[square brackets are my comments]

Jan 1992 Willie Queenie
Wed 1 P&M & children, Lena for dinner.
Mary phoned from Mombassa.
Thu 2 Novena after Mass. No devns. Long lie.
Fri 3 Dennis Taggart (80) RIP.
Sat 4 Father '45 RIP. Sr Cath Rogan '83 RIP.
Edward McPake (64) RIP.
John home. Gordon home. Campbells home.
Gordon back to Rugeley.
Sun 5 No Benediction.
Mon 6 Jean Rogan '86 RIP. Q - to Royal Inf. - 9.30. R.I. 9.30.
Tue 7 Reply to assessors posted.
Wed 8
Thu 9
Fri 10 9.30 Edward Henry (8)
Sat 11
Sun 12
Mon 13 Church heating haywire. Q - Chiropodist. Chiropody 4pm.
Tue 14 Heating haywire.
Wed 15 Heating useless.
Thu 16 Still not working properly. Surveyor in.
G&M visited afternoon. PP
Fri 17 Surveyor again. Walked to Baillieston - 1 hr.
Sat 18
Sun 19
Mon 20 Heating fixed. UCM 7.30. UCM.
Tue 21 Fr McKnight '51 RIP. Senior Citizens 7.30. SVDP Dinner OAP.
Wed 22 John de Rosa (71) RIP.
To Paul's - Birthday ('52). Paul brought her home.
SPRED . Paul's 40th Birthday.
Thu 23 A. Lena Dunne '79 RIP. Altar-breads.
Fri 24 Dr 3.20 pm.
Sat 25 Judith '82. Q - Asda with Paul. Confession
Sun 26 Q - Spred Mass - St Thomas 12.15.
Frank Cullen took her. Fog.
Spred Mass st Thomas's.
Mon 27 Q - Dr. Q - Optician. Fog. Perm 10.30. Eyes tested 2.30.
Tue 28 Q - perm. Fog. Old Folks Social.
Wed 29 x Spred £3.00 Paul. SPRED Fr. Neil Anne Mary G Birthday.
Thu 30
Fri 31 Wm Rogan '35 RIP. Canon Meechan Presn. 7.30. Canon's Presentation.

Feb 1992 Willie Queenie
Sat 1 Pro-Life Cell after Rosary. Spred Liturgy 2 - 5 St Thomas.
Sun 2 L & PM here afternoon. Phoned Lena.
Mon 3 Offer from Orion.
Tue 4 Mgt, Gerry & Louisa here. Saw AA. Started wine.
Wed 5 Posted acceptance to Orion. SPRED 2.50 Paul.
Thu 6 Remains to church 6.30 pm. CC
Fri 7 John Sweeten (74) RIP.
Sat 8 PM here.
Sun 9 L & PM here aft. Music money.
Mon 10 Georgina Taylor (71) RIP. Own music. UCM. UCM.
Tue 11
Wed 12 SPRED - Paul.
Thu 13 Marie (Shanks) McGee '18 RIP. PP Mother's Ann.
Fri 14 New Sanctuary candle.
Sat 15
Sun 16 Maguire baptism - not at Rosary.
Mon 17 St Paul's night Alzeimers Disease.
Tue 18 Cissie Rogan '61 RIP. Ladies Night 7.30 - 11 £1.25.
Wed 19 Chiropodist 3.30 pm. Spred - Paul. SPRED
Thu 20 Lena '15. Vincent '53.G, M, L, Q, Me - Redstones.
New Sanct. candle. CC
Vincent's Birthday. Lunch for Lena's Birthday.
St Margarets -choir 7.30.
Fri 21
Sat 22 Dizzy this am. - No Mass - Dr McKenna - Fr McLachlan.
Sun 23 Not at Rosary - Evening Mass.
Mon 24 Bill McGee '12. Gas man due in church. Slept in for Mass. Bill's Birthday.
Tue 25
Wed 26 Sanctuary candle changed. x Spred. Spred. Group Mass.
Thu 27 Dr 9.40.
Fri 28
Sat 29 Coffee Morning. Confession.

March 1992 Willie Queenie
Sun 1
Mon 2
Tue 3 Slightly woozy going to bed.
Wed 4 Dick Sweeney '88 RIP.
Unsteady - Took 1 Sem [?] - OK for day.
Spred Adult
Thu 5 Woozy - Took 1 Sem - OK - not as bad as yesterday.
Q to Louisa's by bus and taxi. CC
Visited Louisa
Fri 6 V.S. woozy - no pill - OK. World Day of Prayer.
Sat 7 Mother '68 RIP. Pro Life Cell.
Sun 8 Q - Dumbarton - SPRED. Committee Retreat. SPRED Retreat Dumbarton 11 - 5.
Mon 9 UCM. New floods in church. Too bright. CC UCM.
Tue 10 Fiona '77. Permission to raise finance for repairs. PP Fiona's Birthday.
Wed 11 Addition of lights & resiting going on all week. SPRED x. PP Spred.
Thu 12 Had to lead novena. PP
Fri 13 O.L. hand home to mend. CC Family Fast. Jack's Birthday. Phoned Peggy,
Sat 14 Mary coming - came. Went to Asda w Paul. Mary up for weekend.
Sun 15 Lena, Gerry, Mgt (deaf) here. Isabel doing Rosary.
Mon 16 Garden Fete meeting 8 pm. PP
Tue 17 Altar-breads. Mary home. Lovely day.
Junior Legion 6.30. PP
Wed 18 SPRED. CC SPRED Adult.
Thu 19 For Lent, Novena in am.
Special Mass for St Joseph - choir. CC
Fri 20 Q - Lourdes Dance - St Paul's. CC Lourdes Social St Paul's Hall.
Sat 21 Paul brought Nissan Micra - not liked.
Q - Rehearsal at St Thomas.
Practice for Mass St Thomas.
Sun 22 Q - Mass Spred St Thomas 12.15.
Paul to England till Tuesday.
Mass for Spred in St Thomas.
Mon 23 PP
Tue 24 Planted early pots. PP
Wed 25 SPRED x. CC UCM Communion Day. Eyre Room. Cheese & wine.
Thu 26 Jean Rooney (57) RIP. Cleared leeks. CC Spred H.
Fri 27 CC Paul & Moira to Durham. Paul M. here for the day.
Sat 28 Ritchie McGee '76 RIP. Paul & Moira to Durham.
PM here most of the day.
Sun 29 SCIAF Sunday. Went to Louisa's to see Andre. Mothers' Day.
Mon 30 George Garscadden (61) RIP.
Meeting re hall rebuilding fund after 7.30 Mass.
Q - Chiropodist.
Chiropody 3.45 pm.
Tue 31 School Passion Play musical in church 7.30.

April 1992 Willie Queenie
Wed 1 Spred Adult
Thu 2 1st Confessions - 7.30.
Fri 3 Tom McGee '90 RIP. Schools break up
Sat 4
Sun 5 Passion Sun.
Mon 6 Leonard McCrory (71) RIP. UCM. UCM.
Tue 7
Wed 8 Agnes Moyes (80) RIP. Dr 3.10 pm. Jag, ears. No SPRED.
Thu 9 Q Pens. £34.87 pw (from 33.48).
My Pens. £62.92 pw (from 60.10).
Fri 10 UCM Day Retreat. Q sick. Extra 2000 altar-breads.
Sat 11 Vincent '60 RIP. Covered Statues, large candles on altar.
Sun 12 Dan Rogan '58 RIP. Martin Brady Birthday.
Mon 13 Penitential Service - 7.30.
Tue 14 Altar-breads.
Wed 15 No SPRED. Forge.
Thu 16
Fri 17 [Good Friday] Narrator - 3 pm.
Sat 18
Sun 19 Easter Garden's first appearance. Fr Carroll to London, then Lourdes.
Mon 20
Tue 21 Margaret Adams (93) RIP. Schools go back.
Wed 22 2 pm. - Optician. SPRED H.
Thu 23 Fr O'Hara '88 RIP.
Fri 24 3.00 OPT
Sat 25 SPRED Liturgy St Thomas
Sun 26 Fr Carroll back. UCM Usher Hall Edin.
Mon 27 New bottle altar wine.
Tue 28 Covenant payment only £317?.
No reg. no. for car, no insurance.
Sound of Music.
Wed 29 New car insured from Friday. J 648 VFS SPRED Adult
Thu 30 John away on Waverley.

May 1992 Willie Queenie
Fri 1 New Sanctuary candle am.
Sat 2
Sun 3 1st Comm. 10.30 & 12. St Joseph's First Communion.
Mon 4 Parish Assembly - 19 present.
Tue 5 Paid for car. Agreed price for new path. John home.
Wed 6 Got car. SPRED H. Outing to C & F Canal. Paul arrived with new car.
Thu 7 Car blessed. New Sanctuary candle am. Snaps in.
Fri 8 Got snaps. Eileen phoned. Gerry's concert. Car Blessed.
Sat 9 PL Cell. Paul started back door steps.
Sun 10 Gerry '13. 1st Comm. 10.30 12. Q Barrhead.
Paul to London via Gerry's B'day - at Croftfoot.
UCM. Barrhead £8. Bus 9.45. St Joseph's 1st Comm.
Path +.
Mon 11 UCM.
Tue 12 Altar-breads.
Wed 13 New Sanctuary candle. Chiropody 3.10 pm. Spred. SPRED Adult. Brian's Birthday.
Thu 14 Heat wave starts.
Fri 15 Heat wave suspended.
Sat 16 U. Jack McGee '61 RIP.
Katie's 1st Comm. To Helensburgh - one hour.
Heat wave on. Paul home late again.
At Helensburgh for Katie's First Communion.
Sun 17 1st Comm. 10.30 & 12. - and again. St Joseph's First Comm.
Mon 18 Dr 4.35 pm. - and again.
Tue 19 New Sanctuary candle. Path finished.
Wed 20 Spred. SPRED H.
Thu 21 Mass for Sick - Novena am.
Thunderstorms - Chapel flooded. Q at UCM AGM B'Briggs.
UCM Closing Mass St Matthew's, B/briggs 7.30.
Mass for Sick.
Fri 22 Alice McGurk '84 RIP.
Mgt & Gerry to Eileen's. Path finished & paid £360.
Sat 23
Sun 24
Mon 25
Tue 26 New Sanctuary candle. Felt rotten. Took Seplosite [?]
Wed 27 SPRED (A). Mary Gratiam trouble.
Thu 28
Fri 29
Sat 30 Spred coffee morning - St Thomas. SPRED Coffee Morning.
Sun 31 Communications Sunday S.C. Q - Spred - St Bernadette's.
May Procession 4 pm.
SPRED Mass in St Bernadette 11.30.

June 1992 Willie Queenie
Mon 1 Repaired hut roof with John.
Tue 2 New Sanctuary candle. Q Chiropodist. Chiropodist 3.45pm.
St Joseph's, Robroyston. Mass Vocations.
Wed 3 SPRED (Outing) or evening lecture. Outing on Canal.
Thu 4
Fri 5
Sat 6
Sun 7 SPRED Mass St Thomas
Mon 8 New Sanctuary candle. Q to Crail. Started creosoting fence.
Tue 9
Wed 10 Sarah '90. Altar-breads - one box.
Thu 11 Altar-breads - other box.
Fri 12 Q home - face swollen - sun burn.
Finished creosoting fence.
Sat 13 New Sanctuary candle. Fiona & Paul.
Sun 14 Louise & Paul.
Mon 15 Q - 10.48 am - 54 Am[ulree] St - CE Centre.
Parish Retreat - 7.30 pm. St Vincent's School.
Tue 16 Parish Retreat - 7.30 pm.
Wed 17 Parish Retreat - 7.30 pm. Abp present - History.
Thu 18
Fri 19 John - Waverley.
Sat 20 Mother 1878. Kath McGee '15. Visit from Fiona, cycling.
Sun 21 Archdiocesan Quincentenary Mass.
Mon 22 Moppy & Sr Norma (USA for 2 years)
[I think it was BC, Canada]
Tue 23 First flowers on peas.
Wed 24
Thu 25 Dr 4.20 pm.
Q to Anne Boyle's - evening. Mass Fr Ruben Padilla.
Fri 26
Sat 27 John Haswell '89 RIP. Garden Fete. St Joseph's Garden Fete.
Sun 28 Fete £1176.
Mon 29 Mgt Curran funeral - 10 am.
Tue 30 RAIN.

July 1992 Willie Queenie
Wed 1
Thu 2 2000 extra altar-breads. Asda. Hilda & George to Ros.
Fri 3 Peter Flynn (61) RIP.
Sat 4 Eliz O'Donnell (71) RIP.
Sun 5 Ada Haswell '84 RIP.
Mon 6 Brian Haswell '45. Mrs Drummond () RIP. Q Hosp. (Royal) Infirmary. Everything OK.
Tue 7 Charlie O'Connor '72 RIP. Q - Manchester.
John to Belfast - Waverley. Car in for scratches.
By train to Stockport.
Wed 8 Chiropody - 3.50 pm. John home. Car out.
Thu 9 John McGee '89 RIP. Hilda & G. back.
Fri 10
Sat 11 A. Kate (Dunne) Corbett '65 RIP. Went to see Bill.
Sun 12 Julie '79.
Mon 13 Monica '52. Q home. Back from Stockport.
Tue 14
Wed 15
Thu 16 Lena to Lourdes.
10 at Lena's. 11 am. at airport. Plane 149. Paul.
Fri 17 Fr Carroll on holiday.
Sat 18 John & Dave - Waverley. John sailing. Dave here.
Sun 19 John & Dave - Waverley.
Mon 20 Stripped hall, stair, landing. Did hall ceiling.
John & Dave - Waverley.
Fair Monday.
Started decorating stairs. Stripped paper 3 hours easy.
Tue 21 Papered hall. John did stair & landing ceiling. Ceilings done. Willie Hall. John Stairs.
Wed 22 Dr John on holiday. To pick up prescription tomorrow.
Papered stair.
Thu 23 Papered landing. Got medicine. Deacon Paul took devotions. Finished papering. Not up to our standard.
Fri 24 Patched errors.
Sat 25 John Waverley Gave Wilma sweet peas.
Sun 26 Fr W Murphy '89 RIP. PM early. Paul working.
John Waverley.
Mon 27 Took Paul to 10.30 Mass. Very Good. Took car - 1st time.
Tue 28
Wed 29
Thu 30 10.30 pm. Q - violent pains in chest.
Emergency doctor - Royal Wd 7. Heart attack? Angina?
Had a heart attack.
Rushed to Infirmary. Ward 7 Intensive Care.
Fri 31 Lena from Lourdes - Paul. Arriving airport 10 pm.
Messages for weekend - Moira.

Aug 1992 Willie Queenie
Sat 1 Q very much improved. Ward 7. John sailing.
Sun 2 Q to Ward 2 am. Very bright visiting time aft.
Another attack pm. To Ward 7.
Ward 2. Evening. Had another attack. Maybe 3rd.
Moved back to Ward 7.
Mon 3 Q a bit better.
Fr McLachlan & Fr Shields said their masses for her.
Mary arrived at lunch time.
Tue 4 Improving. Discussion - Toilet & stair lift.
Wed 5 Roisin '85. Better. To Ward 2 again.
[We] Saw Joe [Shields] 's toilet. Lovely.
Down to Ward 2. Mary back to R.
Thu 6 Better. Found woman with stair lift. Louisa visited.
Fri 7 Better. Ordered toilet (Jack Campbell) soonest.
Q says no - leave till later.
More x-rays etc.
Sat 8 Better. Frank & Mary [Murphy] Orr to visit pm.
Sun 9 Better. Mrs Maguire pm. Didn't get to Mass. Still very breathless.
Mon 10 Better. Wm & Mary [Rogan].
Tue 11 Moira '52. Canon Gallaucher '70 RIP. Eileen to Nice.
[Q -] Might get home Friday. G&M home.
Moira's Birthday. May get home on Friday.
Wed 12 Lizzie [Mullen] & Catherine aft. Nan [Skeffington] aft.
G&M evening.
Thu 13 Eileen '41. P&M, John & I visit.
Phone after 11.30 for final decision.
Fri 14 Home about 1 pm. Very well. John, Moira & I. Home from Royal.
Sat 15 Mgr McKinnon '87 RIP. John sailing.
Not quite so well. Excitement of yesterday fading.
Jack Campbell in about toilet.
Sun 16 Quite bright all day. Mrs Campbell aft.
Mon 17 Mary Pignatoro (67) RIP. Schools - staffs in.
Tue 18 Lovely day.
Wed 19 Louise starts school. Rained all day. Mrs Binnie & Myra.
Nan & mother. Sr Ruth & Sr Helena (Spred).
Thu 20 Mary Darcy (72) RIP. Lovely day. Louisa. John sailing.
Fri 21 Lovely day.
Sat 22 Me '18. New candles on altar.
Moira in to dust & polish. John W. Rained all pm.
Willie's Birthday.
Sun 23 Father 1886. John W.
Lovely morning & aft. Rain, thunder evening.
Mon 24 Mary '47. New bottle of altar wine. Wet then fine. Mary's Birthday.
Tue 25 John Waverley. G&M this evening. Wet, fine, wet. M&G visited.
Wed 26 Louise Eliz '87. John Waverley. Wet. Louise's Birthday. Didn't go to party. Too many visitors.
Thu 27 Mag [Ellison] '04.
Paul, Moira, Fiona, Louise, PM & wee Fiona.
Mgt E. Birthday
Fri 28 Lena, library, N'wide. Dr 3.30 pm. Locoid, Stemetil.
Sat 29 Frank Cullen in hospital - strangulated hernia.
Sun 30 Fr Sharkey 9.30 Mass. John Waverley.
Mon 31 Fr McLachlan retreat. Bank Holiday.

Sept 1992 Willie Queenie
Tue 1 Jennifer '78. Q - Chiropodist. Chiropodist 3.45.
Wed 2
Thu 3 Fr John Hendryx (Boston) visiting.
Fri 4 Fr McLachlan back. Fr Carroll away.
Sat 5 Andrew Nichol (65) RIP. Mrs Cairney died.
Sun 6 Q to Mass - OK. Nat. Pilgrimage to Carfin.
Mon 7
Tue 8 Mrs Cairney to church 7.30 pm.
Wed 9 George Shaw '11. Mrs Mary Cairney (92) RIP.
Q to Paul's for lunch.
Opening Mass UCM Cathedral 7.30.
Thu 10 Maggie Rogan 1891. Chiropody 3.50 pm.
Fri 11
Sat 12
Sun 13 New candles on altar.
Mon 14
Tue 15 New Sanctuary candle.
Wed 16 Frank Cullen home.
Thu 17 Sylvia & John '66.
Michael Campbell to St John's, Uddingston.
Fri 18 M. Campbell's Requiem 9.30 am.
Pastoral Worker's Mass 7 pm. Concert Hall.
Sat 19
Sun 20 New Sanctuary candle.
Mon 21 Mgt & Gerry '40.
Fr Lowery '54 RIP. Ned Dunne '56. Fr Thompson '87.
Fr Hendryx back to Boston.
(£1200 coll. for Soc of St James.) Mgt Cullen in hosp.
Tue 22
Wed 23
Thu 24
Fri 25 Mgt Cullen home for weekend.
Sat 26
Sun 27 New Sanctuary candle.
Mon 28
Tue 29 Mgt Cullen back in hosp.
Wed 30 John Crilly (55) RIP. Mgt Cullen - operation.

Oct 1992 Willie Queenie
Thu 1 Elizabeth Gardner (65) RIP. Louisa visited.
Fri 2 Loop working. Doctor to get medication for Lourdes.
Sat 3 Gary Grant (18) RIP. Postponed - Wed.
Sun 4 Mgt & Gerry visited aft. Lizzie Travers died yesterday.
Mon 5
Tue 6 Us '45. Lizzie Travers (92) RIP. Mgt here. 47th Ann.
Wed 7 Gary Grant (18) RIP. Diocesan Committee Meeting.
Thu 8 Fr Carroll to leave.
Fri 9
Sat 10 Maggie Rogan '43 RIP. M&Q to Lourdes. Mary here am. Lourdes.
Sun 11 Bitterly cold. Q phoned.
Mon 12 Mary & Brian '68.
Tue 13 Fr Carroll not leaving
Wed 14 UCM Rome Frescati £375.
Thu 15 Leanne Houston (2) RIP.
Fri 16
Sat 17 Q&M from Lourdes. Back from Lourdes.
Sun 18 M to home.
Mon 19
Tue 20 Tom McGee '15. Lena to Victoria - Mgt.
Wed 21 P&M '72. Chiropodist 11.30 am. Dr 3.05 pm.
Thu 22 Q '17. Q Birthday.
Fri 23 Katie '84. Fr Anthony Sweeney to arrive.
Heating engineer for church boiler. Q - Dr 4.10 pm.
Sat 24
Sun 25 Sarah McNamara ['3x] RIP.
Mon 26 Q - X-ray 9 12 am.
Tue 27 10.45 am Sr Park - Baillieston. Flu & Vit injections.
Fr Sweeney.
Wed 28 Fr Sweeney concelebrated.
Thu 29
Fri 30 Fr Sweeney - day off.
Sat 31 Raffle draw after Mass.

Nov 1992 Willie Queenie
Sun 1 Cemetery Mass 2.30 pm. Over 400 there.
Mon 2 Kath Cairney 7 pm. Legion visit.
Tue 3 UCM Evening Retreat - 7 pm. Fr Welsh - Cancelled.
Q Chiropodist.
Wed 4 Rutherglen - Lena.
Thu 5 Sarah McAllister (83) RIP.
Fri 6 Q Dr. Referred to hosp - congestion not clearing.
Mrs Campbell away overnight. New candles on altar pm.
Sat 7
Sun 8 Family for breakfast.
Mon 9
Tue 10
Wed 11 Gordon '74.
Thu 12
Fri 13 Q died quite suddenly this afternoon after a "seizure"
- Heart failure.
Sat 14 Mary arrived.
Sun 15 Exposition after 12. Ends evening Mass. Sac of Sick 2 pm.
Mon 16 Exposition. Holy Hour 7.30 pm. Brian & fam here aft.
Q to church 8.30 pm. Huge congregation - marvellous vigil.
Tue 17 Q Requiem - 9.30. V. large congr. Lovely Mass.
Brian & fam home pm. Holy Hour 7.30 pm.
Wed 18 Mrs Bridie Tracey (69) RIP.
Thu 19 Novena after 9.30 mass. Mary home.
Ret pension up £1.16 pw.
Fri 20 Victor Madden (82) RIP.
Sat 21
Sun 22 Paul to England. Calling at Manchester.
Mon 23 John Downing (20) RIP. Altar-breads arrived.
Tue 24 Sent to PO for savings. Went to Refuge.
Wed 25 John J Quinn (50) RIP.
Thu 26 George McIntosh (?) RIP.
Fri 27
Sat 28
Sun 29 Fiona called in.
Mon 30 School Mass for St Andrew. Dr 4.10 pm.

Dec 1992 Willie Queenie
Tue 1 Sarah Rogan '25 RIP.
Wed 2 Lena to Victoria - op needed.
Thu 3 Karen '74.
Fri 4 Fiona in Royal - appendicitis.
Sat 5 Ann Boyle - Mass 11 am.
Carmelite Retreat House - 61 Hamilton Dr[?]
Sun 6 Fiona home from R.I. after appendix operation.
Mon 7
Tue 8 Canon Colvin '53 RIP.
Wed 9 John to Edin overnight.
Fiona to hosp. Stitches painful - not kept in.
Thu 10 Rita Morgan (79) RIP.
Fri 11 Chiropody 3.20 pm.
Sat 12
Sun 13
Mon 14 Got OL of L cards - Goodliffe Neal.
Tue 15 Went to Burns - to phone re cost.
Wed 16
Thu 17 John '48. Mary coming today. No word from Burns.
Fri 18 Catherine Keenan (86) RIP.
Sat 19 Fred Campbell '90 RIP.
Mary home - Vigil Mass in Rugeley for Queenie.
Sun 20 James McGee '44 RIP.
Mon 21 Call K Cairney 6.30 pm. Service of Reconciliation 7 pm.
Tue 22 Annie O'Neill (89) RIP. To Croftfoot.
Wed 23 Jaclyn '80.
Thu 24 Decorating. Vigil 7 pm. - Not Mid. Mass.
Fri 25 To Paul's till 9 pm.
Sat 26 Michelle '71. Made tablet. Good but...
Sun 27
Mon 28 Kath McGee '78 RIP.
Tue 29
Wed 30 Fr John Rogan '40 RIP. Doctor 4.10 pm.
Thu 31 Service for peace 8 pm.