Spoken Word

John tried to develop a method of dictating notes, then converting them into documents. It was not that successful, and he only did it for one or two documents.

He described the files as:- "Recordings from my digital voice recorder which have been converted to text using Nuance voice recognition software."

In this example, "Carrigeen", John is reciting some old irish ghost stories, including the punctuation, on his way to trying to use these recordings to convert his spoken word to a readable document.

He does not specifically mention the source of these stories anywhere, but I have a strong suspicion that he got them from "Big Auntie" Lena, who I remember terrifying us as children by telling such stories in a creepy voice and big wide eyes. Lena was our Gran's sister, and the girls were brought up in Carrigeen in Tiperrery, Ireland, before crossing the Irish Sea and settling in Scotland as teachers.

John and Lena had a very close afinity, and John was extremely fond of his Auntie Lena. She was referred to as "Big Auntie Lena" because our fathers sister, her neice, was also called Lena, (most certainly after her aunt), and she was referred to as "Wee Auntie Lena". Coincidently, "Big" Auntie Lena was a big woman, and "Wee" Auntie Lena was a small woman. There you go.

Here is the text and the voice recording