From December 18th, 2011 until his death on 29th September, 2012.

Sunday December 18

0325 Toilet 1125 Toilet

1135 Pills 1525 Toilet

1545 Breakfast 1605 Smoking

1800 Toilet

1815 Chump chops & rice - OK

1915 Tea & banana 2030 Tea & banana

2225 Pills 2230 Toilet

2315 In bed.

Monday December 19

1140 Toilet 1150 Pills

1345 Toilet 1400 Breakfast

1420 Smoking 1535 Tea & banana

1645 Toilet

1700 Sausage & mash & green beans - OK

1815 Tea & banana 2130 Banana

2235 Pills 2247 Toilet

2305 In bed.

Tuesday December 20

0720 Toilet 1100 Toilet

1125 Pills, breakfast 1145 Smoking

1345 Tea & s/w 1445 Banana

reading 1645 Toilet

1700 Aberdeen boneless, cabbage, potatoes - OK

1815 Tea & banana 1915 Banana

2015 Banana 2200 Pills

2208 Toilet 2220 In bed.

Wednesday December 21

0705 Toilet 1210 Toilet

1220 Pills 1710 Toilet

2200 Toilet 2215 Pills, breakfast

2235 Banana 2250 Smoking

2358 Toilet

Thursday December 22

0008 In bed. 0905 Toilet

0915 Pills 1305 Toilet

1325 Breakfast 1350 Smoking

1650 Toilet

1705 Mince, cabbage, potatoes - OK

1815 Tea & banana 1930 Banana

reading 2200 Pills

2225 Toilet 2240 In bed.

Friday December 23

0430 Toilet (with Flower Pot Men dialogue)

0730 Up, but didn't know why.

0755 Pills, breakfast

0905 Phone doctor 0940 Moira

1100 Banana (messy)

1130 Tea & s/w 1205 Toilet

1215 In bed. 1220 Dr Dow - 1225

1300 Antibiotics (Trimethoprim 200mg 5 days)

1310 Shave 1325 Toilet

1335 In bed. 1520 Up, downstairs

1630 Tea & s/w 2200 Pills

2220 Toilet 2230 In bed.

Saturday December 24

0905 Toilet 0925 Pills

1630 Toilet 1700 Breakfast

1745 Smoking 2030 Tea & s/w

2200 Pills 2220 Toilet

2240 In bed.

Sunday December 25

0805 Toilet 0820 Pills

1700 Toilet 1730 Breakfast

1830 Smoking 2200 Pills

2300 Toilet 2320 In bed.

Monday December 26

1230 Pills 1420 Toilet

2020 Toilet 2045 Breakfast

2115 Smoking 2245 Trifle

2315 Pills

Tuesday December 27

0000 Toilet 0020 In bed.

1000 Toilet 1025 Pills, breakfast

1130 Smoking 1345 Soup, tea & s/w

1650 Toilet

1710 Christmas Dinner - OK

change hearing aid battery

1900 Tea & banana 2200 Pills

2215 Toilet 2230 In bed.

Wednesday December 28

0900 Toilet 0915 Pills

1050 District Nurse B12 BP100/60 - 1110

1200 Toilet 1225 Breakfast

1300 Smoking 1410 Tea & s/b

1700 Scrambled eggs etc. - ate nothing

1800 Toilet 1815 In bed.

2100 Up, wandering (in body and mind)

2200 Pills

2230 downstairs, chair in hall

2300 Chair in living room

Thursday December 29

0100 Chair in front room

0130 Told him to go to bed.

0145 In bed.

0400 Fell out of bed. Bruised, cut hand, plastered.

0420 In bed.

0500 Tidy up and tuck in

0750 ditto

0800 Toilet 0815 Pills

0840 Phone doctor 0850 Phone Paul

0910 Paul

0915 Dr McKaig - hand not broken, cut should be covered but ...

1000 Antibiotic (Cyprofloxacin 5 days)

1045 Toilet - nothing 1215 Back into bed.

1340 Decided not to go to toilet, stripped bed

1425 Paracetamol

1645 Soup. Much activity going nowhere.

2210 Pills (forcibly, almost)

2345 Toilet (hooray)

Friday December 30

0045 I muttered that I was going to bed anyway, Five minutes later he was under the covers.

0400 Drumming noise. He was sitting on the floor between bed and wall, quite happy, in no hurry to move.

0430 Back into bed.

0830 Curled up between bed and tallboy. Seemed quite comfortable. Gradually onto bed. I got his bottom set out.

0915 Pills, still chewing. Lay down.

0935 Sitting up again. Top set out.

0950 Toilet, another success. Back into bed.

1710 Sitting up. "Do you want to go to the toilet?" "Yes" and got back under the covers.

1915 Toilet !

2000 Some soup, sat in chair

2200 More soup

2220 Pills, minimal chewing

2320 Toilet 2335 In bed.

Saturday December 31

A quiet night.

1245 Toilet 1300 Pills

1315 Breakfast (some)

1800 Some soup & grapes 2235 Pills

2250 Toilet

2300 In bed. (Amazingly easy)

Sunday January 1, 2012

1100 Toilet 1115 Pills

1130 Breakfast (managed well)

1615 Soup & s/w 1830 Toilet

1850 Pills 1900 In bed.

1930 Back up, wanting to know why he is being kept here, why those people are here, etc.

2000 Sat down in chair, got up , wandered around looking at things, sitting down, getting up, wandering around, ...

2320 Back into bed.

Monday January 2

0600 Moving around bed, getting in and out.

0645 Toilet, unsteady. 0700 Back into bed.

1015 Toilet 1030 Pills

Crawling around bed, adjusting bedclothes, trying out various sleeping positions.

1230 Phoned NHS24 for lengthy consultation

1300 They will arrange a "one hour" ambulance

1310 Phoned Paul

1410 Ambulance arrived. Checked for obvious problems, then into ambulance and off to GRI.

1440 GRI 1505 Moved into main area

1520 Cubicle 9 1540 Action - 1610

1710 Daddy decided it was time to leave, he was taken to the toilet instead. (Did nothing)

1725 Doctor - 1735

1800 Doctor - nothing obvious in the tests

1820 Toilet 1830 Lay down again

1900 To X-ray - 1915

Slept for a short while then started trying to get off the trolley and undress himself. Persuaded to lie down several times.

2020 Ward 50, room 9 (single)

2100 I left, he was still being stroppy.

Tuesday January 3

1225 Got through to ward, a quiet night, settled.

1830 Visiting. Not quite asleep but not taking much notice of anything. I sat awhile and he gradually took more notice but no real communication. I spoke to nurse, he's been restless all day, hopefully will sleep tonight. Under observation so not sedated. A CT scan is being considered. Back into the room, still not taking much notice so I left his hearing aid and reading glassed and departed at 1915.

Wednesday January 4

1225 Ward report, very tired, sleeping much of the time, CT scan, possibly this afternoon, no plans to move him at present but check again before visiting.

1705 Still in ward 50.

1840 On a drip, asleep, more or less, occasional twitches. When he opened his eyes, looked in my direction but didn't focus and went back to sleep. Ward sister said he'd been pretty restless during the day, didn't eat or drink much (hence the drip). CT scan hadn't shown anything out of the ordinary so still nothing to explain the collapse. I left at 1930.

Thursday January 5

1230 Reasonable night, will be transferred today but don't know when. Check again before visiting.

1645 Still in ward 50, check later.

1800 Picked up by Fiona. Still in ward 50.

1830 On a drip, not quite as asleep as yesterday, acknowledged Fiona with "Bye, bye" several times.. Has been restless but quietened down now.

Friday January 6

1400 Picked up by Fiona.

1430 Ward 18/19, room 5, more alert than yesterday but still on a drip and very sleepy. Drank almost a whole (small) carton of apple juice.

1900 Paul, Fiona & Louise went in, not too bad.

Saturday January 7

1400 Picked up by Fiona & Louise.

1430 In chair, ate a bit of cheese sandwich, drank some apple juice, reasonably alert.

Sunday January 8


1900 Paul & Moira went in. Asleep.

Monday January 9

1445 Asleep, Dr Marshal in attendance, took blood sample, Daddy didn't wake. Has been asleep all day, the nurse who was present when he was admitted to the ward last Thursday said he was now as he was then, it was as if the weekend hadn't happened. Still asleep when I left at 1540.

Tuesday January 10

1430 Asleep in bed. Had been brighter this morning, sitting up, eaten most of his lunch (with assistance) but then sleepy and back into bed. Blood tests showed slightly raised infection indicators, intravenous antibiotics. EEC had not shown anything relevant, doctor was now preparing to do a lumbar puncture so I left them to it.

Wednesday January 11


Thursday January 12


Friday January 13


Saturday January 14


Sunday January 15

1430 Paul went in.

Monday January 16


Tuesday January 17


Wednesday January 18


Thursday January 19


Friday January 20


Saturday January 21


Sunday January 22

1430 Paul went in.

Monday January 23


Tuesday January 24

1430 Sort of asleep, slouched in chair, not interested in being disturbed - 1505

Wednesday January 25

0935 Rachel, Occupational Therapist, GRI phoned with list of questions regarding home situation, which I answered as best I could.

1430 Asleep in chair. Almost woke up when I said I was leaving and would be back tomorrow afternoon. He echoed "tomorrow afternoon" and closed his eyes again.

Thursday January 26

1430 Asleep in chair. Gradually became more responsive but no conversation. Decided to go for a walk (twice) so I steered him out into the corridor and back to his chair.

Friday January 27

1430 Paul went in. Asleep in chair, no real response.

1900 I went in. Asleep in bed, Had been up much of the day but went to bed after tea and zonked out.

Saturday January 28

1200 Phone call from Ward 18/19. Daddy is being transferred to Lightburn Ward 2 today but no idea when. I decided not to go up to the Royal this afternoon.

Sunday January 29

Monday January 30

Tuesday January 31

Wednesday February 1, 2012

Thursday February 2

Friday February 3

1430 Asleep in chair. I pushed grapes, tablet and apple juice into his mouth for a while. About 1520 he started trying to get up, did not reply when I asked him where he wanted to go but indicated his intention with a couple of prodigious farts. Off he went with a couple of staff and I left.

Saturday February 4

1430 Much the same as yesterday. I pushed a few grapes into his mouth, he ate them but no other reaction. He decided to go to the toilet (I assume) about 1530 so off he went with a couple of staff and I left.

Sunday February 5

1430 Sitting up in chair, not much response, I'd barely started pushing grapes in his mouth when he decide to go to the toilet. When he returned, I gave him Asha's card. He took it, looked at the front, opened it, turning it through 90 degrees, stared at it for a short while then closed his eyes. I resumed feeding him grapes and tablet for a while then left.

Monday February 6

1430 Sitting up in the chair wearing pyjamas, he acknowledged my arrival! I was just getting his snack organised when Lois (physiotherapist) came in, so I handed Daddy the box of grapes and he started to eat them! She has not been having much success with Daddy and Dr Burns had suggested trying while I was present. It took a few minutes to get Daddy standing but he shuffled slowly out into the hall and back to his chair. She was pleased. I said that given his relative alertness today, she would probably have succeeded on her own. Same time, same place, tomorrow.

She left, I gave Daddy the grapes and he resumed eating. After a few, I took them away and gave him a drink which he held himself! The some tablet, the rest of the grapes and more drink. All in all, a big improvement over yesterday.

When I told him I was going, he said "Right."

Tuesday February 7

1430 Asleep in chair wearing pyjamas. Slow progress waking him up but ultimately managed to push grapes into his mouth. Lois arrived with wheelchair intending to take Daddy to the gym but settled for a walk into the hall and a bit up the corridor. Back to chair, slightly more awake, I pushed a few more grapes and some tablet into his mouth, and some juice. Then he took the box and finished the grapes himself. He was reasonably awake when I left but still wouldn't say anything.

Wednesday February 8

1430 Room change, next door with two beds.

Not quite asleep in chair, wearing own clothes. I was immediately turfed out by a couple of staff who were "just checking". Only took 5 minutes.

I gave him the box of grapes and he started eating. Then some tablet - but I had to push that into his mouth. Then some juice - but he wouldn't hold that either. The grapes again but this time he put the box up to his mouth and tilted it. He ignored all my attempts at conversation so when he closed his eyes yet again, I said I was leaving. That brought no response so I left at 1530.

Thursday February 9

Friday February 10

Saturday February 11

Sunday February 12

1430 In some disarray when I arrived, the staff tidied him up and I fed him tablet and grapes washed down with two cartons of apple juice. It became more difficult to hold his attention so I left.

Monday February 13

1430 Much the same as yesterday, except wearing pyjama jacket over hospital gown. I fed him juice, tablet, grapes and when they were finished he lost interest and closed his eyes. I left.

Tuesday February 14

1430 Asleep (sort of) when I went in. Paul came in. Gradually wakened him up a bit, fed him grapes and tablet and he gradually lost interest so we left after about an hour.

Wednesday February 15

1430 Seemed quite alert when I went in but by the time I'd got myself a chair, he had shut down. It took about twenty minutes of gentle prodding to persuade him to notice the grapes and tablet, but once he did, he performed creditably. About half past three, he stood up and was escorted off to the toilet. On his return, he gradually shut down again and I left.

Thursday February 16

1530 Lying on his bed, fully dressed. He acknowledged my presence but it took some time to persuade him to sit up and move to the chair. Meanwhile, Paul came in. Fed him grapes and tablet, two cartons of apple juice. Attention came and went.

1640 Meeting with Dr Burns, outlook not good. Nothing to suggest that there will be any great improvement any time soon. She will refer for a social needs assessment with a recommendation for a mainstream nursing home. Left at 1705.

Friday February 17

Phoned Dr Burns secretary to query anti-depressant situation. Daddy is on citalopram as before but she will review necessity and dosage on Monday.

1430 Sitting up, dressed, dozing. Got rid of someone else's teeth and his cleaned. Pushed food into his mouth, eating slowly. When I was leaving, he echoed my "Do you want anything?" and shook his head.

Saturday February 18

1430 Moira went up. Her description suggests not much change.

Sunday February 19

1430 In the toilet when I arrived so I waited till the staff had replaced him in his chair. He looked at me and said "Have you come here too?" to which I replied "I've come for a visit." and he echoed "Come for a visit." and closed his eyes.

So, I force fed him some grapes and tablet, then he fed himself some grapes, but didn't drink much. I changed his hearing aid battery. About 1525 he stood up, ignored the Zimmer frame which I put in front of him, gradually turned his chair through 90 degrees anticlockwise and sat down again. I took the hint and left.

Monday February 20


Tuesday February 21


Wednesday February 22

1430 He has been moved into the general ward, first bay. No change in general condition, ate some tablet, drank some juice and kept his eyes shut most of the time. He seemed to have problems with the grape skins so didn't eat many of them. I left at 1530.

Thursday February 23

1430 Asleep in the chair when I went in, resisted all of my attempts to wake him. Accepted one grape when I pushed it against his lips but that was all. I left at 1500.

Friday February 24

1430 Awake when I went in, dressed and sitting in chair. Slight attempt at conversation then ate tablet and most grapes although I had to feed him. Seemed to get sleepier as time went on and I left at 1530.

Saturday February 25

1430 Awake when I went in, dressed and sitting in chair. Slight attempt at conversation then ate tablet and grapes, a mixture of feeding and helping himself (though he did try to pour the grapes into his mouth). So far, so normal, but today he stayed awake most of the time and on a couple of occasions tried to tell me that we "have one new ... possibility ..." but of what he could not say. He was still awake when I left at 1540.

Sunday February 26

1430 Much the same as yesterday, perhaps a little brighter if anything. Which made it all the worse that I had forgotten to bring juice, there was none on the locker and I had to feed him water (after I asked for a cup). I left at 1545.

Monday February 27

1430 Regression. Sitting in the chair in a hospital gown, quite withdrawn. No conversation, no recollection of yesterday, accepted some tablet and a few grapes pushed against his lips, drank a little juice, otherwise eyes closed all the time. I left at 1530.

Tuesday February 28

Paul & Moira went up, much the same as yesterday.

Wednesday February 29

1430 Much better, back to the man he was at the weekend. Got through three cartons of juice, twice picking up the carton from the table. Took the box of grapes in his hand and fed himself. The only thing I had to do was feed him tablet. I told him the first daffodils were out in the garden and he seemed to take it in. Still awake when I left at 1535. All in all, a good day.

Thursday March 1, 2012

1430 A slight improvement on yesterday. Slower eating but did more for himself. Even a slight reaction when Moira recited the list of his (great) grandchildren. Tired a bit towards the end. We left at 1535.

Friday March 2

1430 A bit brighter again when I went in, making an effort to understand and acknowledge what I said. Picked up pieces of tablet from the table but less enthusiastic about the grapes or juice. Seemed to tire quite quickly but would the wake again after five minutes or so. I left about 1530.

Saturday March 3

1430 Not a good day, very lethargic, ate a few grapes, some tablet, drank a little juice and kept dozing off. Paul was there, we left about 1510.

Sunday March 4

1430 Much the same as yesterday except that he seemed to brighten up just as I left at 1530.

Monday March 5

1025 Phone call from Social Work, Connie Donaldson, 211 0555, for a bit of background. Will send info on financial assessment. Phoned back a couple of hours later to confirm that I have Power of Attorney.

1430 Brighter than yesterday but not as bright as Friday. Ate a bit, drank a bit. Paul & Moira came in about 1515 and I left them to it.

Tuesday March 6

1430 Brighter again. I put the box of grapes (opened) on the table, he picked it up and ate the lot. Then he ate the tablet, voluntarily picking pieces up from the table. He even picked up the juice carton. Having consumed the picnic, he lost interest and I left at 1530.

Wednesday March 7

1430 Reasonably bright, perhaps not as bright as yesterday. I was asked not to give him grapes today because of "loose motions" so put the tablet in front of him and he ate most of it. I had to feed him only a few bits and then produced the second bit, he ate about half of that and I left him with the remainder when I went at 1530.

Thursday March 8

1430 In bed, clothed but under the blanket, apparently asleep. The other 4 residents were also in bed with no obvious reason. He did acknowledge my presence but showed no inclination to wake up so I left after 15 minutes.

I did think of going up again in the evening but didn't.

Friday March 9

1430 Reasonable. A quick shave and started on the tablet & grapes, feeding himself quite well. Paul & Moira came in for a while. He began to doze off after a while so I left at 1540.

Saturday March 10

1440 Coming out of the toilet when I went in, didn't eat many grapes but did help himself to the tablet. Slight increase in conversation but didn't make much sense. Gradually dozing off so I left at 1535.

Sunday March 11

1430 A bit dozy, some conversation, some of it didn't make much sense but he managed to convey that he didn't want any grapes or any more tablet after eating the first bar. He got up, said he wanted to go somewhere to sit down and sleep, walked round in a circle and sat down again. A bit later he got up and this time headed for the toilet. When he returned he looked around and dozed off. I left at 1535.

1830 Moira & Paul were going up this evening.

Monday March 12

1430 In bed, asleep, opened an eye and closed it again a couple of times but showed no interest. I left at 1445.

Tuesday March 13

1430 In his chair, asleep, opened an eye and closed it again a couple of times but showed no interest. I did manage to get a couple of bits of tablet past his teeth but that was it. I left at 1505.

Wednesday March 14

1440 In his chair, asleep, but today he opened his eyes long enough to eat a few grapes, some tablet and drink a whole carton of juice between naps. Paul & Moira were going in as I left.

Thursday March 15

Phone call from Connie to check that I had received info on financial assessment (it seems I should have sent back the form on the back). She will send out the form.

1430 Reasonably awake, sitting dressed in his chair. Slow start but got through the tablet and some of the grapes, plus a couple of cartons of juice. I left about 1545.

Friday March 16

1430 Went up with Moira, Daddy was sitting in his chair, dressed, moderately alert. "Have you come to read?" he said, Moira asked if he wanted to read the paper, he might have said "yes" so I produced the Evening Times and his reading glasses. Not a great success (you don't read much with your eyes shut) so out with the tablet (ate it all) and grapes (ate some). We left about 1530.

And went to see Springboig (excellently presented) and Haydale (acceptable and closer to home) , Paul and Moira having already eliminated Greyfriars (poky) and Ashton Grove().

Saturday March 17

1430 Dressed but asleep on top of his bed. I woke him up, asked if he wanted to sit up, he said "No" and went back to sleep. I sat for a while but he showed no sign of waking so I left about 1500.

1840 I went up again, his time he was awake, sitting up, and Paul and Moira were with him so I produced the grapes and tablet and left.

Sunday March 18

1430 Asleep in bed with an oxygen mask on. Apparently he had a funny turn this morning, turned a bit blue, seen by a doctor, nothing obvious apart from a slow pulse. I didn't try to wake him and left at 1440.

1840 Still asleep, without mask. Looked a bit better. I didn't try to wake him and left at 1845.

Monday March 19

1430 Asleep in chair, woke up a bit and took a couple of grapes and a bit of tablet but his heart wasn't in it so I spoke to staff and they put him back in bed where he went to sleep. I sat for a while but still asleep when I left at 1530.

Tuesday March 20

1435 Awake in chair, much better but not much interest in eating. He was reasonably alert some of the time watching what was going on around him (every time there was a noise). I left at 1535.

Wednesday March 21

1430 Slightly better than yesterday.

Thursday March 22

1430 Slumped in chair, more or less asleep, his arms falling off the arms of the chair. Ate a little tablet but kept falling asleep.

Friday March 23

am Phone call from Springboig director. Invoice for non-state funded costs in the second week of four week period, settle within two weeks.

Phone call from Connie to confirm move on Monday.

1430 Still slumped in chair but more reactive, managed to eat some tablet and a couple of grapes but his heart wasn't in it. No conversation but did take an interest in noises. I left about 1535.

Saturday March 24

1430 Sitting in chair wearing someone else's pyjamas. He recognised me and said "Are we going out now?" "Not till Monday" I replied. It seems that he has some idea of his impending move. He didn't say much else that made sense but drank a little and ate the tablet. About 1500 he stood up and I called the staff and suggested that he might want to go to the toilet and they took him off, returning after 15 minutes. He ate some grapes, holding the box and taking them himself until he began to go to sleep about 1525 and didn't wake when I left at 1535. All in all, about as good as I've seen him.

Sunday March 25

1430 A bit of a regression, sleepy, sitting in his chair in a goonie and jumper, not much interested in anything. I fed him some tablet and a couple of grapes but he was quite passive. No attempt at conversation, his usual response was to nod. The staff wanted to thin out his wardrobe before the transfer but the cupboard was bare. I wonder if anything will come back from the laundry in time. I said I would collect if necessary. He was more or less asleep when I left at 1530.

Monday March 26

1415 Phoned Lightburn, he has just left.

1900 Went up to SpringboDecemberig with Moira, Daddy had dined (with assistance), we borrowed a wheelchair and took him back to his room, sorted out a few things, took him back to the common room and left him at 1950. Along to Lightburn to report lack of some clothes, hearing aid and glasses, the staff will look around.

Tuesday March 27

0855 Connie turned up to collect financial assessment form, apparently I've filled it in OK.

1130 Went up to Springboig with Moira. Daddy asleep in common room, no inclination to wake. Has been sleepy all morning. Did some housekeeping, discussed arrangements with Debbie (4 days x 12 hrs.), discussed finance with Carol and left about 1230.

1855 Went back up with Moira, asleep in common room, not keen to wake. Has been asleep most of the day. More adjustments to wardrobe, nothing from Lightburn. When we were about to leave he was awake, singing along to Danny O'Donnell (without benefit of hearing aid), oblivious to all else. We left at 1910.

Wednesday March 28

1040 Sitting in the dining room, asleep. Not inclined to wake up so I left at 1050.

1315 Phoned Lightburn, they have his glasses and hearing aid but no clothes.

1455 Lightburn, wrong glasses, still no clothes.

1900 Went up with Moira, he was a bit more lively, we took him into his room and adjusted his wardrobe, then back to the common room. Left at 1935.

Thursday March 29

1100 To Lightburn where they had found most or all of the missing clothes but still no glasses.

1500 Daddy dozing in a chair in the common room, ate some grapes and some tablet but not much interested and I left at 1525.

Friday March 30

1010 Sitting at a bare table, not much interested, didn't think the hearing aid was much improvement, ate some tablet and a couple of grapes and I left at 1045

Kirsty phoned, the optician was in, did Daddy have glasses? I said I was planning to get a repeat of his last prescription but the optician will provide a new one.

Moira went up in the evening, he was much brighter and had had a haircut.

2210 Melissa phoned, Daddy had a fall while walking and trying to pull up his trousers at the same time. Slight graze on head, no other problems admitted (but a blood blister developed below his eye later).

Saturday March 31

1445 Asleep in the common room, refused to wake up despite my struggling to change his slippers, so I left him at 1510.

Sunday April 1, 2012

1420 Asleep in the common room, refused to wake up so I left him at 1430.

1735 Asleep at a table having finished his tea. Ate well apparently but with a tendency to doze off. He took his top set out, along with some half-chewed food and I spent some time trying unsuccessfully to persuade him to put them back in. I suspect there was more half-chewed food in there but he wasn't admitting it. All this time he stayed more or less asleep. Debbie did a urine test - negative. She will arrange blood tests for tomorrow. I left at 1855.

Monday April 2

1800 Much as yesterday evening, slightly more responsive but not much. Did acknowledge my presence when I left at 1850.

Tuesday April 3

1015 I caught him at the end of breakfast, still with a piece of toast in front of him. He soon ignored that in favour of some grapes and tablet. He started trying to stand up, not clear reason, so I wheeled him up and down the corridor and back to an easy chair in the common room. Left him with a carton of juice and a copy of Metro at 1130. Definitely brighter.

Wednesday April 4

1015 Timing as above, still being fed scrambled eggs, he gave up on that and ate a few grapes and tablet. Slightly brighter than yesterday, moved to an armchair, drank some juice and I left at 1125.

Thursday April 5

1030 Still on his porridge, finished that, ate a few grapes and some tablet but not as interested as yesterday. I left at 1150.

Friday April 6

1030 He had finished his breakfast, still at the table. Again, not much interested in anything especially grape skins. So I peeled a few and these he ate swiftly. Also some tablet. I left at 1155.

Saturday April 7

1045 Sitting in an armchair, quite alert, attempted conversation but didn't make much sense. Old hearing aid didn't help much. Ate peeled grapes and tablet, drank most of a carton of juice, all in all quite a pleasant visit. I left at 1135.

Sunday April 8

1045 Sitting in an armchair, apparently asleep. No response to my attempts to wake him. No teeth, his lips looked dry so I tried a peeled grape which he took at once. So I sat there feeding him peeled grapes - he ate the lot - but still no acknowledgement. Eucharistic Minister (Pat) appeared about 1145 but still no response from Daddy so no joy there. However, Fr Campbell had asked Pat to look out for Daddy so we are on the radar. I left about 1200.

Monday April 9

1030 Wasn't too bright when he got up. A urine test suggests infection so a doctor will be called.

Still at table, sitting in a wheelchair. A bit brighter than yesterday but still no attempt at conversation. However, he ate grapes and tablet and his eyes were open most of the time. I left at 1200.

1610 Call from Debbie. Doctor has prescribed antibiotics and noticed swollen right hand. Daddy is off to the Royal for an X-ray.

1949 Call from Debbie. Daddy is back, has a fracture in hand but it is old! They have put a splint on it for a week or ten days. Daddy is now in bed, staff checking on him every five or ten minutes, dinner in oven.

Tuesday April 10

1030 In bed, couldn't/wouldn't stand up this morning. (Will call doctor.) More or less asleep, not interested in anything. Dr McLeod appeared (she was already on the premises), nothing wrong with vital signs and he did manage to stand with assistance. Wait and see if antibiotics work. I left at 1200.

1945 Now up, in lounge, but slumped in chair, no interest in anything so I left at 2020.

Wednesday April 11

1440 Slumped in chair, not much interested. I tried the new hearing aid and it definitely works, he opened his eyes and looked surprised. No attempt at conversation but he did eat a few grapes, perhaps more to please me than for any other reason. I left at 1550.

Thursday April 12

1110 Slumped in armchair in lounge, not interested in anything. I'd just started feeding him grapes when the staff came over and whisked him off to the dentist so I left at 1115.

1930 Half-asleep in the lounge, but more awake than recently. Got a clean bill from the dentist. Ate a few grapes, perked up a bit when I unblocked his hearing aid (condensation) and drank most of a carton of juice. I left about 2000.

Friday April 13

1040 Sitting in armchair, quite alert, made short work of grapes, drank some juice. Hearing aid not working. Mass with Fr. Campbell at 1130, slight doubt about how much he followed but quite happy. I left at 1210.

Saturday April 14

1035 Sitting in an armchair chewing a bit of toast, quite alert. Discarded the toast and ate some grapes and tablet, drank some juice. Had difficulty with his pills, chewing rather than swallowing, but got them down. New battery in hearing aid but no improvement. I left at 1225

Sunday April 15

1335 Slumped in an armchair, perked up a bit as I fed him tablet and grapes. Then he seemed a bit uncomfortable and the staff took him off to the toilet (after the event!) and I left at 1445.

Monday April 16

1035 At table, hadn't had his breakfast yet, started feeding him grapes, went well, porridge arrived and he took that smoothly. Splint off wrist but still not using it. Hearing aid still not working and I've run out of ideas. I left at 1135.

1415 Debbie phoned, audiologist has inspected Daddy's ears, one clear, the other would benefit from drops, she has made a note to contact GP tomorrow.

Tuesday April 17

1015 Sitting in an armchair, took a couple of grapes then I fed him porridge. More grapes between courses, didn't eat much scrambled eggs before he started drifting off and I left at 1135.

Wednesday April 18

1835 Slumped in armchair, not much acknowledgement, not much interested in grapes or juice so I left at 1915.

Thursday April 19

1025 Sitting in an armchair, quite alert, ate grapes and tablet, drank juice. He started getting restless, I asked if he wanted to go to the toilet and he answered "No.". Very pleasing. I left at 1145.

Friday April 20

1040 At table, not much reaction, I fed him a a few grapes, some tablet and some juice without getting much response. Left at 1155.

1420 After a comedy of errors, Moira went in, not much response but looking well. Drank most of a carton of juice.

Saturday April 21

1020 Still in bed, awake but no reaction to my presence so I left at 1030.

1745 Up, slumped in an armchair, but still not reacting to my presence. Took a few grapes and drank a little juice but otherwise, nothing. I left at 1830.

Sunday April 22

1030 Slumped in an armchair, more or less asleep, no top set. I went along to his room and found a set but they are not his. Told Debbie. An hour of trying failed to get any response so I left at 1130.

1815 Was changing after dinner so I waited. The staff used the hoist to transfer him from wheelchair to armchair. He stayed awake, ate some grapes and tablet and drank three cartons of juice without any communication. At one point, he took out his teeth and now they are his! Someone has effected the change during the day. He began to fall asleep and I left at 1950.

Monday April 23

1040 Sitting in an armchair, reasonably bright, ate grapes and tablet, drank a fair amount of juice, not too bad at all. Gradually became sleepier and I left at 1145.

Tuesday April 24

1905 Sitting in an armchair, not very responsive but ate some tablet and grapes despite having no teeth. He took the grapes at a reasonable rate but was still chewing long after the last grape. I left at 2010.

Wednesday April 25

1130 In an armchair, not very responsive but ate some tablet and grapes. His pace slowed as time went on and I left him to his dinner at 1235.

1430 With Eileen and Rosaleen, in an armchair chewing a piece of gammon. Staff moved him into a wheelchair and we took him along to his room where he didn't communicate much beyond looking at them and smiling a lot. Optician came in and adjusted his glasses. Wheeled him back to the common room and we left at 1600.

Thursday April 26

1800 Still at the table but finished his meal. I fed him some grapes, he didn't take the tablet or much to drink (until I was leaving). I don't think he opened his eyes after the initial greeting. I left at 1900.

Friday April 27

1025 Still at the table having finished his breakfast. Ate grapes and some tablet, drank a little juice but not much reaction. I left at 1155.

1425 Moira was in before the review with Social Work. She was showing photos of grandchildren on ipad and getting some response. Review was short, no problems on either side, arrangement can be considered permanent.

Saturday April 28

1030 Still at the table having finished his breakfast, not much response while eating grapes and drinking two cartons and a large cup of juice. Was becoming a little more alert when I left at 1145.

Sunday April 29

1045 In an armchair having finished his breakfast, not much response but ate some grapes and drank juice. Moira came in about 1120 and I left.

Monday April 30

1040 Slumped in an armchair having finished his breakfast, reluctant to open his eyes, took a few grapes but with diminishing enthusiasm so I left at 1110.

Tuesday May 1, 2012

1040 Slumped in an armchair having finished his breakfast, reluctant to open his eyes, took a few grapes but with diminishing enthusiasm so I left at 1115.

Wednesday May 2

1025 Still at the table having finished his breakfast, not much response while eating grapes and drinking a cup of milk. Opened his eyes a couple of times, looked at me and closed them again. He didn't fall asleep until he'd eaten all the grapes. I left at 1135.

Thursday May 3

I didn't visit.

Friday May 4

1040 Asleep in chair, not interested in anything, took first grape, refused juice, probably still had the grape in his mouth when I left at 1110.

Saturday May 5

1415 Slumped in an armchair having finished his lunch, reluctant to open his eyes, wasn't interested even in juice so I left at 1440.

Sunday May 6

1030 Asleep in chair, I caused him to be roused and transferred to his room. Couldn't get much response. Moira, Karen, Mike, Sorley and Alex arrived. Still very little response, though later Moira got him to take two cartons of juice. They left and I took Daddy back to the common room and left at 1135.

Monday May 7



Tuesday May 8

1150 Didn't see Daddy, just clarification of the bill and off to the bank.

1435 Slumped in an armchair, not much interested, a few grapes, some juice and I left at 1520.

Wednesday May 9



Thursday May 10

1030 Still in transit from table to armchair, so I hijacked the chair and off to the smoking area. I almost panicked at the reaction but he recovered and smoked some more. Not too bad, all in all, I took him back to the common room where he didn't fall asleep and left at 1200.

Friday May 11

1005 In an armchair, not quite asleep. Apparently there were no obvious adverse effects yesterday so the staff put him in a chair and we went for another smoke. Less extreme reaction today, in fact he appeared quite comfortable. When finished, back to the common room, re-established in an armchair, and I left at 1130.

Saturday May 12

1010 Asleep in an armchair, I managed to get him to drink some juice and eat a couple of grapes but then lost interest. He never opened his eyes. I left at 1053.

Sunday May 13

1015 Much the same as yesterday. I left at 1125.

1750 Just missed Moira & Paul. Slightly more alert than this morning but not much. Some juice, couple of grapes and that was it. I left at 1905.

Monday May 14

1015 Curled up in an armchair, little response to anything, didn't uncurl so no juice or grapes. I left at 1115.

Tuesday May 15

0900 Phone call, Daddy is a bit flushed this morning, has been sweating overnight, they have called the doctor.

1100 Met Dr McLeod coming out as I was going in. No identifiable problem temperature has come down, wait and see. I said we were quite happy to do that.

Lying on bed, not much reaction. Staff came in to put him in chair to facilitate hydration and feeding. Ronald got him to take some milk, I managed two cartons of apple juice and some cranberry juice before I left him, slumped in the chair, at 1215.

Wednesday May 16

1105 Slumped, sleeping in an armchair, resisted all attempts to get his attention, I left at 1135.

Thursday May 17

1005 Much more alert today so I arranges a chair and took him along for a smoke. Managed well, limited adverse reaction, drank two cartons of juice before I took him back and left at 1135.

1805 I decided to go back up and see how he was - slumped in an armchair, half asleep. I sat awhile and fed him some juice and the occasional grape before leaving at 1900.

Friday May 18

1010 Still eating scrambled eggs, I took over and then gave him juice and the occasional grape. He never really woke up so I decided against smoking and left at 1120.

Saturday May 19

1015 Still eating scrambled eggs. He was quite alert so I took him along for a smoke. Not so good today, he seemed unable (or unwilling) to hold the pipe but he did draw vigorously while I held it. He gradually slumped to the right and was unwilling (or unable) to straighten up. I took him back and saw him re-established in the common room before I left at 1145.

Sunday May 20

0845 Phone call from Springboig, GP has been summoned to look at Daddy's swollen right hand, he seems to be in pain, possibly infection of the sore on the back of his hand.

1015 Slumped at the table, very difficult to feed but did drink some juice. Transferred back to bed and went to sleep. Dr McFee diagnosed infection in hand, prescribed antibiotics and keep and eye on it. Still asleep when I left at 1155.

Monday May 21

1005 Just being got up, not awake, drank a little juice, I sat with him for a while and left at 1050.

Tuesday May 22

1005 At table, slumped forward, almost impossible to reach his mouth. Staff moved him to a reclining chair where he showed no interest in eating anything further but did drink some juice. Moira came in and I left at 1105.

Wednesday May 23

1035 At table, had finished his breakfast I fed him some juice and grapes but he gradually slumped further and further forward. Staff moved him onto his bed, he wouldn't take any more grapes or juice so I left him sleeping peacefully at 1150.

Thursday May 24

No visit.

Friday May 25

1010 On a recliner, I failed to persuade him to eat much scrambled eggs or take any juice or even a grape so I left at 1045.

Saturday May 26

1055 On a recliner, breakfast finished. He took some juice and a few grapes but without enthusiasm or opening his eyes and I left at 1150.

Sunday May 27

1100 In an armchair, sitting relatively upright but still not interested in anything much. Took a little juice and one grape but then wouldn't take his medicine or anything else. I drew attention to his right hand appearing to be more swollen again and left at 1135.

Monday May 28

1100 Lying on his bed, withdrawn. Hand a bit less swollen. I sat for a while but he wasn't interested and I left at 1150

Tuesday May 29

1100 Pretty much as yesterday. I left at 1145

Wednesday May 30

1100 In an armchair, others on either side so I had to sit in front of him. He opened his eyes quite often but was looking around rather than at me. Took some juice and a couple of grapes, a lot of toothless chewing but not much swallowing. An agency nurse got his pill in quite easily but it took some effort to get him to swallow them. I left at 1200.

Thursday May 31

1110 On a recliner, looked comfortable, awake but not paying much attention. He opened his eyes occasionally but not as much as yesterday. He took some juice twice but refused most offers. I left at 1155.

Friday June 1, 2012

1055 On a recliner, just finishing scrambled eggs, awake, a little brighter than yesterday. Took some juice and the occasional grape. A narrow mark three or four inches long, has appeared on the back of his right ankle, no obvious cause, skin more rubbed off than scraped. Plastered over, see what happens. I left at 1215.

Saturday June 2



Sunday June 3

1100 In recliner.


Monday June 4

1055 In bed.


Tuesday June 5

1210 Party? What party? In bed, pretty well asleep. Ankle scrape now bandaged. Took the occasional grape, drank a couple of cartons of juice. Donna came in with his lunch and I left at 1340.

Wednesday June 6

1110 Still in bed, specialist nurse coming to advise on pressure sores. Not much interested at first but brightened later. Drank four cartons of juice and ate several grapes. Not interested in tablet. I left at 1245.

Thursday June 7

1050 On a recliner, I started feeding him grapes and juice, then the staff moved him back to bed (with a new (air-flow) mattress), liaison nurse came in and inspected his sores, that on his bottom is probably friction rather than pressure sore, treat with ointment, and recommended different dressings for his leg. He took a few more grapes and some juice before loosing interest and I left at 1205.

Friday June 8

1455 In an armchair, I arrived with the afternoon tea and he ate a doughnut and a couple of shortbread biscuits, drank a mug of tea and half a carton of juice before I left at 1610.

Saturday June 9

1505 In an armchair, I must have missed the afternoon tea but he took a few grapes and a carton of juice before I left at 1630

Sunday June 10

1100 In an armchair, again a few grapes and a carton of juice before shutting down and I left at 1150

Monday June 11

1045 On a recliner, not very interested, took a little juice and a few grapes before losing interest entirely and I left at 1145

Tuesday June 12

1410 There was a party in progress, Daddy was in there somewhere but I left.

Wednesday June 13

1035 On a recliner, looked around rather more than usual but was not much interested otherwise. One carton of juice, a reasonable number of grapes and I left at 1155

Thursday June 14

1050 In bed, not much interested but drank three cartons of juice, ate a few grapes and I left at 1200.

1630 Phone call from staff nurse, they have recorded a bruise on Daddy's head and one on his knee, possibly caused by banging against the wall while in bed. They will investigate a new bed with padded rails.

1645 Moira and Louise came in after visiting Daddy. He drank another three cartons of juice, and apparently had another one at lunch. That makes 7 today.

Friday June 15

Saturday June 16



Sunday June 17



Monday June 18

1910 In bed, not much interest in anything, a few grapes and some juice. I left at 1950 after reporting his hearing aid was missing.

Tuesday June 19

No visit.

Wednesday June 20

1100 In a new bed, fully adjustable, padded all round, looking quite comfortable. Hearing aid box is back. Not much interested, he took a few grapes and half a carton of juice and I left at 1200.

Thursday June 21

1045 In an armchair, reasonable alert, I fed him grapes and two cartons of juice, eyes opened from time to time. I left at 1200.

Friday June 22

1030 In bed, asleep. He did not respond to my greeting, and several further attempts to talk to him so I left at 1110.

Saturday June 23

1035 Being transferred to a recliner, looking quite bright this morning. Eyes open quite a lot, ate quite a few grapes though didn't drink much. All in all, quite encouraging. I left at 1150.

Sunday June 24

1045 On a recliner, much the same state as yesterday although he was less co-operative when taking his pills. I left at 1155.

Monday June 25

1025 Still at table, slumped forward with head on edge of same. I straightened him up a bit, wouldn't take juice or grapes. Moved to recliner, mouth more accessible, still no real interest in grapes or juice. Not co-operative with taking pills but finally got there. Began to take more interest in his surroundings but still not in juice or grapes. Claire said he hadn't eaten or drunk much at breakfast. I left at 1135.

Tuesday June 26

1050 On a recliner, inflated plastic cushion on right foot, not much interested in anything, only one grape, not much juice, not much eye opening. All in all, a bit depressing. I left at 1155.

Wednesday June 27

1030 In an armchair, much the same as yesterday Optician came in with new glasses. I left at 1115.

Thursday June 28

1030 In an armchair, with footstool. Much the same as yesterday. I left at 1140.

Friday June 29

1040 In an armchair, more awake than recently but not much interested in juice. Took a few grapes and I left at 1145.

Physiotherapist was in earlier, not much can be done about clenched hand, will arrange a palm protector within a couple of weeks.

Saturday June 30

1110 In an armchair, much the same as yesterday, I left at 1205 taking his hearing aid with me.

Sunday July 1, 2012

1040 In an armchair, a bit more alert than yesterday, ate more grapes and two and a half cartons of juice. I left at 1200.

Monday July 2

1050 Still at table, quite bright (relatively speaking). Moved to an armchair, continued to eat grapes but gradually lost interest and I left at 1210.

Tuesday July 3

1030 At table, just finishing scrambled eggs, severely slumped to his right. Palm protector in place, a short couple of weeks. He took a couple of grapes before being moved to an armchair where he continued to take the occasional grape and small amount of juice before I left at 1145.

Wednesday July 4

1045 In an armchair, chewing his pills. Took a carton of juice quite quickly then started on grapes. Started well but gradually slowed down, took a little more juice and a few more grapes before I left at 1145.

Melissa reported that Daddy has a UTI again and is on antibiotics.

Thursday July 5

1045 In an armchair, reasonably bright, made short work of the first carton of juice and the first few grapes, then slowed down but remained quite alert. I left at 1200.

Friday July 6

1035 In an armchair, reasonably bright, drank some juice then seemed to be trying to grasp the carton so I wrapped his fingers around it and they stayed there! I fed him some grapes and then he seemed to move the carton towards his mouth so I corrected his aim and he took a drink! More grapes before I left at 1150.

Saturday July 7

1020 With Karen. In an armchair being fed porridge. When finished, juice and grapes, quite bright, Looked at Karen's bump but who knows whether he realised the significance. We left at 1145.

Sunday July 8

1040 Still at table in wheelchair, a bit slumped but quite alert. Took three cartons of juice and 13 grapes, eyes open most of the time. Looked at me several times, I wonder what he was thinking. Probably the best I've seen him for some time, I hope it keeps up. I left about 1200.

Monday July 9

1030 In an armchair being fed porridge. When finished, ate his way through the grapes but only one carton of juice. (He'd had another one before breakfast.) Otherwise much the same as yesterday. which is good. I left at 1200.

Tuesday July 10

1030 In an armchair, pretty well shut down. half a carton of juice and three grapes in an hour, All other attempts rebuffed. Disappointing after the last few days. I left at 1135.

Wednesday July 11

1055 In an armchair. Much the same as yesterday, even the insertion of a working hearing aid got no response. I left at 1155.

Thursday July 12

1035 In an armchair, much the same as yesterday. A few grapes, a small amount of juice and I left at 1150.

Friday July 13

1035 In an armchair, looking all right, took a few grapes and some juice, gradually getting redder and skin clammy. Summoned Laura, removed to bed, sweating, washed down and changed. Phoned Paul. Doctor called, arrived quickly (Melanie), nothing abnormal, prescribed antibiotics just in case. I sat awhile with him, colour gradually returned to normal, skin dry and appeared to be asleep when I left at 1250.

Saturday July 14

1040 In an armchair, much the same as his usual disinterested condition. A few grapes, not much juice but otherwise well. I left at 1140.

Sunday July 15

1035 In bed, Bridie feeding him the last of his porridge. He had been a bit flushed and clammy so they did not get him up. Breathing and pulse a bit rapid but otherwise OK. I sat with him awhile, refused juice but otherwise calm so I left at 1135.

Monday July 16

1020 In an armchair, no signs of yesterday's problems, worked his way through two and a half cartons of juice and most of the grapes before losing interest and I left at 1140.

Tuesday July 17

1025 In an armchair, made short work of the first carton of juice, drank about half of the second and ate several grapes before losing interest and I left at 1125.

Wednesday July 18

1025 In an armchair, not much interested, took some juice and one grape then refused everything and I left at 1125.

Thursday July 18

1025 Still at the table, condition much the same as yesterday. I left at 1120.

Friday July 20

1035 Still at table, moved to armchair. Much brighter than yesterday, two cartons of juice, most of the grapes. He even spoke a word when I put his hearing aid in - "can you hear anything?" "No." I left at 1135.

Saturday July 21

1025 In an armchair, not very alert, improved slightly when I fetched his hearing aid and glasses. Only just started on the juice and grapes when Moira came in and I left at 1050.

Sunday July 22

1030 In an armchair. Not a good day, no interest in juice or grapes despite my best efforts and I left at 1140.

Monday July 23

1030 In an armchair, much the same as yesterday and I left at 1115.

Tuesday July 24

1040 In an armchair, a big improvement on yesterday, eyes open, taking notice of what was going on around, drank two cartons of juice and ate several grapes before I left at 1150.

Wednesday July 25

1030 In an armchair and much the same as yesterday, one and a halt cartons of juice and several grapes before I left at 1140.

Thursday July 26

1030 In an armchair, not as alert as yesterday but was persuaded to take some juice (two cartons) and several grapes before I left at 1145.

Friday July 27

1040 In an armchair, a bit brighter than yesterday but only one carton of juice and fewer grapes before I left at 1135.

1455 With Rosaleen, Moira already there. Daddy was in bed, had already taken one carton of juice and took another while we were there. Not alert when we arrived but gradually took more interest. Not sure if he recognised Rosaleen but his eyes were open. We left at 1600.

Saturday July 28



Sunday July 29

1045 In an armchair, took a reasonable amount of juice and grapes and a few bits of Liquorice Allsorts without the liquorice. I left at 1145.

Monday July 30

1030 In an armchair, much the same as yesterday. He was moving his arms about a bit which made me realise that he hadn't done so for several days. I booked him for a short back and sides on Friday before I left at 1145.

Tuesday July 31

1035 Still at table, changed hearing aid battery. moved to recliner, not very bright today. Half an hour before he would take a drink, only two grapes but did finish the juice before I left at 1135.

Wednesday August 1, 2012



Thursday August 2

1025 Getting up. I cleaned his shaver while he was being fed. Reasonably bright, two cartons of juice, some grapes and sweets. I left at 1150.

Friday August 3



Saturday August 4

1030 In an armchair, not much bothered with anything. Took some juice, a few grapes, a few sweets but eyes closed most of the time. The hairdresser went AWOL yesterday so rescheduled for next Thursday. I left at 1140.

Sunday August 5

1025 In an armchair, much the same as yesterday, I left at 1130.

Monday August 6

1345 Having "bed-rest" after his lunch, more or less asleep, I didn't make much effort to wake him, Paul & Moira came in and I left at 1400.

Tuesday August 7

1040 In an armchair, much the same as Sunday, I left at 1140.

Wednesday August 8

No visit, in town.

Thursday August 9

1020 In an armchair, much the same as Tuesday. Dr Langan came in and looked at his slightly swollen left hand (Laura suspected cellulitis), decided that a general antibiotic was overkill and recommended and anti-bacterial dressing on the current skin tear. I left at 1135.

Friday August 10

1045 In an armchair, much the same as yesterday except he now has very little hair. I declined the offer to take him to Mass, and left at 1130.

Saturday August 11



Sunday August 12

1045 In an armchair, not much interested in anything, some juice and a few grapes. Hand looks to be no worse but not much better. I left at 1135.

Monday August 13

1050 In an armchair, much the same as yesterday, some juice, a few grapes and I left at 1145.

1540 Laura phoned. She had been dissatisfied with progress of left hand and called doctor again who had prescribed an antibiotic.

Tuesday August 14

1020 In an armchair, slightly more alert than yesterday but not much. Finished one carton of juice and started another, a few grapes and bits of liquorice-less Allsorts. Left hand still appears swollen. I left at 1145.

Wednesday August 15

1040 In wheelchair at table. Not much interested but did drink two cartons of juice quite quickly, ate a couple of grapes, and I left at 1145.

Thursday August 16

No visit, missed Waverley.

Friday August 17

1045 In an armchair, in his pyjamas. Sores have reappeared on his bottom and liaison nurse has recommended that he should not sit up for more than two hours at a time. He wasn't very bright but managed one and a half cartons of juice and a couple of grapes before I left at 1135.

Saturday August 18

1030 In bed wearing clothes, had been up for breakfast. Not interested in anything so I spent my time cleaning his shaver and hearing aid. After that he did take some juice before I left at 1130.

Sunday August 19

1030 Still at table in wheelchair, much brighter than yesterday, 2+ cartons of juice and quite a few grapes. I left at 1145.

Monday August 20



Tuesday August 21



Wednesday August 22

1025 Still at table, moved back to room, not much interested in anything. I started cleaning his shaver, nurse brought in his pills, managed to get him to drink juice then some apple juice. Paul came in, still no reaction, we left at 1155.

Thursday August 23

No visit, Waverley.

Friday August 24

1025 In bed, not much response, drank a little juice but that was it. I left at 1115.

Saturday August 25

1035 Still at table, much brighter than yesterday, nearly two cartons of juice, several grapes and several liquorice-less Allsorts. I left at 1140.

Sunday August 26

No visit, Waverley.

Monday August 27

No visit, cold.

Tuesday August 28

No visit, cold.

Wednesday August 29

1440 Just a brief visit to top up supplies. In bed, not much interested, took some juice. I left at 1505.

Thursday August 30

No visit, cold.

Friday August 31

1045 In bed, face to wall, not interested. I pottered around, cleaned shaver, checked supplies and left at 1120.

Saturday September 1, 2012

1053 In bed, much the same as yesterday except I managed to get some juice into him, but not a lot. I left at 1139.

Sunday September 2

1035 In bed, not looking good. Very asleep, I couldn't get any reaction, wouldn't drink, I left at 1140.

1530 Laura phoned, she has decided to call out a doctor. I said no need to phone me unless it was serious.

1745 Doctor phoned. It is serious, either hospital for rehydration or do nothing. I opted for the latter.

1940 Paul & Moira there. Daddy looked more comfortable than this morning but still not reacting to stimuli. Paul & Moira left and I left at 2030.

Monday September 3

1015 In bed, looks comfortable. Staff had manages to get a little fluid into him but I didn't. Dr Menzies came in, confirmed that there was little to be done short of hospital which I again ruled out. I left at 1150.

1940 Much the same. I left at 2025.

Tuesday September 4

1120 With Eileen, in bed, looks comfortable, had eaten a plate of porridge for breakfast but we could not get him to take any juice. Left at 1215 for tea at Paul's.

1315 Returned. Still comfortable, had had a mashed banana for lunch and half a carton of juice. Took the rest of that carton and the whole of another from me, still no real reaction. We left at 1345.

Wednesday September 5



Thursday September 6



Friday September 7



Saturday September 8



Sunday September 9



1530 Laura phoned, Daddy is flushed and clammy but temperature normal. She will summons a doctor.

1815 Laura phoned. False alarm. When they moved Daddy, he dumped a considerable deposit of diarrhoea and was much more comfortable.

Monday September 10

1355 In bed, took a couple of grapes then lost interest. I left at 1430.

Tuesday September 11

1015 In bed, still running with diarrhoea, easier to manage in bed. Looks comfortable enough. I got no response to several attempts with grapes and sweets and left at 1100.

Wednesday September 12

1025 In bed, comfortable enough. Had had breakfast and took some grapes and sweets quite happily. I left at 1140.

Thursday September 13

1030 In bed, looked comfortable enough, opened his eyes when spoken to but I couldn't interest him in grapes or sweets. Katie got nowhere with porridge, neither did I. Zandi failed with co-codamol but I did get it in over time. He was still opening his eyes when spoken to, when I left at 1155.

1915 Much the same as this morning, I left at 1955.

Friday September 14

1030 In bed, comfortable enough. Drank a little water but no interest in grapes or sweets. I left at 1145.

Saturday September 15

1045 In the big chair in the common room, drinking water. Hadn't eaten much for breakfast but was slightly more alert and did take four grapes from me. I left at 1150.



Sunday September 16



Monday September 17

1030 In bed, eyes open a fair bit but not much response otherwise. Laura has called the doctor to review situation. Dr Simpson, nothing obvious, change pain killer to Oromorph, smaller dose, easier to administer. Took a little juice and I left at 1210.

Tuesday September 18



Wednesday September 19

1025 In the big chair in the common room. Quite bright, took one and a half cartons of juice and several grapes but no Allsorts. I left at 1135.

Thursday September 20

1030 In the big chair in the common room. Not as bright as yesterday, in fact not very bright at all. Took very little juice and no grapes, eyes rarely open. I left at 1115.

Friday September 21



Saturday September 22



Sunday September 23

1035 Not good. In bed, eyes opening but not focusing, wouldn't/couldn't drink, hadn't taken anything at breakfast. I left at 1145.

Monday September 24





Tuesday September 25



Wednesday September 26





Thursday September 27



Friday September 28









Saturday September 29





1610 Daddy died at 1850. We left at 194