toast - OK

1958 Toilet 2105 Pills

2115 Toilet 2140 In bed.

Tuesday June 5

0813 "Well, well, well." "That was an unexpected visit." "From whom?" "Mary." (who had come in out of the cupboard!)

0832 Toilet 0855 Pills, breakfast

1000 Asleep - 1500 1645 Toilet

1700 Aberdeen boneless, green beans, pots - OK

1800 Smoking 2230 Pills

2240 Toilet 2257 In bed.

Wednesday June 6

0829 Toilet 0900 Pills, breakfast

1013 Brian phoned. 1100 Told Daddy.

1200 Smoking

1330 Toilet, Moira & Fiona - 1515

1715 scrambled eggs, cold meat s/w - OK

2040 Toilet 2105 Shave

Thursday June 7

0000 Toilet 0020 In bed.

0819 Toilet 0900 Pills, breakfast

0930 Asleep - 1300 1320 Moira & Asha

1340 Toilet 1400 Asleep - 1645

1700 Smoking 1720 Toilet

1735 Mince, cabbage, potatoes - OK

2345 Pills

Friday June 8

0000 Toilet 0028 In bed.

0705 Curtains closing. Thinks there's too much to do to go back to bed. I disagree.

0715 Toilet

1025 Moira, Asha, Aakash

1030 Pills, breakfast 1200 Asleep - 1400

1430 Toilet! 1500 Smoking

1705 Herring, potatoes - OK

2240 Pills 2310 Toilet

2339 In bed.

Saturday June 9

0755 Toilet 0835 Pills, breakfast

0930 Asleep - 1300 1350 Toilet

1650 Toilet 1745 Pie & mince - OK

1830 Smoking 2010 Shave

2035 Toilet 2055 Bath, finger nails

2140 downstairs 2250 Pills

2325 Toilet 2343 In bed.

Sunday June 10

0736 Toilet 0805 Pills, breakfast

0845 Smoking 0930 Mass

0345 Toilet

1700 Chump chops & rice - OK

2245 Pills 2303 Toilet

2322 In bed.

Monday June 11

0830 Toilet 0915 Pills, breakfast

1000 Asleep - 1300 1326 Toilet

1400 Asleep - 1700 1710 Toilet

1725 Beans on toast - OK 1815 Smoking

1830 Asleep - 1930 2230 Pills

2347 Toilet

Tuesday June 12

0003 In bed. 1005 Toilet

1026 Pills, breakfast 1400 Haircut

1705 Toilet

1725 Salmon 7 potatoes - OK

1830 Smoking 2215 Toilet

2240 Pills 2245 In bed.

Wednesday June 13

0600 Toilet 0825 Pills, breakfast

1005 Toilet

1045 Depart for Gt. Haywood

1245 Toilet 1300 Lunch

1315 Smoking 1600 Toilet

1930 Sausage & mash - OK

2200 Toilet 2220 Pills

2225 In bed.

Thursday June 14

0935 Toilet 0945 Pills, breakfast

1400 Lunch 1500 Smoking

1915 Toilet 2127 Home

2250 Pills 2315 Toilet

2345 In bed.

Friday June 15

1005 Toilet 1028 Pills, breakfast

1100 Asleep - 1600 1615 Toilet

1630 Smoking (Mrs Campbell ill)

1730 Fried haddock, peas, bread & butter - OK

1950 power cut - 2000 2240 Pills

2310 Toilet 2329 In bed.

Saturday June 16

0930 "Are you getting up?" "No, it's nice and warm in here." so I switched on the heating and went shopping.

1139 Toilet 1300 Pills, breakfast

1345 Smoking 1635 Toilet

1700 Pie & mince - OK 1935 Shave

2003 Toilet 2025 Bath

2058 downstairs 2215 Pills

2305 Toilet 2316 In bed.

Sunday June 17

0712 Toilet, fully dressed, wrong clothes.

0745 Pills, breakfast 0815 Smoking

0930 Mass 1230 Toilet

1250 Moira & Paul - 1430

1705 Chump chops & rice - OK

2010 Toilet 2215 Pills

2300 Toilet 2330 In bed.

Monday June 18

0005 Said something 0020 Looking for running water in the bedroom cupboards.

0840 Toilet 0900 Pills, breakfast

0945 Asleep - 1415 1515 Toilet

1545 Smoking 1600 Asleep - 1700

1715 Beans on toast - OK 2200 Pills

2300 Toilet 2315 In bed.

Tuesday June 19

0816 Toilet 1010 Pills, breakfast

1130 Asleep - 1500 1515 Toilet

1705 Herring, potatoes - OK

1755 Toilet 2030 Shave

2130 Pills 2155 Toilet

2210 In bed.

Wednesday June 20

0715 Toilet 1215 Pills, breakfast

1300 Asleep - 1500 1505 Toilet

1515 Smoking

1700 Scrambled eggs, cold meat s/w - OK

1954 Toilet 2140 Pills

2200 Toilet 2220 In bed.

Thursday June 21

0240 About to go downstairs. "Someone tapping at the door." We checked, no-one there.

0656 Toilet 0905 Pills, breakfast

1005 Smoking 1030 Asleep - 1330

1400 Toilet

1700 Mince, cabbage, potatoes - OK

1905 Toilet 2205 Pills

2300 Toilet 2312 In bed.

Friday June 22

0715 Toilet 0733 Pills

0800 Breakfast 0830 Asleep

1230 Toilet 1255 Smoking

1300 Shave 1400 tea & s/w

1700 Toilet

1710 Fried haddock, peas, potatoes - OK

2230 Pills 2330 Toilet

2346 In bed.

Saturday June 23

0850 Toilet 0913 Pills, breakfast

change hearing aid battery

1410 Toilet 1430 Asleep - 1500

1510 Smoking 1700 Pie & mince - OK

1755 Toilet 2005 Shave

2020 Toilet 2030 Bath

2105 downstairs 2225 Pills

2245 Toilet? 2300 In bed.

Sunday June 24

0738 Toilet 0802 Pills, breakfast

0830 Smoking 0930 Mass

1420 Toilet

1700 Chump chops & rice - OK

2145 Pills 2200 Toilet

2227 In bed.

Monday June 25

0640 Toilet - 0705 Very unsteady

1225 Toilet 1240 Pills, breakfast

1315 Asleep - 1415 1430 Asleep - 1700

1718 Toilet 1735 Beans on toast - OK

1830 Smoking 1915 Asleep - 2030

2230 Pills 2317 Toilet

2336 In bed.

Tuesday June 26

1058 Toilet 1115 Pills, breakfast

1300 Asleep - 1430 1620 Smoking

1653 Toilet

1705 Herring, potatoes - OK 2235 Pills

2250 Toilet 2316 In bed.

Wednesday June 27

0600 Returning from toilet: didn't hear him go, didn't hear it flush, but presume he used it. Easily persuaded back into bed.

0910 Toilet 0935 Pills, breakfast

1200 Asleep - 1400 1505 Toilet

1525 Smoking

1705 Scrambled eggs etc. - OK

2130 Toilet 2145 Shave

2200 Pills 2320 Toilet

2340 In bed.

Thursday June 28

0845 Awake. "I'll take my time getting up."

0848 Toilet and back to bed at 0900

0945 Pills, breakfast 1015 Smoking

1610 Toilet

1705 Mince, cabbage, potatoes - OK

2100 Pills 2120 Toilet

2140 In bed.

Friday June 29

0633 Toilet 1015 Pills, breakfast

1100 Asleep - 1415 1420 Toilet

1435 Asleep - 1545

1700 Haddock in milk - OK

2200 Pills 2210 Toilet

2225 In bed.

Saturday June 30

0720 Toilet 0740 Pills, breakfast

0845 Smoking 1500 Toilet

1700 Pie & mince - OK 1850 Shave

1910 Toilet 1920 Bath

2000 downstairs 2135 Pills

2150 Toilet 2200 In bed.

Sunday July 1

0725 Pyjamas back on and into toilet.

0745 Pills, breakfast 0815 Smoking

0930 Mass 1305 Toilet

1700 Chump chops & rice (new recipe) - OK

200 Toilet 2120 Pills

2140 Toilet 2205 In bed.

Monday July 2

0351 Toilet - 0410 Not very spry, half awake.

0918 Toilet, still very sleepy

0935 Pills & back into bed.

1328 Toilet, a bit more lively but still back into bed.

1630 Getting up, "Toilet?" "Not just now."

1700 Prunes & porridge

1730 Beans on toast - OK

1742 Toilet and back to finish his tea.

Asleep on and off all evening.

2205 Pills 2320 Toilet

2345 In bed.

Tuesday July 3

0800 "Are you getting up?" "Yes." and back to sleep 1350 Toilet

1505 Pills, breakfast

1700 Herring, potatoes - OK

1745 Smoking? 1900 Smoking

2005 Shave 2340 Pills

2345 Toilet

Wednesday July 4

0005 In bed.

0645 Toilet, fully dressed. 0734 Smoking

0735 Pills, breakfast 1223 Toilet

I went out and left him with Moira

1700 Scrambled eggs etc. - OK

1918 Toilet 2210 Pills

2230 Toilet 2300 In bed.

Thursday July 5

0957 Toilet 1030 Pills, breakfast

1100 Asleep - 1500 1536 Toilet

1550 Smoking

1700 Mince, green beans, potatoes - OK

1847 Toilet 2235 Pills

2246 Toilet 2306 In bed.

Friday July 6

0903 Toilet 0930 Pills, breakfast

1030 Asleep - 1230 1430 Smoking

1700 Toilet

1715 Fried haddock, peas, potatoes - OK

2040 Toilet ! 2300 Pills

2340 Toilet

Saturday July 7

0010 In bed.

0940 Toilet 1015 Pills, breakfast

1100 Asleep - 1445 1505 Toilet

1515 Smoking 1705 Pie & mince - OK

1755 Toilet 2030 Shave

2050 Toilet 2105 Bath

2135 downstairs 2140 Pills

2255 Toilet 2310 In bed.

Sunday July 8

0735 Toilet 0800 Pills, breakfast

0830 Smoking 0930 Mass

1745 Toilet

1700 Chump chops & rice - OK

2200 Pills 2225 Toilet

2255 In bed.

Monday July 9

0912 Toilet 0935 Pills, breakfast

1000 Asleep - 1530 1535 Toilet

1545 Asleep - 1630 1700 Beans on toast - OK

1830 Smoking 1845 Asleep - 1945

2220 Pills 2315 Toilet

2340 In bed.

Tuesday July 10

0445 I thought he was going to the toilet but he was half way down the stairs. He'd heard a voice, a single word, both unrecognised. No-one downstairs so back to bed at 0455.

0917 Toilet 0940 Pills, breakfast

1200 Smoking, I went out and left him with Moira.

1400 Aunt Margaret phoned

1700 Scrambled eggs etc. - OK

2105 Toilet 2145 Pills

2205 Toilet 2218 In bed.

Wednesday July 11

0918 Toilet 1405 Pills, breakfast

1643 Toilet

1705 Herring & potatoes - OK

1805 Smoking 2035 Shave

2100 Pills 2205 Toilet

2224 In bed.

Thursday July 12

0755 Toilet 1000 Pills, breakfast

1100 Asleep - 1300

1340 to Doctor (Walker) for annual check-up.

1425 Home 1430 Toilet

1500 Smoking

1705 Mince, cabbage, potatoes - OK

1750 Toilet 2135 Toilet

2200 Pills 2205 In bed.

Friday July 13

0750 Toilet 0810 Pills, breakfast

0845 Smoking 1000 Asleep - 1200

1345 Toilet 1400 Tea & bread

1705 Fried haddock, peas, potatoes - OK

1758 Toilet 2030 Pills

2100 Toilet 2120 In bed.

Saturday July 14

0440 Toilet "Moira & family shot through the house." [That was yesterday evening.]

0845 Toilet 0912 Pills, breakfast

1000 Asleep - 1315 1315 Toilet

1345 Asleep - 1530 1545 Smoking

1650 Pie & mince - OK 1850 Shave

1913 Toilet 1934 Bath, finger nails

2025 downstairs 2200 Pills

2210 Toilet 2230 In bed.

Sunday July 15

0628 Toilet 0805 Pills, breakfast

0845 Smoking 0900 Toilet

0930 Mass 1230 Toilet

1700 Toilet

1715 Chump chops & rice - OK

2155 Pills 2230 Toilet

2253 In bed.

Monday July 16

1005 Toilet 1430 Toilet, pills

1605 Toilet 1825 Toilet

2015 Toilet 2045 Breakfast

2100 Beans on toast - ate no bread.

2130 Smoking 2330 Pills

2350 Toilet

Tuesday July 17

0002 In bed.

0430 Toilet 0815 Toilet

1010 Toilet 1030 Pills, breakfast

1130 Asleep - 1300 1345 Tea & s/w

1623 Toilet 1640 Smoking

1710 Aberdeen boneless, cabbage, potatoes - OK

2200 Pills 2223 Toilet

2250 In bed.

Wednesday July 18

0845 Toilet 0902 Pills, breakfast

1015 Asleep - 1315 1343 Toilet

1400 Tea & bread 1430 Asleep - 1630

1702 Toilet

1715 Scrambled eggs, c/beef s/w - OK

1800 Smoking 2005 Shave

2200 Pills 2300 Toilet

2327 In bed.

Thursday July 19

0630 Up but not going anywhere - "no water"

0815 Toilet 0845 Pills, breakfast

1030 Smoking 1252 Toilet

1310 Tea & s/w

1715 Mince, cabbage, garden potatoes - OK

2005 Toilet 2225 Pills

2240 Toilet 2300 In bed.

Friday July 20

0930 Toilet 1002 Pills, breakfast

1030 Asleep - 1230 1250 Toilet

1315 Smoking

1705 Fried haddock, peas, bread & butter plus gooseberry crumble & custard - OK

2130 Toilet 2230 Pills

2240 Toilet 2308 In bed.

Saturday July 21

0700 Toilet 1050 Pills, breakfast

1130 Asleep - 1330 1350 Toilet

1445 Karen, Mike, Alex - 1535

1655 Toilet 1710 Pie & mince - OK

1800 Smoking 1945 Shave

2000 Toilet 2020 Bath, toe nails

2115 downstairs 2210 Pills

2225 Toilet 2241 In bed.

Sunday July 22

0735 Toilet 0801 Pills, breakfast

0930 Mass 1350 Toilet

change hearing aid battery

1420 Smoking

1700 Chump chops & rice - OK

1945 Toilet 2205 Toilet

2225 Pills 2235 In bed.

Monday July 23

0750 Toilet 1320 Toilet

1345 Pills, breakfast Asleep off and on

1700 Beans on toast - OK 1900 Smoking

1945 Lit matchbox 2120 Pills

2212 Toilet 2235 In bed.

Tuesday July 24

0902 Toilet 0925 Pills

1115 Breakfast 1200 Asleep - 1430

1445 Toilet 1530 Smoking

1700 Herring & garden potatoes - OK

2230 Pills 2300 Toilet

2330 In bed.

Wednesday July 25

0945 Toilet 1025 Pills, breakfast

1100 Asleep - 1330 1345 Asleep - 1445

1500 Smoking 1650 Toilet

1705 Scrambled eggs & ham s/w - OK

2045 Shave 2100 Toilet

2200 Pills 2312 Toilet

2332 In bed.

Thursday July 26

0706 Toilet 0730 Pills

0815 Breakfast 0900 Asleep - 1200

1210 Toilet 1335 Smoking

1700 Mince, cabbage, potatoes - OK

2140 Toilet 2240 Pills

2308 In bed.

Friday July 27

0545 Toilet 0905 Pills, breakfast

1030 Asleep - 1330 1345 Toilet

1405 In bed. "I'll go to sleep now, I hope."

1540 Sitting on edge of bed, getting up.

1615 Smoking 1650 Toilet

1715 Fried haddock, peas, potatoes - OK

2040 Toilet 2105 Pills

2110 In bed.

Saturday July 28

0745 Toilet 0945 Pills, breakfast

1030 Asleep - 1300 1330 Tea & s/w

1400 Toilet ! 1515 Smoking

1700 Pie & mince - OK 1800 Toilet

1950 Shave 2003 Toilet

2023 Bath 2103 downstairs

2200 Pills 2213 Toilet

2245 In bed.

Sunday July 29

0746 Toilet 0815 Pills, breakfast

0930 Mass 1045 Smoking

1320 Toilet

1700 Chump chops & rice - OK

1750 Toilet 2145 Toilet

2155 Pills 2210 In bed.

Monday July 30

0905 Toilet 0935 Pills, breakfast

1015 Asleep - 1330 1415 Toilet

1500 Smoking 1700 Beans on toast - OK

1750 Toilet 2200 Pills

2210 Toilet 2233 In bed.

Tuesday July 31

0726 Toilet 1229 Toilet

1238 Pills, breakfast

1700 Herring & potatoes - OK

1800 Smoking 2200 Pills

2210 Toilet 2230 In bed.

Wednesday August 1

0712 Toilet 1247 Toilet

1310 Pills, breakfast 1415 Smoking

1650 Toilet

1710 Scrambled eggs etc. - OK

2135 Shave 2145 Pills

2155 Toilet 2215 In bed.

Thursday August 2

0910 "getting up" 0950 Toilet

1015 Pills, breakfast 1115 Asleep - 1500

1555 Toilet 1615 Smoking

1705 Mince, cabbage, potatoes - OK

2200 Pills 2205 Toilet

2235 In bed.

Friday August 3

1030 Toilet 1045 Pills, breakfast

1200 Asleep - 1515 1630 Toilet

1700 Fried haddock, peas, potatoes - OK

1800 Smoking

1845 Moira, Louise - 1935 2155 Pills

2200 Toilet 2217 In bed.

Saturday August 4

0735 Sitting on edge of bed, "How do you feel?" "Don't know." "Toilet?" "Don't know" and back into bed.

0945 Toilet 1015 Pills, breakfast

1130 Asleep - 1530 1615 Toilet

1630 Pie & mince - OK 1710 Smoking

1850 Toilet 1905 Shave

1930 Bath & finger nails 2015 downstairs

2135 Pills 2145 Toilet

2210 In bed.

Sunday August 5

0600 Toilet 0740 Toilet

0807 Pills, breakfast 0835 Smoking

0930 Mass 1258 Toilet !

1650 Toilet

1705 Chump chops & rice - OK

2150 Pills 2205 Toilet

2221 In bed.

Monday August 6

0712 Toilet 1155 Toilet

1220 Pills, breakfast 1330 Asleep - 1600

1700 Beans on toast - OK 1800 Smoking

2200 Pills 2210 Toilet

2237 In bed.

Tuesday August 7

1030 Toilet 1100 Pills, breakfast

1200 Asleep - 1500 1515 Toilet

1530 Smoking 1545 Paul, Moira - 1645

1700 Toilet

1715 Aberdeen boneless, cabbage, potatoes - OK

2110 Shave 2135 Pills

2200 Toilet 2225 In bed.

Wednesday August 8

0925 Stay in bed while I go shopping.

0955 Toilet, fully dressed

1010 Pills, breakfast 1100 Asleep - 1300

1500 Toilet

1700 Scrambled eggs, ham s/w - OK

1800 Smoking 2015 Pills

2145 Toilet 2208 In bed.

Thursday August 9

0850 Toilet 0915 Pills, breakfast

dozing off and on

1535 Toilet 1555 Smoking

1705 Mince, cabbage, potatoes - OK

2105 Shave 2124 Toilet

2140 Pills 2210 Toilet

2235 In bed.

Friday August 10

0748 Toilet 1015 Pills, breakfast

1330 Tea & s/w 1420 Toilet

1600 Smoking

1705 Fried haddock, peas, potatoes - OK

2025 Toilet 2055 Pills

2100 In bed.

Saturday August 11

0735 Toilet 1230 Pills, breakfast

1550 Toilet 1700 Mince & pie - OK

1800 Smoking 1930 Shave

1945 Toilet 2010 Bath

2050 downstairs 2145 Pills

2155 Toilet 2213 In bed.

Sunday August 12

0600 Toilet 0755 Pills, breakfast

Smoking 0930 Mass

1135 Toilet 1530 Toilet

1700 Chump chops & rice - OK

2110 Pills 2300 Toilet

2325 In bed.

Monday August 13

0710 Toilet 0800 Pills, breakfast

0900 Asleep - 1300 1350 Toilet !

1430 Tea & bread Smoking

1700 Beans on toast - OK 2135 Pills

2145 Toilet 2210 In bed.

Tuesday August 14

0720 Toilet 1150 Toilet

1240 Pills, breakfast 1657 Toilet

1715 Herring, potatoes - OK

1815 Smoking 2155 Pills

2205 Toilet 2225 In bed.

Wednesday August 15

0725 Toilet

0915 District Nurse Lesley, BP normal, B12 inj.

1225 Toilet 1300 Pills, breakfast

1410 Shave 1655 Toilet

1710 Scrambled eggs etc. - OK

1815 Smoking 2230 Pills

2245 Toilet 2320 In bed.

Thursday August 16

1005 Toilet 1028 Pills, breakfast

1520 Toilet 1600 Smoking

1700 Mince, cabbage, potatoes – OK

2105 Toilet 2235 Pills

2250 Toilet 2315 In bed.

Friday August 17

0550 Toilet 1155 Toilet

1220 Pills and back into bed

1445 Toilet 1515 Breakfast

1705 Fried haddock, peas, potatoes - OK

1815 Smoking 1950 Toilet

2125 Pills 2205 Toilet

2230 In bed.

Saturday August 18

1030 Toilet 1000 Pills, breakfast

1525 Smoking 1653 Toilet

1717 Pie & mince - OK 2010 Shave

2025 Toilet 2045 Bath

2115 Pills 2120 In bed.

Sunday August 19

0750 Toilet

0820 Pills, breakfast, change hearing aid battery

0850 Smoking 0930 Mass

1225 Toilet

1700 Chump chops & rice - OK

2200 Toilet 2225 Toilet

2245 In bed.

Monday August 20

0925 Toilet 0955 Pills, breakfast

1030 Asleep 1430 Toilet

1500 Asleep - 1615 1635 Moira - 1700

1705 Beans on toast - OK

1750 Smoking 2200 Pills

2218 Toilet 2245 In bed.

Tuesday August 21

0735 Toilet 1250 Toilet

1310 Pills, breakfast 1400 Asleep - 1615

1715 Salmon, green beans, potatoes - OK

1915 Toilet 1930 Smoking

2210 Pills 2240 Toilet

2300 In bed.

Wednesday August 22

0825 Toilet 1250 Toilet

1310 Pills, breakfast

1700 Scrambled eggs etc. - OK

1900 Toilet 1915 Shave

2115 Smoking 2240 Pills

2250 Toilet 2320 In bed.

Thursday August 23

0725 Toilet 1145 Toilet

1215 Pills, breakfast 1300 Asleep - 1630

1705 Gordon phoned 1715 Toilet

1730 Mince, cabbage, potatoes - OK

1845 Smoking 2200 Pills

2230 Toilet 2247 In bed.

Friday August 24

0925 Toilet 1125 Pills, breakfast

1300 Asleep - 1500 1540 Toilet

1555 Fried haddock, peas, potatoes - OK

1645 Smoking

1715 Crutherland - 2100

2105 Toilet 2220 Toilet

2235 Pills 2240 In bed.

Saturday August 25

0840 Toilet 0915 Pills, breakfast

1030 Asleep 1320 Moira - 1345

1400 Toilet 1500 Asleep - 1615

1630 Pie & mince - OK 1930 Smoking

2005 Shave 2018 Toilet

2033 Bath 2100 Pills

2105 In bed.

Sunday August 26

0630 Toilet 0750 Pills, breakfast

0845 Smoking 0908 Toilet

0930 Mass 1230 Toilet

1650 Toilet

1705 Chump chops & rice - OK

2225 Pills 2235 Toilet

2310 In bed.

Monday August 27

0430 Toilet 1040 Toilet

1120 Pills, breakfast 1200 Asleep - 1420

1420 Fiona, Neil, Asha, Aakash - 1535

1545 Toilet 1615 Smoking

1700 Beans on toast - OK

1800 Asleep - 1900 2145 Pills

2245 Toilet 2305 In bed.

Tuesday August 28

0910 Toilet 1205 Pills, breakfast

1315 Shave 1400 Haircut

1430 Smoking 1615 Toilet

1700 Herring & potatoes - OK

2220 Pills 2230 Toilet

2300 In bed.

Wednesday August 29

0755 Toilet 1315 Toilet

1400 Asleep - 1630

1700 Scrambled eggs etc. - OK

1815 Smoking 2240 Pills

2255 Toilet 2320 In bed.

Thursday August 30

0930 Toilet 0955 Pills, breakfast

1618 Toilet 1630 Smoking

1720 Mince, cabbage, potatoes - OK

2155 Pills 2205 Toilet

2225 In bed.

Friday August 31

0450 Toilet

0610 On his way for a bath - easily back to bed.

1112 Toilet 1145 Pills, breakfast

1300 Asleep - 1500 1650 Toilet

1705 Fried haddock, peas, potatoes - OK

2100 Toilet 2120 Pills

2125 In bed.

Saturday September 1

0616 Toilet 1040 Toilet

1120 Pills, breakfast 1200 Asleep - 1600

1620 Toilet 1635 Pie & mince - OK

1800 Smoking 2005 Shave

2015 Toilet 2030 Bath

2115 downstairs 2220 Pills

2235 Toilet 2250 In bed.

Sunday September 2

0742 Toilet 0805 Pills, breakfast

0930 Mass 1230 Toilet

1800 Smoking 1645 Toilet

1700 Chump chops & rice - OK

2215 Pills 2310 Toilet

2325 In bed.

Monday September 3

0700 Toilet 1200 Toilet

1220 Pills, breakfast 1500 Smoking

1705 Scrambled eggs on toast - OK

2130 Pills 2140 Toilet

2200 In bed.

Tuesday September 4

0720 Toilet 0935 Pills, breakfast

1030 Asleep - 1300 1340 Toilet

1355 Smoking reading

1705 Salmon, cabbage, potatoes - OK

2030 Shave 2200 Pills

2220 Toilet 2243 In bed.

Wednesday September 5

1000 Toilet 1357 Toilet

1420 Pills, breakfast

1655 Tinned salmon s/w - OK

1737 Toilet 2115 Pills

2140 Toilet 2200 In bed.

No smoking today, bit of reading.

Thursday September 6

1030 Watching building materials unloading across the road - 1045 1105 Toilet

1120 Pills & back into bed 1355 Toilet

1420 Breakfast - no toast

1700 Mince, sprouts, potatoes - OK

1740 Toilet 1815 Smoking

2200 Pills 2210 Toilet

2235 In bed.

Friday September 7

0943 Toilet

1015 Pills, breakfast - no toast hereafter

1415 Smoking 1655 Toilet

1710 Fried haddock, peas, potatoes - OK

2220 Pills 2230 Toilet

2245 In bed.

Saturday September 8

0735 Toilet 1200 Toilet

1230 Pills, breakfast 1415 Smoking

1430 Karen, Sorley - 1555

1630 Toilet 1645 Pie & mince - OK

1930 Shave 1950 Toilet

2005 Bath, toe nails 2055 downstairs

2230 Pills 2240 Toilet

2300 In bed.

Sunday September 9

0740 Toilet 0805 Pills, breakfast

0840 Smoking 0900 Toilet

0930 Mass 1100 Asleep - 1115

1345 Toilet 1445 Moira - 1535

1705 Chump chops & rice - OK

2200 Pills 2210 Toilet

2230 In bed.

Monday September 10

0220 Thought I had told him to get up, went back to bed.

1220 Toilet 1300 Pills, breakfast

1330 Smoking 1430 Asleep - 1600

1700 Beans on toast - OK 2105 Pills

2115 Toilet 2135 In bed.

Tuesday September 11

0827 Toilet 1310 Pills, breakfast

dozing off and on

1650 Toilet - fell and banged nose, felt OK

1710 Smoked haddock, cabbage, potatoes - OK

1815 Smoking 2205 Pills

2215 Toilet 2230 In bed.

Wednesday September 12

0835 Toilet 1420 Toilet

1445 Pills, breakfast

1655 Scrambled eggs etc. - OK

1905 Toilet 1920 Smoking

2210 Pills 2230 Toilet

2250 In bed.

Thursday September 13

0530 Toilet 0850 Pills, breakfast

0945 Smoking 1340 Toilet

1400 Tea & s/w

1715 Mince, cabbage, potatoes - OK

1930 Shave 1945 Toilet

2015 Pills 2025 Toilet

2045 In bed.

2330 Thwarted attempt to get up

Friday September 14

0205 Thinks he's somewhere else but doesn't know where. - 0235

0645 Toilet 0855 Pills, breakfast

0930 Asleep - 1130 1140 Toilet

1245 Tea & s/w 1250 Moira - 1430

1545 Smoking

1705 Fried haddock, peas, potatoes - OK

2205 Pills 2215 Toilet

2245 In bed.

Saturday September 15

0955 Toilet 1420 Pills

1445 Breakfast 1530 Asleep - 1630

1700 Toilet 1725 Pie & mince - OK

1815 Asleep - 2000 2015 Shave

2025 Toilet 2040 Bath, finger nails

2125 downstairs 2215 Pills

2300 Toilet 2325 In bed.

Sunday September 16

0755 Toilet 0830 Pills, breakfast

0900 Smoking 0930 Mass

1325 Toilet

1705 Chump chops & rice - OK

2055 Toilet 2205 Pills

2215 Toilet 2232 In bed.

Monday September 17

0350 Toilet 0945 Toilet

1220 Pills, breakfast 1630 Toilet

1655 Beans on toast - OK

1730 Smoking 2130 Pills

2140 Toilet 2200 In bed.

Tuesday September 18

0450 Noises off. Sitting on edge of bed, fully dressed (apparently). "It's the middle of the night!" "I just took a notion to get up." Left him for ten minutes, "What are you going to do now?" "I think I'll just get under the covers and lie down." Ten minutes later, he did.

1000 Toilet

1035 Pills, breakfast, change hearing aid battery

1500 Smoking 1650 Toilet

1700 Aberdeen boneless, cabbage, potatoes - OK

1915 Shave 2210 Pills

2215 Toilet 2230 In bed.

Wednesday September 19

0700 Toilet 1150 Toilet

1215 Pills, breakfast 1545 Toilet

1600 Smoking

1700 Scrambled eggs etc. - OK

2110 Pills 2120 Toilet

2135 In bed.

Thursday September 20

0905 Toilet 0935 Pills, breakfast

1230 Smoking 1345 Tea & s/w

1505 Toilet

1715 Mince, cabbage, potatoes - OK

2000 Shave 2200 Pills

2210 Toilet 2240 In bed.

Friday September 21

0920 Toilet 1245 Pills, breakfast

1645 Toilet

1700 Fried haddock, peas, potatoes - OK

1815 Smoking 2210 Pills

2255 Toilet 2315 In bed.

Saturday September 22

0920 Toilet 0950 Pills, breakfast

1350 Toilet 1415 Smoking

1700 Pie & mince - OK 1920 Shave

1935 Toilet 2000 Bath

2040 downstairs 2145 Pills

2155 Toilet 2210 In bed.

Sunday September 23

0500 Didn't get up 0740 Toilet

0805 Pills, breakfast 0845 Smoking

0930 Mass 1240 Toilet

1630 Toilet

1700 Chump chops & rice - OK

2100 Toilet 2120 Pills

2125 In bed.

Monday September 24

1110 Toilet 1130 Pills

1145 Breakfast 1230 Asleep - 1645

1700 Toilet 1715 Beans on toast - OK

1800 Smoking 2230 Pills

2300 Toilet 2325 In bed.

Tuesday September 25

0000 Talking to someone - "Have you been thrown out of the house again?"

1105 Toilet 1200 Pills, breakfast

1230 Asleep - 1600 1640 Toilet

1700 Smoking

1715 Salmon, cabbage, potatoes - OK

2220 Pills 2235 Toilet

2300 In bed.

Wednesday September 26

0840 Toilet 0905 Pills, breakfast

1010 Smoking 1315 Soup, s/w, tea

1700 Scrambled eggs etc. - OK

1855 Toilet 2150 Pills

2200 Toilet 2220 In bed.

Thursday September 27

0740 Toilet 0920 Pills, breakfast

1015 Asleep - 1230 "I think I'll have a bath."

1245 Toilet ! 1300 Cancel bath

1300 Smoking 1315 Soup, s/w, tea

1705 Mince, cabbage, potatoes - OK

1755 Toilet 2110 Pills

2130 Toilet 2150 In bed.

Friday September 28

0550 Sticks rattles, on floor, "Have you hurt yourself?" "No, I landed on my elbow." Up and into toilet.

0935 Pills, breakfast 1100 Toilet

1300 Asleep - 1445 1500 Toilet !

1525 Smoking

1705 Fried haddock, peas, potatoes - OK

2205 Pills 2225 Toilet

2245 In bed.

Saturday September 29

0905 Sitting on edge of bed, looking out of window.

0925 Back in bed while my back was turned.

1200 Toilet 1235 Pills, breakfast

1330 Asleep - 1600 1635 Toilet

1655 Smoking 1700 Pie & mince - OK

1920 Shave 1935 Toilet

Bath 2025 downstairs

2130 Pills 2135 Toilet

2200 In bed.

Sunday September 30

0555 Toilet 0755 Pills, breakfast

0930 Mass 1045 Smoking

1300 Toilet

1700 Chump chops & rice - OK

2012 Toilet 2030 Pills

2040 In bed.

Monday October 1

0343 Toilet 0805 Toilet

1130 Toilet 1155 Pills, breakfast

1230 Asleep - 1500 1530 Smoking

1650 Toilet 1705 Beans on toast - OK

2210 Pills 2225 Toilet

2250 In bed.

Tuesday October 2

0540 Toilet 1010 Toilet

1045 Pills, breakfast 1130 Asleep - 1500

1515 Toilet 1545 Smoking

1705 Aberdeen boneless, cabbage, potatoes - OK

1905 Shave 2200 Pills

2210 Toilet 2230 In bed.

Wednesday October 3

0230 Toilet 0940 Toilet

1055 Pills, breakfast 1245 Smoking

1345 Tea & s/w 1650 Toilet

1705 Scrambled eggs etc. - OK

2100 Pills 2110 Toilet

2125 In bed.

2315 Out of bed. Thought it was time to get up! Went back to bed.

Thursday October 4

0730 Toilet 0905 Pills, breakfast

0930 Asleep - 1230 1245 Toilet

1315 Soup, s/w, tea 1400 Asleep - 1500

1615 Smoking 1700 Toilet

1715 Mince, cabbage, potatoes - OK

2110 Shave 2205 Pills

2215 Toilet 2235 In bed.

Friday October 5

0935 Toilet 1205 Pills

1415 Toilet 1640 Toilet

1715 Smoking

1730 Fried haddock, peas, potatoes - OK

2200 Pills 2210 Toilet

2225 In bed.

Saturday October 6

0745 Toilet 1118 Toilet

1135 Pills, breakfast 1610 Toilet

1705 Pie & mince - OK 2020 Shave

2030 Toilet 2045 Bath, finger nails

2125 Pills 2130 In bed.

Sunday October 7

0358 Toilet 0738 Toilet

0800 Pills, breakfast 0930 Mass

1100 Smoking 1325 Toilet

1700 Chump chops & rice - OK

2140 Pills 2150 Toilet

2210 In bed.

Monday October 8

0612 Toilet 1050 Toilet

1115 Pills, breakfast 1200 Asleep - 1500

1645 Toilet 1700 Beans on toast - OK

1815 Smoking 2230 Pills

2240 Toilet 2305 In bed.

Tuesday October 9

0710 Toilet 1350 Toilet

1415 Pills, breakfast 1655 Toilet

1710 Salmon, cabbage, potatoes - OK

2100 Pills 2110 Toilet

2130 In bed.

Wednesday October 10

0745 Didn't go to toilet 0940 Toilet

0955 Pills, breakfast 1030 Asleep - 1445

1500 Toilet

1700 Scrambled eggs etc. - OK

1745 Smoking 2205 Pills

2215 Toilet 2233 In bed.

Thursday October 11

1105 Toilet 1125 Pills, breakfast

1245 Smoking reading

1700 Toilet

1715 Mince, sprouts, potatoes - OK

2045 Shave 2205 Toilet

2220 Pills 2225 In bed.

Friday October 12

0920 Toilet 1108 Pills, breakfast

1340 Tea & s/w 1455 Toilet

1515 Smoking

1705 Fried haddock, peas, potatoes - OK

2130 Toilet 2130 Pills

2145 In bed.

Saturday October 13

0535 Toilet 0925 Toilet

0945 Pills, breakfast 1015 Asleep - 1330

1410 Toilet 1425 Smoking

1430 Tea & bread & cheese

1700 Pie & mince - OK 1935 Shave

1945 Toilet 2000 Bath

2040 downstairs, change hearing aid battery

2145 Pills 2150 Toilet

2210 In bed.

Sunday October 14

0619 Toilet 0745 Toilet

0808 Pills, breakfast 0845 Smoking

0930 Mass 1415 Toilet

1700 Chump chops & rice - OK

2130 Pills 2145 Toilet

2205 In bed.

Monday October 15

0955 Toilet 1010 Pills

1325 Toilet 1355 Breakfast

1430 Asleep - 1645 1655 Toilet

1710 Beans on toast - OK 1755 Smoking

1800 Asleep - 1900 2205 Pills

2225 Toilet 2247 In bed.

Tuesday October 16

0538 Toilet 1125 Toilet

1155 Pills, breakfast - fried eggs

1440 District nurse - flu injection

1655 Toilet

1715 Aberdeen boneless, sprouts, potatoes - OK

1800 Smoking 2200 Pills

2210 Toilet 2226 In bed.

Wednesday October 17

0720 Toilet 0955 Toilet

1005 Pills, breakfast 1100 Asleep - 1215

1230 Shave 1300 Tea & s/w

1545 Toilet

1645 Scrambled eggs etc. - OK

1800 Smoking 2200 Pills

2212 Toilet 2235 In bed.

Thursday October 18

0835 Toilet 0855 Pills

1215 Toilet 1215 Breakfast

1515 Smoking

1700 Mince, sprouts, potatoes - OK

1755 Toilet 2115 Pills

2130 Toilet 2153 In bed.

Friday October 19

0820 Toilet 0845 Pills, breakfast

Karen here till mid afternoon

0945 Asleep 1330 Toilet

1345 Lunch 1410 Asleep - 1530

1630 Smoking

1700 Salmon, sprouts, potatoes - OK

2200 Pills 2220 Toilet

2245 In bed.

Saturday October 20

0840 Toilet 0900 Pills, breakfast

1100 Asleep - 1300 Tea & s/w

1420 Toilet 1500 Smoking

1700 Pie & mince - OK 1930 Shave

1945 Toilet 2010 Bath

2030 Toe nails 2050 Pills

2055 In bed.

Sunday October 21

0705 Toilet 0730 Pills, breakfast

0830 Smoking 0930 Mass

1240 Toilet 1650 Toilet

1710 Chump chops & rice - OK

2225 Pills 2230 Toilet

2248 In bed.

Monday October 22

0905 Toilet 1340 Toilet

1415 Pills, breakfast 1500 Asleep - 1645

1715 Beans on toast - OK

1800 Asleep - 1930 2045 Smoking

2210 Pills 2230 Toilet

2300 In bed.

Tuesday October 23

0430 Toilet 0950 Toilet

1015 Pills, breakfast 1415 Toilet

1445 Smoking

1700 Aberdeen boneless, sprouts, potatoes - OK

2200 Pills 2205 Toilet

2230 In bed

Wednesday October 24

0923 Toilet 0945 Pills, breakfast

1100 Smoking reading

1653 Toilet

1720 Scrambled eggs etc. - OK

2300 Pills 2310 Toilet

2326 In bed.

Thursday October 25

0920 Toilet 0945 Pills, breakfast

1045 Smoking 1100 Asleep - 1330

1515 Toilet 1705 Toilet

1720 Mince, broccoli, potatoes - OK

2105 Shave 2200 Pills

2212 Toilet 2245 In bed.

Friday October 26

1150 Toilet 1205 Pills

1525 Toilet 1545 Breakfast

1715 Fried haddock, peas (no potatoes) - OK

1920 Toilet 1945 Smoking

2200 Pills 2220 Toilet

2245 In bed.

Saturday October 27

0935 Toilet 0945 Pills

1400 Toilet 1420 Breakfast

1700 Pie & mince - OK 1925 Toilet

1940 Bath 2015 Shave

2215 smoking 2225 Pills

2235 Toilet 2255 In bed.

Sunday October 28

0735 Toilet 0800 Pills, breakfast

0825 Smoking 0930 Mass

1320 Toilet

1700 Chump chops & rice - OK

2015 Toilet 2025 Pills

2045 In bed.

Monday October 29

1200 Toilet 1220 Pills, breakfast

1515 Smoking 1650 Toilet

1700 Beans on toast - OK 2140 Pills

2145 Toilet 2200 In bed.

Tuesday October 30

0940 Toilet 0955 Pills

1130 Breakfast 1145 Smoking

1650 Toilet

1710 Salmon, sprouts, potatoes - OK

1950 Shave 2155 Pills

2210 Toilet 2230 In bed.

Wednesday October 31

0923 Toilet 0945 Pills, breakfast

1100 Smoking reading

1655 Toilet

1710 Scrambled eggs etc. - OK

2140 Pills 2200 Toilet

2220 In bed.

Thursday November 1

1035 Toilet 1100 Pills, breakfast

1200 Asleep - 1430 1435 Toilet

1500 Smoking 1955 (fell) Toilet

1715 Mince, broccoli, potatoes - OK

2200 Pills 2220 Toilet

2245 In bed.

Friday November 2

0638 Toilet 0930 Pills, breakfast

1100 Smoking 1335 Toilet

1650 Toilet

1705 Fried haddock, peas, potatoes - OK

2045 Pills 2155 Toilet

2215 In bed.

Saturday November 3

0945 Toilet 1015 Pills, breakfast

1100 Asleep -1400 1430 Toilet

1445 Smoking 1500 Tea & s/w

1515 Asleep - 1630 1700 Pie & mince - OK

1948 Shave 2000 Toilet

2030 Bath 2105 downstairs

2245 Pills 2255 Toilet

2315 In bed.

Sunday November 4

0730 - 0830 Wouldn't wake up

1130 Almost got up, until I told him it was too late to go to Mass.

1315 Toilet 1340 Pills, breakfast

1430 Asleep - 1645

1700 Chump chops & rice - slow

1900 Smoking 2200 Pills

2213 Toilet 2235 In bed.

Monday November 5

0623 Toilet ! 0915 Toilet

0950 Pills, breakfast 1015 Asleep - 1300

1315 Tea & s/w 1455 Toilet

1510 Smoking 1700 Beans on toast - OK

2120 Pills 2135 Toilet

2200 In bed.

Tuesday November 6

0800 Toilet 0820 Pills, breakfast

0930 Smoking reading

1315 Toilet 1330 Tea & s/w


1700 Aberdeen boneless, sprouts, potatoes - OK

2200 Pills 2218 Toilet

2245 In bed.

Wednesday November 7

0600 Toilet

0915 District Nurse - BP (low) + B12

1315 Toilet 1335 Pills, breakfast

1445 Smoking

1700 Scrambled eggs etc. - OK

1900 Dr Ellor phoned anent blood pressure (80/160). Will get the District Nurse to check again in a week or so.

2015 Shave 2030 Toilet

2230 Pills 2240 Toilet

2301 In bed.

Thursday November 8

0504 Toilet 1125 Toilet

1148 Pills, breakfast 1300 Asleep - 1500


1705 Mince, cabbage, potatoes - OK

1735 Toilet 1800 Smoking

1815 Asleep - 1900 2205 Pills

2220 Toilet 2245 In bed.

Friday November 9

0615 Toilet 1024 Toilet

1045 Pills, breakfast 1130 Asleep - 1415

1430 Toilet 1445 Smoking

1700 Fried haddock, peas, potatoes - OK

1930 Toilet 2205 Pills

2215 Toilet 2240 In bed.

Saturday November 10

0600 Toilet 0947 Toilet

1010 Pills, breakfast 1101 Smoking

reading 1345 Tea & s/w

reading 1655 Toilet

1715 Pie & mince - OK 1930 Shave

1945 Toilet 2000 Bath

2035 downstairs, change hearing aid battery

2130 Pills 2140 Toilet

2200 In bed.

Sunday November 11

0735 Toilet 0810 Pills, breakfast

0830 Smoking 0930 Mass

1540 Toilet

1700 Chump chops & rice - OK

2105 Pills 2115 Toilet

2132 In bed.

Monday November 12

0750 Toilet 1500 Toilet

1525 Pills, breakfast 1700 Beans on toast - OK

1800 Smoking 2155 Pills

2205 Toilet 2227 In bed.

Tuesday November 13

0810 Toilet 0835 Pills, breakfast

0915 Smoking 1415 Tea & toast

reading 1652 Toilet

1710 Salmon, cabbage, potatoes - OK

2000 Pills 2010 Toilet

2030 In bed. 2357 Toilet

Wednesday November 14

0740 Toilet 0810 Pills

0820 Smoking 0830 Breakfast

1030 District Nurse - BP OK

1145 Tea & s/w 1400 Toilet

1652 Toilet

1710 Scrambled eggs etc. - OK

2035 Pills 2045 Toilet

2105 In bed.

Thursday November 15

0516 Toilet 0900 Toilet

0930 Pills, breakfast 1100 Asleep - 1300

1315 Tea & s/w 1415 Toilet !

1530 Smoking

1700 Mince, cabbage, potatoes - OK

2040 Pills 2055 Toilet

2120 In bed.

Friday November 16

0526 Toilet 1230 Toilet

1250 Pills, breakfast 1530 Toilet

1705 Fried haddock, peas, potatoes - OK

1800 Smoking 2205 Pills

2210 Toilet 2230 In bed.

Saturday November 17

0425 Toilet 0915 Toilet

0932 Pills, breakfast 1115 Smoking

reading 15505 Toilet

1700 Pie & mince - OK 1850 Shave

1907 Toilet 1925 Bath

1955 downstairs 2105 Pills

2130 Toilet 2140 In bed.

Sunday November 18

0740 Toilet 0810 Pills, breakfast

0900 Smoking 0930 Mass

1335 Toilet 1652 Toilet

1705 Chump chops & rice - OK

2130 Pills 2145 Toilet

2205 In bed.

Monday November 19

0615 Straightening bedclothes but didn't go to the toilet.

1210 Toilet 1320 Pills

1620 Toilet 1640 Breakfast

1800 Smoking 2210 Pills

2220 Toilet 2243 In bed.

Tuesday November 20

0855 Toilet 0820 Pills, breakfast

1000 Smoking reading

1315 Soup, s/w & tea - OK 1400 Toilet

1705 Aberdeen boneless, sprouts, potatoes - OK

2130 Pills 2205 Toilet

2225 In bed.

Wednesday November 21

0940 Toilet 1405 Toilet

1425 Pills, breakfast 1500 Asleep - 1630

1700 Scrambled eggs etc. - OK

1942 Toilet Smoking

2215 Pills 2220 Toilet

2240 In bed.

Thursday November 22

0740 Toilet 0945 Toilet

1005 Pills, breakfast 1120 Smoking

1330 Tea & s/w 1650 Toilet

1805 Mince, cauliflower, potatoes - OK

2205 Pills 2225 Toilet

2250 In bed.

Friday November 23

0810 Toilet 0840 Pills, breakfast

0920 Smoking ... Karen was here

1700 Scrambled eggs etc. - OK

1755 Toilet ! 2125 Pills

2132 Toilet 2300 In bed.

Saturday November 24

0652 Toilet 1000 Toilet

1025 Pills, breakfast 1100 Asleep - 1300

1330 Smoking 1415 Tea & s/w

1530 Toilet 1700 Pie & mince - OK

1945 Shave 2000 Toilet

2015 Bath 2050 downstairs

2155 Pills 2210 Toilet

2225 In bed.

Sunday November 25

0742 Toilet 0810 Pills, breakfast

0840 Smoking 0930 Mass

1210 Toilet 1655 Toilet

1715 Chump chops & rice - OK

2035 Pills 2055 Toilet

2120 In bed.

Monday November 26

1025 Toilet 1505 Toilet

1525 Pills, breakfast 1655 Beans on toast - OK

1800 Asleep - 1915 1930 Smoking

2210 Pills 2220 Toilet

2235 In bed.

Never really woke up today.

Tuesday November 27

0825 Toilet 0845 Pills, breakfast

0915 Smoking 1315 Soup, tea & s/w

Watched TV 1650 Toilet

1715 Salmon, sprouts, potatoes - OK

2220 Pills 2230 Toilet

2250 In bed.

Read a bit, watched TV.

Wednesday November 28

0545 Toilet 1010 Toilet

1035 Pills, breakfast 1120 Smoking

1340 Toilet 1400 Tea & s/w

1700 Scrambled eggs etc. - OK

2115 Pills 2125 Toilet

2145 In bed.

Read a lot.

Thursday November 29

0900 Toilet 0915 Pills, breakfast

1000 Smoking 1255 Toilet

1315 Tea & s/w Watched TV

1655 Toilet

1710 Mince, cabbage, potatoes - OK

1915 Shave 2200 Pills

2225 Toilet 2245 In bed.

Friday November 30

0835 Toilet 0900 Pills, breakfast

1000 Asleep - 1230 1245 Soup, tea & s/w

1410 Toilet 1525 Smoking

1650 Toilet

1710 Fried haddock, peas, potatoes - OK

2200 Pills 2210 Toilet

2230 In bed.

A bit dozy today

Saturday December 1

0210 "What day is it, John?" "Star Thursday?" Eventually resolved, back to sleep.

0940 Toilet 0950 Pills

1245 Toilet 1310 Breakfast

1515 Toilet 1530 Smoking

1707 Toilet 1720 Pie & mince - OK

1950 Shave 2010 Toilet

2030 Bath 2105 Pills

2110 In bed.

Sunday December 2

0650 Toilet 0800 Pills, breakfast

0845 Smoking 0900 Toilet

0930 Mass 1250 Moira - 1515

1545 Toilet

1735 Chump chops & rice - OK

2200 Pills 2240 Toilet

2305 In bed.

Monday December 3

0630 Toilet, fully dressed, sort of, persuaded back into bed.

0930 Toilet 0955 Pills, breakfast

1040 Funeral - 1330 1335 Toilet

1620 Moira - 1730 1740 Toilet

1755 Beans on toast - OK 2115 Pills

2140 Toilet 2202 In bed.

Tuesday December 4

0810 Toilet 0825 Pills

1240 Toilet 1310 Breakfast

1650 Toilet

1700 Salmon, cabbage, potatoes - OK

1800 Smoking 2200 Pills

2210 Toilet 2225 In bed.

Wednesday December 5

1108 Toilet 1120 Pills

1440 Toilet 1740 Toilet

"I think it's time you got up" "I think I'll just get back into bed and see what happens."

1915 Toilet 1935 Breakfast

2045 Smoking 2245 Pills

2250 Toilet 2310 In bed.

Thursday December 6

1055 Toilet 1120 Pills, breakfast

1245 Smoking

1445 change hearing aid battery, tea & s/w

1655 Toilet

1710 Mince, cabbage, potatoes - OK

1915 Shave 2200 Pills

2205 Toilet 2215 In bed.

Friday December 7

0820 Toilet 0830 Pills

1300 Toilet 1325 Breakfast

1435 Smoking 1650 Toilet

1705 Fried haddock, peas, potatoes - OK

2105 Pills 2115 Toilet

2130 In bed.

Saturday December 8

0055 Toilet, fully dressed. Persuaded back to bed.

0805 Toilet 0820 Pills

1230 Toilet 1550 Toilet

1625 Breakfast 1700 Smoking

1745 Pie & mince - OK 2200 Shave

2015 Toilet 2040 Bath, toenails

2130 downstairs 2215 Pills

2230 Toilet 2245 In bed.

Sunday December 9

0738 Toilet 0803 Pills, breakfast

0830 Smoking 0930 Mass

1400 Paul & Moira - 1500 1515 Toilet

1700 Chump chops & rice - OK

2200 Pills 2225 Toilet

2245 In bed.

Monday December 10

1115 Toilet 1140 Pills, breakfast

1230 Smoking 1405 Haircut - 1435

1645 Toilet 1700 Beans on toast - OK

2200 Pills 2210 Toilet

2220 In bed.

Tuesday December 11

0945 Toilet 0955 Pills

1405 Toilet 1430 Breakfast

1700 Aberdeen boneless, cabbage, potatoes - OK

1800 Smoking 1910 Shave

1930 Toilet 2200 Pills

2210 Toilet 2235 In bed.

Wednesday December 12

0920 Toilet 0935 Pills

1345 Toilet 1415 Breakfast

1655 Scrambled eggs etc. - OK

1800 Smoking 2200 Pills

2208 Toilet 2230 In bed.

Thursday December 13

0755 Toilet 0815 Pills

1035 Breakfast 1130 Smoking

1315 Toilet 1330 Tea & s/w

1700 Mince, sprouts, potatoes - OK

2200 Pills 2225 Toilet

2250 In bed.

Friday December 14

0530 Toilet 1025 Toilet

1055 Pills, breakfast 1200 Asleep - 1530

1550 Toilet ! 1700 Smoking

1730 Fried haddock, peas, potatoes - OK

2145 Pills 2215 Toilet

2235 In bed.

Saturday December 15

0900 Toilet 0912 Pills

1258 Toilet 1325 Breakfast

1430 Asleep - 1545 1615 Toilet

1705 Fry - OK (though soft motions for the next two days !) 1815 Smoking

1945 Shave 2002 Toilet

2025 Bath 2100 downstairs

2200 Pills 2230 In bed.

Sunday December 16

0738 Toilet 0800 Pills, breakfast

0845 Smoking 0930 Mass

1410 Toilet

1700 Chump chops & rice - OK

2210 Pills 2225 Toilet

2255 In bed.

Monday December 17

1215 Toilet 1240 Pills, breakfast

1315 Asleep - 1600 Smoking

1615 Toilet 1710 Beans on toast - OK

2235 Pills 2245 Toilet

2310 In bed.

Tuesday December 18

0820 Toilet 1840 Pills

1235 Toilet 1305 Breakfast

1330 Smoking 1345 Kings Park - 1545

1705 Salmon, sprouts, potatoes - OK

2200 Pills 2220 Toilet

2255 In bed.

Wednesday December 19

0905 Toilet 0920 Pills

1040 Breakfast 1130 Smoking

1400 Soup, tea & s/w 1505 Toilet

1655 Scrambled eggs etc. - OK

2155 Pills 2205 Toilet

2225 In bed.

Thursday December 20

0805 Toilet 0820 Pills

1230 Toilet 1730 Toilet

1755 Breakfast 1830 Smoking

2145 Tea & s/w 2230 Pills

2250 Toilet

Friday December 21

0918 Toilet

0945 Pills, breakfast (with toast!)

1045 Smoking 1130 Asleep - 1500

1700 Fried haddock, peas, potatoes - OK

2205 Pills 2220 Toilet

2250 In bed.

Saturday December 22

1027 Toilet 1040 Pills

1405 Toilet 1435 Breakfast

1500 Asleep - 1630 1700 Pie & mince - OK

1800 Smoking 2015 Shave

2025 Toilet 2035 Bath

2110 Pills 2115 In bed.

Sunday December 23

0117 Toilet 0750 Toilet

0815 Pills, breakfast 0900 Smoking

0930 Mass 1535 Toilet

1700 Chump chops & rice - OK

2245 Pills 2305 Toilet

2330 In bed.

Monday December 24

0738 Toilet 0750 Pills

1230 Toilet 1300 Breakfast

1330 Asleep - 1615 1700 Beans on toast - OK

1745 Smoking 2230 Pills

2240 Toilet 2300 In bed.

Tuesday December 25

0745 Toilet 0810 Pills, breakfast

0845 Smoking 0930 Mass

1440 Toilet 1510 Moira's - 2020

2215 Pills 2244 Toilet

2300 In bed.

Wednesday December 26

1420 Toilet 1440 Pills, breakfast

1500 Asleep - 1815 1830 Leftovers - OK

1930 Smoking Asleep most of the time

2210 Pills 2225 Toilet

2245 In bed.

Thursday December 27

0750 Toilet 0800 Pills

0925 Breakfast 1000 Smoking

1030 Asleep - 1300 1325 Toilet

1345 Tea & s/w

1705 Mince, sprouts, potatoes - OK

reading 2120 Toilet

2145 Pills 2150 In bed.

Friday December 28

0300 Toilet 1020 Toilet

1040 Pills, breakfast 1200 Smoking

1330 Tea & s/w reading

1655 Toilet

1705 Scrambled eggs & tinned salmon - OK

2115 Pills 2120 Toilet

2145 In bed.

Saturday December 29

0200 Our of bed and back in

0815 Toilet 0845 Pills, breakfast

0945 Smoking 1000 Asleep - 1100

1300 Tea & s/w 1520 Toilet

1550 Shave 1605 Bath

1645 downstairs, cut finger nails

1725 Pie & mince - OK 2100 Pills

2108 Toilet 2125 In bed.

Sunday December 30

0705 Toilet 0730 Pills, breakfast

0800 Smoking 0930 Mass

1245 Toilet reading

1650 Toilet

1700 Chump chops & rice - OK

reading 2200 Pills

2212 Toilet 2235 In bed.

Monday December 31

0945 Toilet 1000 Pills

1400 Toilet 1430 Breakfast

1445 Asleep - 1715 1730 Toilet

1745 Beans on toast - OK 1815 Smoking

1830 Asleep - 2030 2240 Pills

2250 Toilet 2305 In bed.

Tuesday January 1 2008

0950 Toilet 1015 Pills, breakfast

1035 Shave 1045 Smoking

1130 Mass 1400 Toilet

1530 Moira brought steak pie, carrots, broccoli, mashed potatoes - OK

watched TV 2215 Pills

2230 Toilet 2252 In bed.

Wednesday January 2

0805 Toilet 0835 Pills, breakfast

1000 Smoking

1115 Karen, Mike, Sorley - 1230

1420 Toilet 1440 Tea & bread

1650 Toilet

1700 Scrambled eggs, tinned salmon - OK

2220 Pills 2215 Toilet

2235 In bed.

Thursday January 3

0235 Toilet 0905 Toilet

0930 Pills, breakfast 1030 Smoking

change hearing aid battery

1315 Tea & s/w 1500 Toilet

1700 Mince, sprouts, potatoes - OK

2105 Toilet 2120 Pills

2125 Shave 2145 In bed.

Friday January 4

0120 Toilet 0825 Toilet

0840 Pills 1255 Toilet

1315 Breakfast 1345 Asleep - 1645

1715 salmon, cabbage, potatoes - OK

1800 Asleep 1815 Smoking

1820 Asleep - 2030 2200 Pills

2215 Toilet 2230 In bed.

Saturday January 5

0918 Toilet 0930 Pills

1330 Toilet 1635 Toilet

1700 Breakfast 2100 Eating tobacco !

1945 Smoking 2030 Shave

2140 Toilet 2050 Bath

2125 Pills 2130 In bed.

Sunday January 6

0336 Toilet 0740 Toilet

0755 Pills, breakfast 0815 Smoking

0930 Mass 1610 Toilet

1700 Chump chops & rice - OK 2220 Pills

2225 Toilet 2240 In bed.

Monday January 7

0500 Toilet 0950 Toilet

1015 Pills, breakfast 1100 Smoking

reading 1305 Lunch

reading 1655 Toilet

1710 Pie & mince - OK watching TV

2200 Pills 2205 Toilet

2230 In bed.

Tuesday January 8

0600 Toilet 0940 Toilet

1000 Pills, breakfast 1030 Smoking

reading 1315 Tea & s/w

1650 Toilet

1715 salmon, cabbage, potatoes - OK

2105 Pills 2115 Toilet

2135 In bed. (Windy night)

Wednesday January 9

0100 Toilet 0515 Toilet

1330 Toilet 1400 Pills, breakfast

1430 Asleep - 2045 Toilet

2115 Asleep - 2215 Tea & s/w

2220 Smoking 2230 Asleep -

2330 Pills 2335 Toilet

2350 In bed.

Thursday January 10

1020 Toilet 1045 Pills, breakfast

1105 Smoking 1130 Asleep - 1600

1655 Toilet

1705 Mince, cabbage, potatoes - OK

reading 2245 Pills

2255 Toilet 2310 In bed.

Friday January 11

0445 Toilet 1015 Toilet

1035 Pills, breakfast reading

1130 Smoking 1400 Tea & s/w

reading 1650 Toilet

1705 Fried haddock, peas, potatoes - OK

1955 Toilet 2005 Pills

2011 In bed. (Bored?) 2310 Toilet

Saturday January 12

0040 Time to get up, settled for toilet.

0530 Time to get up, settled for toilet.

0805 Toilet 0830 Pills, breakfast

reading 1230 Smoking

reading 1655 Toilet

1705 Pie & mince - OK 2025 Shave

2040 Toilet 2050 Bath

2130 downstairs 2230 Pills

2245 Toilet 2305 In bed.

Sunday January 13

0440 Toilet 0756 Toilet

0820 Pills, breakfast 0845 Smoking

0930 Mass 1515 Toilet

1700 Chump chops & rice - OK

1800 Asleep - 1930 Toilet !

2000 Asleep - 2230 2245 Pills

2300 Toilet 2315 In bed.

Monday January 14

0515 Toilet 1415 Toilet

1425 Pills 1915 Toilet

1935 Breakfast 2030 Asleep - 2230

2235 Pills 2255 Toilet

2315 In bed.

Tuesday January 15

0530 Toilet 0915 Toilet ?

0930 Pills, breakfast 0945 Smoking

1025 Toilet

1045 Stroke Clinic - Sister Howard - 1145

1200 Tea & s/w (he didn't consume them till 1245)

1645 Toilet

1700 Aberdeen boneless, cabbage, potatoes - OK

watched TV 2235 Pills

2245 Toilet 2300 In bed.

Wednesday January 16

0852 Toilet 0910 Pills, breakfast

0950 Smoking reading

1520 Toilet

1700 Scrambled eggs etc. - OK reading

2300 Pills 2310 Toilet

2325 In bed.

Thursday January 17

0600 Toilet "I could do with a good wash." "A bath is the easiest way."

0615 Bath !!!! 0655 Pills, breakfast

0800 Smoking 1045 Toilet

1030 Moira - 1600, I went into town

1700 Mince, cabbage, potatoes - OK

reading 2100 Pills

2110 Toilet 2230 In bed.

Friday January 18

0725 Toilet, half dressed

0745 Pills, breakfast 0820 Smoking

reading 1210 Toilet

1245 Soup, tea & s/w 1650 Toilet !

1725 (cool) Fried haddock, peas, potatoes - OK

2030 Asleep - 2200 2205 Pills

2235 Toilet 2305 In bed.

Saturday January 19

0500 Toilet - fell, no damage

1105 Toilet 1120 Pills, breakfast

1320 Smoking 1350 Shave

1410 Toilet 1500 Asleep - 1655

1700 Pie & mince - OK

1800 Asleep - 2000 2045 Toilet

2105 Bath 2140 downstairs

2245 Pills 2315 Toilet

2330 In bed.

Sunday January 20

0735 Toilet 0755 Pills, breakfast

0820 Smoking 0930 Mass

1330 Toilet

1700 Chump chops & rice - OK

1930 Toilet 2205 Pills

2215 Toilet 2230 In bed.

Monday January 21

0928 Toilet 0945 Pills, breakfast

1115 Smoking 1400 Tea & s/w

1700 Beans on toast - OK 2145 Pills

2200 Toilet 2222 In bed.

Tuesday January 22

0645 Toilet 1050 Toilet

1115 Pills, breakfast 1215 Smoking

1315 Tea & bread 1500 Toilet

1700 Smoked haddock, cabbage, potatoes - OK

2105 Pills 2110 Toilet

2125 In bed.

Wednesday January 23

1010 Toilet 1035 Pills, breakfast

1105 Smoking 1330 Tea & s/w

1655 Toilet

1715 Scrambled eggs etc. - OK

2215 Pills 2235 Toilet

2270 In bed.

Thursday January 24

0820 Toilet 0840 Pills, breakfast

0930 Smoking reading

1300 Toilet 1315 Tea & s/w


1700 Mince, sprouts, potatoes - OK

2115 Pills 2200 Toilet

2225 In bed.

Friday January 25

0833 Toilet 0900 Pills, breakfast

1000 Smoking 1335 Toilet

1345 Tea & s/w

1700 Fried haddock, peas, potatoes - OK

2105 Pills 2140 Toilet

2205 In bed.

Saturday January 26

0940 Toilet 1005 Pills, breakfast

1115 Smoking 1345 Toilet

TV 1650 Toilet

1705 Pie & mince - OK reading

2005 Shave 2020 Toilet

2035 Bath 2110 downstairs

2210 Tea 2230 Pills

2240 Toilet 2300 In bed.

Sunday January 27

0502 Toilet 0805 Toilet

0825 Pills, breakfast 0930 Mass

1045 Smoking 1700 Toilet

1720 Chump chops & rice - OK

2130 Pills 2205 Toilet

2225 In bed.

Monday January 28

1100 Toilet 1120 Pills, breakfast

1200 Asleep - 1430 1445 Smoking

1600 Toilet 1700 Beans on toast - OK

2200 Pills 2210 Toilet

2235 In bed

Tuesday January 29

0655 Toilet 0935 Toilet

0950 Pills, breakfast 1030 Asleep - 1230

1300 Smoking reading

1415 Tea & s/w 1650 Toilet

1700 Salmon, green beans, potatoes - OK

2230 Pills 2250 Toilet

2315 In bed.

Wednesday January 30

0850 Toilet 0910 Pills, breakfast

0945 Smoking

1030 District Nurse, B12 inj., BP 120/70

1235 Toilet 1250 Shave

1305 Tea & s/w change hearing aid battery

1700 Scrambled eggs etc. - OK

2200 Pills 2210 Toilet

2225 In bed.

Thursday January 31

1000 Toilet 1020 Pills, breakfast

1200 Smoking reading

1650 Toilet

1705 Mince, sprouts, potatoes - OK

2100 Toilet 2115 Pills

2120 In bed.

Friday February 1

0720 Toilet 1145 Toilet

1205 Pills, breakfast 1300 Smoking

1650 Toilet

1705 Fried haddock, peas, potatoes - OK

2100 Pills 2130 Toilet

2155 In bed.

Saturday February 2

0645 Toilet 0910 Toilet

0925 Pills, breakfast 1000 Smoking

1030 Dozing - 1200 TV

1500 Toilet 1700 Pie & mince - OK

1930 Toilet 1945 Shave

2000 Bath 2032 Pills

2035 In bed.

Sunday February 3

0715 Toilet 0740 Pills, breakfast

0755 Smoking 0930 Mass

1330 Toilet

1700 Chump chops & rice - OK

2015 Pills 2035 Toilet

2055 In bed.

Monday February 4

0335 Toilet 0750 Toilet !

0810 Pills, breakfast 0830 Asleep - 1400

1400 (cold) Tea & toast 1425 Toilet !

1630 Smoking 1700 Beans on toast - OK

2200 Pills 2235 Toilet

2248 In bed.

Tuesday February 5

1135 Toilet 1200 Pills, breakfast

1230 Asleep - 1400

1700 Aberdeen boneless, sprouts, potatoes - OK

2130 Shave 2145 Toilet

2305 Pills 2315 Toilet

2330 In bed.

Wednesday February 6

0740 Toilet 0800 Pills, breakfast

0830 Smoking 0930 Mass

1100 Dozing - 1400 reading

1947 Toilet

1700 Scrambled eggs etc. - OK

2205 Pills 2220 Toilet

2235 In bed.

Thursday February 7

0700 Toilet 0955 Pills, breakfast

1130 Paul, Moira, Sorley, Alex - 1315

1315 Smoking 1330 Toilet


1700 Mince, cabbage, potatoes - OK

2110 Pills 2120 Toilet

2140 In bed.

Friday February 8

0715 Toilet 1035 Toilet

1100 Pills, breakfast 1130 Asleep - 1300

reading 1600 Smoking

1650 Toilet

1700 Fried haddock, peas, potatoes - OK

2105 Pills 2210 Toilet

2230 In bed.

Saturday February 9

0740 Toilet 1330 Toilet

1355 Pills, breakfast 1435 Smoking

reading 1705 Pie & mince - OK

2002 Shave 2018 Toilet

2035 Bath 2110 Pills

2115 In bed.

Sunday February 10

0045 Toilet 0748 Toilet

0810 Pills, breakfast 0845 Smoking

0930 Mass 1535 Toilet

1700 Chump chops & rice - OK

2115 Pills 2140 Toilet

2200 In bed.

Monday February 11

0728 Toilet 0755 Pills

0815 Breakfast 0830 Asleep - 1400

1300 Smoking 1425 Toilet

1700 Beans on toast - OK 2215 Pills

2238 Toilet 2303 In bed.

Tuesday February 12

0730 Toilet 0755 Pills

0800 Smoking 0805 Breakfast

1130 Tea & s/w reading

1700 Salmon, cabbage, potatoes - OK

1745 Toilet 2150 Pills

2155 Toilet 2212 In bed.

Wednesday February 13

1055 Toilet 1130 Pills, breakfast

1230 Smoking

1455 Fell while getting out of his chair clutching a half-full mug of cold tea. Bumped his head on something, not serious, no other damage reported. (Apart from the waste paper bin.)

1650 Toilet

1700 Scrambled eggs etc. - OK

2215 Pills 2240 Toilet

2305 In bed.

Thursday February 14

1110 Toilet 1135 Pills, breakfast

1220 Smoking 1300 Asleep - 1430

1650 Toilet

1700 Mince, cabbage, potatoes - OK

2210 Pills 2220 Toilet

2250 In bed.

Friday February 15

1145 Toilet 1220 Pills, breakfast

1300 Asleep - 1500 1515 Smoking

1650 Toilet

1700 Fried haddock, peas, potatoes - OK

2200 Pills 2210 Toilet

2245 In bed.

Saturday February 16

0805 Toilet 0830 Pills, breakfast

0915 Smoking 1435 Toilet

1635 Pie & mince - OK 1940 Shave

1954 Toilet

2010 Bath, toe & finger nails cut

2105 Pills 2110 In bed.

Sunday February 17

0745 Toilet 0810 Pills, breakfast

0845 Smoking 0930 Mass

1350 Toilet

1700 Chump chops & rice - OK

reading 2220 Pills

2230 Toilet 2255 In bed.

Monday February 18

1130 Toilet 1155 Pills, breakfast

1230 Asleep - 1345 1400 Haircut - 1425

1430 Smoking 1440 Tea & bread

1645 Toilet 1700 Beans on toast - OK

2215 Pills 2220 Toilet

2240 In bed.

Tuesday February 19

1230 Toilet 1255 Pills, breakfast

1400 Smoking

1700 Smoked haddock, cabbage, potatoes - OK

2200 Pills 2220 Toilet

2255 In bed.

Wednesday February 20

0825 Toilet 0845 Pills, breakfast

0945 Smoking 1315 Soup, tea & s/w

1650 Toilet

1705 Scrambled eggs etc. - OK reading

2230 Pills 2250 Toilet

2302 In bed.

Thursday February 21

0935 Toilet 1000 Pills, breakfast

1025 Smoking reading

1515 Toilet

1605 Mince, sprouts, potatoes - OK

1905 Toilet 1915 Shave

2200 Pills 2210 Toilet

2225 In bed.

Friday February 22

0438 Toilet 0955 Toilet

1010 Pills, breakfast 1045 Smoking

1100 Asleep - 1400 1650 Toilet

1700 Fried haddock, peas, potatoes - OK

2200 Pills 2215 Toilet

2230 In bed.

Saturday February 23

0735 Toilet

1005 Pills, breakfast (got himself up and dressed.)

1030 Smoking 1045 Asleep - 1230

1400 Tea & s/w 1515 Toilet

1700 Pie & mince - OK 2005 Shave

2015 Toilet 2030 Bath

2105 Pills 2108 In bed.

Sunday February 24

0735 Toilet 0800 Pills, breakfast

0845 Smoking 0930 Mass

1230 Toilet change hearing aid battery

1330 Toilet

1700 Chump chops & rice - OK 2205 Pills

2225 Toilet 2250 In bed.

Monday February 25

0540 Toilet 1235 Toilet

1255 Pills, breakfast 1345 Smoking

1700 Beans on toast - OK 1815 Toilet

2200 Pills 2218 Toilet

2235 In bed.

Tuesday February 26

0850 Toilet 0910 Pills, breakfast

0945 Smoking reading

1330 Tea & s/w (1630 delivery next door)

1715 Toilet

1730 Salmon, sprouts, potatoes - OK

2210 Pills 2225 Toilet

2245 In bed.

Wednesday February 27

0732 Toilet 0750 Pills, breakfast

0830 Paul (I went to Edinburgh)

2235 Pills 2245 Toilet

2310 In bed.

Thursday February 28

0740 Toilet 1000 Toilet

1022 Pills, breakfast 1115 Smoking

1130 Asleep - 1300 1330 Tea & shortbread

1655 Toilet

1710 Mince, cabbage, potatoes - OK

2105 Pills 2145 Toilet

2203 In bed.

Friday February 29

0835 Toilet 0900 Pills, breakfast

1200 Smoking 1315 Tea & s/w

1430 Toilet

1700 Fried haddock, peas, potatoes - OK

2110 Pills 2127 Toilet

2155 In bed.

Saturday March 1

0905 Toilet 0930 Pills, breakfast

1030 Smoking 1045 Asleep - 1330

1420 Toilet 1700 Pie & mince - OK

1910 Shave 1930 Toilet

1945 Bath 2025 downstairs

2140 Pills 2150 Toilet

2210 In bed.

Sunday March 2

0705 Toilet 0730 Pills, breakfast

0800 Smoking 0930 Mass

1255 Toilet

1655 Chump chops & rice - OK

2110 Pills 2125 Toilet

2200 In bed.

Monday March 3

0530 Toilet 1025 Toilet

1040 Pills, breakfast 1110 Smoking

1515 Toilet 1700 Beans on toast - OK

1745 Toilet 2145 Pills

2215 Toilet 2240 In bed.

Tuesday March 4

0715 Toilet

1010 got himself up and dressed, pills, breakfast

1030 Smoking 1330 Tea, bread&cheese

1640 Toilet

1700 Salmon, cabbage, potatoes - OK

2200 Pills 2208 Toilet

2225 In bed.

Wednesday March 5

0835 Toilet 0900 Pills, breakfast

0930 Smoking 1300 Tea & s/w

1400 Toilet

1700 Scrambled eggs etc. - OK

1755 Toilet 2105 Pills

2115 Toilet 2145 In bed.

Thursday March 6

0935 Toilet 1000 Pills, breakfast

1030 Smoking 1300 Tea

1400 Toilet

1700 Mince, sprouts, potatoes - OK

1945 Shave 2000 Toilet

2200 Pills 2210 Toilet

2228 In bed.

Friday March 7

0815 Toilet 0845 Pills, breakfast

Smoking 1315 Toilet

1700 Haddock in milk, B&B - OK

2110 Pills 2120 Toilet

2155 In bed.

Saturday March 8

0820 Toilet 0900 Pills, breakfast

0830 Asleep - 1130 Smoking

1150 Toilet reading

1650 Toilet 1700 Pie & mince - OK

1945 Shave 2000 Toilet

2010 Bath 2050 downstairs

2150 Pills 2200 Toilet

2220 In bed.

Sunday March 9

0740 Toilet 0805 Pills, breakfast

0845 Smoking 0930 Mass

1300 Toilet 1650 Toilet

1705 Chump chops & rice - OK

2110 Pills 2120 Toilet

2145 In bed.

Monday March 10

1125 Toilet 1200 Pills, breakfast

1230 Smoking 1245 Asleep - 1645

1700 Beans on toast - OK 1745 Toilet

2205 Pills 2215 Toilet

2250 In bed.

Tuesday March 11

0815 Toilet 0845 Pills, breakfast

0830 Smoking 1400 Tea & s/w

1640 Toilet

1700 Smoked haddock, cabbage, potatoes - OK

2200 Pills 2205 Toilet

2240 In bed.

Wednesday March 12

0825 Toilet 0845 Pills, breakfast

0830 Smoking 1330 Tea & s/w

1415 Toilet reading

1700 Scrambled eggs etc. - OK

2230 Pills 2250 Toilet

2325 In bed.

Thursday March 13

1225 Toilet 1250 Pills, breakfast

1330 Smoking 1650 Toilet

1705 Mince, sprouts, potatoes - OK

2200 Pills 2215 Toilet

2245 In bed.

Friday March 14

1220 Toilet 1240 Pills

1245 Smoking 1250 Breakfast

1700 Fried haddock, peas, potatoes - OK

2200 Pills 2208 Toilet

2235 In bed.

Saturday March 15

0745 Toilet 0935 Pills, breakfast

1015 Smoking 1250 Toilet

1330 Tea & biccies reading

1700 Pie & mince - OK 1920 Shave

1935 Toilet 2000 Bath

2040 downstairs 2145 Toilet

2200 Pills 2205 In bed.

Sunday March 16

0420 Toilet 0740 Toilet

0805 Pills 0830 Smoking

0930 Mass 1320 Toilet

1700 Chump chops & rice - OK

2110 Toilet 2130 Pills

2135 In bed.

Monday March 17

1020 Toilet 1040 Pills

1050 In bed. 1340 Toilet

1415 Breakfast 1430 Asleep - 1745

1750 Tea & s/w 1805 Toilet

1815 Asleep - 1945 Smoking

1950 Asleep - 2030 2205 Pills

2215 Toilet 2235 In bed.

Very hesitant about how to get to bed.

Tuesday March 18

1022 Toilet 1050 Pills, breakfast

1200 Smoking 1400 Tea & bread


1700 Salmon, green beans, potatoes - OK

2200 Pills 2210 Toilet

2225 In bed. Better today.

Wednesday March 19

0835 Toilet 0900 Pills, breakfast

change hearing aid battery

0945 Smoking 1000 Asleep - 1100

reading 1315 Soup, tea, s/w

1630 Toilet

1650 Scrambled eggs etc. - OK

2100 Pills 2115 Toilet

2135 In bed.

Thursday March 20

0250 Toilet 1035 Toilet

1055 Pills, breakfast 1135 Smoking

1400 Tea & s/w 1620 Toilet

1655 Mince, cabbage, potatoes - OK

2000 Toilet 2015 Pills

2025 In bed.

Friday March 21

0603 Toilet 1135 Toilet

1155 Pills, breakfast 1215 Smoking

1220 Asleep - 1415 1415 Shave

1500 Church (Good Friday)

1725 Fried haddock, peas, potatoes - OK

1805 Toilet 2205 Pills

2220 Toilet 2235 In bed.

Saturday March 22

1000 Toilet 1025 Pills, breakfast

1050 Smoking 1315 Tea & s/w

1650 Toilet 1705 Pie & mince - OK

1930 Shave 1945 Toilet

2000 Bath 2045 downstairs

2205 Pills 2215 Toilet

2235 In bed.

Sunday March 23

0735 Toilet 0805 Pills, breakfast

0830 Smoking 0830 Mass

1315 Toilet 1650 Toilet

1700 Chump chops & rice - OK

2130 Pills 2220 Toilet

2245 In bed.

Monday March 24

1040 Toilet 1105 Pills, breakfast

1130 Asleep - 1330 1330 Smoking

1345 Asleep - 1600 1650 Toilet

1700 Beans on toast - OK 2205 Pills

2215 Toilet 2240 In bed.

Tuesday March 25

1140 Toilet 1205 Pills, breakfast

1230 Smoking

1700 Aberdeen boneless, cabbage, potatoes - OK

2140 Toilet 2155 Pills

2200 In bed.

Wednesday March 26

0642 Toilet 1205 Toilet

1225 Pills, breakfast 1300 Smoking

1650 Toilet

1700 Scrambled eggs etc. - OK

2210 Pills 2300 Toilet

2315 In bed.

Thursday March 27

0820 Toilet 0900 Pills, breakfast

1000 Smoking 1120 Tea & bread

1315 Tea & bread 1650 Toilet

1705 Mince, cabbage, potatoes - OK

2150 Shave 2205 Pills

2210 Toilet 2230 In bed.

Friday March 28

0837 Toilet 0905 Pills, breakfast

0945 Smoking 1000 Asleep - 1400

1400 Tea & s/w 1515 Toilet

1700 Fried haddock, peas, potatoes - OK

reading 2205 Pills

2245 Toilet 2305 In bed.

Saturday March 29

0827 Toilet 0855 Pills, breakfast

0945 Smoking 1000 Asleep - 1230

1315 Tea & s/w reading

1650 Toilet 1705 Pie & mince - OK

2025 Shave 2045 Toilet

2110 Bath 2155 Pills

2200 In bed.

Sunday March 30

0740 Toilet 0840 Pills, breakfast

0845 Smoking 0930 Mass

1100 Asleep - 1415 1420 Toilet

1445 Asleep - 1645

1700 Chump chops & rice - OK

2115 Pills 2205 Toilet

2235 In bed.

Monday March 31

1145 Toilet 1215 Pills, breakfast

1300 Smoking 1315 Asleep - 1600

1700 Beans on toast - OK 1930 Toilet

2205 Pills 2300 Toilet

2315 In bed.

Tuesday April 1

0840 Toilet 0900 Pills, breakfast

0945 Smoking 1130 Tea & bread

1650 Toilet

1700 Salmon, cabbage, potatoes - OK

2145 Shave 2200 Pills

2205 Toilet 2225 In bed.

Wednesday April 2

0818 Toilet 0845 Pills

0850 Smoking 0855 Breakfast

1330 Tea & s/w Toilet

1700 Scrambled eggs etc. - OK

2210 Pills 2216 Toilet

2235 In bed.

Thursday April 3

0810 Toilet 0835 Pills, breakfast

0855 Smoking 0930 Mass

1100 Tea & toast 1115 Asleep - 1033

1335 Toilet 1650 Toilet

1715 Mince, sprouts, potatoes - OK

2200 Pills 2215 Toilet

2235 In bed.

Friday April 4

0940 Toilet 1010 Pills, breakfast

Moira was here 1545 Toilet !

1705 Fried haddock, peas, potatoes - OK

1805 Toilet 2002 Toilet

2022 Pills 2025 In bed.

Asleep much of the day.

Saturday April 5

0647 Toilet 1240 Toilet

1300 Pills 1305 Smoking

1310 Breakfast 1655 Toilet

1710 Pie & mince - OK 2000 Shave

2015 Toilet 2030 Bath, f&t nails

2125 downstairs 2210 Pills

2215 Toilet 2230 In bed.

Sunday April 6

0735 Toilet 0755 Pills, breakfast

0820 Smoking 0930 Mass

1640 Toilet

1705 Chump chops & rice - OK

2205 Pills 2210 Toilet

2235 In bed.

Monday April 7

0847 Toilet 0910 Pills, breakfast

1015 Smoking reading

1400 Tea & s/w reading

1645 Toilet 1700 Beans on toast - OK

reading 2145 Pills

2200 Toilet 2220 In bed.

Tuesday April 8

0855 Toilet 0925 Pills, breakfast

1000 Smoking 1315 Tea & s/w

1535 Toilet

1655 Smoked haddock, g.beans, potatoes - OK

watched TV 2200 Pills

2205 Toilet 2220 In bed.

Wednesday April 9

1012 Toilet 1040 Pills, breakfast

1100 Asleep - 1245 Smoking

1315 Tea & s/w 1345 Asleep - 1530

1645 Toilet

1700 Scrambled eggs etc. - OK

watched TV 2200 Pills

2210 Toilet 2230 In bed.

Thursday April 10

1022 Toilet 1050 Pills, breakfast

1115 Smoking 1130 dozing

1430 Tea & s/w

1515 Moira, Sorley, Asha - 1600

1645 Toilet

1700 Mince, cabbage, potatoes - OK

watched TV 2200 Pills

2205 Toilet 2215 In bed.

Very lethargic today.

Friday April 11

0825 Toilet 0855 Pills, breakfast

0945 Smoking 1015 Asleep - 1245

1315 Tea & s/w 1530 Toilet

1700 Fried haddock, peas, potatoes - OK

reading 2210 Pills

2220 Toilet 2240 In bed.

Saturday April 12

1005 Toilet 1030 Pills, breakfast

1130 Smoking 1350 Tea & s/w

1615 Toilet 1710 Pie & mince - OK

1935 Shave 1955 Toilet

2015 Bath

2100 downstairs, tea & s/w 2200 Pills

2205 Toilet 2225 In bed.

Sunday April 13

0705 Toilet 0740 Pills, breakfast

0815 Smoking 0930 Mass

1220 Toilet reading

1700 Chump chops & rice - OK

1750 Toilet reading

2120 Pills 2140 Toilet

2155 In bed.

Monday April 14

1235 Toilet 1300 Pills, breakfast

1330 Smoking 1345 Asleep - 1630

1700 Beans on toast - OK 1930 Toilet

watched TV 2235 Pills

2240 Toilet 2255 In bed.

Tuesday April 15

1120 Toilet 1145 Pills, breakfast

1230 Smoking 1430 Tea & s/w


1700 Salmon, cabbage, potatoes - OK

2200 Pills 2210 Toilet

2230 In bed.

Wednesday April 16

1010 Toilet 1045 Pills, breakfast

1135 Smoking 1345 Tea & s/w

1640 Toilet

1650 Scrambled eggs etc. - OK

2000 Change hearing aid battery

2100 Pills 2105 Toilet

2120 In bed.

Thursday April 17

0640 Toilet 0810 Pills, breakfast

0835 Smoking 1255 Toilet

1315 Tea & s/w

1705 Mince, cabbage, potatoes - OK

1950 Toilet 2015 Shave

2155 Toilet 2212 Pills

2216 In bed.

Friday April 18

0745 Toilet 0810 Pills, breakfast

0840 Smoking 1130 Tea & toast

1515 Toilet

1700 Fried haddock, peas, potatoes - OK

2105 Pills 2110 Toilet

2132 In bed.

Saturday April 19

0734 Toilet 1350 Toilet

1415 Pills, breakfast 1445 Smoking

1500 Asleep - 1630 1700 Pie & mince - OK

2005 Shave 2020 Toilet

2040 Bath 2125 downstairs

2230 Pills 2240 Toilet

2255 In bed.

Sunday April 20

0732 Toilet 0800 Pills, breakfast

0830 Smoking 0930 Mass

1335 Toilet

1700 Chump chops & rice - OK

2200 Pills 2210 Toilet

2230 In bed.

Quite bright today, mostly reading papers.

Monday April 21

1030 Toilet 1100 Pills, breakfast

1200 Smoking 1400 Tea & bread

1520 Toilet 1700 Beans on toast - OK

2200 Pills 2215 Toilet

2240 In bed.

Tuesday April 22

0800 Toilet 0830 Pills, breakfast

0810 Smoking 1130 Tea & bread

1345 Toilet 1415 Tea & s/w

1705 Aberdeen boneless, cabbage, potatoes - OK

2150 Pills 2215 Toilet

2235 In bed.

Wednesday April 23

0935 District Nurse (Marie) BP & B12 - 0945

1000 Toilet 1030 Pills, breakfast

1115 Smoking 1315 Tea & s/w

1545 Toilet

1700 Scrambled eggs etc. - OK

2205 Pills 2215 Toilet

2245 In bed.

Thursday April 24

0805 Toilet 0830 Pills, breakfast

0900 Smoking dozing

1315 Tea & s/w 1535 Toilet

1705 Mince, cabbage, potatoes - OK

2155 Pills 2210 Toilet

2225 In bed.

Friday April 25

0820 Toilet 0840 Pills, breakfast

0815 Smoking 1315 Tea & s/w

1715 Fish supper

Paul & Moira here

Pills 0040 Toilet

0100 In bed.

Saturday April 26

0850 Toilet 0930 Pills, breakfast

1000 Smoking 1015 Asleep - 1345

1350 Toilet 1520 Toilet

1700 Pie & mince - OK 1945 Shave

2010 Toilet 2020 Bath

2150 downstairs 2210 Pills

2235 Toilet 2245 In bed.

Sunday April 27

0743 Toilet 0800 Pills, breakfast

0845 Smoking 0930 Mass

1100 Asleep - 1200 1505 Toilet

1700 Chump chops & rice - OK

2200 Pills 2215 Toilet

2230 In bed.

Monday April 28

0203 Noises off. Descending stairs - to get a box and put some stuff in it to take home. "What stuff?" "A box of potatoes and a couple of loaves." I managed to persuade him back to bed though he's still not convinced that he is at home. - 0220

0950 Toilet 1025 Pills, breakfast

1100 Smoking 1115 Asleep - 1345

1400 Tea & s/bread 1650 Toilet

1700 Beans on toast - OK 2200 Pills

2210 Toilet 2226 In bed.

Tuesday April 29

0815 Toilet 1420 Toilet

1435 Pills, breakfast 1500 Smoking

1700 Salmon, green beans, potatoes - OK

2200 Pills 2206 Toilet

2226 In bed.

Wednesday April 30

0830 Toilet 0855 Pills, breakfast

0920 Smoking 140 Shave

1410 Toilet

1700 Scrambled eggs etc. - OK

reading 2230 Pills

2245 Toilet 2306 In bed.

Thursday May 1

0815 Toilet 0835 Pills

0845 Smoking 0915 Breakfast

reading 1315 Tea, not hungry

1650 Toilet

1700 Mince, cabbage, potatoes - OK

2225 Pills 2235 Toilet

2250 In bed.

Friday May 2

0820 Toilet 0835 Pills

1132 Toilet 1155 Breakfast

1435 Toilet

1700 Haddock in milk - OK reading

2215 Pills 2225 Toilet

2250 In bed.

Saturday May 3

1210 Toilet 1230 Pills, breakfast

1315 Smoking 1700 Pie & mince - OK

1850 Shave 1900 Toilet

1915 Bath 1955 downstairs

2155 Toilet 2210 Pills

2215 In bed.

Sunday May 4

0735 Toilet 0805 Pills, breakfast

0830 Smoking 0930 Mass

1435 Toilet

1700 Chump chops & rice - OK

2200 Pills 2215 Toilet

2242 In bed.

Monday May 5

0920 Toilet 0940 Pills

1255 Toilet 1325 Breakfast

1400 Smoking 1700 Beans on toast - OK

1905 Toilet 2230 Pills

2305 Toilet 2330 In bed.

Tuesday May 6

0925 Toilet 0945 Pills, breakfast

1045 Smoking 1245 Tea, bread&cheese

1650 Toilet

1700 Aberdeen boneless, cabbage, potatoes - OK

2015 Paul & Moira - 2035 2200 Pills

2210 Toilet 2230 In bed.

Wednesday May 7

0940 Toilet 1000 Pills, breakfast

1100 Smoking 1115 dozing - 1315

1330 Tea, bread&cheese 1455 Toilet

1700 Scrambled eggs etc. - OK

2155 Pills 2200 Toilet

2218 In bed.

Thursday May 8

0920 Toilet 0942 Pills, breakfast

1045 Smoking 1315 Tea & bread


1545 Bath seat service - 1555 - OK

1650 Toilet

1705 Mince, broccoli, potatoes - OK

reading 2155 Pills

2240 Toilet 2300 In bed.

Friday May 9

0843 Toilet 0915 Pills, breakfast

1000 Smoking dozing

1330 Tea & choc biscuit 1425 Toilet

1700 Fried haddock, peas, potatoes - OK

2200 Pills 2205 Toilet

2235 In bed.

Saturday May 10

0945 Toilet 1245 Pills

1250 Toilet 1300 Bath

1330 Breakfast 1405 Smoking

1620 Tea & s/b 1630 Toilet

1700 Crieff - 2200 2245 Pills

2305 Toilet 2325 In bed.

Sunday May 11

0742 Toilet 0800 Pills, breakfast

0930 Mass 1245 Smoking

1255 Toilet

1700 Chump chops & rice - OK

1840 Toilet 2200 Pills

2215 Toilet 2232 In bed.

Monday May 12

1240 Toilet 1300 Pills, breakfast

1400 Smoking 1700 Pie & mince - OK

1740 Toilet 2200 Pills

2245 Toilet 2310 In bed.

Tuesday May 13

0858 Toilet 0915 Pills, breakfast

1000 Smoking reading

1300 Tea only 1430 Toilet

1700 Salmon, cabbage, bread & butter - OK

2200 Pills 2210 Toilet

2230 In bed.

Wednesday May 14

0750 Toilet 0820 Pills, breakfast

change hearing aid battery

0900 Smoking 1315 Soup, tea, s/w

1555 Toilet

1700 Scrambled eggs etc. - OK

1910 Shave 2200 Pills

2210 Toilet 2222 In bed.

Thursday May 15

0525 Toilet 1125 Toilet

1150 Pills, breakfast 1230 Smoking

1300 Asleep - 1530 1650 Toilet

1700 Mince, cabbage, potatoes - OK

reading 2200 Pills

2220 Toilet 2235 In bed.

Friday May 16

0905 Toilet 0930 Pills, breakfast

1000 Smoking 1200 Asleep - 1500

1515 Moira, Louise, Sorley, Alex - 1545

1620 Toilet

1700 Fried haddock, peas, potatoes - OK

2010 Toilet 2025 Pills

2030 In bed.

Saturday May 17

0750 Toilet 0815 Pills, breakfast

1000 Smoking 1015 Asleep - 1330

1350 Toilet 1415 Tea & s/w

1700 Pie & mince - OK 2010 Shave

2025 Toilet 2040 Bath

2125 downstairs 2225 Pills

2240 In bed.

Sunday May 18

0740 Toilet 0805 Pills, breakfast

0900 Smoking 0930 Mass

1330 Toilet 1510 Karen, Mike - 1605

1650 Toilet

1705 Chump chops & rice - OK

1905 Soup!!! 2200 Pills

2205 Toilet 2225 In bed.

Monday May 19

0950 Toilet 1015 Pills

1342 Toilet 1405 Breakfast

1515 Smoking 1700 Beans on toast - OK

2145 Pills 2210 Toilet

2230 In bed.

Tuesday May 20

1120 Toilet 1140 Pills, breakfast

1245 Smoking 1300 Asleep - 1500


1700 Aberdeen boneless, cabbage, potatoes - OK

reading 2300 Pills

2310 Toilet 2330 In bed.

Wednesday May 21

0735 Toilet 0800 Pills, breakfast

0830 Smoking reading

1300 Tea & s/w 1640 Toilet

1700 Scrambled eggs etc. - OK

2300 Pills 2312 Toilet

2326 In bed.

Thursday May 22

0940 Toilet 1000 Pills, breakfast

1045 Smoking 1400 Tea & s/w

1550 Toilet

1700 Mince, cabbage, potatoes - OK

2235 Pills 2245 Toilet

2310 In bed.

Friday May 23

1020 Toilet 1040 Pills, breakfast

1130 Smoking 1330 Tea & s/w

1620 Toilet

1700 Fried haddock, peas, potatoes - OK

2135 Toilet 2155 Pills

2200 In bed.

Saturday May 24

1130 Toilet 1155 Pills, breakfast

1225 Smoking 1655 Toilet

1705 Pie & mince - OK 1855 Shave

1910 Toilet 1925 Bath & toe nails

2025 downstairs 2230 Pills

2235 Toilet 2250 In bed.

Sunday May 25

0705 Toilet 0725 Pills, breakfast

0815 Smoking 0930 Mass

1430 Toilet

1700 Chump chops & rice - OK

2115 Pills 2120 Toilet

2135 In bed.

Monday May 26

0935 Toilet 100 Pills, breakfast

1030 Asleep - 1315 Smoking

1330 Tea & s/w 1700 Beans on toast - OK

2200 Pills 2225 Toilet

2250 In bed.

Tuesday May 27

0850 Toilet 0915 Pills, breakfast

1015 Smoking 1030 Asleep - 1245

1300 Tea reading

1700 Salmon, green beans, potatoes - OK

1745 Toilet 2010 Shave

2125 Pills 2130 Toilet

2150 In bed.

Wednesday May 28

0600 Toilet 1000 Toilet

1030 Pills, breakfast 1115 Smoking

1330 Tea & s/w 1500 Toilet

1700 Scrambled eggs etc. - OK

2150 Toilet 2210 Pills

2215 In bed.

Thursday May 29

0535 Toilet 0845 Toilet

0910 Pills, breakfast 1015 Smoking

1330 Tea 1430 Toilet !

1700 Mince, cauliflower, potatoes - OK

2015 Toilet 2100 Pills

2120 Toilet 2140 In bed.

Streaming cold today.

Friday May 30

0820 Toilet 1320 Toilet

1340 Pills 1420 Breakfast

1600 Fried haddock, peas, potatoes - OK

1730 Smoking 2200 Pills

2210 Toilet 2235 In bed.

Saturday May 31

0440 Toilet 0940 Toilet

1015 Pills, breakfast 1115 Smoking

1130 Asleep - 1500 1640 Toilet

1705 Chump chops & rice - OK

1955 Shave 2015 Toilet

2040 Bath 2125 downstairs

2215 Pills 2230 Toilet

2250 In bed.

Sunday June 1

0400 Toilet? 0600 Toilet?

0745 Toilet 0810 Pills, breakfast

0845 Smoking 0930 Mass

reading 1645 Toilet

1700 Pie & mince - OK 2200 Pills

2210 Toilet 2240 In bed.

Monday June 2

0903 Toilet 0930 Pills, breakfast

1015 Smoking 1030 Asleep - 1230

1500 Tea & bread 1649 Toilet

1705 Beans on toast - OK 2115 Pills

2135 Toilet 2200 In bed.

Tuesday June 3

0905 Toilet 0930 Pills, breakfast

1015 Smoking reading

1650 Toilet

1700 Salmon, cauliflower, potatoes - OK

2205 Shave 2220 Pills

2225 Toilet 2245 In bed.

Wednesday June 4

1100 Toilet 1129 Pills

1355 Toilet 1420 Breakfast

1500 Smoking

1700 Scrambled eggs etc. - OK

1940 Toilet 2205 Pills

2220 Toilet 2240 In bed.

Thursday June 5

0835 Toilet 0905 Pills, breakfast

0940 Smoking

1030 Moira, Asha, Aakash - 1130

1400 Tea & s/w 1555 Toilet

1700 Mince, cabbage, potatoes - OK

2110 Toilet 2130 Pills

2135 In bed.

Friday June 6

0905 Toilet 0935 Pills, breakfast

1000 Asleep - 1300 1315 Smoking

1330 Tea & s/w 1500 Toilet

1700 Herring & potatoes - OK

2200 Pills 2230 Toilet

2250 In bed.

Saturday June 7

0840 Toilet 0905 Pills, breakfast

1015 Smoking reading

1345 Tea & s/w 1414 Toilet

1615 Pie & mince - OK 1925 Shave

1945 Toilet 2000 Bath

2045 downstairs 2150 Pills

2210 Toilet 2225 In bed.

Sunday June 8

0735 Toilet 0800 Pills, breakfast

0830 Smoking 0930 Mass

1300 Toilet

1620 Chump chops & rice - OK

2155 Toilet 2220 Pills

2225 In bed.

Monday June 9

1005 Toilet 1305 Toilet

1330 Pills, breakfast 1415 Smoking

1645 Toilet 1655 Beans on toast - OK

2130 Pills 2140 Toilet

2200 In bed.

Tuesday June 10

0825 Toilet 0900 Pills, breakfast

0945 Smoking 1350 Toilet

1410 Haircut - 1440 1515 Tea & s/w

1645 Salmon, cabbage, potatoes - OK

1750 Toilet 2200 Pills

2225 Toilet 2240 In bed.

Wednesday June 11

0730 Toilet 0800 Pills, breakfast

0845 Smoking 1230 Toilet

1315 Tea & s/w reading

1640 Scrambled eggs etc. - OK

2040 Toilet 2200 Pills

2233 Toilet 2245 In bed.

Thursday June 12

0725 Toilet 0805 Pills, breakfast

0910 Smoking 1225 Toilet

1300 Change hearing aid battery, not hungry

1700 Mince, cabbage, potatoes - OK

2200 Pills 2210 Toilet

2245 In bed.

Friday June 13

1013 Toilet 1050 Pills, breakfast

1330 Smoking 1415 Tea & bread

1535 Toilet

1700 Herring & potatoes - OK

2155 Pills 2205 Toilet

2225 In bed.

Saturday June 14

0800 Toilet 0825 Pills, breakfast

0900 Smoking 0930 Asleep - 1100

1315 Tea & s/w 1400 Shave

1410 Toilet 1424 Bath, finger nails

1510 downstairs 1630 Pie & beans - OK

2200 Pills 2205 Toilet

2225 In bed.

Sunday June 15

0920 Toilet 0835 Toilet

0755 Pills, breakfast 0815 Smoking

0930 Mass 1400 Toilet !

1700 Chump chops & rice - OK

1940 Toilet 2155 Pills

2205 Toilet 2225 In bed.

Monday June 16

0820 Toilet 1325 Toilet

1350 Pills, breakfast 1430 Smoking

1745 Tea & s/w 2000 Toilet

2200 Pills 2205 Toilet

2225 In bed.

Tuesday June 17

0830 Toilet 0945 Pills, breakfast

1015 Smoking 1330 Tea & s/w

1640 Toilet

1655 Herring & potatoes - OK

2200 Pills 2245 Toilet

2300 In bed.

Wednesday June 18

1155 Toilet 1215 Pills, breakfast

1245 Smoking 1300 Asleep - 1530

1700 Scrambled eggs etc. - OK

1935 Toilet 2200 Pills

2210 Toilet 2235 In bed.

Thursday June 19

0700 Toilet 1140 Toilet

1215 Pills, breakfast 1300 Smoking

1415 Tea & biccies 1644 Toilet

1655 Mince, cabbage, potatoes - OK

2035 Shave 2155 Pills

2205 Toilet 2221 In bed.

Friday June 20

1017 Toilet 1410 Toilet

1435 Pills, breakfast 1500 Smoking

1700 Fried haddock, peas, bread - OK

2230 Pills 2235 Toilet

2255 In bed.

Saturday June 21

0847 Toilet 0910 Pills

0915 Smoking 0920 Breakfast

reading 1400 Toilet

1700 Pie & mince - OK 1910 Shave

1925 Toilet 1940 Bath

2020 downstairs 2220 Pills

2229 Toilet 2242 In bed.

Sunday June 22

0745 Toilet 0805 Pills, breakfast

0825 Smoking 0930 Mass

reading 1530 Toilet

1655 Chump chops & rice - OK

2230 Pills 2247 Toilet

2307 In bed.

Monday June 23

0750 Toilet 0815 Pills, breakfast

0845 Smoking 0900 Asleep - 1330

1345 Tea & s/w 1700 Beans on toast - OK

1740 Toilet 2200 Pills

2213 Toilet 2237 In bed.

Tuesday June 24

1150 Toilet 1210 Pills, breakfast

1330 Smoking

1550 Herring & potatoes - OK

1745 Toilet

1830 Fr Wood's Golden Jubilee - 2225

2300 Pills 2320 Toilet

2337 In bed.

Wednesday June 25

0921 Toilet 0945 Pills, breakfast

1145 Smoking 1315 Tea & s/w

1500 Toilet

1655 Scrambled eggs etc. - OK

2200 Pills 2215 Toilet

2229 In bed.

Thursday June 26

0805 Toilet 0830 Pills, breakfast

0900 Smoking 0930 Asleep - 1130

1315 Tea & s/w 1540 Toilet

1700 Mince, cauliflower, potatoes - OK

2200 Pills 2205 Toilet

2235 In bed.

Friday June 27

0855 Toilet, fully dressed.

0910 Pills, breakfast 0930 Smoking

reading 1515 Toilet

1700 Fried haddock, peas, potatoes - OK

2200 Pills 2230 Toilet

2253 In bed.

Saturday June 28

1005 Toilet 1035 Pills, breakfast

1115 Smoking reading

1430 Toilet 1445 Asleep - 1530

1700 Pie & mince - OK 1920 Shave

1935 Toilet 1955 Bath, toe nails

2050 downstairs 2210 Pills

2220 Toilet 2236 In bed.

Sunday June 29

0745 Toilet 0810 Pills, breakfast

0845 Smoking 0930 Mass

1345 Toilet

1700 Chump chops & rice - OK

1845 Toilet 2205 Pills

2218 Toilet 2235 In bed.

Monday June 30

1000 Toilet 1025 Pills, breakfast

1050 Smoking 1100 Asleep - 1300

1315 Tea & s/w reading

1700 Beans on toast - OK 2200 Pills

2210 Toilet 2230 In bed.

Tuesday July 1

0845 Toilet 0910 Pills, breakfast

1000 Smoking 1315 Tea & s/w

1651 Toilet

1705 Salmon, green beans, potatoes - OK

2020 Shave 2230 Pills

2245 Toilet 2300 In bed.

Wednesday July 2

0205 Walkabout in search of whoever said "Connor" outside his door. - 0215

0820 Toilet, partly dressed

0840 Pills, breakfast 0930 Smoking

reading 1415 Tea & bread

1530 Toilet

1700 Scrambled eggs etc. - OK

2205 Pills 2230 Toilet

2300 In bed.

Thursday July 3

0930 Toilet 0950 Pills, breakfast

1045 Smoking Paul was here

1655 Toilet

1712 Mince, cauliflower, potatoes - OK

2200 Pills 2215 Toilet

2235 In bed.

Friday July 4

0945 Toilet 1010 Pills, breakfast

1045 Smoking 1315 Tea & s/w

1520 Toilet

1710 Fried haddock, peas, potatoes - OK

2200 Pills 2214 Toilet

2243 In bed.

Saturday July 5

0932 Toilet 0950 Pills, breakfast

1025 Smoking reading

1650 Toilet 1700 Pie & mince - OK

2015 Shave 2035 Toilet

2050 Bath 2135 Pills

2140 In bed.

Sunday July 6

0739 Toilet 0810 Pills, breakfast

0840 Smoking 0930 Mass

1455 Toilet

1700 Chump chops & rice - OK

2100 Toilet 2118 Pills

2120 In bed.

Monday July 7

1017 Toilet 1057 Pills, breakfast

1130 Smoking 1345 Tea & bread

1550 Toilet 1700 Beans on toast - OK

2100 Pills 2130 Toilet

2150 In bed.

Tuesday July 8

1041 Toilet 1105 Pills, breakfast

1130 Smoking 1415 Tea & bread

1515 Toilet

1700 Herring & potatoes - OK reading

2215 Pills 2238 Toilet

2305 In bed.

Wednesday July 9

0905 Toilet 0930 Pills, breakfast

1200 Smoking 1415 Tea & s/w

reading 1647 Toilet

1705 Scrambled eggs etc. - OK

2200 Pills 2217 Toilet

2230 In bed.

Thursday July 10

0911 Toilet 0935 Pills, breakfast

1230 Smoking 1415 Tea & s/w

reading 1650 Toilet

1705 Mince, cabbage, potatoes - OK

reading 2230 Pills

2235 Toilet 2255 In bed.

Friday July 11

0940 Toilet 1005 Pills, breakfast

1115 Smoking 1415 Tea & s/w

1650 Toilet

1700 Fried haddock, peas, potatoes - OK

2100 Toilet 2050 Pills

2212 In bed.

Saturday July 12

0520 Toilet 0830 Pills, breakfast

0900 Smoking reading

1345 Tea & s/w 1405 Toilet

1650 Toilet 1705 Pie & mince - OK

1905 Shave 1915 Toilet

2020 downstairs, change hearing aid battery

2215 Pills 2235 Toilet

2240 In bed.

Sunday July 13

0745 Toilet 0813 Pills, breakfast

0845 Smoking 0930 Mass

1515 Toilet

1700 Chump chops & rice - OK

reading 2135 Pills

2145 Toilet 2206 In bed.

Monday July 14

0912 Toilet 0940 Pills, breakfast

1020 Smoking 1330 tea & s/w

reading 1650 Toilet

1700 Beans on toast - OK reading

2110 Pills 2115 Toilet

2130 IN bed.

Tuesday July 15

0640 Toilet 1054 Toilet

1120 Pills, breakfast 1230 Smoking

1245 Asleep - 1615 1650 Toilet

1705 Herring & potatoes - OK

2200 Pills 2245 Toilet

2300 In bed.

Wednesday July 16

0525 Toilet 0825 Toilet

0845 Pills, breakfast 0855 District Nurse - B12

0905 Paul 0930 Smoking

Tea & s/w 1545 Toilet

1700 Scrambled eggs etc. - OK

2100 Pills 2155 Toilet

2212 In bed.

Thursday July 17

0035 Afoot wondering who he had to phone "urgently" and why? - 0057

0745 Toilet 1055 Toilet

1115 Pills, breakfast 1145 Smoking

1650 Toilet

1700 Mince, cabbage, potatoes - OK

2040 Shave 2200 Pills

2215 Toilet 2230 In bed.

Friday July 18

0300 Wandering about, looking for he knew not what. - 0315

0945 Toilet 1015 Pills, breakfast

1100 Smoking 1315 Tea & s/w

1655 Toilet

1705 Fried haddock, peas, potatoes - OK

2200 Pills 2210 Toilet

2225 In bed.

Saturday July 19

0950 Toilet 1020 Pills, breakfast

1100 Smoking 1250 Tea & s/w

1545 Toilet 1705 Pie & mince - OK

2005 Shave 2020 Toilet

2035 Bath 2125 Pills

2130 In bed.

Sunday July 20

0740 Toilet 0805 Pills, breakfast

0845 Smoking 0930 Mass

1530 Toilet

1700 Chump chops & rice - OK

2220 Pills 2235 Toilet

2250 In bed.

Monday July 21

1100 Toilet 1135 Pills, breakfast

1210 Smoking 1400 Tea & shortbread

1700 Beans on toast - OK 1745 Toilet

2205 Pills 2245 Toilet

2300 In bed.

Tuesday July 22

0757 Toilet 0825 Pills, breakfast

Paul & Moira

2230 Pills 2300 Toilet

2320 In bed.

Wednesday July 23

0755 Toilet 0825 Pills, breakfast

0905 Asleep - 1300 1315 Smoking

1345 Tea & s/w 1545 Toilet

1700 Scrambled eggs etc. - OK

2210 Shave 2225 Pills

2303 Toilet 2322 In bed.

Thursday July 24

0928 Toilet 0950 Toilet

1010 Pills, breakfast 1030 Asleep - 1400

1200 Smoking 1415 Tea & s/w

1715 Mince, cabbage, potatoes - OK

1802 Toilet 2200 Pills

2215 Toilet 2231 In bed.

Friday July 25

0925 Toilet 0950 Pills, breakfast

1120 Smoking 1130 Asleep - 1330

1415 Tea & s/w 1650 Toilet

1700 Fish in milk with bread & butter - OK

2200 Toilet 2223 Pills

2225 In bed.

Saturday July 26

0857 Toilet 0930 Pills, breakfast

1015 Smoking 1400 Tea & s/w

1547 Toilet 1650 Pie & mince - OK

1910 Shave 1925 Toilet

1940 Bath 2025 downstairs

2125 Pills 2135 Toilet

2152 In bed.

Sunday July 27

0735 Toilet 0805 Pills, breakfast

0845 Smoking 0930 Mass

1450 Toilet

1700 Chump chops & rice - OK

2210 Pills 2230 Toilet

2302 In bed.

Monday July 28

0947 Toilet 1020 Pills, breakfast

1050 Smoking 1355 Tea & s/w

1650 Toilet 1715 Beans on toast - OK

reading 2210 Pills

2220 Toilet 2245 In bed.

Tuesday July 29

0922 Toilet 0950 Pills, breakfast

1015 Smoking 1400 Tea & s/w

1640 Toilet

1700 Herring & potatoes - OK 2045 Shave

2200 Pills 2210 Toilet

2229 In bed.

Wednesday July 30

0855 Toilet 0925 Pills, breakfast

1000 Smoking reading

1250 Tea & s/w reading

1645 Toilet

1705 Scrambled eggs etc. - OK

reading 2200 Pills

2206 Toilet 2225 In bed.

Thursday July 31

0455 A bump. Daddy had fallen out of bed beside the tallboy. Scraped elbow (loose flap of skin), applied Germolene and sticking plaster, paracetamol, back into bed. - 0520

0835 Toilet 0855 Pills, breakfast

0930 Smoking reading

1330 Tea & s/w 1640 Toilet

1700 Mince, cabbage, potatoes - OK

reading 2150 Pills

2200 Toilet 2220 In bed.

Friday August 1

0825 Toilet 0850 Pills, breakfast

0920 Smoking 0930 Asleep - 1200

1315 Tea & s/w 1410 Toilet

1700 Fried haddock, peas, potatoes - OK

reading 2105 Toilet

2135 Pills 2140 In bed.

Saturday August 2

0802 Toilet 0835 Pills, breakfast

0900 Smoking 1030 Tea & s/w

1245 Paul & Moira - 1330 1650 Toilet

1710 Pie & mince - OK 1950 Shave

2005 Toilet 2020 Bath

2102 downstairs 2200 Pills

2210 Toilet 2230 In bed.

Sunday August 3

0739 Toilet 0810 Pills, breakfast

0845 Smoking 0930 Mass

1545 Toilet

1655 Chump chops & rice - OK

reading 2150 Pills

2159 Toilet 2217 In bed.

Monday August 4

0925 Toilet 0955 Pills, breakfast

1030 Smoking reading

1340 Tea & s/w 1650 Toilet

1710 Beans on toast - OK 2200 Pills

2215 Toilet 2230 In bed.

Tuesday August 5

0855 Toilet 0925 Pills, breakfast

1000 Smoking reading

1315 Tea & s/w 1545 Toilet

1700 salmon, cabbage, potatoes - OK

2200 Pills 2215 Toilet

2230 In bed.

Wednesday August 6

0952 Toilet 1020 Pills, breakfast

1115 Smoking 1300 Tea & s/w

1640 Toilet

1700 Scrambled eggs etc. - OK

reading 2140 Pills

2150 Toilet 2204 In bed.

Thursday August 7

0718 Toilet 0740 Pills, breakfast

0810 Smoking 1330 Tea & s/w

1520 Toilet !

1715 Mince, cabbage, potatoes - OK

1755 Toilet 2010 Shave

2220 Pills 2235 Toilet

2251 In bed.

Friday August 8

0945 Toilet 1002 Pills

1315 Toilet 1335 Breakfast

1705 Fried haddock, peas, potatoes - OK

1805 Toilet reading

2200 Pills 2220 Toilet

2233 In bed.

Saturday August 9

0935 Toilet 0955 Pills, breakfast

1030 Smoking watched TV

1645 Toilet 1655 Pie & mince - OK

1945 Shave 2000 Toilet

2020 Bath 2100 downstairs

2220 Pills 2230 Toilet

2245 In bed.

Sunday August 10

0738 Toilet 0805 Pills, breakfast

0830 Smoking 0930 Mass

1440 Toilet 1530 Tea & s/w

1700 Chump chops & rice - OK

2200 Pills 2205 Toilet

2222 In bed.

Monday August 11

0928 Toilet 0955 Pills, breakfast

1025 Smoking watched TV

1500 Toilet 1700 Beans on toast - OK

reading 2115 Toilet

2130 Pills 2135 In bed.

Tuesday August 12

0740 Toilet 0805 Pills, breakfast

0830 Smoking reading

1415 Tea & s/w watched TV

1645 Toilet

1700 Herring & potatoes - OK

reading 2210 Pills

2217 Toilet 2235 In bed.

Wednesday August 13

0950 Toilet 1000 Pills

1237 Toilet 1300 Breakfast

changed hearing aid battery

1345 Smoking 1500 Moira - 1600

1645 Toilet

1700 Scrambled eggs etc. - OK

reading 2215 Pills

2230 Shave 2250 Toilet

2305 In bed.

Thursday August 14

0910 Toilet 0935 Pills, breakfast

1000 Smoking reading

1315 Tea & s/w

1700 Mince, cabbage, potatoes - OK

1745 Toilet watched football

2200 Toilet 2215 Pills

2220 In bed.

Friday August 15

0734 Toilet 0745 Pills

0937 Toilet 1000 Breakfast

1115 Smoking 1345 Tea & s/w

1615 Toilet

1700 Fried haddock, peas, potatoes - OK

2200 Pills 2215 Toilet

2230 In bed.

Saturday August 16

0755 Toilet 0815 Pills, breakfast

1000 Smoking reading

1300 Toilet 1330 Tea & s/w

reading 1700 Pie & mince - OK

1905 Shave 1926 Toilet

1945 Bath, cut finger nails

2040 downstairs 2200 Pills

2205 Toilet 2221 In bed.

Sunday August 17

0747 Toilet 0815 Pills, breakfast

0930 Mass 1300 Smoking

1400 Toilet

1700 Chump chops & rice - OK

reading 2128 Toilet

2200 Pills 2225 Toilet

2240 In bed.

Monday August 18

1030 Toilet 1050 Pills, breakfast

1130 Smoking 1310 Tea & s/w

1355 Haircut - 1420 1515 Toilet

1700 Beans on toast - OK 2015 Toilet

2150 Pills 2200 Toilet

2214 In bed.

Tuesday August 19

0858 Toilet 0918 Pills, breakfast

1000 Smoking 1050 Moira - 1130

1330 Tea & s/w 1555 Toilet

1700 Salmon, cabbage, potatoes - OK

2115 Shave 2125 Pills

2130 Toilet 2144 In bed.

Wednesday August 20

0740 Toilet 0810 Pills, breakfast

0835 Smoking reading

1315 Tea & s/w 1350 Toilet

1700 Scrambled eggs etc. - OK

1915 Toilet 2213 Pills

2228 Toilet 2241 In bed.

Thursday August 21

0930 Toilet 0948 Pills, breakfast

1017 Smoking 1300 Tea & s/w

1335 Toilet 1355 Kings Park - 1600

1715 Mince, cabbage, potatoes - OK

reading 2045 Toilet

2210 Pills 2232 Toilet

2247 In bed.

Friday August 22

0915 Toilet 0940 Pills, breakfast

1030 Smoking 1100 Asleep -

1230 Moira etc. 1330 Tea & s/w

1410 Toilet 1430 Party

1630 Fish supper - OK 2200 Pills

2210 Toilet 2227 In bed.

Saturday August 23

0905 Toilet 0930 Pills, breakfast

1000 Smoking 1115 Tea & cake

reading 1530 Toilet !

1700 Pie & mince - OK 2005 Shave

2020 Toilet 2035 Bath

2123 downstairs 2230 Tea & biscuits

2245 Pills 2310 Toilet

2320 In bed.

Sunday August 24

0735 Toilet 0800 Pills, breakfast

0830 Smoking 0930 Mass

1415 Toilet reading

1700 Chump chops & rice - OK

reading 2115 Pills

2300 Toilet 2315 In bed.

Monday August 25

1147 Toilet 1220 Pills, breakfast

1300 Smoking 1650 Beans on toast - OK

1940 Toilet 2200 Pills

2205 Toilet 2229 In bed.

Tuesday August 26

0730 Toilet 0745 Pills

1115 Toilet 1140 Breakfast

1215 Smoking 1320 Tea & s/b

1630 Salmon, green beans, potatoes - OK

1710 Toilet 1935 Louise's - 2040

2210 Pills 2218 Toilet

2235 In bed.

Wednesday August 27

0720 Toilet 0735 Pills

1030 Toilet 1055 Breakfast

1125 Smoking 1200 Asleep - 1400

1430 Tea & s/w 1515 Toilet

1700 Scrambled eggs etc. - OK

2253 Pills 2303 Toilet

2320 In bed.

Thursday August 28

0810 Toilet 0830 Pills, breakfast

0902 Smoking 0915 Asleep - 1230

1410 Tea & s/w 1540 Toilet

1700 Mince, cabbage, potatoes - OK

1920 Shave 2205 Pills

2215 Toilet 2232 In bed.

Friday August 29

0610 Toilet 0820 Toilet

0850 Pills, breakfast 0930 Asleep - 1200

1345 Toilet 1400 Tea & s/w

1700 Toilet

1720 Fried haddock, peas, potatoes - OK

2105 Pills 2200 Toilet

2233 In bed.

Very slow moving this evening.

Saturday August 30

0710 Toilet 0740 Pills

1140 Toilet 1205 Breakfast

1300 Smoking 1700 Pie & mince - OK

1941 Toilet 1953 Shave

2005 Bath 2055 downstairs

2300 Pills 2310 Toilet

2325 In bed.

Sunday August 31

0731 Toilet 0800 Pills, breakfast

0845 Smoking 0930 Mass

1500 Toilet

1700 Chump chops & rice - OK

2155 Pills 2220 Toilet

2240 In bed.

Monday September 1

0310 Standing at top of stairs "Did you just come in and tell me the Pope was here?" "No." "Oh well, back to bed then."

0840 Toilet 0905 Pills, breakfast

0930 Asleep - 1300 1315 Smoking

1345 Tea & bread 1630 Toilet

1700 Beans on toast - OK 2200 Pills

2225 Toilet 2310 In bed.

Tuesday September 2

0900 Toilet 0925 Pills, breakfast

1030 Smoking 1120 Tea & bread

1400 Tea & s/w 1630 Toilet

1700 Salmon, cabbage, potatoes - OK

reading 2130 Pills

2150 Toilet 2225 In bed.

Wednesday September 3

0940 Toilet 0955 Pills

1230 Toilet 1250 Breakfast

1400 Smoking 1630 Toilet

1650 Scrambled eggs etc. - OK

reading 2100 Pills

2115 Toilet 2135 In bed.

Thursday September 4

0805 Toilet 0835 Pills, breakfast

0900 Smoking reading

1330 Tea & s/w 1500 Toilet

1705 Mince, cabbage, potatoes - OK

reading 2110 Toilet

2120 Pills 2125 In bed.

Friday September 5

0745 Toilet 0815 Pills, breakfast

0845 Smoking 1250 Toilet

1330 Tea & s/w reading

1705 Fried haddock, peas, potatoes - OK

2200 Pills 2302 Toilet

2315 In bed.

Saturday September 6

0747 Toilet 0815 Pills, breakfast

0845 Smoking reading

1415 Tea & s/w 1530 Toilet

1700 Pie & mince - OK 1955 Shave

2010 Toilet 2045 Bath

2123 Pills 2128 In bed.

Sunday September 7

0737 Toilet 0807 Pills, breakfast

0845 Smoking 0930 Mass

1400 Toilet

1700 Chump chops & rice - OK

2015 Toilet 2030 Pills

2035 In bed.

Monday September 8

0905 Toilet 0930 Pills, breakfast

change hearing aid battery

1030 Smoking 1330 Bread & cheese

1540 Toilet 1700 Beans on toast - OK

reading 2150 Pills

2200 Toilet 2212 In bed.

Tuesday September 9

1015 Toilet 1050 Pills, breakfast

1230 Smoking 1345 Tea & s/w

1450 Toilet

1705 Salmon, sprouts, potatoes - OK

reading 2220 Pills

2225 Toilet 2240 In bed.

Wednesday September 10

0925 Toilet 0945 Pills, breakfast

1030 Smoking 1045 Asleep - 1315

1345 Tea & s/w reading

1700 Scrambled eggs etc. - OK

1805 Toilet reading

2200 Pills 2230 Toilet

2255 In bed.

Thursday September 11

1105 Toilet 1125 Pills, breakfast

1150 Smoking 1330 Tea & s/w

reading 1535 Toilet

2100 Pills 2140 Toilet

2156 In bed.

Friday September 12

0735 Toilet 0750 Pills

1050 Toilet 1120 Breakfast

1200 Smoking 1430 Tea & s/w

1615 Toilet

1700 Fried haddock, peas, potatoes - OK

2105 Pills 2115 Toilet

2130 In bed.

Saturday September 13

0900 Toilet 0935 Pills, breakfast

1015 Smoking 1330 Tea & s/w

1615 Toilet 1700 Pie & mince - OK

1940 Shave 2000 Toilet

2020 Bath 2105 downstairs, finger nails

2200 Pills 2215 Toilet

2235 In bed.

Sunday September 14

0730 Toilet 0800 Pills, breakfast

0930 Mass 1230 Smoking

1445 Toilet

1700 Chump chops & rice - OK

2045 Pills 2100 Toilet

2135 In bed.

Monday September 15

0845 Toilet 0940 Pills, breakfast

1030 Asleep - 1345 Smoking

1400 Tea & s/w 1445 Toilet

1700 Beans on toast - OK 2200 Pills

2225 Toilet 2245 In bed.

Tuesday September 16

0910 Toilet 0940 Pills, breakfast

1015 Smoking 1030 Asleep - 1315

1330 Tea & s/w 1630 Toilet

0700 Salmon, cabbage, potatoes - OK

2035 Shave 2200 Pills

2205 Toilet 2222 In bed.

Wednesday September 17

0910 Toilet 0930 Pills, breakfast

1015 Smoking 1330 Tea & s/w

1415 Toilet

1650 Scrambled eggs etc. - OK

reading 2105 Pills

2115 Toilet 2128 In bed.

Thursday September 18

0745 Toilet 0805 Pills

1020 Toilet 1045 Breakfast

1115 Smoking 1130 Asleep - 1230

1248 Toilet 1315 Tea & s/w


1700 Mince, cabbage, potatoes - OK

1738 Toilet 2205 Pills

2210 Toilet 2225 In bed.

Friday September 19

0915 Toilet 0930 Pills

1215 Toilet 1240 Breakfast

1315 Smoking 1530 Toilet

1700 Fried haddock, peas, potatoes - OK

2145 Pills 2150 Toilet

2215 In bed.

Saturday September 20

1010 Toilet 1035 Pills, breakfast

1145 Smoking 1400 Tea & s/w

1640 Toilet 1655 Pie & mince - OK

1910 Shave 1928 Toilet

1945 Bath, toe nails 2040 downstairs

2245 Pills 2255 Toilet

2311 In bed.

Sunday September 21

0737 Toilet 0805 Pills, breakfast

0845 Smoking 0930 Mass

1400 Toilet 1515 Tea & s/w

1700 Chump chops & rice - OK

reading 2205 Pills

2225 Toilet 2241 In bed.

Monday September 22

1050 Toilet 1110 Pills, breakfast

1145 Smoking 1200 Asleep - 1530

1545 Tea & s/w 1650 Toilet

1705 Beans on toast - OK 2200 Pills

2205 Toilet 2227 In bed.

Tuesday September 23

0920 Toilet 0945 Pills, breakfast

1015 Smoking 1030 Asleep - 1345

1415 Tea & s/w 1500 Toilet ?

1715 Salmon, cabbage, potatoes - OK

2155 Pills 2205 Toilet

2220 In bed.

Wednesday September 24

0805 Toilet 0815 Pills

1050 Toilet 1150 Breakfast

1200 Smoking 1350 Toilet

1405 Tea & s/w

1700 Scrambled eggs etc. - OK

2135 Pills 2140 Toilet

2152 In bed.

Thursday September 25

0730 Toilet 0840 Pills, breakfast

0920 Smoking 1050 Toilet

1105 Health Centre annual checkup (Sr. Howard) - 1205 (inc. 25 minute delay for fire alarm)

1505 Tea & s/w 1650 Toilet

1700 Mince, cabbage, potatoes - OK

2205 Pills 2218 Toilet

2232 In bed.

Friday September 26

0920 Toilet 0945 Pills, breakfast

1100 Smoking 1320 Tea & s/w

1510 Toilet

1700 Fried haddock, peas, potatoes - OK

reading 2135 Pills

2145 Toilet 2210 In bed.

Saturday September 27

0905 Toilet 0930 Pills, breakfast

1010 Smoking 1305 Tea & s/w

reading 1650 Toilet

1700 Pie & mince - OK 1925 Shave

1955 Bath 2035 downstairs

2220 Pills 2230 Toilet

2245 In bed.

Sunday September 28

0700 Toilet 0800 Toilet

0830 Pills, breakfast 0900 Smoking

0930 Mass 1435 Toilet


1700 Chump chops & rice - OK

reading 2105 Pills

2115 Toilet 2135 In bed.

Monday September 29

0800 Toilet 0825 Pills, breakfast

0845 Smoking reading

1150 Tea & s/w 1445 Toilet

1700 Beans on toast - OK reading

Crossword !!! Almost correct !!!

2220 Pills 2230 Toilet

2256 In bed.

Tuesday September 30

0905 Toilet 0930 Pills, breakfast

1018 Smoking reading

1342 Tea & s/w 1635 Toilet

1700 Aberdeen boneless, sprouts, potatoes - OK

2045 Shave 2155 Pills

2205 Toilet 2225 In bed.

Wednesday October 1

0945 Toilet 1010 Pills, breakfast

1045 Smoking 1315 Tea & s/w

1520 Toilet

1700 Scrambled eggs etc. - OK

1910 "Do you want to watch TV?" "NO, I'm going to bed. I'm tired." I temporised with a cup of tea but... 1945 Pills

2012 Toilet 2026 In bed.

Thursday October 2

0847 Toilet 0910 Pills, breakfast

1000 Smoking 1015 Asleep - 1300

1310 Tea & s/w 1555 Toilet

1700 Mince, sprouts, potatoes - OK

2055 Pills 2100 Toilet

2115 In bed.

Friday October 3

0735 Toilet 0750 Pills

1100 Toilet 1120 Breakfast

1145 Smoking reading

1330 Tea & s/w 1650 Toilet

1700 Fried haddock, peas, potatoes - OK

reading 2105 Pills

2130 Toilet 2140 In bed.

Saturday October 4

1049 Toilet 11105 Pills, breakfast

1130 Smoking 1150 Power cut < 30 secs

1430 Tea & s/w reading

1645 Toilet 1700 Pie & mince - OK

1950 Shave 2003 Toilet

2015 Bath 2100 Pills

2105 In bed.

Sunday October 5

0743 Toilet 0810 Pills, breakfast

0845 Smoking 0930 Mass

1400 Toilet

1700 Chump chops & rice - OK

2050 Toilet 2105 Pills

2110 In bed.

Monday October 6

0935 Toilet 0950 Pills, breakfast

Change hearing aid battery

1030 Smoking 1345 Tea & s/w

reading 1650 Toilet

1705 Beans on toast - OK 2200 Pills

2225 Toilet 2241 In bed.

Tuesday October 7

0650 Bump. Getting up from floor. "I just sat down quickly." No damage admitted.

0655 Toilet 0935 Toilet

0955 Pills, breakfast 1045 Smoking

1400 Tea & s/w 1618 Toilet

1705 Salmon, sprouts, potatoes - OK

2015 Toilet 2027 Pills

2030 In bed.

Wednesday October 8

0140 Toilet 0940 Toilet

1000 Pills, breakfast 1030 Smoking

1035 District Nurse - Flu & B12 jabs, BP 120/70

1315 Tea & s/w 1630 Toilet

1700 Scrambled eggs etc. - OK

2105 Pills 2115 Toilet

2137 In bed.

Thursday October 9

0901 Toilet 0920 Pills, breakfast

0945 Smoking 1315 Tea & s/w

1615 Toilet

1700 Mince, cabbage, potatoes - OK

reading 2150 Pills

2210 Toilet 2225 In bed.

Friday October 10

0830 Toilet 0855 Pills, breakfast

0945 Smoking 1300 Tea & s/w

1410 Toilet 1425 Shave

1700 Fried haddock, peas, potatoes - OK

2010 Toilet 2025 Pills

2030 In bed.

Saturday October 11

0610 Toilet 1101 Toilet

1126 Pills, breakfast 1155 Smoking

1415 Tea & s/w 1650 Toilet

1700 Pie & mince - OK 1915 Shave

1930 Toilet 1955 Bath

2040 downstairs 2205 Pills

2230 Toilet 2250 In bed.

Sunday October 12

0735 Toilet 0800 Pills, breakfast

0830 Smoking 0930 Mass

1500 Toilet

1700 Chump chops & rice - OK

2100 Pills 2125 Toilet

2140 In bed.

Monday October 13

0820 Toilet 0835 Pills

1202 Toilet 1225 Breakfast

1245 Smoking

Moira, Fiona, Asha, Aakash, Paul - 1535

1648 Toilet 1700 Beans on toast - OK

1815 Tea & s/w 2105 Pills

2215 Toilet 2230 In bed.

Tuesday October 14

0946 Toilet 1000 Pills

1242 Toilet 1300 Breakfast

1330 Smoking

1700 Salmon, cabbage, potatoes - OK

1957 Toilet 2205 Pills

2220 Toilet 2235 In bed.

Wednesday October 15

1000 Toilet 1025 Pills, breakfast

1120 Smoking 1355 Tea & s/w

1648 Toilet

1700 Scrambled eggs etc. - OK

2145 Toilet 2200 Pills

2205 In bed.

Thursday October 16

0927 Toilet 0955 Pills, breakfast

1030 Smoking 1400 Tea & s/w

1650 Toilet

1700 Mince, cabbage, potatoes - OK

2200 Toilet 2017 Pills

2020 In bed.

Friday October 17

0735 Toilet 0745 Pills

1050 Toilet 1120 Breakfast

1145 Smoking 1345 Tea & s/w

1700 Fried haddock, peas, potatoes - OK

2200 Pills 2220 Toilet

2240 In bed.

Saturday October 18

0945 Toilet 1015 Pills, breakfast

1045 Smoking reading

1320 Tea & s/w reading

1700 Pie & mince - OK 1745 Toilet

2000 Shave 2015 Toilet

2025 Bath, fingernails 2115 downstairs

2215 Pills 2235 Toilet

2255 In bed.

Sunday October 19

0805 Toilet 0830 Pills, breakfast

0930 Mass