[square brackets are my comments]

Jan 1991 Willie Queenie
Tue 1 At Paul's till 2 am. Paul & Family here for dinner.
Lena at Nina's. Rained all day. Drain blocked.
Paul & family for dinner.
Wed 2 Cold & windy but not a lot of rain.
Drain reported to council by Mr Hall. Came about 8 pm
& asked to leave it till morning.
Thu 3 Drain cleared first thing. V. cold, windy, rain am.
Campbells home. John home. Asda, Fr Carroll.
Eileen came over.
Fri 4 Rain all day until late evening. John to Edinburgh.
F. Quigley to church.
Sat 5 Frank Q. buried 10 am. Cold & showery.
To Mgts. Brian & Myra, Gerard & Jo & families.
Discussion on family history.
Sun 6 Scotland flooded, espy Ayrshire. John to Edinb. Fr Carroll John to Edinburgh to work. Benediction.
Mon 7 Deep snow. Not too cold. Snow.
Tue 8 More snow during night, very cold. Light snow evening. Snow.
Wed 9 Light snow. Evening thaw - sleet. SPRED restarts. SPRED (Training). Still snow but went to 9.30 Mass.
Thu 10 Sleet - cold wind - cleared noon - sunny. Canon
Fri 11 AM Cold, sleet, wind. Later fine but cold. John home.
Sat 12 Pleasant - cold. Martin to Disneyland.
Sun 13 House insurance due - paid. Frost, wind, v. cold. Canon
Mon 14 Chas Docherty (65) RIP. SPRED meeting.
Hard frost - v. cold.
To Anne McGeoch for Spred.
Tue 15 Frosty all day. John to Edinburgh.
Wed 16 Mgt Connor (56) RIP. Dr 3.45 pm. Spred Mass. Fr Gerry. 2 handicapped only.
Martin & Elizabeth in Disneyland.
Thu 17 Fine but very cold. John home. Fr Carroll.
Fri 18 Fine but cold & windy. Confession.
Sat 19 Cold but pleasant. Rain at night. 1st daffs showing.
Sun 20 Windy, some rain. Fr Carroll
Mon 21 Q - optician 11.15 am. Optician 11.15.
Tue 22 Pick up Fiona at school 2.50pm. Wellshot Halls.
Edinburgh - Woodend 5.30 - Am/Toll 5.40 - K/I 5.50.
Edinburgh U.C.M. (42nd Street).
Paul's Birthday & Steven's.
Wed 23 Cold, dry. Q - dentist 10.15, 4.45. Karen here till Sat.
Spred (Adult). Karen coming to stay & study.
Thu 24 John Gilrea (38) RIP. Spent an hour digging garden. Canon.
Fri 25 Peter Craig (47) RIP. Cleared rose bed & planted B&Q daffs. Made app. to see doctor.
Sat 26 Dug & limed 1/3 garden. Karen home.
Weeks weather - Dry, calm, cool, slight night frost.
Karen back home.
Sun 27 Fiona & Louise. Cool. Canon Meechan
Mon 28 Q - Dr 2.15 pm. Rain in air. Saw Dr Rita.
Tue 29 Q - Dr am. Rain in evening. Had blood taken for tests. Sent 200 SOI money Lily & self.
Wed 30 Dull - some sun in afternoon. Karen here. SPRED. Spred. Birthday - Mary & Anne. Martin back. Very Happy.
Karen staying.
Thu 31 Mgt Boyle (97) RIP. Hard frost overnight. Fr Carroll K. to study. Louisa phoned.

Feb 1991 Willie Queenie
Fri 1 Cold K. to study.
Sat 2 Candlemass. Cold
Sun 3 Education Sunday. Fr Carroll Paul Michael's Birthday.
Mon 4 Snow overnight. Confirmandi Mass 7.30 pm. Karen here. Mass for parents & sponsors. Confirmation (14th March)
Tue 5 Hard frost
Wed 6 Cold, not frosty. Dr 11.20. SPRED Spred.
Thu 7 Snow, frost. Canon
Fri 8 Snow, frost.
Sat 9 Snow, frost. Karen home.
Sun 10 V. cold. Frost. Canon Karen to study.
Mon 11 Asda. Q Dr. Frost Saw Rita McKenna. Thyroid trouble.
Mass for Peace St Paul's Shettleston.
Tue 12 Florence Dillon (80) RIP.
"Mild" night. Sunny, thaw. UCM meeting.
U.C.M. Speaker Marie Curie Care Centre
Wed 13 Frost at night. Sunny. Thaw. Spred. Mother's Anniversary. Spred (H).
Thu 14 Frost at night. Sunny. Thaw. Canon.
Fri 15 Frost at night. Sunny. Thaw.
Sat 16 Frost at night. Sunny. Thaw.
Moira & Louise, Paul & Fiona momentarily.
Sun 17 Frost at night. Sunny. Thaw. Some snow still lying.
Fr Carroll.
Mon 18 Fr Carroll 9.30. Canon 7.15. Mild - rain. Cissie Rogan Ann.
Tue 19 Mild - rain.
Wed 20 SPRED (P) Vincent & Lena's birthday.
Thu 21 Sewer blocked again. Lena birthday dinner. Canon. St Mgt's Guild concert. Gladie [?]
Fri 22 John Stirling (61) RIP. Sewer cleared by Corpn.
Sat 23 Clearing up mess.
Sun 24 Q to Spred retreat in Dumbarton 10 - 5 (9 - 6 at St Thos).
John to Edinburgh. Canon.
Bill's Birthday. SPRED Retreat at Dumbarton. Went. Good.
Mon 25 7 pm. 1st Communicants Penitential Service.
Asked Shett. Repair Office for inspection of sewer.
John at work Edinburgh.
Tue 26 6.30 pm. Mrs Fanning
Wed 27 9.15 for 9.30 Thos Walsh (63) RIP.
10.30 Mrs Annie Fanning (70) RIP. 6.30 pm. Mrs Cassidy.
Thu 28 11.00 Req. Mrs A???ge Cassidy (75) RIP.

March 1991 Willie Queenie
Fri 1 To Lena's. New window in K'ette. John back. Confession.
Sat 2 Some time in garden. Dad's Birthday.
Sun 3 Q - Spred Mass - 12.15. PM here for afternoon.
John Edinburgh.
SPRED Mass St Thomas's. Paul M. visited.
Mon 4 Washed windows UCM.
Tue 5 Dr 11.10. Asda. Washed car. Willie Doctor.
Wed 6 Helen Carlton (82) RIP. Chiropody 3.50 pm.
Slabs & sand - laid path behind roses. SPRED.
Willie Chiropodist. Spred.
Thu 7 Kevin Doyle to church 6.30.
Wet - could do little about slabs.
Grandma's Ann.
Fri 8 Kevin Doyle (25) RIP. Rain all day. John home. Family Fast and sand delivered.
Sat 9 David Trainer (68) RIP. To Paul's 5.30, Fiona's Birthday. Celebrated Fiona's birthday at Paul's.
Sun 10 Ogilvie Walk 4 pm. Fiona's birthday. Paul M. visited.
Mon 11 UCM speaker after Mass pm. U.C.M. Pleasant evening with P. Church members.
Willie began path.
Tue 12 Finished garden path.
Wed 13 Karen from school. Novena tonight. SPRED. Spred. Service of Reconciliation.
Thu 14 Confirmation 7 pm. Into Art School to see Karen's drawings. St Joseph's Confirmation.
Fri 15 Penitential Service 7 pm. St Joseph's Serv. of Reconciliation.
Sat 16 Patricia Irvine (52) RIP. Coffee Morning after 9.30 Mass
for 1st Comm. St Patrick's Night Dance - Lourdes.
SPRED Liturgy Workshop 2-5pm.
Coffee morning after Mass. UCM.
Sun 17 Karen here. John to Edinburgh.
Mon 18 Cleaning chapel lights. Pouring.
Tue 19 Ditto - ditto
Wed 20 Ditto. Q sore back - not at Spred Spred (Adult). Sore back - not at Spred.
Thu 21 Louisa here. Lovely sunny day, wind cool. Q back better.
Fri 22 Stephen Shields - diaconate - Spain. Sat.
Wedding 12 o'clock. Message for Canon. Asda.
Sat 23 Garden. John home late. Stephen Shields Diaconate.
Sun 24 Q retreat. Lovely day. UCM Officers Retreat, Barrhead. Very Good.
Mon 25 John away early. Fr Carroll back. Lovely day. Lena breaks arm.
Tue 26 Lena fell - broken arm - Victoria, Floor D, Ward 4 Lena in Victoria.
Wed 27 Lena - afternoon. No Spred.
Thu 28 Q Dr 3.25. Lena evening. Ritchie's Ann. Saw Dr Rita.
Fri 29 Lena's window 10 am. No visit.
Sat 30
Sun 31 Paul & Family here. Lena - afternoon. Fr Carroll. Paul & family for dinner.

April 1991 Willie Queenie
Mon 1 Lena - evening.
Tue 2 Lena afternoon. Planted out pea, lettuce, snowball seedlings Tom's Ann. Lena to Philipshill.
X-ray & Blood Tests (Med. Centre)
Wed 3 Lena to Philipshill am. Visited 2.30/3.30 7/8 pm. Evening in Victoria Church with May Sack [?] & May Tracy.
Thu 4 Paul & Moira to Lena 2.30/3.30. Q not at all well. Fr Carroll. Not too well.
Fri 5 No visit - Gerry. ditto
Sat 6 Lena. P&M, L&PM here. ditto
Sun 7 Lena. Cathy Martin [McKinnon] to hospital. Karen here.
John to Edinburgh. Canon.
Mon 8 Dr 3.05 pm. Q Dr 3.25 - to get app. to Royal. UCM Mass Communion Doctors at 3.25. Willie at 3.05.
Tue 9 Patrick Donnelly (64) RIP. Lena.
Wed 10 Patrick Fitzpatrick (64) RIP. Lena. Spred
Thu 11 Vincent's anniv. Canon. Vincent's Ann.
Fri 12 P&M to visit Lena. John home. Dan's [Rogan] Ann. Martin's Birthday (Spred).
Sat 13
Sun 14 Lena. Karen here. Canon.
Mon 15
Tue 16 John to Edin. Lena.
Wed 17 Cath Martin [McKinnon] home. Lena. John home - finished.
Spred Adult.
Thu 18 Karen home. Fr Carroll.
Fri 19 Apollo Players - Mitchell Theatre - The Boy Friend - VG+ UCM. Ceilidh City Chambers.
Apollo Players (Mitchell Theatre) The Boyfriend.
Sat 20
Sun 21 Spred Mass 12.15. Lena. Fr Carroll. Spred Mass. St Thomas.
Mon 22
Tue 23 PM for afternoon. P,M&K to St Ninians (?). Lena.
Wed 24 Lena. SPRED lift. Spred.
Thu 25 Chiropody 2.30 pm. Fr Carroll.
Fri 26 John on Waverley. Dave arrived evening. Fr O'Hara's Ann.
Sat 27 J & D on Waverley.
Sun 28 J & D on Waverley cruise 10 day. Lena. Canon. Car at Mass. SOI Raffle.
Mon 29 Asda. Fr Carroll on retreat 1 wk.
Tue 30 George Pearson (47) RIP. £125 to Archdiocese - last one.
EK then Lena. Karen at home.
East Kilbride. Visited Lena in Philipshill.

May 1991 Willie Queenie
Wed 1 Lena. SPRED. Spred (Adult).
Thu 2 Lena. Q - Dr 4.05 pm. Gerry - H. Spanish. Canon. Doctors 4.10.
Fri 3 Fr Carroll back. Karen - English.
Q to City Chambers for 7.30. Home 8.30.
Jacqueline's birthday. SOI City Chambers.
Sat 4 Lena via Burnside.
Sun 5
Mon 6 Bank Holiday. Holiday.
Tue 7 UCM. UCM Meeting.
Wed 8 Remains to church 6 pm. Parish Assembly 7.30. SPRED. Spred (Mass)
Thu 9 Alexander Mooney (55) RIP. 9.30 am.
Remains to church 6.45 pm.
Fri 10 Frances O'Hara (76) RIP. 9.30 am. Dr 4.05.
Sat 11 Paul Graduated in Edinburgh. Workshop on Liturgy 2 - 5pm
Sun 12 UCM Retreat Montfort House 9.30. Karen here. Canon. Retreat at Barrhead £6. 9.30
Mon 13 Lena's operation - short visit. Karen home.
Tue 14 Altar-breads arrived. Lena. Cathie's [McKinnon] operation.
Karen - Art. Karen here.
Wed 15 Made compost box. Karen Physics - here. SPRED. Spred Adult.
Thu 16 Cathie walking. Karen home. Lena. Fr Carroll. Uncle Jack's [McGee] Ann.
Fri 17 John to Belfast. Karen - Chem. Watch not ready. Gerry's Concert.
Sat 18 1st Communion. Lena. St Joseph's First Communion. Philipshill.
Sun 19 M&G away for a few days. Canon.
Mon 20 Q - Royal - 9.30 - to get scan, X-ray.
Watch not ready - put Lena's in. Lena - no sling. Q & I.
Royal Infirmary 9.30 Back home 10.45. Test & X-ray!
Sick Mass.
Tue 21 John home. Lena aft.
Wed 22 Karen - Art. Gerry phoned - Arrochar. Lena aft. SPRED. Spred. Fr Gerry observing.
Thu 23 Karen - Art. Lena aft. Fr Carroll. UCM. AGM. St Paul's.
Fri 24 G&M back today. Lena - Q & I.
Sat 25 G to Lena. M to Cathie. Brian's (Spred) birthday. No cam.
Sun 26 May Procession
Mon 27
Tue 28 Lena - Victoria - 2.50. Leave 2.15 at latest. Jacket. Ear. Lena to Victoria for Ear Test.
Wed 29 Lena. Mrs Durning 6.30 pm. Mr Smith 7.00 pm. SPRED. Spred (Adult) With Fr Gerry.
Thu 30 9.30 & 11 - M Durning (82) John Smith (72).
6 pm. M McLennan. Canon.
Fri 31 9.30 Mrs Mary McLennan (76) RIP. Mary phoned. Margaret E[llison]. phoned.

June 1991 Willie Queenie
Sat 1 Lena. P.L.C. Meeting.
Sun 2 RAIN. Lena.
Mon 3 Cath Martin home? Asda closed.
Warned Fr Carroll - altar-breads.
Tue 4 CTS Covenant £10 till 1994. Q - Dr - 3.50 pm. Lena.
Got watch. Asda closed.
Dr McKenna 3.50. UCM Social.
Wed 5
Thu 6 Lena - no visit. Hearing aid man - Q. Fr Carroll.
Fri 7 Lena - aft. - may get home soon.
Sat 8 Lena. Extra box altar-breads collected.
Sun 9 G&M home. Lena pm.
Mon 10 Q - Royal 2.30 - Sonar. R. Inf. 2.30. Ultrasound exam.
Tue 11 Altar-breads here - one box. Second box.
Lena got hearing aid. Asda closed.
Wed 12 Dr 3.05. Q Prepn for tomorrow. Prepare for tomorrow.
Thu 13 Q - Royal 2.20 - X-ray. R. Inf. 2.20. Barium enema.
Fri 14 Lena home 1 pm. Mary Glasgow's Birthday.
Sat 15
Sun 16 Spred Mass 12.15 St Thomas. Spred Mass St Thomas.
Mon 17 G&M to Brian's for week. Asda closed.
Tue 18 Asda closed. Lena. Mrs Black RIP 6 pm. C. Muldoon died.
Wed 19 Mrs Mgt Black (78) RIP. Lena - Victoria - 2 pm.
Ready at 1. Ambulance between 1 & 2.30.
Thu 20 Outside light fell during night. Lena - to bank.
Fri 21 Start of strawberry season.
Sat 22 Charlie Muldoon buried. 4 pm Wedding. Lena to Vigil - St Anthony's. C. Muldoon Requiem.
Sun 23 Fr Carroll.
Mon 24 Refuge 3 pm. Didn't come.
Tue 25 Phoned Lena.
Wed 26 Ed. Laverty (84) 9.30, Thomas Moynes (82) 11 RIP.
Q to dancing display pm. Lena to Vic 2 pm.
Smoke alarm fitted.
Dance Display.
Thu 27 2.50 pm. Miss Finlay - Chiropody. John - Waverley.
Lena to Vic 9 am. Canon.
Fri 28 To Lena's. John - Waverley. Parish Social. St Joseph's Social.
Sat 29
Sun 30 Stephen Shields first Mass here as deacon. Canon.

July 1991 Willie Queenie
Mon 1 Q - Royal - 9.30 am. R. Inf at 9.30 to Clinic 3. Town afterwards (rained).
Tablet to Nora.
Tue 2
Wed 3
Thu 4
Fri 5
Sat 6
Sun 7 Fr Fitzpatrick said Mass. Fr Carroll.
Mon 8 Canon to Uist. Q & Moira in town. Thunderstorm.
Tue 9 Great Mills & Poundstretcher.
Wed 10 Chiropody - 2.55 pm. Balornock pm.
Thu 11 Fr Carroll
Fri 12 Q - Dr 11.20 am. Q to McEnerney's.
Sat 13
Sun 14 Canon.
Mon 15
Tue 16 Zanussi - probably am.
Wed 17
Thu 18 George & Hilda on holiday.
Fri 19 To Manchester - Mag. John driving - home by train. To Manchester (John drove). Staying at Margaret's.
Sat 20 Bill to Mag's with Pauline - memory gone. Bill came to Mgt's. Stayed till after tea.
Sun 21 Mass in St Joseph's, Reddish. Toured childhood scenes.
Mon 22 Eva visited.
Tue 23 Mary & Gordon - Gordon coming with us. Mary & Gordon visited.
Wed 24 Home from Manchester. Mrs Hunt died. Back from M/chester with Gordon. Mrs Hunt died.
Thu 25 Daniel Rogan wedding 3 pm. St Cath Laboure,
Kessington Hall, Bearsden. 1st cabbage.
Daniel Rogan's Wedding. Very Enjoyable.
Fri 26 Saw Lena. Family to tea. Paul & family for tea.
Sat 27 John, Gordon, Fiona & Karen on Waverley. Mrs Hunt buried.
First peas.
Mrs Hunt cremated. Took Mrs Campbell & Wilma.
John, Karen & Gordon on Waverley.
Sun 28 John Waverley. Gordon, Karen - cinema Forge. Canon.
Mon 29 Gordon, Karen shopping.
Tue 30 Gordon into Glasgow. John into Glasgow. Fr Carroll holiday.
Wed 31 Gordon away 8.00. John Waverley.

Aug 1991 Willie Queenie
Thu 1 James McLaughlin RIP. Canon.
Fri 2 Dr 4.05
Sat 3 John Waverley.
Sun 4 Canon
Mon 5 Q - Royal 9.20 am. - Cancelled. 2 pm. Baillieston - Ears. Royal further test (stomach) 9.20. Cancelled.
Tue 6 Altar-breads arrived - 12 large short. Croftfoot tea.
Wed 7 V. warm & sunny.
Thu 8 John Waverley. Canon
Fri 9 John Waverley.
Sat 10 Fr Carroll back. John Waverley.
Sun 11 Waverley blocked - Bells Bridge - too windy.
Dinner at Paul's. Canon.
Mon 12
Tue 13
Wed 14
Thu 15 Q - Dentist - 11 am. Moppy & Sr Norma to Gerry's. Dentist 11 o'clock.
Fri 16 Fencing delivered. Lena.
Sat 17 Started fence. Changed altar candles. Started fence.
Sun 18 John Waverley. Fr Carroll.
Mon 19 Continued fence. Fence.
Tue 20 John Waverley.
Wed 21 Finished fence. Fence.
Thu 22 Chiropody 2.45 pm. Willie's Birthday.
Fri 23 Mary etc here late. Hairdresser. M B G arriving.
Sat 24 Eileen's party. Mary's birthday. Celebrating Eileen's Birthday.
Sun 25 Pick up Kathleen for 10.30 Mass.
Collect at church at 9.30 pm. Mary etc home again.
M B G back to Rugeley.
Mon 26 Q & Louisa to Crail. Going to Crail with Louisa. Willie driving. Louise's Birthday.
Tue 27 John - last trip for summer on W. Mgt's Birthday. Went to St Andrews
Wed 28 Q etc to Ballet. Ballet at Kings. Pauline Donnachie in my place.
Thu 29 M & Gerry visited. Stayed overnight at St Andrews.
Fri 30 Q from Crail. Fence collected. Back from Crail with Mgt & Gerry.
Sat 31

Sept 1991 Willie Queenie
Sun 1
Mon 2
Tue 3 Q Dentist. Altar-breads arrived. Dentist - new plate. Still to get it.
Wed 4 Q - RI Day Ward 60 8.15 am. UCM - Cath 7.30. Royal 8.15. Endoscopy. Not too bad. Home at 1.30.
Thu 5 Dr 4.20 Not at Mass. Went at 7.30.
Fri 6 Not feeling to good. Shopped but came home on bus.
Moira, P & Louise visited.
Sat 7 PLC meeting. Louisa etc. to Santa Ponsa.
Sun 8 UCM Carfin 2.30. Q Grosvenor - 7.30 pm. Meeting at Grosvenor with A. Boyle etc.
Carfin (St John Ogilvie)
Mon 9 Q Dentist - 11 am. UCM meeting 7.30. Dentist UCM Asda
Tue 10
Wed 11 Puddles in k'ette - washing mach.? Spred 1st Meeting.
Thu 12 Not washing machine - joint in rising main
- phoned for Frank.
Leak in pipe kitchenette.
Fri 13 Leak fixed. Spred Mass St Thomas's 7.30.
Sat 14
Sun 15 Canon
Mon 16 Q - Dr 10.50 am. Doctor 10.50.
Tue 17 Coffin 7.30. UCM Social 7.30 Women's Social UCM
Wed 18 Robert Mullarkey (64) RIP. P&M to London. Coffin 7 pm. Spred. Took Cake. Lena's Birth [?]
Thu 19 Mary Gordon (75) RIP. Coffin 6.30. Fr Carroll. M.G.E.Nina to Spain. B[lan]tyre Asda with Lena.
Fri 20 Joseph Mearns (38) RIP.
Mgt & Frank Cullen - 40th Wedding Anniv.
F & Mgt Cullen Ruby Wedding.
Sat 21 Louisa back from Santa Ponsa.
Sun 22 P&M home. Youth Mass for Peace - Cath 3.00 pm.
Fr Carroll.
Mon 23 Small bedroom started. Stripped & ceiling done - painted.
Tue 24 Papered - finished painting.
Wed 25 Sorting out in front of cloaks. SPRED
Thu 26 Frank & Mgt Cullen - Ruby Wedding [m]eal.
Eastwood House, Eastwood Park, Giffnock 6 - 11 pm.
Ruby Wedding F & Mg Cullen Eastwood House.
Fri 27 Coffin 7.30.
Sat 28 Eliz Cousins (64) RIP.
Sun 29 Canon.
Mon 30 Rhoda Church (88) RIP. Rec. 6.45, Req. 7.00 pm.

Oct 1991 Willie Queenie
Tue 1 Coffin to Sunderland 8.45 am.
Thu 3 CR Smith to call. Q to Louisa's. Fernhill Prize-giving.
Babysitting. Fr Carroll.
Visited Louisa.
Fri 4 Dr 3.50 pm.
Sat 5 PL Cell meeting.
Sun 6 Fr Carroll 46 Anniversary. Opening Mass UCM 50 yrs Ayr.
Mon 7 Apollo - Kings - Oklahoma till 12th. Q - Royal - 9.30 am. Royal Inf. 9.30. UCM.
Tue 8 Lena to see consultant 9.00 am. Q Dentist 10.15 am. Dentist.
Wed 9 Q Dentist 4~? Spred Adult. Dentist.
Thu 10 Q Dentist 4 pm. Chiropody 4.10 pm. Dentist.
Fri 11 Kings VG. Owe Gerry £30. Oklahoma in the Kings.
Sat 12 Mary's Anniversary 23rd.
Sun 13 Canon.
Mon 14 Mrs Josephine Mackie (69) RIP.
Tue 15 Q Dentist
Wed 16 No SPRED. Victoria Church. St Margaret's Feast Day.
Thu 17 Fr Carroll.
Fri 18 Emily Hart (70s?) RIP.
Ordinations - Stephen Shields 6.30 pm. Lena.
Stephen Shields ordination.
Sat 19 Thanksgiving Mass 12 noon. Wine started. First Mass.
Sun 20 Canon's Goodbyes. Fr Carroll.
Mon 21 Q Dr 10.40 am. Paul & Moira's Ann. 19th.
Tue 22 Coffin to Church 6.30 pm. My Birthday.
Wed 23 John Garrity (65) RIP. Wine stopped up. SPRED. Spred.
Thu 24
Fri 25 Canon leaves. Fr David McLachlan. Fr Shields to Holy Cross. Canon Meechan leaves.
Sat 26 New PP. Fr McLachlan.
Sun 27 Fr McLachlan. New Parish Priest.
Mon 28
Tue 29 Renew.
Wed 30 Altar-breads arrived. SPRED. Spred Adult.
Thu 31 CR Smith to change window.
Lena shopping - met Mgt & Gerry.
Garfield Hotel 7 for 7.30. CC
Garfield House Hotel, St Andrews Rd. 7.00 for 7.30.

Nov 1991 Willie Queenie
Fri 1
Sat 2 Q Smithycroft School 2 - 5
Sun 3 CC Bake in?
Mon 4 Q - Chiropodist - 4 pm. Chiropodist 4pm.
Tue 5 Renew.
Wed 6 SPRED. JACQ Spred
Thu 7 Visit from Canon. PP
Fri 8 Rose Gibbons (80) RIP.
Wine. Christmas Fayre meeting 7.00.
Sat 9 Babysat. Fr Carroll - joiner - good. Baby sitting.
Sun 10 Tea Croftfoot. Q - SPRED. PP Visited Mgt & Gerard.
Mon 11 UCM. UCM.
Tue 12 UCM Retreat - Bosco House - 7.00 pm.
Ladies Night 7.30 - 11.
Retreat Montfort House. Renew.
Wed 13 Spred Adult.
Thu 14 Fr Carroll - Toreliminos
Fri 15 Wine?
Sat 16
Sun 17 Exposn. Holy Hour 4.30 - PP Quarant Ore.
Mon 18 Exposn. H.H. 7.30 ditto
Tue 19 Exposn. H.H. 7.30 ditto
Wed 20 Frosty - not at Mass. Spred Eliz Birthday.
Thu 21 Chiropody - 3.50 pm. - Forgot. Lena.
Fri 22 Extra small altar-breads. Car in for MOT.
Sat 23 Isabella Nichol (78) RIP.
Sun 24 Dalbeth Mass 3 pm. Fr Cunningham - St Marks. PP Mass in Dalbeth 3pm.
Mon 25 Q Dr Gerard - 11.55 am. Asda. 6.30.
Tue 26 Mrs Ann McArthur (73) RIP.
Innocents Mass 7.00 pm. - choir?
SOI Mass Pro Life 7.00
Wed 27 Altar-breads due - arrived.
UCM Social Evening - St Matthews, B'bgs. 7.00.
Spred Adult
Thu 28 Mrs Eliz Connolly (82) RIP. Lena. PP
Fri 29 Fr Carroll back. New vestments for weekdays, exc purple.
Sat 30 White & purple vestments for Sundays.
New wine available. Started red & sweet wine.
FP Mass in Bothwell.

Dec 1991 Willie Queenie
Sun 1 PP
Mon 2
Tue 3 Francis Joseph Boyle (77) RIP.
To Paul's for an hour or so - Karen's B'day.
Karen's Birthday.
Wed 4 Hall despoiled last night.
Fr McLachlan - Royal - tests on sore back. SPRED.
Thu 5 CC
Fri 6 Lorretta Carrigan (66) RIP.
Sat 7 Catherine Hamilton ( ) RIP.
Christmas Fayre 1 - 4 pm. (Over £900)
St Joseph's Christmas Fayre.
Sun 8 UCM Mass 3 pm. CC UCM Mass Cathedral 3pm.
Mon 9 Canon Meechan - operation - Vale of Leven. UCM.
Tue 10 Dr 11.50.
Wed 11 Chiropody 10.20 am.
Fiona's do. Choir - Princes Sq. Dancing - Wellshot Hall.
Thu 12 Canon Meechan comfortable. CC
Fri 13 10 am. St Marks Daniel McAree RIP.
Concert - 3 tickets - St Mungo Club. Lena 6.45 pm.
Sat 14 Spred Panto - Q Bring & Buy.
Sun 15 CC
Mon 16 Requiem - St Marks - 10 am. (20)
Tue 17 Got new wipers - £9, & that was half price. John's Birthday.
Wed 18 Accident - 6.45 pm. Etive St & O.Sh. Rd. Car in crash (returning after leaving me at Spred).
Last Spred night.
Thu 19 Filled up insurance claim. Got estimate - Very bad damage.
One version about £1300 labour only.
Fri 20 Sent off claim form & estimate.
Sat 21
Sun 22 Phoned Lena. Rosary, no Benediction. Rosary Week.
Mon 23
Tue 24
Wed 25 Altar-breads due. Fr McLachlan back. Paul's for dinner.
Thu 26 Mgt phoned. Lena phoned.
Fri 27
Sat 28
Sun 29
Mon 30 Gordon here. Rain & wind (till 2 Jan.)
Tue 31