[square brackets are my comments]

Jan 1990 Willie Queenie
Mon 1 B, M & G home Paul's for dinner
Tue 2
Wed 3 Keys cut for Canon. Dear £5.20
Thu 4 Eliz. McLaughlin (82) RIP.
Fri 5 James O'Rourke (65) RIP.
Sat 6 Conf.
Sun 7 Altar-breads to St Paul's
Mon 8 Mrs Keenan at Dalbeth - Asda
Tue 9 Novena 7.30. Coffin due in 7.15.
Wed 10 Mary McAvoy (86) RIP. 9.30. Q to Riddrie.
Stations of the Cross (STV) in by 6.45
Mrs Keenan buried Dalbeth
Thu 11 Penitential Service (STV) in by 6.45
Fri 12 Went over to Lena's.
Sat 13 House insurance due - paid by cheque last week.
Q to Carfin.
Sun 14 No music - Aft service in St Mungo's
Mon 15 Hand broken - Our Lady's statue UCM Meeting. Went to St Anne's, Mrs Igoe Requiem
Tue 16 Wm Gilchrist (71) RIP. BBC recording for Sun 9.30.
Q to see Sr Cath in Clydebank.
Karen here to study after school.
BBC at St Joseph's Rosary Group
Wed 17 Q at St Thomas's SPRED Spred (H'Capped)
Thu 18 Hand back to statue
Fri 19
Sat 20
Sun 21 Rosary Group momentarily on BBC.
Fr Carroll - weeks holiday. Music money £70
Mon 22 Paul 38. Anthony McGurn (61) RIP. 5. V.short altar-breads Paul's Birthday
Tue 23 New delivery of altar-breads. Snow, gale. Karen here
Wed 24 James McKay (59) RIP. 5. Snow, sleet, gale. Spred (Mass with H'Cap)
Thu 25 James Garrity (80) RIP. Snow, sleet, gale.
Fri 26 Paul took car - hot air pipe not connected. Sleet.
Sat 27 Rain & wind.
Sun 28 Wet & windy, cold.
Mon 29 Annie Stevenson (59) RIP. Cold, rain, wind, sun.
Tue 30 Eastern Mus. Festival Karen 3rd. Visited Lena.
Sun, cold wind, rain.
Paul calling in at Rugeley
Wed 31 Church heating out of order. Sun, cold wind. Spred (H.Capped)

Feb 1990 Willie Queenie
Thu 1 Htg restored half an hour before Mass. 0"[?] amp fuse.
11.30 am. Dr.
Fri 2 Alex McGarrity (76) RIP. Fr Sharkey on holiday.
Candlemas am.
Sat 3 Heating off again in church. Whole week very windy. Paul M. birthday Party at 2. St Francis Merryland St
Sun 4 V. windy.
Mon 5 V. windy. Q - Dr. - 3.10 pm.
Tue 6 V. wet but little wind. Tom - heart attack
Wed 7 Q to SPRED. Wet & windy. Spred (Adult)
Thu 8 Tom - heart attack? Wet & windy
Fri 9 Wet & windy.
Sat 10 Q at Paul's. PM not holding food. Snow at night.
Sun 11 Wet & windy.
Mon 12 UCM Coffee Evening, B&B nearly new.
Snow, wet , windy, cold.
UCM. Bring and Buy Nearly New Coffee Evening
Tue 13 Heavy frost overnight. Rain.
Wed 14 Frost in early morning. Rain, snow. Q to SPRED
Thu 15 Frost early. Wet.
Fri 16 Church Workers Social 7.30 pm.
Frost overnight - lovely day. Ground holding frost.
Ch. W. Social
Sat 17 Gord Galloway's wedding 3 pm.
Sun 18 Q - SPRED Mass 12.15 St Thomas.
To Crutherland Hotel for Lena's 75th B'day party.
Celebrated Lena's Birthday at Crutherland EK.
Mass at St Thomas with Spred.
Mon 19 Leg. of Mary retreat - Bosco Hse.
Tue 20 Q to Edinburgh - Cats. Lena 75. "Cats" in Edinburgh. Vincent's Birthday
Wed 21 Q to SPRED then Paul's. Kelvin Timber - no luck. Spred. Adult
Thu 22 Great Mills - chose sink & base. Garden quite nice.
Fri 23 Garden - cool - rain later. Altar-breads delivered.
Sat 24 Went to buy sink - have to order.
Must see Frank [Cullen] again. Poured all day.
Bill's Birthday
Sun 25 Penitential Service from church television 11.30.
V. windy, sleet.
TV Broadcast from St Joseph's 11.30 Excellent
Mon 26 Frank ordered sink top etc. V.Windy, cold & wet. New Sink Unit ordered
Tue 27 Frost overnight. V windy & wet. Ordered base, got taps.
Wed 28 Worked on chair - successful. Q to SPRED Spred. Together in the Light

March 1990 Willie Queenie
Thu 1 Frost overnight
Fri 2 Frost & snow. Sun & showers. Went to Lena's
Sat 3 Not very cold. Q has cold.
Sun 4 Stations from church televised.
Q to Louise's to see Bro André.
Fiona to Naut. College for choir in Irish Festival.
Only entrant. Wet & windy.
TV from St Joseph's 11.30.
Went to Louisa's to see Bro André
Mon 5 Wet & windy. Q in bed most of the day. Dr 4.10 pm. Not too well. Called doctors 4.30 tomorrow
Tue 6 Gales & rain nearly all day. Moderated in the evening. Mild.
Dr. in for Q - cold in chest - antib.
Very sore coughing.
Doctor came in at 10.30 Chest infection
Wed 7 Gales & rain. Q not at Spred. Spred (Adult) couldn't go
Thu 8 Same again. Still not well
Fri 9 A lot of rain, little wind. To Great Mills to collect base
- top fastening plates missing - to be sent direct.
To Convent for altar-breads.
Family Fast. Karen baked Fiona's cake
Sat 10 Wind & rain. Bake in for UCM. Fiona's Birthday
Sun 11 Not much rain. Fiona's birthday "party". Bake in
Mon 12 Lovely day - pruned & cleaned up rose trees.
Tue 13 Rainy morning, showery, gusty.
Wed 14 Q at Spred. Went to Forge. Wet, windy. Spred (On our Way)
Thu 15 Wet morning, dried about noon.
To play for 1st Confessions.
Fri 16 To G. Mills - no plates yet - said she'd phone.
No lime here or B&Q. Karen here.
Paul came - bought a house. Nice day - bit gusty.
Sat 17 Missing plates arrived. In garden.
Warm, slight breeze, cloudy.
Sun 18 Bought stuff for ceiling. Mgt & Gerry here early evening.
Mon 19 More missing plates arrived.
Tue 20 1st Confession practice 11 am. Lost music.
Paul's house for sale. Paul to England.
Altar-breads delivered.
Wed 21 Sink should be ready - not. To Lena's. Dug out candelabra.
Q - Spred.
Spred Prep for Mass 28th
Thu 22 PM to Yorkhill - skin - Didn't go.
Fri 23 Bus to Carfin 6.45 pm. To Moira's. Paul home. To Forge.
Sink ready at last.
Sat 24 All the seasons together.
Sun 25 Snowball showing in garden. Broken weather, windy.
Mon 26 1st Confessions 6.30 pm. New sink put in - £95.
Fine, windy.
Tue 27 Lettuce in garden up, just. Washing machine installed.
Fine, cold.
Wed 28 Frost overnight. Working in k'ette. Q to Spred. Lovely day. Mass with other Wed. Groups
Thu 29 Working in k'ette. To Forge. Lovely day.
Fri 30 Ditto Ditto
Sat 31 Ditto Ditto

April 1990 Willie Queenie
Sun 1
Mon 2 Tom died. Tom Died
Tue 3 Lena's. Karen here.
Wed 4 Lovely day. Gardening.
Thu 5 Dr 2.30 pm. Rain early, then sun. V. cold.
Fri 6 Brigadoon - Apollo Players - 7.30.
Sat 7
Sun 8 To Manchester To Manchester with Willie John & Paul
Mon 9 Tom's funeral. Home 9.35 pm. Tom Cremated. Back to Glasgow
Tue 10 Rain early. Sunny aft. & evening.
Wed 11 Altar-breads delivered.
Thu 12 Moppy & Sr. Norma here - to Gerry's
Fri 13 [Good Friday] Did narrator. Sun, showers, cold wind.
Sat 14 Finished carpentry in kitchenette.
Sun, heavy showers, cold wind.
Sun 15 Lena, Paul & family here. No devotions. Canon 10.30.
John - Waverley.
Paul & Family & Lena for dinner. John on Waverley
Mon 16 Canon on 9.30 this week. K'ette ready to paint.
Fr Carroll Lourdes HCPA.
Tue 17 Fr John Creanor - Silver Jubilee 7.30 pm.
St Andrew's, Livingstone. Rain, then lovely.
Fr John's 25th Jubilee Mass at Livingstone
Wed 18 Q at Spred. Rain morning - poured late afternoon. Training with Sister Agnes
Thu 19 Q in town. Same as yesterday. Fr Sharkey devotions.
Fri 20 In garden - nice day.
Sat 21 Louisa here - did little. Collected Adatate [for angina]
Sun 22 Beautiful day. Canon 10.30. Fr Sharkey devotions.
Fr Carroll back afternoon.
Mon 23 John did ceiling. Bought paper for k'ette. Started painting kitchenette
Tue 24 Painted k'ette with John. Stripped paper. Renew Group
Wed 25 Papered k'ette - did more painting. Q to Spred. Spred. Eyes tested
Thu 26 Papered extra bit. Did more painting. Canon devotions.
Dave overnight.
Fri 27 John away for week with Dave. Got new glasses
Sat 28 Finished k'ette. Fiona here studying.
Sun 29 Karen & Fiona here studying. Canon devotions. 12.15 Mass Spred St Thomas. Phone Martin.
Karen & Fiona studying
Mon 30 Paid el, phone, Poll Tax.
£125 to Archdiocese - Care to 1991.
Weather gorgeous.
SPRED. East Kilbride Met Molly [Bradley]

May 1990 Willie Queenie
Tue 1 Searching for curtains. Weather gorgeous.
Wed 2 John McMahon (76) RIP. Q to town.
Weather still too gorgeous.
Thu 3 Dr 4.05 pm. BP up. Fortnight. Voting
Fri 4 City Chambers UCM Project A.
Diocesan Ecc Stud Fund. St Roch's Band £3
Sat 5 James O'Donnell (85) RIP. John & Dave home.
Sun 6 Q retreat. Rain. John & Dave away again. Retreat (UCM) Langbank
Mon 7 Fiona & Louise here. Rain. Did a lot in the garden. Holiday
Tue 8 UCM Meeting. John & Dave back - Dave home.
Wed 9 Vocations film - hall - 7.30 pm. Spred (Adult)
Thu 10 Karen here. Wet. Fr Sharkey dev'ns.
Fri 11 Lovely day.
Sat 12 Pat Foley (67) RIP. First Comm. 11 am. St Joseph's First Communion
Sun 13 Fr Carroll dev'ns. Lovely day. Gerry & Mgt here.
Mon 14 Mass for Sick 7.30 pm. Collect 7 pm. Fiona Fiona's Music Festival. Mass for the Sick.
Tue 15 Rain.
Wed 16 Altar-breads delivered. Rain. Spred
Thu 17 Julia McLorinan (66) RIP. Dr 11.25 am.
Ladies night - hall 7.30 pm. - St Greg. Lourdes Fund.
Fri 18 Concert 7.30 pm. Race night - hall - Lourdes Fund. Gerry's concert. Confession Cannon
Sat 19
Sun 20
Mon 21 Spred Minse [?]. Fiona to Pastoral Centre
Tue 22 St Paul's Mock Auction.
Wed 23 Paul gets new house. Lena fell. Paul & M get keys to No.15
Thu 24 Mary Ann Jenkins (63) RIP. Over to Lena's am. & pm. John staying at No.15
Fri 25 Over to Lena's pm. Holiday weekend.
Sat 26 Mgt to Galway. To Lena's late.
Sun 27 May Procession. May Procession
Mon 28 Holiday weekend. Holiday
Tue 29 Went to Town
Wed 30 Paul's house taken.
Thu 31 Q to Louisa's.

June 1990 Willie Queenie
Fri 1 Wm Docherty (68) RIP. Blocked sewer
- John & Frank Cullen to rescue.
Sat 2 Robert's First Communion 9.30 am. Pick up Lena 8 am.
Sun 3
Mon 4 CTS Covenant till '94 - £10 - pd?
Tue 5
Wed 6 Mass with Spred [deleted] Outing
Thu 7 John to England [Waverley on the Bristol Channel] John away maybe
Fri 8 PM here for afternoon
Sat 9 Q to S. Ponsa AMM868. Paul flitting? Santa Ponsa ?
Sun 10 Sarah Reynolds born. Fr Sharkey
Mon 11
Tue 12 Altar-breads arrived
Wed 13 Body to Church 7.30 pm. John home. Q phoned. Phoned home. John Gns [?]
Thu 14 Mgt Croly (89) RIP. John staying at Paul's.
Fr Carroll forgot Devns.
Santa Ponsa. Mass
Fri 15
Sat 16
Sun 17 Corpus Christi. Canon.
Moira & fam dropped in for Fathers Day.
Mon 18
Tue 19
Wed 20 Q to phone 8 or 8.30 Louisa's Birthday
Thu 21 Canon
Fri 22 Dr 4.30 pm.
Sat 23 Q from S. Ponsa, AMM869 from Palma.
Phone 887 1111 Ext 4552 or 4333 (Air 2000)
Santa Ponsa (Back)
Sun 24 Canon. Jim McDaid dead.
Mon 25
Tue 26
Wed 27
Thu 28 James McDaid (71) RIP. Lena to Lourdes.
Fri 29
Sat 30

July 1990 Willie Queenie
Sun 1 Fr Sharkey Phoned Mary. Michelle at home till 9th. Chickenpox!
Mon 2 Q Dentist Front tooth out
Tue 3 To Black & Decker - drill to repair,
bought new hedge clipper.
Wed 4
Thu 5
Fri 6 Cut hedge Brian's Birthday. Confession
Sat 7
Sun 8 Canon. Trimmer/edger from Paul.
Mon 9 Q Dentist Dentist 11.15
Tue 10
Wed 11 To visit Sr Kathleen Curran
Thu 12 Thomas Payton RIP. Hairdresser
Fri 13 Canon to Lourdes Tea at Paul's
Sat 14 Pat Cannon RIP.
Sun 15 To Rugeley. John drove us down,
came up in Mary's car.
To Rugeley with Karen. John did driving.
Went back in Mary's car.
Mon 16 Mary & Brian to Greece. M&G to Galway. Fair Monday. Mary & B going on holiday.
Left at 10 o'clock with other couple.
Tue 17 Mass 9.30 am. Too late, should have been 9.
Michelle phoned
Wed 18
Thu 19 Lichfield evening. Mary phoned from Greece
Fri 20
Sat 21 Lena from Lourdes.
Sun 22 Game Fair, Shugborough Louisa to Burton on Trent.
Went to Goose Fair at Shugburgh
Mon 23
Tue 24
Wed 25 Gordon school closes Gordon got his report. Quite good.
Thu 26 Lichfield. Rained. Walked along canal after 9 o'clock Mass.
Karen's results 7 - Grade 1 / 1 grade 2
Fri 27 Went to Lichfield
Sat 28
Sun 29 Asked to do Offertory Procession
Mon 30 Mary & Brian home 10.30 pm. Mary & Brian back
Tue 31 From Rugeley. John down & up with us. Back from Rugeley. John driving. Very good

Aug 1990 Willie Queenie
Wed 1
Thu 2 Rebecca Rogers (72) RIP. Peas galore
Fri 3 ditto for freezer. Saw Lizzie & Cath. L has cancer.
Sat 4 Mrs Campbells Birthday. P & Family called in.
Sun 5 Louisa back
Mon 6 Prestwick Going to Prestwick
Tue 7 Dr 4.15 pm. Willie at doctors
Wed 8 Altar-breads arrived. 7.30 House Mass McEwans House Mass at McEwans
Thu 9 Mgt & Gerry from Galway Invite to Gold. Wed. arrived
Fri 10 Hairdressers
Sat 11 Moira's Birthday. Baby sitting
Sun 12
Mon 13 Canon back today. Fr Carroll away 3 weeks. Carfin
Tue 14
Wed 15
Thu 16 Fr Sharkey
Fri 17
Sat 18
Sun 19 Canon
Mon 20
Tue 21
Wed 22 Willie's Birthday
Thu 23 Rosaleen from USA. Fr Sharkey
Fri 24 Mary's Birthday
Sat 25 Maguire wedding John Maguire's Wedding
Sun 26 Canon Louisa's Birthday
Mon 27 Margaret E[llison] Birthday
Tue 28
Wed 29
Thu 30 House Mass - 7.30 pm. - Kathl. Cairney Mrs 80 years old.
Mrs Cairney's 90th birthday. House Mass
Fri 31

Sept 1990 Willie Queenie
Sat 1
Sun 2 Canon
Mon 3 Fr Sharkey on holiday
Tue 4 Altar-breads arrived
Wed 5 Wm Kelly (75) RIP. Fr Carroll back
Thu 6 Fr Carroll
Fri 7
Sat 8 Wedding - David Rogan
- Broom Church, Newton Mearns 3 pm.
David Rogan getting married.
Sun 9 Fr Carroll
Mon 10 UCM
Tue 11 Mary [Marg?] to London
Wed 12 Dr 3.20 pm. Spred (Adult)
Thu 13 Garfield Hotel - 7.30 for 8-12. Nicky McGarry
Fri 14
Sat 15 Mrs Rose Cravagan RIP.
4 pm St Joseph's - McGrellis wedding
Sun 16 Canon Spred Mass in St Thomas
Mon 17
Tue 18
Wed 19 Spred
Thu 20 Canon
Fri 21 Mgt & Gerry - Golden Wedding. Mary here 11.30
- Gordon tired out.
Mgt & Gerry's Golden Wedding
Sat 22 Home 1.00 am. Gordon & Paul to Parkhead.
Mary & Gordon left at 6 pm, home at 11 pm.
Sun 23 Sarah Maria [Reynolds] christening, Cardross.
Signpost towards Kin, right near end.
Asked to do bidding prayers for Fr Sharkey's
last Sunday Mass & had to refuse.
Sarah Maria christened
Mon 24
Tue 25
Wed 26 SPRED
Thu 27 Ft Sharkey
Fri 28
Sat 29 Fr Sharkey to Navy this aft.
Sun 30 Fr Carroll To Kings Park with Lena looking at G. Wed. Cards

Oct 1990 Willie Queenie
Mon 1 In town. Camera US. Watch repair £30 - not done.
Tue 2 Q & Winnie to Lanark to see Sr Catherine 1.30. - poured.
Altar-breads arrived.
Wed 3 Q to Spred 7.00
Thu 4 John to Edinburgh
Fri 5 Dr 3.20 pm.
Sat 6 Poured & poured & poured. Our Anniversary
Sun 7 Nice day. Canon.
Mon 8 UCM
Tue 9 Canon to Spain.
Wed 10 Maggie's [Rogan] Anniversary. SPRED
Thu 11
Fri 12 John Boyle (75) Mary & Brian's Anniversary
Sat 13 Apollo Theatre Matinee 3 pm. 5 tickets. Matinee Blythe Spirit
Sun 14 Fr Carroll
Mon 15 Beg. School Hols
Tue 16
Wed 17 Holiday (SPRED)
Thu 18 Fr Carroll
Fri 19 Canon back
Sat 20 Tom's Birthday
Sun 21 Fr Carroll Paul & Moira Anniversary
Mon 22 My Birthday
Tue 23
Wed 24 SPRED
Thu 25 Canon
Fri 26 Q - Mass St Thomas pm. Altar-breads arrived. Sr Agnes Jubilee 7.30 St Thomas Riddrie
Sat 27 Campbell's Golden Wed. 8 pm.
Sun 28 Canon
Mon 29 Red & blue candles out. Drains out of order.
Tue 30 Drains back in order, to be filled in. £35.
Wed 31 Pouring. Spred. SPRED

Nov 1990 Willie Queenie
Thu 1 Lovely day - part filled. Canon
Fri 2
Sat 3 Slates back except one.
Sun 4 Canon am. Spred Mass 12.15 St Thomas. Fr Carroll
Mon 5 Dr 3.30 pm. Q to Bosco House.
Tue 6 Took Winnie to visit Sr Catherine.
Wed 7 Kath. Gallagher's operation. Spred.
Thu 8 Big Monstrance away - new lunette needed.
Candles delivered. Fr Carroll.
Fri 9
Sat 10
Sun 11 Fr Carroll am. Mass Dalbeth 3 pm. Census.
Q at meeting Giffnock.
Mass in Cemetery. SOI meet at Marie Devlin's house
re Sr Margaret's Jubilee
Mon 12 UCM Flower display
Tue 13 Candles trimmed Carfin. Leg. of Mary Statue for week
Wed 14 Spred
Thu 15 Edward Welsh (74)
Fri 16 Fr Sharkey presentation
Sat 17 Stephen Barnes (23) Spred (2 - 5) Liturgy
Sun 18 Exposn. Priest late for Holy Hour. Fiona here. 40 hours
Mon 19 Priest late for Holy Hour.
Tue 20 Priest too early for Holy Hour.
Wed 21
Thu 22
Fri 23
Sat 24 Mass in Bothwell. Car wouldn't start
Sun 25
Mon 26
Tue 27 MOT'd
Wed 28 St Andrews Bishopbriggs
Thu 29 St Andrew's 21st £11. MOT cert finishes.
Fri 30 Road tax due.

Dec 1990 Willie Queenie
Sat 1
Sun 2
Mon 3 Karen's b'day. Altar-breads delivered.
Tue 4 Lanark
Wed 5 Lena
Thu 6
Fri 7 Arthur Morgan (69) RIP. First snow - light.
Sat 8 Mary snowed in - North Midlands & Wales. Sr. Margaret's 59 Jubilee
Sun 9 Karen, Louise & Paul. Canon.
Mon 10 Dr 3.10 pm. OAP Dinner - 6 for 6.30
Tue 11
Wed 12 Hamilton, Blantyre
Thu 13 Overdrawn at bank.
Fri 14 Concert - St Mungo. Mr Campbell died.
Sat 15 Forge
Sun 16 Fr Carroll
Mon 17 John's B'day
Tue 18 Bank sorted out.
Wed 19 Matthew Rooney (75) RIP. 10.30. Mr Campbell 12.45 RIP.
Thu 20 Canon
Fri 21
Sat 22
Sun 23 Canon
Mon 24
Tue 25
Wed 26 Michelle's B'day
Thu 27 Fr Carroll
Fri 28
Sat 29 Frank Quigley died this am.
Sun 30 Fr Carroll
Mon 31 Peter Sharkey (76), Mary Purdie (90), Rbt Howat (67) RIP.
At Paul's till 2 am.
Hogmanay at Paul's.