Old E-Mails

Possibly because he was a bit of a technical nerd, but was also suspicious of modern stuff and big brother companies, John did not use web-mail the way most of us would. Oh, no! He downloaded all his mail to his PC, removing it from the original services. It was a nightmare to get to the actual messages through all of the control characters and formatting data that got downloaded along with his messages, as I have not worked out how he subsequently viewed them. However, these pages include some of his e-mails I have preserved for posterity.

Some of these messages are to/from family members, and John had already set them up as web pages. (but who knows why!!)

Others were just kept on the PC, and I have re-produced them here because I thought they are worth a read, if only to catch his keen powers of oservation, and his oh so very dry sense of humour.

Correspondance with family members

Correspandance with fis fellow geneologists from all over the world.

A selection of John's other e-mails to entertain you with a taste of his dry wit and attention to detail