[square brackets are my comments]

Jan 1989 Willie Queenie
Sun 1 Dinner at Paul's Dinner at Paul's
Mon 2 Quick visit to KP with Karen, Fiona & Louise Kings Park to see Eileen Rosaleen etc.
Tue 3 Gas 9207, 97 cuft
Wed 4 Father '48, Sr Cath Rogan '83 RIP
Thu 5 Louise here
Fri 6 Jean Rogan '85 RIP [should be '86]
Sat 7 Rates. Fr Sharkey on holiday
Sun 8 Louise & Karen here for a while
Mon 9 To Paul's after Mass to oversee renewal of central
heating. Moira & family here. Moira to South. Gen.
Paul's house central heating. Family here.
Took Louise for a walk.
Tue 10 At Paul's again. Lovely day. ditto
Wed 11 At Paul's again. Poured all day. ditto
Thu 12 At Paul's again - finished. Doctor 2.30pm. Moira to clinic
- OK. James Murray dead.
James Murray died
Fri 13 Asda. Moira & Louise at clinic. Moira & family gone home. Carfin. Asda. Central heating at Paul's finished.
Sat 14
Sun 15 To E.K. for 5pm. To Croftfoot after. St Leonard's & visited Mgt & Gerry
Mon 16 To E.K. for 10 am. funeral. Q & children to pantomime. Pantomime. James Murray requiem.
Tue 17 Brought in all leeks & sprouts.
Wed 18 Paul - gas fire in front room. Unity week begins. Had Louise in afternoon.
Thu 19
Fri 20 Mary Devlin (63) RIP
Sat 21 Fr McKnight '51 RIP
Sun 22 Paul '52. P&M for dinner. Children at Steven's party. Paul's Birthday
Mon 23 A. Lena '72 RIP. Ecumenical service at St Paul's
- 1st reading
Ecumenical Service St Paul's
Tue 24 Prestwick Went down to Prestwick to see Kathleen
Wed 25 Judith '82. Moira - clinic. I walked Louise, Karen, Fiona,
Clare for dinner
Took Moira to S. General
Thu 26 Q - Louisa's Lourdes Reunion 7.30 Curial offices Clyde St.
Lunch at Louisa's
Fri 27 John home.
Sat 28 Q - Rotunda Lunch at Rotunda with A. Boyle etc.
Sun 29 Scout Mass 3pm
Mon 30 Fiona to Fernhill for 1.15 till 1.30 Fiona exam at Fernhill. John's computer to Lena's.
Tue 31 Wm Rogan '35 RIP. Renew meeting. Asda. John to Edin. Renew - Monthly Meeting

Feb 1989 Willie Queenie
Wed 1 Moira to S.Gen. K&F with us, Louise across road  
Thu 2 Henry Lavery (55) RIP. Helen Boyce buried. K&F with us.
Fri 3 Church Workers Social 7.30. Paul Michael Reynolds born
1.50pm 10lb Southern General.
C. Workers Social
Sat 4 To visit Moira & baby
Sun 5 Robert '53
Mon 6
Tue 7
Wed 8 Banana wine started. 1st method.
Thu 9 K&F home in evening
Fri 10 James Murray (76) RIP. Moira & Paul Michael home
Sat 11
Sun 12 To Paul's to see baby
Mon 13 Marie (Shanks) McGee '18 RIP.
Tue 14 Visited Lena
Wed 15 Painters in Sanctuary. Banana wine in jar until 15th Apr.
Thu 16 Still painting In Service Fiona on holiday
Fri 17 Still painting School Holiday
Sat 18 Cissie Rogan '61 RIP.
Sun 19
Mon 20 Vincent '53. Lena '15. Gas 9332. Lunch out with Gerry,
Mgt, Lena E.K. 90 days notice closure of John's account.
School Holiday
Tue 21 School Holiday
Wed 22 Dentist 11.20 am.
Thu 23 Martin McCormick (86) RIP.
Fri 24 Bill McGee '12. Snow
Sat 25 Paul Michael & Fiona Clare (3 months) baptised.
Cine camera broken.
Sun 26
Mon 27 Dr. 4.30pm Injection
Tue 28 Baptism films hopeless. Renew Monthly Meeting

March 1989 Willie Queenie
Wed 1 Dentist 11.30. Camera not worth repairing.
Thu 2 Mortgage posted Lily Brown died
Fri 3
Sat 4 Didn't go to St Francis (Cystitis)
Sun 5
Mon 6 Lily Brown's funeral with Anne & Nancy
Tue 7 Mother '69 RIP. Dentist 11.30 am.
Wed 8 E.K. Went to Universal Travel & booked for self, Karen & Fiona
Thu 9
Fri 10 Fiona '77 Fiona's 12 Birthday
Sat 11 Paul to England, Manch, Rugeley & course PLC Meeting. Baby born on Monday 6th
Sun 12 UCM Committee Retreat Langside? 10.30
Mon 13 John working in Edin. Carfin
Tue 14
Wed 15 Dentist 11.30 am. Mrs Mgt Taggart RIP. Willie to dentist for new teeth
Thu 16
Fri 17
Sat 18
Sun 19 Canon's brother Denis died
Mon 20 UCM. Moira to doctor. Baby sitting
Tue 21
Wed 22 Eileen home - not well
Thu 23
Fri 24
Sat 25 To Louisa's to meet Bro. André. To Gerry's after.
Sun 26 Fr Sharkey - Easter Egg
Mon 27
Tue 28 Ritchie McGee '76 RIP.
Wed 29 Eileen due to go home - didn't
Thu 30
Fri 31 Jim & Cathie Cunningham Silver Wedding

April 1989 Willie Queenie
Sat 1 James Gorman (74) RIP.
Sun 2 Visit to Croftfoot Bake in PLC
Mon 3 To do bidding prayers at presn. Official invitation. Baby Paul in Yorkhill Hosp.
Tue 4 PM in hospital - viral infection of throat/chest.
Three girls here.
Wed 5 Mrs Maguire at hosp. PM - more than a simple infection.
Louise here.
Thu 6 Q at hosp. PM - second meningitis test clear.
Eileen went back to London.
Fri 7 Dr 3.15. Visited PM. Looked good to me but
obviously disturbed. Q at hosp.
Sat 8
Sun 9 UCM Rally Motherwell 2.15
Mon 10
Tue 11 Vincent '60 RIP. Baby Paul still in hospital
Wed 12 Dan Rogan '58 RIP.
Thu 13
Fri 14
Sat 15 Next stage in banana wine
Sun 16 Canon's jubilee Canon's Golden Jubilee
Mon 17 Hilda '14 Kathleen has her operation on knee
Tue 18 UCM Meeting 7 o'clock
Wed 19
Thu 20
Fri 21 UCM Hostess Night £2
Sat 22 James Lochrie (72) RIP.
Sun 23 Fiona to be confirmed. [tick] Fiona's Confirmation 3 p.m. Tea at Maguires
Mon 24 PM out of hosp. Baby Paul home after 3 wks
Tue 25 Snow
Wed 26 ? Fr O'Hara '88 RIP. John finished work.
Thu 27 Did banana wine. Looks all wrong.
PM, Q, Moira to hosp - OK.
Baby Paul to Yorkhill for Blood Test
Fri 28 Neil Mochan (84) RIP. John away on Waverley [to Oban]
Sat 29
Sun 30

May 1989 Willie Queenie
Mon 1 PM. Moira & Q to hosp. OK. Baby Paul to hospital for Blood Test
Tue 2 4.35 Dr.
Wed 3 UCM Tea Duty in Diocesan Centre
Thu 4 PM & Moira to hosp - OK. 8 o'clock Mass. Baby Paul to Yorkhill for Blood Test
Fri 5 Hilda phoned. Jack not good!
Sat 6 Alex Cassley (74) RIP. Had Louise for pm. PLC Meeting. 1st Sat at St Francis
Sun 7 Croftfoot. John due home - arrived. Visited Mgt & Gerry. John home from Western Isles
Mon 8 PM to hosp - OK - 6 wks UCM. Baby Paul to Yorkhill for check-up. Very good
Tue 9 Asda £39
Wed 10 James Campbell (67) RIP. Went into Town. Bought dress
Thu 11 Louisa visited re S.P. Paid £111. Booked with Mancunia.
Fri 12 Thomas Docherty (76) RIP.
Sat 13 John to Skye [walking] John to Skye for 1 week
Sun 14 Retreat Montfort House £5 + £1.50. Very good.
Mon 15
Tue 16 U. Jack '61 RIP. Took Fiona to Music Festival
Wed 17 Took Karen to Music Festival
Thu 18 Prestwick
Fri 19 Mgt to Ireland
Sat 20 Eolande Fleming (66) RIP from Stirling.
1st Comm. John home.
St Joseph's First Comm. Mass 11 o'clock
Sun 21 Gerry for dinner. John's a/c due to be closed today. Mgt in Ireland for Judith First C. Gerry to dinner
Mon 22 Bridget McGowan (73) RIP.
Tue 23 John got his cheque
Wed 24 Asda. John to Edinburgh pm. Jack [McGee] to hospital
Thu 25 A.G.M. St Eugenes [?] Clydebank.
Drove Mgt C. & Ann Coleman
Fri 26
Sat 27 Karen studying
Sun 28 May Procession 4pm. Procession. SPUC Collection. 8 o'clock Mass.
Mon 29 2nd inst Poll tax Holiday
Tue 30 Renew Meeting
Wed 31

June 1989 Willie Queenie
Thu 1
Fri 2 Dr. 4.30 pm. Willie to doctors 4.30
Sat 3 John to Canada - Prestwick 1430. To Kathleen's John goes to Canada
Sun 4 At Croftfoot. John arrived Toronto
Mon 5 William Plack (77) RIP. UCM last Meeting
Tue 6
Wed 7
Thu 8
Fri 9
Sat 10 Q to Majorca. 0610 at airport for 7.10. Jumble sale SVDP S.P. Up at 4 am. Flight very good
Sun 11 Fiona & Louise for a wee while Dined out
Mon 12 Moira, Fiona at Fernhill. Lena's. 8.30
Tue 13 Phoned home
Wed 14 Q phoned. Andraity [?] Market
Thu 15 Mass 6.30 - 8.30
Fri 16 £30 music money to clear extra lessons during summer.
Sat 17
Sun 18 Canon on holiday tomorrow Mass 11.30. Tried to phone
Mon 19 James Neary (77) RIP. Bought Lena's wireless. Q phoned.
Hilda phoned.
Tue 20 Martha Robertson (53) RIP. PM to hosp 11.15 - OK.
- 19th Dec
Baby Paul to Yorkhill. Phoned. Louisa's birthday
Wed 21
Thu 22
Fri 23 Mgt's 75 B'day
Sat 24 John & Jean McAvoy Ruby Wedding at 4.20.
Q from Majorca 2.50. Met by Paul. To Croftfoot in evening.
Back from Santa Ponsa
Sun 25 Dinner at Paul's Dinner at Paul's
Mon 26 Q to St Paul's prize giving with Moira, Mrs Maguire & Louise.
Moira had to bring her out.
Tue 27 9.30 Thomas Burrows (66) RIP.
12.30 Peter Bonner (58) RIP.
Q to dancing display. Mr Haswell died.
Dinner at Paul's
Wed 28 9 am. Chas McHugh (69) RIP.
Thu 29 Dr. 4.10 pm. Canon due back.
Fri 30

July 1989 Willie Queenie
Sat 1
Sun 2
Mon 3 8 Ordinations in Kelvin Hall
Tue 4 Mr. H. buried
Wed 5 9.30 Mrs Bell (64) £5 RIP. 11.00 Nan Kenny (81) £5 RIP.
12.00 Jim Convery (87) £30 RIP.
Thu 6 Brian Haswell 1945
Fri 7 Charlie O'Conner '72 RIP. Annie Graham (77) RIP.
Sat 8
Sun 9 John McGee died this evening Jack died
Mon 10
Tue 11 A. Kate Corbett '65 RIP. Ordered francs
Wed 12 Paul Moira W & I to M/chester. Paul's car
Thu 13 Julie [Reynolds] '79. Lena to Lourdes. Bus leaves 10 pm.
To Manchester with Paul & Moira.
Lena to Lourdes. Bus to London
Fri 14 Funeral - St Peter's, Hazel Grove Jack's requiem 12 o'clock
Sat 15 Home
Sun 16
Mon 17
Tue 18
Wed 19
Thu 20
Fri 21 Glasgow Pilgrimage to Lourdes. Off OK. Q to Lourdes -
Mancunia Manchester. Scrambled eggs & cheese.
Peas in freezer, 1 bush blackcurrants.
Pilgrimage to Lourdes Mancunia
Sat 22 Other bush blackcurrants.
Half of them topped & tailed in freezer. Mince.
Fair Sat. Opening in Pramie [?]
Sun 23 Moppy & Norma dropped in. Gerry came & took them over.
Cathie Lamb phoned. Mince.
Group to International Mass. Mass in Dolores Church.
Mon 24 Paul & family dropped in. CR Smith - all OK. Ham & egg. Mass Grotto. Torchlight Procession (watched)
Night Prayers in Central
Tue 25 New temp. curate on 5th Aug - Fr Carroll.
Wed 26 Lovely rain. Fr Murphy drowned in Lrds. Barthes. Baths
Thu 27 Picked gooseberries. Fine day. Got washing done.
Rain evening. C. beef sandws.
Anointing of Sick
Fri 28 9.30 Edward Cleary (73) RIP. 11.30 John Barnes (50) RIP.
Q home.
Back from Lourdes via Manchester
Sat 29 Susan Purcell (72) RIP.
Sun 30 Fr Sharkey back.
Mon 31

Aug 1989 Willie Queenie
Tue 1
Wed 2 Agnes Flood (80) RIP.
Thu 3
Fri 4 Fr Carroll in situ.
Sat 5 Mgt. Sterling (81) RIP. £3. Roisin '75 Peggy's Birthday
Sun 6 Paul to Mary's on way to London tomorrow.
Mon 7 Monstrance
Tue 8 Lena home. Bus arrives 6 am. Bad ankle
Wed 9
Thu 10 Paul due home - bad back x-ray & pain killers
Fri 11 Canon Gallaugher '70 RIP. Wm Duffy (73) RIP.
Moira '52. Gerry & Mgt to Rothesay
Moira's Birthday
Sat 12 Lena to vigil, St Mark's.
Sun 13 Eileen '41 Eileen's Birthday
Mon 14 G&M back.
Tue 15
Wed 16 Mgr McKinnon '81 RIP.
Handed in Refuge investments for cashing.
Thu 17
Fri 18 Annie Morrison (88) RIP. CR Smith
Sat 19 Library books back - closed today.
Sun 20
Mon 21 Monstrance. To Prestwick.
Tue 22 Willie's Birthday
Wed 23 Father 1881 [should be 1885]
Thu 24 Mary '47 Mary's Birthday
Fri 25 Louise for assessment
Sat 26 Louise '87
Sun 27 Mag [Ellison] '04. 9pm Chapel to Dalbeth Pl. Margaret's Birthday 85 sent flowers. Phoned. Hilda sick
Mon 28
Tue 29
Wed 30 Mrs Boylan dead Mrs Boylan died
Thu 31

Sept 1989 Willie Queenie
Fri 1 Thomas Griffin (56) RIP.
Jennifer '78. John's Visa [card bill]
Sat 2 Agnes Boylan (79) RIP. Library reopens in Wellshot Rd. Mrs Boylan buried
Sun 3 Jean Murphy died Jean Murphy died
Mon 4 Lena's windows. X
Tue 5 UCM Diocesan Mass
Wed 6 Annie Connachan (84) RIP. Isabella Quinn (83) RIP.
Thu 7 Jean Murphy's funeral. Rugeley Jean buried. To Rugeley Michelle here when we arrived.
Fri 8 Maggie Rogan 1891. M&B go on holiday. M & Brian left for Continent
Sat 9 George Shaw '11 [Hilda says 1910] G. to Aston Villa Match
Sun 10
Mon 11 U.C.M. Paul to hospital. Nothing new.
Tue 12
Wed 13 At Rugeley
Thu 14
Fri 15
Sat 16
Sun 17
Mon 18 Monstrance
Tue 19 1st good day. Went to Lichfield
Wed 20
Thu 21 Ned Dunne '56, Fr Lowery '54, Fr Thomson '87 RIP.
Fri 22
Sat 23 Katie '84
Sun 24
Mon 25
Tue 26
Wed 27
Thu 28
Fri 29
Sat 30

Oct 1989 Willie Queenie
Sun 1 M&B home earlier than expected - about 2 pm.
Mon 2 Last? Mortgage
Tue 3 Home. Paid off mortgage
Wed 4 Capsules done. Theresa Wales 47.
Saw Mr Mclaughlin (Js Hughes) re title deeds
Thu 5
Fri 6 46th Anniv. 11.30 Dr - no appointment
Sat 7 Louise - weepy & Paul M - sleepy here all afternoon.
Sun 8
Mon 9 John phoned. Home 30th.
Tue 10 Maggie Rogan '43 RIP. Canon to Holy Land.
Wed 11
Thu 12 Mary & Brian '48. Insurance pol. £2400. Ordered spring
for oven door EK Telephone when available.
Fri 13 Lena's curtains
Sat 14 Lourdes Pilgrimage (Bishop Renfrew)
Sun 15
Mon 16 Schools holiday week.
Tue 17
Wed 18 Visited Sr. C Curran
Thu 19 Jenny Hyland (63) RIP.
Fri 20 Tom McGee '15. PEPs taken out 2 @ £2400
Sat 21 Paul & Moira '72
Sun 22 Queenie '17
Mon 23
Tue 24
Wed 25 Sarah Macnamara RIP. Alex Roy (59) RIP.
Karen here to study.
Thu 26 Break-in to church back door, last night.
Votive candle stand moved, recovered broken.
Karen here to study.
Fri 27 Karen here to study.
Sat 28 Banana Wine - still not settled.
Sun 29
Mon 30 Sr Vincent '87 RIP. Sarah Rogan '25 RIP. John due home.
Tue 31

Nov 1989 Willie Queenie
Wed 1
Thu 2
Fri 3
Sat 4
Sun 5
Mon 6 Last night - first frost. UCM Retreat
Tue 7
Wed 8 Gordon '74
Thu 9
Fri 10
Sat 11
Sun 12 40 Hours
Mon 13
Tue 14
Wed 15
Thu 16
Fri 17 Mgt Cassidy (81) RIP. John in Edinburgh
Sat 18 Lens's
Sun 19 P, M & K to christening, others here. SOI Concert
Mon 20 Thomas McCall (69) RIP.
Tue 21 Wm Braceland (51) RIP. Visited Forge - no good.
Wed 22 Birkenshaw, E.Kilbride, Lena's. Bought pillows & pillow cases.
Thu 23 John McNulty (77) RIP.
Fri 24
Sat 25
Sun 26 Our Mass in Dalbeth
Mon 27
Tue 28
Wed 29
Thu 30 3.35 Dr. Jag.

Dec 1989 Willie Queenie
Fri 1 Pay Poll Tax
Sat 2
Sun 3 Karen '74
Mon 4
Tue 5
Wed 6
Thu 7 Hilda & George '38. Mgt McLeish (85) RIP.
Fri 8 Canon Colvin '51 RIP.
Sat 9 Christmas Fayre. Kathleen to & from.
John to Edinburgh overnight.
Lena to Vigil Mass - walking well.
Sun 10 John back.
Mon 11 Cash for Lena. Cheque into TSB. OAP party. Q to St Marks
Tue 12 Rosaleen '48
Wed 13 First v.light snow last night. John to Edin for day.
Thu 14 Eliz. Mulholland funeral
Fri 15
Sat 16
Sun 17 John '48. Engaged '41.
Mon 18
Tue 19 9.15 Mary Adams (68) RIP. 7 pm. David Darey (66) RIP.
Wed 20 James McGee '44 RIP.
Thu 21
Fri 22
Sat 23 Jaclyn Louise '80
Sun 24 No devotions
Mon 25 Paul & family here. John shaved.
Lena with G&M at Helensburgh.
Tue 26 Michelle '71. Alice Lafferty (89) RIP. Wm Morrison (67) RIP.
Wed 27
Thu 28 Kath McGee '78 RIP. Dr. 3.50 pm.
Fri 29 Mary
Sat 30 Fr John Rogan '40 RIP.
Sun 31 Dinner at Redstones with family